Screw the Republicans, do what they want and the screw us.

Yup. We're officially under the thumb of a single-Party system. It's them against the working class, taxpayer. Both Parties approve another trillion dollar spending bill (at taxpayer expense) so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals. John "Boner" just boned all of us.

Yup. We're officially under the thumb of a single-Party system. It's them against the working class, taxpayer. Both Parties approve another trillion dollar spending bill (at taxpayer expense) so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals. John "Boner" just boned all of us.

Worse of all, in my opinion, is that the lying POS tell us one thing then do another. They tell us how bad is the immigration policy and we should vote for them. They tell us that Obamacare is bad and vote for them. We do and they screw us. I don't give a crap how politically smart it was to me they betrayed us.
Yeah, squishy Republicans are every bit as bad as liberal Democrats.

Yup. We're officially under the thumb of a single-Party system. It's them against the working class, taxpayer. Both Parties approve another trillion dollar spending bill (at taxpayer expense) so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals. John "Boner" just boned all of us.

Worse of all, in my opinion, is that the lying POS tell us one thing then do another. They tell us how bad is the immigration policy and we should vote for them. They tell us that Obamacare is bad and vote for them. We do and they screw us. I don't give a crap how politically smart it was to me they betrayed us.

They tell us all what we want to hear to get the vote then go to the "good old boy club" and shoot the shit with each other over cocktails that same night. We may as well face this simple fact: We've been completely taken over by an Oligarchy that doesn't give two hoots about the Constitution or the will of the American taxpayers. They're going to fleece the sheep until there's no skin left. These pictures tell the whole story:



so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals.

To go with the millions of welfare cheaters we've been coddling for years. You know, the ones that are too disabled to work...
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.
You might want to consider the fact that no one is 'screwing' you, where your ridiculous, naïve, childish, extreme rightwing agenda has nothing whatsoever to do with responsible governance, and in no way comports with the wishes of a majority of the American people.
You might want to consider the fact that no one is 'screwing' you, where your ridiculous, naïve, childish, extreme rightwing agenda has nothing whatsoever to do with responsible governance, and in no way comports with the wishes of a majority of the American people.

Your way of thinking got its ass handed to it last election. They lied and now they pay the price. You have become irrelevant.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.

No way, they told a story then voted against that story. I am tired of the two faced Republicans and I can't stand the self righteous democrats, they have left me no choice.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.

No way, they told a story then voted against that story. I am tired of the two faced Republicans and I can't stand the self righteous democrats, they have left me no choice.
The alleged outrage by alleged republicans don't match the reality of the situation. My guess is that the alleged outrage is just another left wing dirty trick. Republicans would have been the "grinch" if the government shut down and the bad guys if the government didn't shut down. The outrage is a desperate attempt to try to divide support for the GOP before they become the real majority in January.
We don't owe you losertrians shit. You want a tiny little government that allows corporations to shit on our country like mexico? Well, we're not going to roll over for you.

We will keep on investing in
and education

The larger the middle class the better.

I thank god we have some sane people willing to throw a bone towards the stability of our nation...Eventhrough they do a lot of stupid shit too.

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