Scum bag Facui calls trump a murder of 20,000 ppl

I guess Trumpsters are like Regressive Lefties when it comes to punishing speech.

If I don't like it, shut it down! Punish it! Intimidate it! I don't want to hear it!

Authoritarians just gotta be authoritarians, regardless of the tribe.
When's the last time you called your bosses (one of your customers) irresponsible?
If I ever thought they were putting lives in danger, I would sure as hell say so.

Day 35000 of nobody asking you. So you don’t have that problem.
Neither do you.

The difference is that I don't bitch about your posts.
Because my posts are bullshit free.
I guess Trumpsters are like Regressive Lefties when it comes to punishing speech.

If I don't like it, shut it down! Punish it! Intimidate it! I don't want to hear it!

Authoritarians just gotta be authoritarians, regardless of the tribe.
When's the last time you called your bosses (one of your customers) irresponsible?
If I ever thought they were putting lives in danger, I would sure as hell say so.
Who has put lives in danger?
Be specific and provide context.
Stop playing games. You know the topic of the thread you're on. Hopefully.

I realize you're afraid to criticize Trump. Fine with me. I'm under no such obligation.
I deal with facts and it sucks for you that I visit at least 4 news sites everyday.
So I am current with the news for a good couple of years.
You are inferring that all you have is a sound bite.
If you deal in facts you would realize the thread title is a lie.
You are sort of correct but look at the reaction from 100% of your fellow Liberals who label Trump a murderer.
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Try 21,474.
Trump failed this nation.
Go arrest him.. what are you waiting for?
I didn't say he broke the law.
I said he failed.
Provide a timeline of events starting back in November 2019.
January 27th, 2020.
5 Documented cases inside the US.
January 31st, 2020 Trump closes the border.
Too little too late.
Provide Links.
Trump wanted the border closed much earlier in January but was labelled a racist,
I do my own research.
I suggest you do the same.
The only people who are afraid of opposing views are those who don't have confidence in their own.

They are weak.

Are you admitting you are weak?

Sure, but the deaths were mostly caused by lack of testing. Testing would've shown us the extent this virus had spread and what we could do to control it. Instead, our first line of defense has turned into a failure. I blame the Obama Admin for this because he let the FDC take utmost power over the test kits. Next, instead of using the test kits from Germany, the CDC and FCD wanted their own test kits. These kits have been unreliable. I doubt if they are giving correct results. We are way behind in California.

Of fer F-ing Jesus. Yeah, blame Obama! :rolleyes:

Let's face it. Obama was one of the worst presidents. We had the swine flu under his watch which killed much more than Fauci's latest estimate. The Obama Admin had the vaccine, but still undercounted the numbers. It turned into a ploy to get Obamacare. Before COVID-19 struck, people were questioning the undercounting of swine flu deaths. It may have been much higher 10 - 15x higher.

10-15 times higher? You've lost your mind. Obama warned Donnie about this. Obama created the Pandemic Task Force which Donnie promptly gutted. The worst president will be remembered by historians (already has by 170 presidential scholars) as THE worst POTUS.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: People knew about the next pandemic warning but farked it up like Democrats did with NYC, New York, and New Jersey. They didn't have enough ventilators, face masks, and medical personnel to handle it. It's funny the Dems didn't listen to Obama as you give him the most cred. What happened to OBEY?
Awww da po widdle democommiecrats are upset because they didn't get to destroy the country sooner.

How many lives would be saved if we went into lockdown every flu season? How many lives saved if we banned all cars? How many lives would be saved if we lived sequestered all our lives. There are germs out there. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Step on a crack break a grandmother's back. How many grannies have had their backs broken by your carelessness?
I guess Trumpsters are like Regressive Lefties when it comes to punishing speech.

If I don't like it, shut it down! Punish it! Intimidate it! I don't want to hear it!

Authoritarians just gotta be authoritarians, regardless of the tribe.
When's the last time you called your bosses (one of your customers) irresponsible?
If I ever thought they were putting lives in danger, I would sure as hell say so.
Who has put lives in danger?
Be specific and provide context.
Stop playing games. You know the topic of the thread you're on. Hopefully.

I realize you're afraid to criticize Trump. Fine with me. I'm under no such obligation.
Why are you dodging the question?
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
That’s how America will vote in 2020
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
Nope, sure didn't.

Democrats are sick sick rats. Trump should have fired him, but the state is so deep with people that hate America.. he’s gotta clean house and put many out of America on 2021..

People that hate this country need to have a trial and be removed quickly. They have disregarded the constitution so what ever decisions are made on there behalf is NULL
Send Fauci to Wuhan

Democrats are sick sick rats. Trump should have fired him, but the state is so deep with people that hate America.. he’s gotta clean house and put many out of America on 2021..

People that hate this country need to have a trial and be removed quickly. They have disregarded the constitution so what ever decisions are made on there behalf is NULL

He's such a flippen a hole!! His wife donated to the Demonicrats what do you expect though. Bought and paid for right in their face and the dumb ass left still denies it all.
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
It was hysterically xenophobic, but didnt happen soon enough, er, or something
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
Nope, sure didn't.
Sure you didn’t
The only people who are afraid of opposing views are those who don't have confidence in their own.

They are weak.

Are you admitting you are weak?

Sure, but the deaths were mostly caused by lack of testing. Testing would've shown us the extent this virus had spread and what we could do to control it. Instead, our first line of defense has turned into a failure. I blame the Obama Admin for this because he let the FDC take utmost power over the test kits. Next, instead of using the test kits from Germany, the CDC and FCD wanted their own test kits. These kits have been unreliable. I doubt if they are giving correct results. We are way behind in California.

Of fer F-ing Jesus. Yeah, blame Obama! :rolleyes:

Let's face it. Obama was one of the worst presidents. We had the swine flu under his watch which killed much more than Fauci's latest estimate. The Obama Admin had the vaccine, but still undercounted the numbers. It turned into a ploy to get Obamacare. Before COVID-19 struck, people were questioning the undercounting of swine flu deaths. It may have been much higher 10 - 15x higher.

10-15 times higher? You've lost your mind. Obama warned Donnie about this. Obama created the Pandemic Task Force which Donnie promptly gutted. The worst president will be remembered by historians (already has by 170 presidential scholars) as THE worst POTUS.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: People knew about the next pandemic warning but farked it up like Democrats did with NYC, New York, and New Jersey. They didn't have enough ventilators, face masks, and medical personnel to handle it. It's funny the Dems didn't listen to Obama as you give him the most cred. What happened to OBEY?

A national emergency requires a national response. Cut it out with the blame game. The buck stops at the top.

How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
Nope, sure didn't.
Sure you didn’t
You guys just love making stuff up as you go.

I'm sure ignorance is bliss, but it's still ignorance.
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
Nope, sure didn't.
Sure you didn’t
You guys just love making stuff up as you go.

I'm sure ignorance is bliss, but it's still ignorance.
Do you think the wall is racist? Lol
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
Nope, sure didn't.
Sure you didn’t
You guys just love making stuff up as you go.

I'm sure ignorance is bliss, but it's still ignorance.
Do you think the wall is racist? Lol
No. Are you done now?
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
Nope, sure didn't.
Sure you didn’t
You guys just love making stuff up as you go.

I'm sure ignorance is bliss, but it's still ignorance.
Do you think the wall is racist? Lol
No. Are you done now?

another fact

they are doing this to force vaccines you will heaar about it all when they are ready to do it denny now you dumb fks will soon get a nice dose of reality and we warned you jackasses ( left). It oculd take up to a yr to put that nice CHIP in ur freaken arm or hand fool you won't have a choice .

THEY wont bust your door down etc. no you just won't be able to do anything or go anywhere with out it.
Kinda like GRAYSTATE

The 30 something producer ended up dead as did his wife and 5 yr old oh u don't say.


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