Scum bag Facui calls trump a murder of 20,000 ppl

Democrats are sick sick rats. Trump should have fired him, but the state is so deep with people that hate America.. he’s gotta clean house and put many out of America on 2021..

People that hate this country need to have a trial and be removed quickly. They have disregarded the constitution so what ever decisions are made on there behalf is NULL
And if fauci had not squandered the billions in tax dollars on frivolous bs having nothing to do with chinese diseases he might have a vaccine by now
I guess Trumpsters are like Regressive Lefties when it comes to punishing speech.

If I don't like it, shut it down! Punish it! Intimidate it! I don't want to hear it!

Authoritarians just gotta be authoritarians, regardless of the tribe.
You are doing a lot of talking for someone who claims to be shut down by republicans
How DARE he says what he's thinking regarding Trump!

Last night in another interview, Fauci said they went by the info they had. He would not have issued a lockdown any sooner than trump if he had the authority and based on available info. He acknowledged that the available info was faulty because of China and WHO.
This is CNN and the rest of the MSM beginning their 2020 campaign assault on Trump.
You’re a dupe, Ding Ling.
Poor Trump, such an innocent victim.
Didn’t you say the travel ban was wrong?
Nope, sure didn't.
Sure you didn’t
You guys just love making stuff up as you go.

I'm sure ignorance is bliss, but it's still ignorance.
Do you think the wall is racist? Lol
No. Are you done now?
View attachment 322671

another fact

they are doing this to force vaccines you will heaar about it all when they are ready to do it denny now you dumb fks will soon get a nice dose of reality and we warned you jackasses ( left). It oculd take up to a yr to put that nice CHIP in ur freaken arm or hand fool you won't have a choice .

THEY wont bust your door down etc. no you just won't be able to do anything or go anywhere with out it.
Kinda like GRAYSTATE

The 30 something producer ended up dead as did his wife and 5 yr old oh u don't say.

View attachment 322677


what part of FUCI SAYING PPL CAN'T GO OUUT UNTL THEY HAVE PAPERS do you degenerates NOT GET or understand.

What part of BILL GATES wanting us vaccinned and tattooed do you DEGENERATE's not get.

Not the time to pushing your daily anti-science screeds.. I guess THAT'S the part I don't understand and personally consider "noise"...

So since you feel that way one EVERYTHING is that why you mind fk me with





see if u think this is a joke.

Gates wanted to do this already in the mid-90s.
On the other hand, thanks to my iPhone, my iPad and my 4 desktops, every corporation on earth knows everything about me.

Amazing how much evidence of it all is right there in our faces and now a site set up specificallly to herd us into that UN FKN BS NWO NATIONAL ID!! This is what that SOB FAUCI wants and BILL GATES. they are have stocks in this kind of bs ...

Look we are going under a full blown Tyrannical gov. if these jackbooted douches donn't wake the hell uup.

How much more proff do these dumb-asses need. lool


ID2020 Certification Mark Application Form
The ID2020 Certification Mark is an initiative by the ID2020 Alliance to create a trustmark for digital identities that meet our technical requirements. Our Certification Mark draws upon the efforts of several organizations, including and most notably ThingsCon and their Trustable Technology Mark. We were tremendously inspired by their effort to develop a "badge of honor"


Tattoos have gained worldwide popularity in recent years, and vaccinations are universal preventive measures designed to minimize morbidity associated with specific pathogens. Both dermal tattoos and vaccine injections may alter local immune responses, creating an immunocompromised district on or near the site of placement. This can lead to the development of opportunistic infections, benign and malignant tumors, and local dysimmune reactions.
With regard to tattoos, a predominance of warts among a variety of opportunistic infections has been reported. These warts appear to result from a local immune dysregulation rather than from direct inoculation or coincidence. A variety of tumors including basal and squamous cell carcinomas, keratoacanthomas, and malignant melanoma also have been reported in association with tattoos. Granulomatous, lichenoid, and pseudolymphomatous reactions represent the most common dysimmune reactions.
Fauci is just "posing" on this "suggestion" implying Trump DELAYED and more people suffered... Found an interview with USA TODAY from Feb 17th that just KILLS this whole media canard...

Read it and recognize this topic for what it is -- GRANDSTANDING and maybe a political motive...

Q. Is this a pandemic?

The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.

Q. Is there a hard definition of a pandemic?

It really is soft. There's no number. It really is open to some interpretation. The general interpretation is that when you have a new pathogen that's spreading widely throughout multiple regions of the world in which there is substantial, sustained transmission (then you have a pandemic).

Q. Could there be a lot of cases in the U.S. that we don’t know about?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is trying to find this out. Are there under-the-radar infections in this country that have gotten in before we did the airport funneling and things? They're doing a sort of a sentinel surveillance in five cities —- New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Chicago — of people who come into clinics with flu-like symptoms but who don't test positive for the flu.

Q. How confident are you that the Chinese are doing what needs to be done?

They're doing things that have completely broken the paradigm of how you respond. They have been, in a draconian way, shutting down everything. They have locked down 50 million people, including the entire 11 million-person city of Wuhan. They will not allow anyone into Beijing unless they have a 14-day quarantine. They're essentially locking people who test positive in their houses. I mean, they're doing things that are almost unheard of in the annals of public health.

Q. Will it work?

As unusual and extreme as it is, it might actually, ultimately, have an effect. There's this report that the number of new cases for the last couple of days in China has gone down. I don't put much strength in that unless I see it really start to come down and down and down. A few days of going down doesn't mean anything to me. But if it continues to go down, that might be a signal that they're having an effect of what otherwise would be extreme means.

Q. That would never happen here, would it? Locking down 50 million people?

A. No, not a chance. It would never happen.


PLEASE --- Bookmark this post the NEXT TIME any TDS'ers quote Fauci "back guessing" the President.. It's CLEAR he doesn't think we knew where HIS head was at back on mid February.. And WHY he's doing this on political Sunday morning shows??? May BE the run-up to the NEXT failed "impeachment" effort...
I guess Trumpsters are like Regressive Lefties when it comes to punishing speech.

If I don't like it, shut it down! Punish it! Intimidate it! I don't want to hear it!

Authoritarians just gotta be authoritarians, regardless of the tribe.

The good doctor is pissed because Trump won't let him wave his dick around. Dr. Brix is way better at this. Trump should bounce Fauci. Fire him from any federal job he has. All he is doing is talking loud so he can get on TV. The spotlight has taken priority over the virus. He is basically willing to let people die so he can be on TV. Typical Italian
Is this a pandemic?

The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.
Thats fauci on Feb 18 saying its not a big deal for the US yet
I guess Trumpsters are like Regressive Lefties when it comes to punishing speech.

If I don't like it, shut it down! Punish it! Intimidate it! I don't want to hear it!

Authoritarians just gotta be authoritarians, regardless of the tribe.

The good doctor is pissed because Trump won't let him wave his dick around. Dr. Brix is way better at this. Trump should bounce Fauci. Fire him from any federal job he has. All he is doing is talking loud so he can get on TV. The spotlight has taken priority over the virus. He is basically willing to let people die so he can be on TV. Typical Italian
Fauci is really enjoying the attention he’s getting

he may never agree to end shelter in place
Is this a pandemic?

The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.
Thats fauci on Feb 18 saying its not a big deal for the US yet

Then why all the leftist "Back Guessing" and posing about "we should have had measures taken" in Jan/Feb?? 22 threads on this "political advice" on USMB in the past week?

NOBODY was ready to act on the scant information available even MID FEB when the IMPEACHMENT was in full swing.. Not even the hypocrite Fauci who WHINED about "saving 20 or 40,000 lives" on the Network Sunday morning political bellowing --- JUST THIS MORNING....
Is this a pandemic?

The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.
Thats fauci on Feb 18 saying its not a big deal for the US yet

Then why all the leftist "Back Guessing" and posing about "we should have had measures taken" in Jan/Feb?? 22 threads on this "political advice" on USMB in the past week?

NOBODY was ready to act on the scant information available even MID FEB when the IMPEACHMENT was in full swing.. Not even the hypocrite Fauci who WHINED about "saving 20 or 40,000 lives" on the Network Sunday morning political bellowing --- JUST THIS MORNING....
You expect Liberals to express facts?
Is this a pandemic?

The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.
Thats fauci on Feb 18 saying its not a big deal for the US yet

Then why all the leftist "Back Guessing" and posing about "we should have had measures taken" in Jan/Feb?? 22 threads on this "political advice" on USMB in the past week?

NOBODY was ready to act on the scant information available even MID FEB when the IMPEACHMENT was in full swing.. Not even the hypocrite Fauci who WHINED about "saving 20 or 40,000 lives" on the Network Sunday morning political bellowing --- JUST THIS MORNING....
You expect Liberals to express facts?

They can't.. They refuse to LISTEN to the people in the Trump Admin LEADING this effort.. They are DOOMED to be ignorant and SURE to get their whiny butts kicked on their LACK of facts... In fact, their "alternate facts" they are getting from Morning Joe and Don Da Lemon is the ROOT CAUSE of their butt kicking..

I hate to see it -- because I care about many of them... But they're getting SCREWED by political spin and propaganda...
Is this a pandemic?

The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.
Thats fauci on Feb 18 saying its not a big deal for the US yet

Then why all the leftist "Back Guessing" and posing about "we should have had measures taken" in Jan/Feb?? 22 threads on this "political advice" on USMB in the past week?

NOBODY was ready to act on the scant information available even MID FEB when the IMPEACHMENT was in full swing.. Not even the hypocrite Fauci who WHINED about "saving 20 or 40,000 lives" on the Network Sunday morning political bellowing --- JUST THIS MORNING....
Its just more of the lib fake news that has dogged trump for 4 years
Is this a pandemic?

The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.
Thats fauci on Feb 18 saying its not a big deal for the US yet

Then why all the leftist "Back Guessing" and posing about "we should have had measures taken" in Jan/Feb?? 22 threads on this "political advice" on USMB in the past week?

NOBODY was ready to act on the scant information available even MID FEB when the IMPEACHMENT was in full swing.. Not even the hypocrite Fauci who WHINED about "saving 20 or 40,000 lives" on the Network Sunday morning political bellowing --- JUST THIS MORNING....
You expect Liberals to express facts?

They can't.. They refuse to LISTEN to the people in the Trump Admin LEADING this effort.. They are DOOMED to be ignorant and SURE to get their whiny butts kicked on their LACK of facts... In fact, their "alternate facts" they are getting from Morning Joe and Don Da Lemon is the ROOT CAUSE of their butt kicking..

I hate to see it -- because I care about many of them... But they're getting SCREWED by political spin and propaganda...
I do not have discussions with Liberals because they reach a state of near Heart Attack within 3-4 seconds.
The only Ds I have discussions with are just Left of Center.
They are not insane.
They are voting for Trump.
Last edited:
You are doing a lot of talking for someone who claims to be shut down by republicans
Here we go again: More Trumpian fantasy.

Where is your quote of me saying that, hmmm?

Habitual liars. Just like the object of your devotion.
You are doing a lot of talking for someone who claims to be shut down by republicans
Here we go again: More Trumpian fantasy.

Where is your quote of me saying that, hmmm?

Habitual liars. Just like the object of your devotion.
So who are claiming was shut down?
You appear to be admitting that you lied.

I'm following the rules of my municipality and state. I'll leave the whining to you nutters.

Please stop lying about me.
You are doing a lot of talking for someone who claims to be shut down by republicans
Here we go again: More Trumpian fantasy.

Where is your quote of me saying that, hmmm?

Habitual liars. Just like the object of your devotion.
So who are claiming was shut down?
You appear to be admitting that you lied.

I'm following the rules of my municipality and state. I'll leave the whining to you nutters.

Please stop lying about me.

I made a comment that you object to

Now tell why I was wrong

If you were not referring to yourself who did you mean?
You are doing a lot of talking for someone who claims to be shut down by republicans
Here we go again: More Trumpian fantasy.

Where is your quote of me saying that, hmmm?

Habitual liars. Just like the object of your devotion.
So who are claiming was shut down?
You appear to be admitting that you lied.

I'm following the rules of my municipality and state. I'll leave the whining to you nutters.

Please stop lying about me.

I made a comment that you object to

Now tell why I was wrong

If you were not referring to yourself who did you mean?
So you don't even realize when you're lying. Also like the object of your devotion.

Please quote me claiming that I was shut down by Republicans. Or anything like it.

Back up your words. I know you guys don't like that notion, but I just want to see you try. For fun.
You are doing a lot of talking for someone who claims to be shut down by republicans
Here we go again: More Trumpian fantasy.

Where is your quote of me saying that, hmmm?

Habitual liars. Just like the object of your devotion.
So who are claiming was shut down?
You appear to be admitting that you lied.

I'm following the rules of my municipality and state. I'll leave the whining to you nutters.

Please stop lying about me.

I made a comment that you object to

Now tell why I was wrong

If you were not referring to yourself who did you mean?
So you don't even realize when you're lying. Also like the object of your devotion.

Please quote me claiming that I was shut down by Republicans. Or anything like it.

Back up your words. I know you guys don't like that notion, but I just want to see you try. For fun.
If not yourself who were you referring to?
You are doing a lot of talking for someone who claims to be shut down by republicans
Here we go again: More Trumpian fantasy.

Where is your quote of me saying that, hmmm?

Habitual liars. Just like the object of your devotion.
So who are claiming was shut down?
You appear to be admitting that you lied.

I'm following the rules of my municipality and state. I'll leave the whining to you nutters.

Please stop lying about me.

I made a comment that you object to

Now tell why I was wrong

If you were not referring to yourself who did you mean?
So you don't even realize when you're lying. Also like the object of your devotion.

Please quote me claiming that I was shut down by Republicans. Or anything like it.

Back up your words. I know you guys don't like that notion, but I just want to see you try. For fun.
If not yourself who were you referring to?
I don't know what you're talking about. You jumped in with your lie.

Make some sense without lying.

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