SCOTUS says no to vaccine mandate!!!!!

You don't know what Bias means? As long as the pandemic lasts, they will vote in the GOP thinking it will go away magically.
It's never going away dimwit. That's the point. Human Beings have to live with various contagions for century upon century. You cannot shut down normal everyday life. You are not gods, you cannot control nature like this. Let it come, let it pass, but it will always hang around and you deal with it, and your immune systems adapt to it.

But you all don't believe in Science. You are all about FEAR and nothing else.
the supreme court is bias as hell. The pandemic wants the pandemic to last till the GOP gets in as just an excuse it will be over when we get in.
President Trump says Hi!


I just have to wonder why Roberts decided to come out of his closet on this one? The risks of Covid are still higher than ever! The six on the Scotus own it now, while Robers could have saved his closet space and let it go at 5/4.
Because the law was unconstitutional. Whether there is a pandemic or not, the Supreme Court only rules on the constitutional issue of the mandates. It was an easy call.
Which half Bill? That's as ambiguous as your comments on Garland rifles.

On a bright note, some medical professionals are hopeful that Omicron, due to the severity, is signalling the beginning of the end to Covid.

Never mind 1.3 million new cases in 24 hours.
My son, DIL and granddaughter got the COVID last week. All three tested positive.

Minor cold like symptoms for son and DIL for about a day. No noticeable symptoms for granddaughter.

Son and DIL both fully vaccinated.

Being vaccinated doesn't stop the Chinese bio weapon.

By the way, my son and DIL got the COVID last year before being vaccinated. Also, minor symptoms.

In other words no big deal.

Not a big enough deal to forcefully deprive humans from Liberty.
With close to a million Americans dead from a pandemic that is running rampant, the TRUMPCourt says……let em die
The issue wasn't how many have died from Covid, the question was, could the government force businesses and their workers to vaccinate, and the court ruled the government have no right to force vaccinations onto businesses. Good legal decision.
they do on the worksite; I know my husband is in construction. they will be sorry. Hopefully individual companies will mandate the vaccine.

That would be flat-out illegal, just as Biden's attempt to force the mandate was.

There are actual laws, duly passed by Congress and signed into law by past Presidents, which protect our rights to medical privacy, to control over our own medical treatment, and against discrimination on the basis thereof.

Illegal executive orders issued by power-crazed wannabe dictators cannot overturn establish law, nor can company policies.

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