SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

Date of your article, you'll have to do better

Updated: Aug 6, 2021, 3:04pm
Nothing has changed.

Mandatory Employee Vaccines – Coming to A State Near You?​

By Littler Mendelson on
January 13, 2022

The chart below – last updated January 13, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. (Central) – provides basic information on vaccination mandates issued at the federal and statewide levels. It covers directives that affect public or private entities as employers.

Mandatory Employee Vaccines – Coming to A State Near You?
It certainly should be. The presumption of many on this board, that government should have the final say on every.fucking.thing, is what is driving us into a totalitarian corner.

...the SCOTUS is part of the government.
Amazing how sub-moronic jackasses like you never ask yourselves why those in the medical field wouldn't want themselves polluted with your BigPharm juice, if it's so fucking effective.

That would require an IQ higher than a turnip, which leaves you out.
Why sure. Why listen to experts when you have Facebook medical school & jerkoffs like Dan Bongino giving medical advice, right Skeeter?
A stupid answer.

Sick as a dog triple vaxed, who's to know if that would have happened unvaxed?
Same stupid question.

There is no excuse for an adult to be this aggressively ignorant or stupid about this topic, 2 years into the pandemic. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Find a 7th grader to explain it.
the supreme court is bias as hell. The pandemic wants the pandemic to last till the GOP gets in as just an excuse it will be over when we get in.
SHERI is exhibiting her HATE, IGNORANCE, and STUPIDITY. Remember when your boy 👦 said he wouldn’t mandate it?
Why isn’t he even considering Natural Immunity? The “ Unvaccinated “ are not spreading it, Moran. Just ask AOC
Uh, it means the government had the final say.
No, they withheld a restriction on government. They didn't say anything about what the rest of us can do. In that, it's one of the rare SCOTUS decisions I agree with.

This is the problem we're facing. Neither the left, nor the right, understands limited government and individual rights. Both Ds and Rs operate on the same statist premise:

"Government should run society. The state should decide what's wrong, and ban all such activities. And the state should decide what's right, and force everyone to comply."

This is why I have no use for either party.
So, you seem to have bought into the liberal principle that government must approve all of an employers hiring and firing decisions. Or is principle not even a thing in your world, and government should just make everyone do what you want?

Being forced by anyone to take jab ain't exactly my thing. Maybe it is OK with you but I feel differently.
Employee lawsuits over what? Jesus - you people think government should run every business, micromanage all their decisions. That's straight up socialism.
I believe the argument is that citizens have the right to stand up to government decisions. ^ Time and money involved but worth it in the long run. Settlements always outweigh court procedures in numbers, and these individual civil suit cases probably won’t make the national news.
Let's hope those stupid masks are next to go. Wearing one is like wearing a swimsuit in a toddler pool where all they have on is cloth diapers and the swimsuit will protect you from the pee and poop they spurt out willy nilly. Not my comparison..TheGreatSatan said that some time ago.
Walked into the store on the way home from work............Bought some old folks sausage......good stuff.......and no one in the entire store was wearing masks........

Love the Red States............

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