Screw Republicans and big food!

You just won't admit it's a fact. so instead you get all snotty

When someone does not believe a claim that has not been supported with empirical evidence, they are not being snotty. They are thinking critically.

Try it sometime.
I always manage to find good deal on fresh produce and fresh meats. Chicken is on sale a lot and not nearly as expensive as the frozen processed crap. I hear people bitch about the price of a salad at McDonalds and how it's more expensive that the dollar menu burgers, but you can buy a whole head of lettuce and other veggies to make some for the whole family and it would be cheaper than one trip to McDonalds. I know too many people who don't like to spend time cooking and prefer to buy the heat and serve garbage instead of buying raw meats and having to prepare it.

Staying within a budget means cutting coupons and looking for the best deals. That usually means no convenience foods.

No one talks about those who pay taxes and don't get handouts who have to take a calculator into the grocery store to ensure they stay within limits.

Yea, it's difficult sometimes, but most are giving up healthy food for convenience rather than cost.
You bitch when poor people want to buy healthy expensive food but don't have any problem when they buy the cheap processed crap that is so prevalent in American super markets! You are the reason Americans are so fat! I think you are shills for the big corporations!

I'm pretty sure the reason why Americans are so fat is due to their own lifestyle choices, but don't let me allow reality to get in the way of your childish propaganda.
Actually, the truth is that junk food is cheaper than more healthy food. Always has been.

It's not just what you eat. It also has to do with peeling your fat ass off of your couch and taking a walk around the block a few times a day.
I believe this thread is about food stamp fraud. You are off topic. I think the middle class is just as overweight as the poor. It has to do with a lot of things, but the facts are that healthy whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, etc., are all more costly than processed junk food, white balloon bread, sugary cereals, cheap luncheon meats, etc.

Not true. Potatoes, noddles, chicken and lots of fruits and vegetables are cheaper.
Shop around and compare prices and you will find lots of healthy food cheaper than junk food.
I always manage to find good deal on fresh produce and fresh meats. Chicken is on sale a lot and not nearly as expensive as the frozen processed crap. I hear people bitch about the price of a salad at McDonalds and how it's more expensive that the dollar menu burgers, but you can buy a whole head of lettuce and other veggies to make some for the whole family and it would be cheaper than one trip to McDonalds. I know too many people who don't like to spend time cooking and prefer to buy the heat and serve garbage instead of buying raw meats and having to prepare it.

Staying within a budget means cutting coupons and looking for the best deals. That usually means no convenience foods.

No one talks about those who pay taxes and don't get handouts who have to take a calculator into the grocery store to ensure they stay within limits.

Yea, it's difficult sometimes, but most are giving up healthy food for convenience rather than cost.
Yeah if you have a limited budget you learn to spend your money on food that goes a long way.

And that's not a pizza or frozen taquitos, or chips.

I can get 2-3 meals out of a chicken. I get it when it's .99/lb or less. That means for a whole chicken, I might spend $6.

One cheap frozen pizza = roughly $7 (on sale). It lasts one meal..and they will wake up hungry.

A chicken, a can of my home canned carrots, a couple of potatoes..that's a big healthy meal, and there will be leftovers for lunch and/or dinner the next day. I will make chicken noodle soup out of the carcass and it will be good for another 2-3 meals.
You bitch when poor people want to buy healthy expensive food but don't have any problem when they buy the cheap processed crap that is so prevalent in American super markets! You are the reason Americans are so fat! I think you are shills for the big corporations!

I'm pretty sure the reason why Americans are so fat is due to their own lifestyle choices, but don't let me allow reality to get in the way of your childish propaganda.
Actually, the truth is that junk food is cheaper than more healthy food. Always has been.

It's not just what you eat. It also has to do with peeling your fat ass off of your couch and taking a walk around the block a few times a day.
I believe this thread is about food stamp fraud. You are off topic. I think the middle class is just as overweight as the poor. It has to do with a lot of things, but the facts are that healthy whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, etc., are all more costly than processed junk food, white balloon bread, sugary cereals, cheap luncheon meats, etc.

Not true. Potatoes, noddles, chicken and lots of fruits and vegetables are cheaper.
Shop around and compare prices and you will find lots of healthy food cheaper than junk food.

You can get a 10-lb bag of potatoes for about $2 on sale.
A 5 lb bag of onions for $3
A 45 lb bag of carrots for $8 (Costco, it's great)
A chicken for $5
Total $18

Or you can buy a family sized pizza and a 2-ltr soda at Papa Murphy's.

I would bet money that Esmeralda has never worked with a grocery budget where she actually had to stretch money. Which puts her in the same boat as most foodstamp recipients, and that is the problem. They should have to budget their grocery income, everybody else has to, and they aren't even using their own money.
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A big money save is a chest freezer. When an item goes on sale, buy it in bulk and keep it in the freezer.

I buy half a cow of beef at a time from a local rancher. It tastes much better than grocery store beef, and it happens to be cheaper.

But you can put butter, cheese, veggies, and all kinds of other goods in a chest freezer, too.
I'm pretty sure the reason why Americans are so fat is due to their own lifestyle choices, but don't let me allow reality to get in the way of your childish propaganda.
Actually, the truth is that junk food is cheaper than more healthy food. Always has been.

It's not just what you eat. It also has to do with peeling your fat ass off of your couch and taking a walk around the block a few times a day.
I believe this thread is about food stamp fraud. You are off topic. I think the middle class is just as overweight as the poor. It has to do with a lot of things, but the facts are that healthy whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, etc., are all more costly than processed junk food, white balloon bread, sugary cereals, cheap luncheon meats, etc.

Not true. Potatoes, noddles, chicken and lots of fruits and vegetables are cheaper.
Shop around and compare prices and you will find lots of healthy food cheaper than junk food.

You can get a 10-lb bag of potatoes for about $2 on sale.
A 5 lb bag of onions for $3
A 45 lb bag of carrots for $8 (Costco, it's great)
A chicken for $5
Total $18

Or you can buy a family sized pizza and a 2-ltr soda at Papa Murphy's.

I would bet money that Esmeralda has never worked with a grocery budget where she actually had to stretch money.

Maybe schools need to teach cooking in schools as a main course. And economics.
Actually, the truth is that junk food is cheaper than more healthy food. Always has been.

It's not just what you eat. It also has to do with peeling your fat ass off of your couch and taking a walk around the block a few times a day.
I believe this thread is about food stamp fraud. You are off topic. I think the middle class is just as overweight as the poor. It has to do with a lot of things, but the facts are that healthy whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, etc., are all more costly than processed junk food, white balloon bread, sugary cereals, cheap luncheon meats, etc.

Not true. Potatoes, noddles, chicken and lots of fruits and vegetables are cheaper.
Shop around and compare prices and you will find lots of healthy food cheaper than junk food.

You can get a 10-lb bag of potatoes for about $2 on sale.
A 5 lb bag of onions for $3
A 45 lb bag of carrots for $8 (Costco, it's great)
A chicken for $5
Total $18

Or you can buy a family sized pizza and a 2-ltr soda at Papa Murphy's.

I would bet money that Esmeralda has never worked with a grocery budget where she actually had to stretch money.

Maybe schools need to teach cooking in schools as a main course. And economics.
Like they used to.

When people actually had to be responsible for feeding their own families, whether they were lazy or not.
It's about them spending more wisely on fruits and veggies and chicken and fish.
Not Steak and lobster.
I've never actually seen evidence that poor people buying steak and lobster was a widespread problem. It's a completely made up mountain of manufactured bullshit.

I have seen many of them here in our little town buying really expensive steaks and seafood and then going to the food bank for the rest of the month.
Really? You hang out at the food bank to see who goes there? Or are you in line yourself?

You just won't admit it's a fact. so instead you get all snotty
Every government ENtitlement is being abused costing us TAXPAYERS billions of dollars. you don't care so be it
Those who are costing the tax papers billions of dollars are the huge corporations you RWs worship.

It's the Republicans who want to change our tax code.
A big money save is a chest freezer. When an item goes on sale, buy it in bulk and keep it in the freezer.

I buy half a cow of beef at a time from a local rancher. It tastes much better than grocery store beef, and it happens to be cheaper.

But you can put butter, cheese, veggies, and all kinds of other goods in a chest freezer, too.

I think this is an issue that both sides can agree on. I plant a garden every year and can vegetables and some fruit. Lots of work, but I know my food is fresh and packed properly.

I don't like processed foods and it is cheaper to buy fresh chicken and make it last, like the poster above talked about. Buying that frozen chicken that you heat up is expensive and probably tastes like crap.

A person just needs to be a bit creative, look for sales, use coupons and freeze items that you get on sale. I think people would be healthier and their budgets would stretch if they were willing to bake from scratch instead of going for convenience.
A big money save is a chest freezer. When an item goes on sale, buy it in bulk and keep it in the freezer.

I buy half a cow of beef at a time from a local rancher. It tastes much better than grocery store beef, and it happens to be cheaper.

But you can put butter, cheese, veggies, and all kinds of other goods in a chest freezer, too.

I think this is an issue that both sides can agree on. I plant a garden every year and can vegetables and some fruit. Lots of work, but I know my food is fresh and packed properly.

I don't like processed foods and it is cheaper to buy fresh chicken and make it last, like the poster above talked about. Buying that frozen chicken that you heat up is expensive and probably tastes like crap.

A person just needs to be a bit creative, look for sales, use coupons and freeze items that you get on sale. I think people would be healthier and their budgets would stretch if they were willing to bake from scratch instead of going for convenience.
Necessity is the mother of invention. You learn to stretch food dollars when you HAVE to stretch food dollars.

And I think it's obvious to everybody that the poorest of us NEVER have to do that. And that is wrong. I certainly don't advocate for letting people starve to death, but I don't think it's the function of government to provide them with so much money for food they don't even have to THINK about how they spend it.
Maybe schools need to teach cooking in schools as a main course. And economics.

Seriously, they should do that. People will use cooking skills every day. When was the last time you solved an algebra problem? :) Usually, we learn from parents, but if parents are all about convenience foods then the kids won't learn much.
Necessity is the mother of invention. You learn to stretch food dollars when you HAVE to stretch food dollars.

And I think it's obvious to everybody that the poorest of us NEVER have to do that.

I grew up poor and had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My mom was a widow and did not go on welfare. She always worked and we always had summer jobs since our teens since mom couldn't afford to buy a lot of school clothes and other things. She could make the most awesome dinners and we couldn't afford lots of groceries. Amazing what you can do if you try.

Some people wouldn't know how to cook a roast, a chicken or homemade soup.

I am hoping we'll have some morel mushrooms soon as the season is close. Fishing is also something to look forward to. And I'll have my garden, which I usually plant around Mother's Day. Already have the starter plants going. Then the farmer's markets will start before long. Lots of ways to save on the grocery bill and still eat well.
Necessity is the mother of invention. You learn to stretch food dollars when you HAVE to stretch food dollars.

And I think it's obvious to everybody that the poorest of us NEVER have to do that.

I grew up poor and had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My mom was a widow and did not go on welfare. She always worked and we always had summer jobs since our teens since mom couldn't afford to buy a lot of school clothes and other things. She could make the most awesome dinners and we couldn't afford lots of groceries. Amazing what you can do if you try.

Some people wouldn't know how to cook a roast, a chicken or homemade soup.

I am hoping we'll have some morel mushrooms soon as the season is close. Fishing is also something to look forward to. And I'll have my garden, which I usually plant around Mother's Day. Already have the starter plants going. Then the farmer's markets will start before long. Lots of ways to save on the grocery bill and still eat well.
We eat better (more healthily) in the months when we have to really scrimp on the groceries, lol. That's because I put a lot of thought into it, and I make the food I get count. Plus you're using food that generally needs quite a bit of home prep..and in my family, that means it's going to be yummy, because we're good cooks and used to prepping food.
Necessity is the mother of invention. You learn to stretch food dollars when you HAVE to stretch food dollars.

And I think it's obvious to everybody that the poorest of us NEVER have to do that.

I grew up poor and had 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My mom was a widow and did not go on welfare. She always worked and we always had summer jobs since our teens since mom couldn't afford to buy a lot of school clothes and other things. She could make the most awesome dinners and we couldn't afford lots of groceries. Amazing what you can do if you try.

Some people wouldn't know how to cook a roast, a chicken or homemade soup.

I am hoping we'll have some morel mushrooms soon as the season is close. Fishing is also something to look forward to. And I'll have my garden, which I usually plant around Mother's Day. Already have the starter plants going. Then the farmer's markets will start before long. Lots of ways to save on the grocery bill and still eat well.
We eat better (more healthily) in the months when we have to really scrimp on the groceries, lol. That's because I put a lot of thought into it, and I make the food I get count. Plus you're using food that generally needs quite a bit of home prep..and in my family, that means it's going to be yummy, because we're good cooks and used to prepping food.

I notice that organic fruits and veggies are pricier than the regular produce. Of course, the stuff from my garden is organic. I had bought some organic tomatoes and butternut squash and saved the seeds to plant for my garden. :) I am still getting tomato plants popping up on their own from the tomatoes that fell on the ground from previous gardens. Really isn't expensive to have a garden and you can even plant tomatoes in a bucket. I also found some Topsy Turvy tomato planters at Goodwill for $1.00 each. Go to the discount stores for potting soil if you can't dig in your yard. I've known people who live in apartments to have small patio gardens. I think it's fun.

Screw fast food and junk food. That is why so many people are fat. Despite people getting help with food, they are making bad choices and we are paying the price for that. We have discount stores, like Aldi's, that really stretch the budget. Seriously, people could do far better if they are willing to put forth the effort.
You bitch when poor people want to buy healthy expensive food but don't have any problem when they buy the cheap processed crap that is so prevalent in American super markets! You are the reason Americans are so fat! I think you are shills for the big corporations!

It's about them spending more wisely on fruits and veggies and chicken and fish.
Not Steak and lobster.

Not even close.

Food stamps are no where near enough to buy fruit and vegetables. The best they can afford is fat food from junk places like McDonald's and even that is getting to be out of reach for the working poor.

No one is buying steak and lobster with food stamps.

Lol, a family of 4 eats at McDonald's cost about $20.00. For twenty bucks I could make a killer dinner for four. I could cook chicken parmesan, meat loaf, all kinds of great things. They are just lazy. I cook almost every night, but when you pay people do do nothing. They will do nothing.
Lol, a family of 4 eats at McDonald's cost about $20.00. For twenty bucks I could make a killer dinner for four. I could cook chicken parmesan, meat loaf, all kinds of great things. They are just lazy. I cook almost every night, but when you pay people do do nothing. They will do nothing.

Yes, you can make a complete meal for less than some crappy fast food. And you will likely have leftovers for lunch the next day.

With kids eating at least 2 meals at school, it cuts down on what parents have to buy. Some schools send food home with kids these days, so parents only have to make meals for them on weekends. Some schools are talking about feeding children all summer long. Families are often included in that. We also have food pantries. There is good food there for the taking and it shouldn't be impossible to stretch food stamps if they try. Those of us who pay for others have to stretch our own budgets. Just because we aren't on welfare doesn't mean we can afford what we would like.

You pay for convenience so opt for the extra work instead.

If you took your family to fast food places 3 times a day, you'd rack up around $60 a day for food. That is ridiculous! Yes, salads are expensive at fast food places, but you shouldn't be buying them there in the first place. Junk food in the stores isn't exactly cheap either. Bottom line is that people need to take the time to prepare their own food and stop buying crap full of preservatives, sodium and sugar just because it's easier.
You bitch when poor people want to buy healthy expensive food but don't have any problem when they buy the cheap processed crap that is so prevalent in American super markets! You are the reason Americans are so fat! I think you are shills for the big corporations!

Have you noticed who is eating at McDonalds in inner cities? The GOP boogieman didn't force them to eat 600 Big Mac's a year, maybe if they got off welfare and worked a job they wouldn't have so much time to sit around McDonalds getting fat.
You bitch when poor people want to buy healthy expensive food but don't have any problem when they buy the cheap processed crap that is so prevalent in American super markets! You are the reason Americans are so fat! I think you are shills for the big corporations!

It's about them spending more wisely on fruits and veggies and chicken and fish.
Not Steak and lobster.

Not even close.

Food stamps are no where near enough to buy fruit and vegetables. The best they can afford is fat food from junk places like McDonald's and even that is getting to be out of reach for the working poor.

No one is buying steak and lobster with food stamps.


Junk food is much more expensive than buying healthy food like chicken and vegetables. You can cook a dinner for 4 people off the cost of one McDonald's meal.

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