Screw "Tax The Poor" Capitalism.

I swear to God that this virus of conservatives not believing the facts right there in front of them is contagious-- and you have caught it big time. Just because you say something it doesn't change FACTS and make it so--that is how three year olds (or the Cheeto) expect life to be.

Thing is, I believe they know the facts. I believe they even accept those facts. But they are caught between the facts and their own egos, and that's why they have to exercise sophistry in this, and pretty much every other debate.

Do you think Koch or Palios "know the facts?" Do you think either has read the "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money?" They or you can read it here, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes

Do you think either of them made it to Jr. High?

Look, you irritate me because you are dishonest. No theory can be analyzed unless it is honestly evaluated, because you are more concerned with promoting a political agenda than with discussing the factual merits of systems, you pervert the discussion.

But your two buddies are just flat out stupid, and you full well know it.
I swear to God that this virus of conservatives not believing the facts right there in front of them is contagious-- and you have caught it big time. Just because you say something it doesn't change FACTS and make it so--that is how three year olds (or the Cheeto) expect life to be.

Thing is, I believe they know the facts. I believe they even accept those facts. But they are caught between the facts and their own egos, and that's why they have to exercise sophistry in this, and pretty much every other debate.

Do you think Koch or Palios "know the facts?" Do you think either has read the "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money?" They or you can read it here, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes

Do you think either of them made it to Jr. High?

Look, you irritate me because you are dishonest. No theory can be analyzed unless it is honestly evaluated, because you are more concerned with promoting a political agenda than with discussing the factual merits of systems, you pervert the discussion.

But your two buddies are just flat out stupid, and you full well know it.
You have to show where I am resorting to actual fallacies, not divert with Red Herrings. And, I have read enough to not have to resort to fallacy; unlike those of the opposing view who resort to fallacy.
MW is why average wages are $26.43 an hour? LOL!

Yes, the average wage should be higher, but it's not because the minimum wage is so low, and states also have low wages. The BLS just released their employment report for May, which showed wages grew just 0.2%, which is much worse than they grew during Obama's last two years. Likewise, the jobs numbers for March and April were "dramatically" revised downward, and about 400,000 people left the labor force last month.
How much would welfare payments be reduced if WalMart fired welfare recipients?
You never told me how much we'd save.......why are you running away from the question?

Then who would work in Walmart's stores? Why do you insist on making false questions and choices? How about we deal in reality. The reality is that we subsidize at least 1/3 of Walmart's profits every year by providing welfare benefits to their workers. If Walmart paid their workers enough that they didn't qualify for benefits, then Walmart would still make billions in profits, they just wouldn't make as much. Boo hoo. Someone call Puddles' Pity Party.

Well, most of those illegal immigrants came here on the same kind of visas that Trump uses to import foreign workers at his domestic resorts.
12 million illegal aliens overstayed their visas? LOL!

The overwhelming majority of undocumented immigrants are people who have overstayed their visas. Is this yet another subject you know nothing about, but are pretending you do? 66% of undocumented immigrants are people who overstayed their visas. Visas like the ones Trump uses to import foreign workers to work at his domestic resorts.

So now it's the immigrants' fault?
Illegal aliens don't add to the labor supply? Are you sure?

You're not going to find many Americans who will work the jobs illegal immigrants do for the wages illegal immigrants get and the working conditions illegal immigrants work in. They tried in a couple states in the South and there were no takers. Produce was literally rotting on the vine because there was no one to pick it.

Walmart profits do not reduce welfare benefits.
WalMart payments to workers do.

Yes, if Walmart raised their wages for their workers. But they don't. So we continue having to subsidize their profits because...because...there's no good answer.
MW is why average wages are $26.43 an hour? LOL!

Yes, the average wage should be higher, but it's not because the minimum wage is so low, and states also have low wages. The BLS just released their employment report for May, which showed wages grew just 0.2%, which is much worse than they grew during Obama's last two years. Likewise, the jobs numbers for March and April were "dramatically" revised downward, and about 400,000 people left the labor force last month.
The low wage "service sector" seems to be holding wages back.
ignorant about what? you lost our drug war debate on AWE, for having nothing but propaganda and rhetoric.

I lost a drug war debate on AWE? :rofl:

Tell me, what is my position on the drug war?

You are entirely ignorant of even the most basic aspects of macro economics. You don't know who the players are, what the major schools of thought are, what the words mean. You have never read the underlying texts that define the various systems. You've not read Keynes, Marx, Friedman, Von Mises, et al. You are the king of Malapropisms.

Look, I get that you're a troll.
ignorant about what? you lost our drug war debate on AWE, for having nothing but propaganda and rhetoric.

I lost a drug war debate on AWE? :rofl:

Tell me, what is my position on the drug war?

You are entirely ignorant of even the most basic aspects of macro economics. You don't know who the players are, what the major schools of thought are, what the words mean. You have never read the underlying texts that define the various systems. You've not read Keynes, Marx, Friedman, Von Mises, et al. You are the king of Malapropisms.

Look, I get that you're a troll.
Alcohol is socially acceptable unlike pot; and you don't care about any "wall of separation" regarding States' rights.
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Do you think Koch or Palios "know the facts?" Do you think either has read the "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money?" They or you can read it here, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes

So this is just a distraction from the facts that show 13 states + DC raised their minimum wages, and those states + DC saw faster job growth than states that didn't. Whether that job growth is attributed to the wage increases, we can debate. But we can't debate that wage increases lead to job loss. The empirical evidence from 2014 proves it doesn't.

So let's talk about the merits of your belief system; it's not based in fact (because the numbers from 2014 prove it isn't), it relies on flawed premises and magical thinking, and it has no evidence to support it. All it has is a very devoted group of ideologues who are determined to be willfully ignorant of the facts.

So because of that, it's hard for anyone to take anything you say seriously.

Not the right place to tell lies, hack boi.


Andrew Jackson was the last president to leave a surplus.

The National Debt in 2001 was $5.8 TRILLION and 58% of our GDP. By the end of 2016 fiscal year, the debt will be $20+ TRILLION and be 105+% of our GDP.

As to any surplus, I'm curious, how can that be when our debt has NEVER decreased?


It's the big lie technique. The Derp thinks if he repeats a lie often enough people will begin to believe it, particularly those too young to remember the actual events. JonCrotch thinks if he posts memes from the hate sites that he'll get a scooby snack.

Not the right place to tell lies, hack boi.


Andrew Jackson was the last president to leave a surplus.

Sorry Cupcake, I get the rightards don't understand the difference with a YEARLY BUDGET versus debt by the US Gov't Cupcake

THE LAST GUY TO HAVE BUDGET SURPLUSES (more money coming in than going out in a f/y) was BJ Bill, he had 4 of them Cupcake, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut :)

I swear to God that this virus of conservatives not believing the facts right there in front of them is contagious-- and you have caught it big time. Just because you say something it doesn't change FACTS and make it so--that is how three year olds (or the Cheeto) expect life to be.

Thing is, I believe they know the facts. I believe they even accept those facts. But they are caught between the facts and their own egos, and that's why they have to exercise sophistry in this, and pretty much every other debate.

Do you think Koch or Palios "know the facts?" Do you think either has read the "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money?" They or you can read it here, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes
Nothing but red herrings and other forms of fallacies?

What part of Any concept, do You believe i cannot support in my arguments with those of the, Opposing View?
I swear to God that this virus of conservatives not believing the facts right there in front of them is contagious-- and you have caught it big time. Just because you say something it doesn't change FACTS and make it so--that is how three year olds (or the Cheeto) expect life to be.

Thing is, I believe they know the facts. I believe they even accept those facts. But they are caught between the facts and their own egos, and that's why they have to exercise sophistry in this, and pretty much every other debate.

Do you think Koch or Palios "know the facts?" Do you think either has read the "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money?" They or you can read it here, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes

Do you think either of them made it to Jr. High?

Look, you irritate me because you are dishonest. No theory can be analyzed unless it is honestly evaluated, because you are more concerned with promoting a political agenda than with discussing the factual merits of systems, you pervert the discussion.

But your two buddies are just flat out stupid, and you full well know it.

The willfully ignorant liar calling out people spanking him :lame2:

Not the right place to tell lies, hack boi.


Andrew Jackson was the last president to leave a surplus.

Sorry Cupcake, I get the rightards don't understand the difference with a YEARLY BUDGET versus debt by the US Gov't Cupcake

THE LAST GUY TO HAVE BUDGET SURPLUSES (more money coming in than going out in a f/y) was BJ Bill, he had 4 of them Cupcake, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut :)

Most high school drop outs get it more readily, than the "educated right wing".
Do you think Koch or Palios "know the facts?" Do you think either has read the "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money?" They or you can read it here, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by John Maynard Keynes

So this is just a distraction from the facts that show 13 states + DC raised their minimum wages, and those states + DC saw faster job growth than states that didn't. Whether that job growth is attributed to the wage increases, we can debate. But we can't debate that wage increases lead to job loss. The empirical evidence from 2014 proves it doesn't.

So let's talk about the merits of your belief system; it's not based in fact (because the numbers from 2014 prove it isn't), it relies on flawed premises and magical thinking, and it has no evidence to support it. All it has is a very devoted group of ideologues who are determined to be willfully ignorant of the facts.

So because of that, it's hard for anyone to take anything you say seriously.

I grasp that you have a talking point to recite, but your bullshit has been defeated by both Todd and I numerous times. The number of minimum wage earners is too low to have an impact on the economies of American states.

When you raise the minimum wage to $15 and hour, the impact that has on a worker already making $18 an hour is to degrade there purchasing power. Remember, in any market economy, equilibrium will be found. Changing the volume of fiat currency can never alter the value of goods and services, it will merely alter the value of the currency. When more dollars chase a finite pool of goods and services, the dollars will have value by the increase quantity.

If there are 12 eggs and 12 dollars in a market, each egg cost $1 dollar. But the government boss comes along and dictates that there be 24 dollars. Are there suddenly 24 eggs? Of course not, the only effect is that purchasing power of each dollar declines. Further, since the boss keeps most of added dollars for himself, after all that's why he added them., the purchasing power of the public is greatly reduced. The value of the egg doesn't change, it still has the same number of calories and protein, only how many dollars an egg can buy is changed.

The same holds true with your minimum wage idiocy. Value is static. The value added to a process by a person pressing icons on a cash register while talking to a drive-through customer is static. If the government boss dictates that the dollars paid to that person increase, the only possible effect is to devalue the dollars. In a large and complex economy like ours, the impact of this hits primarily those making 10 to 20% over minimum wage, as they get no more dollars, but must survive in a market where their dollars have less worth due to arbitrary flooding by the government bosses.
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Not the right place to tell lies, hack boi.


Andrew Jackson was the last president to leave a surplus.

Sorry Cupcake, I get the rightards don't understand the difference with a YEARLY BUDGET versus debt by the US Gov't Cupcake

THE LAST GUY TO HAVE BUDGET SURPLUSES (more money coming in than going out in a f/y) was BJ Bill, he had 4 of them Cupcake, 3 after vetoing the GOP's $792+ billion tax cut :)

Most high school drop outs get it more readily, than the "educated right wing".

Or at least you two have convinced yourselves that you do... :eusa_whistle:
I grasp that you have a talking point to recite, but you bullshit has been defeated by both Todd and I numerous times. The number of minimum wage earners is too low to have an impact on the economies of American states.

So you're only counting people who made the federal minimum wage. Of course, you do know that states have varying minimum wages. So you're only counting those who made the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, but of the 13 states that raised their minimums, how many of those had a minimum wage of $7.25 before their raised them? Not many. So you are purposefully leaving out the people who made the state minimum wage that was higher than the federal one. Why do you do that? Why don't you count all the minimum wage workers, including those whose state minimum wage is higher than the federal one?

When you raise the minimum wage to $15 and hour, the impact that has on a worker already making $18 an hour is to degrade there purchasing power.

Again, this is all in theory and we've come to learn that Conservative theory and actual fact are mutually exclusive things. You cited an editorial about Seattle raising their minimum wage to $15/hr. You pointed to the slight increase in unemployment that happened during a specific period, but you failed to use current numbers which showed that after Seattle raised their MW, their unemployment dropped by nearly a full point between April 2016 and April 2017. So why did you leave that information out? Was it just your way of exercising the sophistry you are known for? Was it because you had to make a point rather than admit you're full of shit? I am tired of Conservatives Conservasplaining their failed economic theories. We all know they're bunk. Why are you still making them?

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