SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

Being coerced isn't much better.
I assume you're referring to something like "economic coercion". But when you look at it, it's a lot better than actual threat of violence. All economic "coercion" amounts to is someone else saying "No". If someone says, "no, I won't pay you to work here if you aren't vaccinated" or "no, I won't bake a cake for a gay wedding" - they're not harming you, they're not coercing you. They're just refusing to help you. That's a radically different act. Every single one of us should have the right to say "no".
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Discrimination based on medical choice
Go decide

The Supreme Court on Thursday issued mixed rulings in a pair of cases challenging Biden administration vaccine mandates, allowing the requirement for certain health care workers to go into effect while blocking enforcement of a mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

Well done SCOTUS
That is unfortunate, a united front in this war on this virus is what's needed the most. Common sense is in short supply these days even on the Supreme Court.
That is unfortunate, a united front in this war on this virus is what's needed the most. Common sense is in short supply these days even on the Supreme Court.
It's the two-party death spiral. We can no longer unite against a common enemy because of it.
This was the only decision that fit in the Constitution. OSHA does not have that power
they do on the worksite; I know my husband is in construction. they will be sorry. Hopefully individual companies will mandate the vaccine.
Apparently the point of balance is that COVID is not unique to worksites. I suppose that means OSHA can't enforce fire safety as fires are not unique to workplaces.
I assume you're referring to something like "economic coercion". But when you look at it, it's a lot better than actual threat of violence
While I agree with most of what you are saying I disagree here. They were pushing to FORCE you to take the jab or lose your job, ability to go out and eat, and basically deny you all FREEDOMS normal in a society. The basic Freedom of earning a living and putting food on the table for your family was at stake here over a high survival rate virus..........which was brought to you by the same assholes who funded Gain of Function research in Wuhan.

Sorry...........that dog doesn't hunt with me and never will. That so called Economic COHERSION is basically we will Fucking Starve you to death if you don't do as we say. That is an ACT OF WAR by a bunch of power hungry SOBs.............SCOTUS just stopped a real insurrection in this country.........I don't give a shit who doesn't like what I just said. Our gov't is out of control. They ignore laws that they don't like...........and try to shove their views down your throat from a temporary majority.........that is NOT THE INTENT OF THE REPUBLIC or the principles of the Constitution.

Even with this solution our gov't has gone to hell full of criminals who serve money and not the people of this country.
Apparently the point of balance is that COVID is not unique to worksites. I suppose that means OSHA can't enforce fire safety as fires are not unique to workplaces.
Show me how the fire hydrant tried to inject you ........hmm
While I am exceedingly grateful for this decision, I am still shocked that we have three monumentally stupid Supreme Court Justices in robes.

It wasn't really a near thing--but still, near enough for me.
A lot of jobs will be lost as a result of the second decision. Kav bailed on the workers there.

It is not the gov'ts right to order injections into people. That is between the individual and there Doctors.......Not a bunch of politicians.........While grateful they shot down OSHA..........allowing HHS to fire a ton of people is a joke..........
A lot of jobs will be lost as a result of the second decision. Kav bailed on the workers there.

It is not the gov'ts right to order injections into people. That is between the individual and there Doctors.......Not a bunch of politicians.........While grateful they shot down OSHA..........allowing HHS to fire a ton of people is a joke..........

Agree with that and they left a big door open saying if you take fed money you can be subject to their requirements. I think in this particular case it won't matter much; the vaccines have failed so monumentally that they now offer no protection against transmission and hospitals can see this. They are now having sick nurses report to work, as long as they're vaxxed. It's a clown world.

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