SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

Foiled again!!! :laugh:
It is religiously and politically discriminatory.

Also, shocked Kavanaugh sided with lefty Roberts and The Libs to force Healthcare workers to be jabbed against their will.
No one has to be jabbed against their will, but if they want to treat immune-deficient patients, it makes sense.

It's like wearing masks in during an operation - common sense.
I just have to wonder why Roberts decided to come out of his closet on this one? The risks of Covid are still higher than ever! The six on the Scotus own it now, while Robers could have saved his closet space and let it go at 5/4.
The risks are not higher than ever.
I just found this out after the Wife texted me and said she wont have to be tested every week.
She's extremely happy about it.
I would not count on that being true.

The Supremes said the federal government cannot force the private sector to vaccinate. Biden never actually imposed such a mandate.

The Supremes did not say whether the private sector can impose it's own vax mandates on their employees.

And the Supremes upheld a federal vax mandate for all healthcare workers.

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