SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

LOL - How are you imagining that this ruling applies to employer mandates???

Jesus - no wonder the Constitution is in tatters. Most of you are simply too fucking stupid to understand how it works.
A lesser entity such as an individual employer cannot do the exact same thing that the SC just prevented OSHA from doing.
The extremely dumb party is not me.
They do not need to be exempt from OSHA requirements to require vaccines
I know you don’t think but apparently you really do feel that individual employers can do an end run around SC who just prohibited a far more widespread and powerful entity from implementing. That’s one frozen turd “thinking” for sure.
SCOTUS is obviously trying to kill Republicans

Our President was obviously trying to save Republicans too dumb to save themselves

The Court ruled that if Republicans want to kill themselves, Biden must let them
Boy 3 of you ran quick to tell us...good news

The embarrassment of that mongoloid Soyamayor sealed the deal. She should be removed by herself that stupid bitch
She proved she was a political appointee and opened her mouth when she really should have just kept quiet. I guess this is only to be expected when you have compliant media running propaganda for you.
Must be prexisting that you agreed to before taking the employment. It cannot be lawfully imposed at this point upon existing employees.
Then why do so many companies have up and coming vaxed by date deadlines?

Many employers are forging ahead with requiring workers to be vaccinated even though the U.S. Supreme Court is blocking the Biden administration from enforcing a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for large employers.

Despite the high court’s decision, private employers can and will continue to pursue vaccine mandates, health benefits consultants say. Citigroup, for example, is set to fire workers who aren’t vaccinated by the end of the month.

The Supreme Court’s ruling “has no bearing on whether an individual employer can impose a vaccine mandate on its workforce,” said Kathryn Bakich, health compliance practice Leader and senior vice president at employee benefits consulting firm Segal.
Despite Supreme Court Ruling, Many Employers Will Still Mandate Covid Vaccines
'I'll show em! I'll play Russian Rouelette with a deadly virus & fix their ass real good'!

Darwin always wins.

There are a lot of deadly viruses out there. But none of them are worth losing your freedoms over. We don't have any mandated vaccines for adults, why should we start now?

I disagree with the healthcare workers thing too, because if THEY walk off the job, we're really fucked.
Just remember all that you presented is editorial and not proof.

Dr. Matt Binnicker is the Director of Clinical Virology and Vice Chair of Practice in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic. Dr. Binnicker is a Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, and the President of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology.

Steven Salzberg

I'm the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, and Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins University. From 2005-2011 I was the Horvitz Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of Maryland, College Park. Before joining UMD, I was at The Institute for Genomic Research, where I sequenced the genomes of many bacteria, including those used in the 2001 anthrax attacks. At TIGR I was part of the Human Genome Project and the co-founder of the influenza virus sequencing project (which is when I first learned of the anti-vaccine movement). My research group develops software for DNA sequence analysis, and our (free) software is used by scientific laboratories around the globe. I did my B.A. and M.S. at Yale University, and my Ph.D. at Harvard University, and I have published over 250 scientific papers.

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Nice to have at least one of those mandates ended.
None the less, many folks are dying from the Covid depopulation drugs.
On top of that, Washington State is preparing to arrest the people who did not get injected with immune system wipe out and genetic alteration drugs, and Washington State is building human body liquidation plants to hide the evidence that their covid concentration camps are designed as extermination camps.
Video at: Washington State legalized LIQUEFYING human corpses before activating covid concentration camps
True. Nobody is arguing that. If you employer says that getting the jab is condition of employment then you have three choices:

1. Get the jab

2. Quit the job

3. Ask the courts to decide if the employer is violating your civil rights.

Number three is a long shot but this ruling by the Supreme Court makes it a better chance.
It's worse than a longshot. It's a failure to understand the concept of rights in the first place. Rights ≠ power over others. Rights don't empower you to force someone to hire you against their will, or bake you a cake, or otherwise cater to your wishes. Call it something else. What you're really after is using the government to force your will on others.
Must be prexisting that you agreed to before taking the employment. It cannot be lawfully imposed at this point upon existing employees.
Of course it can. Unless there is a contract of some kind, the terms of at-will employment can change at any time.

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