SCOTUS tells Biden to finish border wall.

That doesn’t make them any less human. And of course there is a certain irony here. Our ancesters inficted themselves on the native population here instead of staying home and changing the government.
You should give all your shit to some native American so your feels are better.

If not, STFU.
No. It isn’t that. By far most are just ordinary people like you and I, fleeing a desperate situation. It is easy to forget.
I understand that, but they have to go by the laws and rules. No sneaking. Yet, they do.
I understand that, but they have to go by the laws and rules. No sneaking. Yet, they do.
I don’t disagree. There is a process to follow. But within that process too is a legal right to ask for asylum and be heard. Doesn’t mean they will get it, but they have that right under law. And these are pretty desperate people. The journeys they make are incredibly dangerous and many die. This is also not just an American problem, it’s happening all over the world.
Yeah, we kinda fucked ourselves with the "give us your tired, your weak, your poor".:disbelief:
Some of these journeys need not be made if they cannot respect the laws of our land.

Asylum is one thing, illegal entry is another.
Those are fine words, but if you are trying to save your family from persecution, violence, famine, drought, extreme poverty, they mean nothing and those will keep coming because the alternative is worse.
Since never. They also can't allocate funding
But yet you cheer when they rule in your favor. And yes, some of those rulings exceed their constitutionally granted power. But you don't mind. Your outrage only depends on who the majority is on the bench.

Heaven help us all if it happens to be Republicans.

The court is unreliable.
Those are fine words, but if you are trying to save your family from persecution, violence, famine, drought, extreme poverty, they mean nothing and those will keep coming because the alternative is worse.

Coming to a country unwilling to enforce its own laws from another who essentially does the same?

Where's the difference?
By far, yet we feel compelled to ignore the criminal element in order to stress the compassionate argument.

That is dangerous.

That kind of ignorance will let terrorists and other international bad actors into our country. It doesn't take much.
No one ignores those who commit crimes, they are arrested and prosecuted. Nor do we have open borders letting everyone in unchecked.
Yeah, we kinda fucked ourselves with the "give us your tired, your weak, your poor".:disbelief:
That has always represented the strength and compassion we were known for until the last few years when the right decided greed was better than compassion. I know you remember what compassion is even if you don't believe in it any more. Compassion is why people here have collected money for members who suffered a fire.
That has always represented the strength and compassion we were known for until the last few years when the right decided greed was better than compassion. I know you remember what compassion is even if you don't believe in it any more. Compassion is why people here have collected money for members who suffered a fire.

Unchecked compassion is dangerous.

(So are non sequiturs)

And besides, when will the people we vote for have compassion on us?

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