Scum bag Facui calls trump a murder of 20,000 ppl

I guess Trumpsters are like Regressive Lefties when it comes to punishing speech.

If I don't like it, shut it down! Punish it! Intimidate it! I don't want to hear it!

Authoritarians just gotta be authoritarians, regardless of the tribe.
When's the last time you called your bosses (one of your customers) irresponsible?
If I ever thought they were putting lives in danger, I would sure as hell say so.
Who has put lives in danger?
Be specific and provide context.
Stop playing games. You know the topic of the thread you're on. Hopefully.

I realize you're afraid to criticize Trump. Fine with me. I'm under no such obligation.
I deal with facts and it sucks for you that I visit at least 4 news sites everyday.
So I am current with the news for a good couple of years.
You are inferring that all you have is a sound bite.
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

I worded my post the way I did, to hear the devil come out of you democrats.. I ready to hear the vile poison .. continue
I'm just cornfused. I have read so many lefties here attack and blame Trump for causing this and not doing enough. Now let me read you what others are telling me in ENGLAND:

The virus is sweeping through our nursing homes. Because of the lack of and/or slow return of test results I strongly suspect that reported numbers are lagging or under reported. Friends of ours ( drs and nurse practitioners) who serve these facilities are terrified. They are literally directed to come to work in rain ponchos, and cook their used m95 masks in toaster ovens to sterilize them. And they show up to work every day.

Thanks Jo, here in the U.K. there is uproar re the issue of PPE and although the government claims it is shipping stuff in the millions it does not seem to be hitting the front line in the appropriate numbers. Doctors and nurses are being told to re-use masks, gloves and gowns and not discard between patient visits and that is the lucky ones that have the PPE available.
The Royal College of Surgeons of England says doctors should not risk their own health if they do not have the right gear to stay safe.
This advice is echoed by the Royal College of Nursing, which says its members can refuse to treat patients as a "last resort" if adequate PPE could not be provided

This is proving to be a dilemma as most medics just want to care for the sick and not have to worry about their own lives due to lack of equipment. Somewhere over 40 doctors and nurses, some of who where at the top of their profession and all that were devoted to the cause of medicine have died over the last few weeks here in the U.K. As one doctor said, “We are all afraid and live in the fear of dying when dealing with this virus” yet they continue to put their lives on the line unquestioning.

So I gotta ask all you Democrats: who are the Brits blaming? Is Trump responsible there too? Why are THEY having shortages as well? Funny how everyone is having the same problems yet here, it is all Trump's fault.

By the way, I just did the math. Right now, the percentage of Covid deaths (which I'm sure are elevated higher than ACTUAL Covid deaths) in the world amount to 0.00144% of the population. That is about 1:69,000. So right now, you stand about a 1 in 70,000 chance of dying of Covid on average. That is approaching the odds of being struck by lightning. :smoke:
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The only people who are afraid of opposing views are those who don't have confidence in their own.

They are weak.
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

I worded my post the way I did, to hear the devil come out of you democrats.. I ready to hear the vile poison .. continue
I'm just cornfused. I have read so many lefties here attack and blame Trump for causing this and not doing enough. Now let me read you what others are telling me in ENGLAND:

The virus is sweeping through our nursing homes. Because of the lack of and/or slow return of test results I strongly suspect that reported numbers are lagging or under reported. Friends of ours ( drs and nurse practitioners) who serve these facilities are terrified. They are literally directed to come to work in rain ponchos, and cook their used m95 masks in toaster ovens to sterilize them. And they show up to work every day.

Thanks Jo, here in the U.K. there is uproar re the issue of PPE and although the government claims it is shipping stuff in the millions it does not seem to be hitting the front line in the appropriate numbers. Doctors and nurses are being told to re-use masks, gloves and gowns and not discard between patient visits and that is the lucky ones that have the PPE available.
The Royal College of Surgeons of England says doctors should not risk their own health if they do not have the right gear to stay safe.
This advice is echoed by the Royal College of Nursing, which says its members can refuse to treat patients as a "last resort" if adequate PPE could not be provided

This is proving to be a dilemma as most medics just want to care for the sick and not have to worry about their own lives due to lack of equipment. Somewhere over 40 doctors and nurses, some of who where at the top of their profession and all that were devoted to the cause of medicine have died over the last few weeks here in the U.K. As one doctor said, “We are all afraid and live in the fear of dying when dealing with this virus” yet they continue to put their lives on the line unquestioning.

So I gotta ask all you Democrats: who are the Brits blaming? Is Trump responsible there too? Why are THEY having shortages as well? Funny how everyone is having the same problems yet here, it is all Trump's fault.
Trump is responsible for Jupiter not having the atmosphere to support human life.
The only people who are afraid of opposing views are those who don't have confidence in their own.

They are weak.

Are you admitting you are weak?

Sure, but the deaths were mostly caused by lack of testing. Testing would've shown us the extent this virus had spread and what we could do to control it. Instead, our first line of defense has turned into a failure. I blame the Obama Admin for this because he let the FDC take utmost power over the test kits. Next, instead of using the test kits from Germany, the CDC and FCD wanted their own test kits. These kits have been unreliable. I doubt if they are giving correct results. We are way behind in California.

Democrats are sick sick rats. Trump should have fired him, but the state is so deep with people that hate America.. he’s gotta clean house and put many out of America on 2021..

People that hate this country need to have a trial and be removed quickly. They have disregarded the constitution so what ever decisions are made on there behalf is NULL
You are a fine one to talk, You hate over half of America, just because they are Democrats. Is there any country you like over half of?

Democrats are sick sick rats. Trump should have fired him, but the state is so deep with people that hate America.. he’s gotta clean house and put many out of America on 2021..

People that hate this country need to have a trial and be removed quickly. They have disregarded the constitution so what ever decisions are made on there behalf is NULL
You are a fine one to talk, You hate over half of America, just because they are Democrats. Is there any country you like over half of?
Ones that don’t know and want to listen to reasonable sense are always welcome, ones that refuse debate will be lost forever
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!


I'm not calling for any punishment, but obviously had the country locked down sooner more lives would have been saved from the virus. However, suicides, domestic violence, hopelessness would have increased. Look at it this way, instead of a deterioration of American's mental health starting in mid-March, it would have started in mid-February.
People need to balance the consequences.

We are not called the Prozac nation for naught, and we didn't even need covid 19.
So I was just reading HuffPost.
In one story they are outraged after Fauci's Jake Tapper interview that Trump didn't start the lock-down sooner, then in another story about the increase of domestic violence due to people being home more, they are outraged about that.
Had Trump taken Fauci's advice and started the lock-down a month earlier, you would have had even more cases of domestic violence.
You can't win with these people.


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