SCOTUS: Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed! Whee, Guess some want grandkids to live!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed
The court’s brief order addressed a threshold question: Should climate suits filed by state and local governments be heard in state or federal court?

The oil companies had asked for the Supreme Court to intervene after a federal judge ruled that Baltimore's lawsuit could proceed in state court. The companies had sought to move the litigation to federal court in order to avoid potentially expensive litigation.

The group of companies includes BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Baltimore sued the energy giants last year, arguing that the companies are responsible for contributing to climate change and that the city is especially vulnerable to the resulting rise in sea level.

Supreme Court Lets Climate Change Lawsuit Proceed

All states need to sue oil companies. They have control of other cleaner power options as they want to stop the nation from moving off oil. As they don't have full control of cleaner better energy
to profit fully. The public can and the plant can just die.
You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

Where I'm at its a beautiful 69 degrees clear skies and light winds. And that's WITH all those ugly horrible awful oil giants making profits.
Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. Just another way for some morons to get rich.

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You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

WTF..DOPers get real.
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years. That will change the climate fast.
If we keep not addressing the planet health and the 8 billion people abusing this earth resources.
We will see the planet in real bad shape in not 12 years but 40 years.
Climate change is a bunch of bullshit. Just another way for some morons to get rich.

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There are no gods. To fix this, or made the earth in the first place.
But man can change the health of the planet.
Try to keep up.
This lawsuit would be wonderful. It would provide a platform to debunk all of the bullshit about rising seas, dying polar bears, the "existential threat" of climate change.

Of course the plaintiffs want the case heard in Baltimore, to ensure a jury of morons.

Bring it on.
On Syria, Trump is driving away Republicans when he needs them most (opinion) - CNN

Anyone with a brain and the ability to reason, can easily see that Trump is toast, either by impeachment, which is seeming more and more likely, or resounding defeat in 2020 by Biden/Warren. And, as happened with Nixon, a bunch of die hard Trump excusers could be toast. Just imagine a Biden/Warren white house along with Democrat controlled Senate and House. Ah, utopia!

But, there is a silver lining, if snowballs do freeze in hell and Trump manages to stay in office. A future Democrat President will not have to worry about Constitutional restraints. Trump has proven that they do not exist, so a future Democrat President has a free hand to do what he/she wants and there can be no Republican complaints. After all, they were silent while Trump ravaged our Constitutional ideals. What's good for the goose...

You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

WTF..DOPers get real.
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years. That will change the climate fast.
If we keep not addressing the planet health and the 8 billion people abusing this earth resources.
We will see the planet in real bad shape in not 12 years but 40 years.

Ok now its 40 years? Why isn't it 12? What happened to 12?

What is your solution to save the planet? Throw money at what?
You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

WTF..DOPers get real.
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years. That will change the climate fast.
If we keep not addressing the planet health and the 8 billion people abusing this earth resources.
We will see the planet in real bad shape in not 12 years but 40 years.

If one of those nukes were to hit your house, we'd be in much better shape
The op is just another one of life's failures . Bras Ass , or whatever that childish name is under its avatar , must be some kind of clueless dweller in his mommy's basement like the rest of these pathetic losers on the left that attempt to promote here .
You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

WTF..DOPers get real.
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years. That will change the climate fast.
If we keep not addressing the planet health and the 8 billion people abusing this earth resources.
We will see the planet in real bad shape in not 12 years but 40 years.

If one of those nukes were to hit your house, we'd be in much better shape
The example destroys your BS we can't hurt the planet.
Humans do affect the environment.


What effect did the BP oil spill have on the environment?
Impact on beaches
The oil from the disaster affected between 622 and 1300 miles of the United States coastline around the Gulf of Mexico and has acutely catalyzed the erosion of land due to the oil having led to the death of most of the marsh vegetation (flora).

Nine years later, the BP oil spill's environmental mess isn't gone
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years.

The planet won't even notice.

I, however, will have plenty of time to read...

The op is just another one of life's failures . Bras Ass , or whatever that childish name is under its avatar , must be some kind of clueless dweller in his mommy's basement like the rest of these pathetic losers on the left that attempt to promote here .
Another DOPer weak spew. Deflect. Can't handle facts we humans hurt the planet.
Fake gods are abusing your mind from clearly see more. And stop watching Faux news.
You fucking people should be ashamed of yourself. Drilling into young people's heads that they won't have a fucking planet to live on in 12 years unless they buy this climate change bullshit hook line and sinker and they get depressed and start killing themselves because they buy into your fucking nonsense.

Suicides and homicides on the rise in young people

WTF..DOPers get real.
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years. That will change the climate fast.
If we keep not addressing the planet health and the 8 billion people abusing this earth resources.
We will see the planet in real bad shape in not 12 years but 40 years.

If one of those nukes were to hit your house, we'd be in much better shape
The example destroys your BS we can't hurt the planet.
Humans do affect the environment.


What effect did the BP oil spill have on the environment?
Impact on beaches
The oil from the disaster affected between 622 and 1300 miles of the United States coastline around the Gulf of Mexico and has acutely catalyzed the erosion of land due to the oil having led to the death of most of the marsh vegetation (flora).

Nine years later, the BP oil spill's environmental mess isn't gone

Oil has been leaking into the oceans naturally for millions of years. But to use a one time disaster as evidence that man is creating global warming HURTS your cause, it doesn't help it.

What Are Natural Oil Seeps? |
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years.

The planet won't even notice.

I, however, will have plenty of time to read...


When I said 6000 nukes was to kill off all living fast.

But really they only need to shoot off some 500 nukes. But it will be a slow death to the planet.

Like how oil and other industries are killing the planet slower, and DOPers morons want to ignore it.
As they are so afraid of the event, and dealing with facts we hurt the planet with 8 billion users and
they know there are no gods. They are weak-minded ignorants.

But really they only need to shoot off some 500 nukes. But it will be a slow death to the planet.

You seem to use the word 'planet' and 'life' interchangeably. Despite the fact that higher animal life on this planet has only been around for less than a billion years.

A planet devoid of higher animal life is the normal state for our planet ... we could be doing it a favor by removing all the ticks and fleas from its surface.
If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years.

The planet won't even notice.

I, however, will have plenty of time to read...


When I said 6000 nukes was to kill off all living fast.

But really they only need to shoot off some 500 nukes. But it will be a slow death to the planet.

Like how oil and other industries are killing the planet slower, and DOPers morons want to ignore it.
As they are so afraid of the event, and dealing with facts we hurt the planet with 8 billion users and
they know there are no gods. They are weak-minded ignorants.

Worrying about nuclear war is sooooo outdated...

If we launch off 6000 nukes in war, the plant is dead in a few years.

The planet won't even notice.

I, however, will have plenty of time to read...


When I said 6000 nukes was to kill off all living fast.

But really they only need to shoot off some 500 nukes. But it will be a slow death to the planet.

Like how oil and other industries are killing the planet slower, and DOPers morons want to ignore it.
As they are so afraid of the event, and dealing with facts we hurt the planet with 8 billion users and
they know there are no gods. They are weak-minded ignorants.

Can you answer any questions posed to you?

Throwing money at what cause will save the planet?

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