SCOTUS tells Biden to finish border wall.

You don't call another million illegals pouring into our country an invasion?? Just shows what an idiot you are.

In case its escaped your notice. These illegals cost we tax payers BILLIONS every year. You might want to waste billions on illegals but most American don't.

Oh and you voted for a disaster. Congrats.

A problem.

An invasion implies malign intent.

These people all over the world are migrants, fleeing war, drought, economic collapse, failed states, natural disasters, etc. This has been going on a long time. Calling it an invasion portrays it as a war, and in a war you have to have an enemy. To create an enemy you have to dehumanize people.

Disclaimer: no, that doesn’t mean we should have open borders
Nothing more maligning then the billions they cost us each year.

Oh and I'm sure the relatives of the people they rob, rape and murder every year wouldn't agree with you either.
I give you credit, you're one of the most ignorant people on this forum.

You still haven’t answered what metrics you used to determine the Right causing MORE violence than the Left. By using metrics, that means you use empirical evidence to support your claim. What you did was provide an opinion piece on the significance of January 6th. In part, you site these Right wingers behind Jan 6 being conspiracy theorists about the election with “no evidence”, no empirical data.

Interestingly enough, you introduce your own conspiracy about GOP governors and judges “being all in on it” yet to quote your or own phrase - there is NO EVIDENCE.
I saw plenty of Jan 6th rioters saying the election was stolen. Several interviews over several days. Sure, they were vox pops as opposed to in-depth interviews, but they absolutely believed the election had been stolen.

Well, first of all you have to believe that those that were rioting were part of some organised group under a unified umbrella at a national level. Sure, I can find a tonne of Youtube vids showing BLM protesters doing bad shit. However, I can also find a tonne of BLM protesters telling those doing such to stop it, and stop discrediting what they are trying to do. Notice how nobody ever brings up those instances. I won't even go into those grifters and opportunists who hid under the BLM umbrella while looting TVs etc. They were about as much interested in BLM as Eddie the Eagle was a medal chance at the '88 Calgary Olympics. But the narrative of the right was that there was mass organised riot movement. PPfffftt. As for antifa, they're not right or left or anything. Just a bunch of anarchist clowns who are also opportunists and don't believe in anything.

My point is this - somehow when there is this assumption that antifa and BLM are 'left' leaning organisations. Only in the mind of extreme righties is this the case. Most of these extreme righties are in the US. What it does is deligitimise BLM and what it originally started as. Whether you like it or not, a large group of US citizens - black people - have been marginalised. End of story. And BLM started out as a situation where a lot of black men were being shot by police is crappy circumstances (and some were deservedly shot, too).

Um, no, I was asking the question with regards to the GOP governors and judges. I don't believe for a second they were in on it. However, in order the 'election was stolen' narrative to be believed, that is what would have had to happen. Literally thousands of people had to be in on it. Thousands. You can't even get two people in a room to keep a secret, let alone thousands.
Nothing more maligning then the billions they cost us each year. Oh and lets not forget the people they robe, rape and murder every year.
Humans rob and murder everywhere every year. If they commit a crime they get prosecuted. American citizens do it too, at higher rates. But by labeling migrants like that as an entire group, isn’t that the beginnings of dehumanizing them and making them all the enemy?
Humans rob and murder everywhere every year. If they commit a crime they get prosecuted. American citizens do it too, at higher rates. But by labeling migrants like that as an entire group, isn’t that the beginnings of dehumanizing them and making them all the enemy?
IT is not our responsibility to allow them in cause they don't like the Country they came from.
You seem to forget they are breaking our laws by being here. They aren't our responsibility. If they want to earn money then they need to change their Government. Not inflict themselves on we American.

This time, I got a linky!!! :spinner:

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed the Biden administration a stunning defeat with regard to construction on former President Donald Trump’s border wall, which currently sits incomplete as illegal immigrants continue to flood across the open border.

The country’s high court ordered lower courts to vacate previous rulings about the wall, citing “changed circumstances” in the case. Environmental activists, activist judges, Democrats in Congress and private law organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union have of course opposed the wall since before concrete was ever poured.
ACLU is a joke. They don't give a crap about Civil Liberties of Americans at all, or they would be opposed to unconstitutional mandates.
Humans rob and murder everywhere every year. If they commit a crime they get prosecuted. American citizens do it too, at higher rates. But by labeling migrants like that as an entire group, isn’t that the beginnings of dehumanizing them and making them all the enemy?
Bank robbers, murderers, rapists, in America, are they the enemy of women, children, businesses? Have they not dehumanized those they raped, murdered, robbed? Yes. So why do you insist those committing or all of those crimes exempt, just because they are illegals? The word itself means what they are. ILLEGAL. I'm sure there are many decent ones crossing the border ILLEGALLY, but still...there is that pesky word. ILLEGAL. They are NOT exempt any more than those sitting in prison for committing similar acts. I am also sure there are nefarious people crossing too....drug dealers, cartels to poison your family or kids with their drugs; those who will rape adult women as well as children; thieves; etc. What if it were YOUR child or even yourself that was a victim? Would you still want them exempt from our LAWS? How about if a group of them came to your place and killed all your dogs, then ate them? Are they still exempt?

You always defend them...without considering what comes WITH them....and as long as it doesn't happen to YOU.:sigh2:

The ol' "not in my neighborhood/family/pets/myself" syndrome...similar to Hollyweird behind their gates and body guards.
We are paying contractors $5 million per day NOT to build the wall.

The politicians do not care.....IT IS NOT THEIR MONEY.

Our government is run by authoritarian scum who would shit all over YOUR personal freedom for a ham sandwich.,
Saying that President Trump's border was "currently sits incomplete", is Is a Guinness level understatement.
Bank robbers, murderers, rapists, in America, are they the enemy of women, children, businesses? Have they not dehumanized those they raped, murdered, robbed? Yes. So why do you insist those committing or all of those crimes exempt, just because they are illegals? The word itself means what they are. ILLEGAL. I'm sure there are many decent ones crossing the border ILLEGALLY, but still...there is that pesky word. ILLEGAL. They are NOT exempt any more than those sitting in prison for committing similar acts. I am also sure there are nefarious people crossing too....drug dealers, cartels to poison your family or kids with their drugs; those who will rape adult women as well as children; thieves; etc. What if it were YOUR child or even yourself that was a victim? Would you still want them exempt from our LAWS? How about if a group of them came to your place and killed all your dogs, then ate them? Are they still exempt?

You always defend them...without considering what comes WITH them....and as long as it doesn't happen to YOU.:sigh2:

The ol' "not in my neighborhood/family/pets/myself" syndrome...similar to Hollyweird behind their gates and body guards.
No. It isn’t that. By far most are just ordinary people like you and I, fleeing a desperate situation. It is easy to forget.
You seem to forget they are breaking our laws by being here. They aren't our responsibility. If they want to earn money then they need to change their Government. Not inflict themselves on we American.
That doesn’t make them any less human. And of course there is a certain irony here. Our ancesters inficted themselves on the native population here instead of staying home and changing the government.
Nothing more maligning then the billions they cost us each year.

Oh and I'm sure the relatives of the people they rob, rape and murder every year wouldn't agree with you either.
I would argue the roughly 400,000 China Flu infested illegals Biden has spread around the US is pretty maligning as well.

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