Screw your global warming, this is the REAL threat!

As I have been stating all along, asteroid impacts are truly capable of ending life on this planet, not the myth of global warming. This was a comparatively small meteorite of around 10 tons, it injured at least 1000 people (hopefully none have been killed) and one that is much larger will pass between our planet and geosynchronous satellites later today. I would not be surprised if this impact was related to the one coming.

Below is video of the impact, I recommend you watch it. - Meteorite hits central Russia - Video Collection (16 minutes)

I'm all in for a planetary defense screen using nukes.

Trouble is you folks would rather spend money on stupid wars.

Not me sunshine. Unlike Obama who is keeping the military industrial complex going full bore and gutting NASA, I would prefer to see the money spending reversed. Yes, we need a strong defence. However, we need a stronger space program.

Mankind generates far more technological development (without the need to kill people) through the space program than any other method. We need to expand into the stars or we are as doomed as the Dodo was when its environment was wiped out.
This is a good illustration of the lack of logical thinking ability that causes someone to get sucked into the right-wing-fringe cult and its denialist commandments. It actually is possible to both search for asteroids and take action on warming, but the fringers can't fathom such a concept. Since they themselves are unable to walk and chew gum at the same time, they assume the rest of humanity must be similarly handicapped.

And THIS is a good example of the kind of knee-jerk reaction that leads to bitter arguments and halts any actual progress of discussion.

The OP never mentioned politics or political affiliation at all, and your (good) point about splitting our focus and not getting tunnel-vission is overshadowed by your baseless assumptions and namecalling.

The OP is a climate change denier.

Anyone around here long enough knows that.

Wrong. I am a man caused climate change sceptic. The climate is ever changing. It began warming 14,000 years ago and has continued to do so with blips of both hot and cold ever since.

I just feel that spending trillions on a "problem" that really isn't a problem when looked at through any but a hysterical warmist profiteers view as stupid. If you want to comandeer the entire economy of the world you had better have good science to back it up.

They don't. As evidenced by the need to constantly move the goal posts and the need to ascribe every possible effect to AGW. Which makes the hypothesis untestable, which in a sane world makes it a pseudo-science.

The modern cult of AGW has all the aspects of a fundamentalist religion.

"The science is settled"

Matthew 4:7 Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Notice the similarities?

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