Scum bag is going to fix our taxes.

He is the president to the lowest level of mankind , its called the scum level. In his case it populated by the majority of the hate party, they are his scum level.

You know, your flamboyant stupidity is almost enough to override my detestation for Trump and make me want to vote for him. Almost. Still not voting for him. :slap:
Who will vote for Trump, the same low levels population as himself of course, For their hate driven bigotry and Chauvinism for the first Black President and the first women president. If you have one ounce of the ability to think, you would know that 95% of everything they say about Hillary, first being totally insupportable. Secondly coming from their Fox Driven hate mind. Simply bull shit, any time any of these puppets says anything about her, simply ask them to prove it, they can't, they simply don't respond or give you a list of Opinion but no facts at all, No proof because it's all in their mind.
You are one sick puppy if you don't think the Clintons are not guilty of everything they've been accused of. The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress. The poor bastard was begging for help because he didn't want him and his family to die in a house fire. He plainly formed his answers to convey to Congress that they should listen to his answers and consider that the opposite was correct when it came to not guilty points..
Either don't reply or if you do keep your remarks civil.
You live in a make believe world that Fox Crap Rhetoric and your hate defines your thinking. You are in the basement of the world humanity.

Tell me again that Bush attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon so Halliburton could make some money.
Now there's a big hand full of stupid, try as you may you can't put the people that did that in Iraq . You do know that these two companies got billions of dollars in non bid contracts and you do know the Cheney the pig was the CEO of Halliburtan and Carlyle, has been Bush money for decades ,Did you look up Curve ball as I asked.

Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election and Halliburton was getting no bid contracts during the Clinton Administration and continued getting them during the Bush and the Obama Administration. Carlyle has a lot more share holders than just Bush. I read that hogwash about curve ball a long time ago.
Nobody influences my thinking. If I see a dog taking a dump on the sidewalk, no Commie Democrat can convince me the dog is dropping donuts. You can always convince a Lib though.
Well by all the trimming on your page It looks to me that your a bigot from the core of the regressive party, just another hater from the fantasy world of the regressives. Fox Crap News is your station and no , you don't think for yourself, other wise you wouldn't vote vote for a party that is a posed to your best interest. Instead the regressive party talks to the side of your hate that is totally receptive to the hate spewed out by your party, I can prove my allegation with one word , Trump!
Don't put labels on people you know nothing about. I'm not either party. I only place Hiliary below Trump because she deserves prison for her crimes.
Sorry buddy I surely didn't label you, that was done by your self. Here s your chance, support your comment that Hillary belongs in jail. Show us proof that she is guilty, of course support it with sources other than wacko world. Bring back your source. Remember proof not Opinion. To equal your level of hate don't come back and say she lied about how she got her name.
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Everybody hates April 15th including hypocrite lefties but the freaking idiots on the left pretend that the IRS, which was used by a criminal administration to punish political enemies, is the good guy while a successful self made billionaire who used all the (legal) loopholes in the crooked system is the bad guy. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said "liberalism is a mental illness".
Who will vote for Trump, the same low levels population as himself of course, For their hate driven bigotry and Chauvinism for the first Black President and the first women president. If you have one ounce of the ability to think, you would know that 95% of everything they say about Hillary, first being totally insupportable. Secondly coming from their Fox Driven hate mind. Simply bull shit, any time any of these puppets says anything about her, simply ask them to prove it, they can't, they simply don't respond or give you a list of Opinion but no facts at all, No proof because it's all in their mind.
You are one sick puppy if you don't think the Clintons are not guilty of everything they've been accused of. The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress. The poor bastard was begging for help because he didn't want him and his family to die in a house fire. He plainly formed his answers to convey to Congress that they should listen to his answers and consider that the opposite was correct when it came to not guilty points..
Either don't reply or if you do keep your remarks civil.
You live in a make believe world that Fox Crap Rhetoric and your hate defines your thinking. You are in the basement of the world humanity.

Tell me again that Bush attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon so Halliburton could make some money.
Now there's a big hand full of stupid, try as you may you can't put the people that did that in Iraq . You do know that these two companies got billions of dollars in non bid contracts and you do know the Cheney the pig was the CEO of Halliburtan and Carlyle, has been Bush money for decades ,Did you look up Curve ball as I asked.

Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election and Halliburton was getting no bid contracts during the Clinton Administration and continued getting them during the Bush and the Obama Administration. Carlyle has a lot more share holders than just Bush. I read that hogwash about curve ball a long time ago.
Chris mathews statement on late hight, Quote "Cheney was head of Halliburton. When he got to be vice president, when he was signed for vice president, the oil company gave him a $34 million signing bonus to become vice president of the United States.""
Your wrong about Cheney From politifacts, you people are such puppets. Politifacts looked atr it and gave it 100% true.

We looked at a personal financial disclosure form that Cheney signed on Sept. 1, 2000. This is the filing made once someone joins a national presidential ticket. It represents the candidate's holdings and income as of August. In the portion addressing Cheney's compensation from Halliburtion, the file lists the following categories and dollar amounts as of that date:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $4,721, 947
• Deferred salary: $1,042, 441
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $654,804

Meanwhile, on May 15, 2001, Cheney also signed a second disclosure form that is supposed to update the August 2000 filing so that it covers the full year. In this filing, Cheney disclosed the following Halliburton income:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $821,896
• Elective deferred salary: $403,166
• Stock equivalent unit bonus: $396,213
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $53,692
• Elective deferred salary lump sum payout: $1,140,160
• Restricted stock imputed income: $7,560,000
• Nonqualified stock option income: $21,964,254
• Senior executive deferred compensation payout: $2,797,128

Looks like around 40 million give or take. and the deferred payment goes on for the rest of his life, You people are mindless. The facts on curve ball are 100% true supported by every major broadcaster and newspaper that did a write up on it. EVERYONE THIS IS A GREAT PIECE OF INFORMATION < THIS HATER LIKE THE REST FROM THE HATE PART HAS NO CLUE< TRUST ME BETTER YET LOOK IT UP then you can join me when I say bullshit to this ding dong I'm responding to. He has absolutely no clue , just Fox crap lies that he lives by.
Heres the only thing close to Obama giving Haliburtan a no bid contract From the washington Times "That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year." That would be a former subsidiary . So no Obama gave none to Haliburton, This guy Too tall is zero for everything up till now. This had me rolling on the floor for his proof of everything that both Clintons been charged with are all true how does too tall know. ,This is his proof to the whole world"The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress." So everything you said here too tall is as proved bullshit,
Well by all the trimming on your page It looks to me that your a bigot from the core of the regressive party, just another hater from the fantasy world of the regressives. Fox Crap News is your station and no , you don't think for yourself, other wise you wouldn't vote vote for a party that is a posed to your best interest. Instead the regressive party talks to the side of your hate that is totally receptive to the hate spewed out by your party, I can prove my allegation with one word , Trump!
Don't put labels on people you know nothing about. I'm not either party. I only place Hiliary below Trump because she deserves prison for her crimes.
Sorry buddy I surely didn't label you, that was done by your self. Here s your chance, support your comment that Hillary belongs in jail. Show us proof that she is guilty, of course support it with sources other than wacko world. Bring back your source. Remember proof not Opinion. To equal your level of hate don't come back and say she lied about how she got her name.
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Your responding to a comment I wrote you, a response , I said bullshit. You aren't threatening me for my language it's because I backed you into a corner , nothing else. Listen everyone, if he can throw me out and throws me out for this ,it's because I whipped him nothing else. Language ,bullshit again look around all his cronies say as bad or worse then what I say. So tell us what is it hotshot. Are you a man or a wimp.
Don't put labels on people you know nothing about. I'm not either party. I only place Hiliary below Trump because she deserves prison for her crimes.
Sorry buddy I surely didn't label you, that was done by your self. Here s your chance, support your comment that Hillary belongs in jail. Show us proof that she is guilty, of course support it with sources other than wacko world. Bring back your source. Remember proof not Opinion. To equal your level of hate don't come back and say she lied about how she got her name.
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Your responding to a comment I wrote you, a response , I said bullshit. You aren't threatening me for my language it's because I backed you into a corner , nothing else. Listen everyone, if he can throw me out and throws me out for this ,it's because I whipped him nothing else. Language ,bullshit again look around all his cronies say as bad or worse then what I say. So tell us what is it hotshot. Are you a man or a wimp.
You ain't whipped nuthin, Twink. Whatever happens to you will be out of the blue.
You are one sick puppy if you don't think the Clintons are not guilty of everything they've been accused of. The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress. The poor bastard was begging for help because he didn't want him and his family to die in a house fire. He plainly formed his answers to convey to Congress that they should listen to his answers and consider that the opposite was correct when it came to not guilty points..
Either don't reply or if you do keep your remarks civil.
You live in a make believe world that Fox Crap Rhetoric and your hate defines your thinking. You are in the basement of the world humanity.

Tell me again that Bush attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon so Halliburton could make some money.
Now there's a big hand full of stupid, try as you may you can't put the people that did that in Iraq . You do know that these two companies got billions of dollars in non bid contracts and you do know the Cheney the pig was the CEO of Halliburtan and Carlyle, has been Bush money for decades ,Did you look up Curve ball as I asked.

Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election and Halliburton was getting no bid contracts during the Clinton Administration and continued getting them during the Bush and the Obama Administration. Carlyle has a lot more share holders than just Bush. I read that hogwash about curve ball a long time ago.
Chris mathews statement on late hight, Quote "Cheney was head of Halliburton. When he got to be vice president, when he was signed for vice president, the oil company gave him a $34 million signing bonus to become vice president of the United States.""
Your wrong about Cheney From politifacts, you people are such puppets. Politifacts looked atr it and gave it 100% true.

We looked at a personal financial disclosure form that Cheney signed on Sept. 1, 2000. This is the filing made once someone joins a national presidential ticket. It represents the candidate's holdings and income as of August. In the portion addressing Cheney's compensation from Halliburtion, the file lists the following categories and dollar amounts as of that date:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $4,721, 947
• Deferred salary: $1,042, 441
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $654,804

Meanwhile, on May 15, 2001, Cheney also signed a second disclosure form that is supposed to update the August 2000 filing so that it covers the full year. In this filing, Cheney disclosed the following Halliburton income:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $821,896
• Elective deferred salary: $403,166
• Stock equivalent unit bonus: $396,213
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $53,692
• Elective deferred salary lump sum payout: $1,140,160
• Restricted stock imputed income: $7,560,000
• Nonqualified stock option income: $21,964,254
• Senior executive deferred compensation payout: $2,797,128

Looks like around 40 million give or take. and the deferred payment goes on for the rest of his life, You people are mindless. The facts on curve ball are 100% true supported by every major broadcaster and newspaper that did a write up on it. EVERYONE THIS IS A GREAT PIECE OF INFORMATION < THIS HATER LIKE THE REST FROM THE HATE PART HAS NO CLUE< TRUST ME BETTER YET LOOK IT UP then you can join me when I say bullshit to this ding dong I'm responding to. He has absolutely no clue , just Fox crap lies that he lives by.
Heres the only thing close to Obama giving Haliburtan a no bid contract From the washington Times "That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year." That would be a former subsidiary . So no Obama gave none to Haliburton, This guy Too tall is zero for everything up till now. This had me rolling on the floor for his proof of everything that both Clintons been charged with are all true how does too tall know. ,This is his proof to the whole world"The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress." So everything you said here too tall is as proved bullshit,

I will start with the rest of the story from your link. And, as I clearly stated, Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election.

However, we were unclear about whether the totals from the May 2001 filing, which amount to $35.1 million, should be added to those from the August 2000 filing, which amount to $6.4 million, or whether the amounts in the two filings overlap somewhat. Experts we spoke to expressed uncertainty on this question as well. So we decided to take the most cautious approach and only use the numbers from the second filing, which covers the whole year.

That still leaves a total of $35.1 million earned from Halliburtion reported on the May 2001 filing. Of that total, just over $800,000 represents salary and bonus, which Cheney would have earned regardless of whether he joined the ticket or not. Many of the other categories were subject to some calculation and/or negotiation, as would happen in the case of any CEO who left a position early, so it seems fair to call the rest of the income he received an exit package.

Chris Matthews says Cheney got $34 million payday from Halliburton

Now, Obama and no bid contracts.

Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”

That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts.

Obama’s mounting hypocrisy

Now, you can eat shit and die for all I care.
Sorry buddy I surely didn't label you, that was done by your self. Here s your chance, support your comment that Hillary belongs in jail. Show us proof that she is guilty, of course support it with sources other than wacko world. Bring back your source. Remember proof not Opinion. To equal your level of hate don't come back and say she lied about how she got her name.
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Your responding to a comment I wrote you, a response , I said bullshit. You aren't threatening me for my language it's because I backed you into a corner , nothing else. Listen everyone, if he can throw me out and throws me out for this ,it's because I whipped him nothing else. Language ,bullshit again look around all his cronies say as bad or worse then what I say. So tell us what is it hotshot. Are you a man or a wimp.
You ain't whipped nuthin, Twink. Whatever happens to you will be out of the blue.
Then the question I asked has been answered your a wimp.
You live in a make believe world that Fox Crap Rhetoric and your hate defines your thinking. You are in the basement of the world humanity.

Tell me again that Bush attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon so Halliburton could make some money.
Now there's a big hand full of stupid, try as you may you can't put the people that did that in Iraq . You do know that these two companies got billions of dollars in non bid contracts and you do know the Cheney the pig was the CEO of Halliburtan and Carlyle, has been Bush money for decades ,Did you look up Curve ball as I asked.

Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election and Halliburton was getting no bid contracts during the Clinton Administration and continued getting them during the Bush and the Obama Administration. Carlyle has a lot more share holders than just Bush. I read that hogwash about curve ball a long time ago.
Chris mathews statement on late hight, Quote "Cheney was head of Halliburton. When he got to be vice president, when he was signed for vice president, the oil company gave him a $34 million signing bonus to become vice president of the United States.""
Your wrong about Cheney From politifacts, you people are such puppets. Politifacts looked atr it and gave it 100% true.

We looked at a personal financial disclosure form that Cheney signed on Sept. 1, 2000. This is the filing made once someone joins a national presidential ticket. It represents the candidate's holdings and income as of August. In the portion addressing Cheney's compensation from Halliburtion, the file lists the following categories and dollar amounts as of that date:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $4,721, 947
• Deferred salary: $1,042, 441
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $654,804

Meanwhile, on May 15, 2001, Cheney also signed a second disclosure form that is supposed to update the August 2000 filing so that it covers the full year. In this filing, Cheney disclosed the following Halliburton income:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $821,896
• Elective deferred salary: $403,166
• Stock equivalent unit bonus: $396,213
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $53,692
• Elective deferred salary lump sum payout: $1,140,160
• Restricted stock imputed income: $7,560,000
• Nonqualified stock option income: $21,964,254
• Senior executive deferred compensation payout: $2,797,128

Looks like around 40 million give or take. and the deferred payment goes on for the rest of his life, You people are mindless. The facts on curve ball are 100% true supported by every major broadcaster and newspaper that did a write up on it. EVERYONE THIS IS A GREAT PIECE OF INFORMATION < THIS HATER LIKE THE REST FROM THE HATE PART HAS NO CLUE< TRUST ME BETTER YET LOOK IT UP then you can join me when I say bullshit to this ding dong I'm responding to. He has absolutely no clue , just Fox crap lies that he lives by.
Heres the only thing close to Obama giving Haliburtan a no bid contract From the washington Times "That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year." That would be a former subsidiary . So no Obama gave none to Haliburton, This guy Too tall is zero for everything up till now. This had me rolling on the floor for his proof of everything that both Clintons been charged with are all true how does too tall know. ,This is his proof to the whole world"The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress." So everything you said here too tall is as proved bullshit,

I will start with the rest of the story from your link. And, as I clearly stated, Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election.

However, we were unclear about whether the totals from the May 2001 filing, which amount to $35.1 million, should be added to those from the August 2000 filing, which amount to $6.4 million, or whether the amounts in the two filings overlap somewhat. Experts we spoke to expressed uncertainty on this question as well. So we decided to take the most cautious approach and only use the numbers from the second filing, which covers the whole year.

That still leaves a total of $35.1 million earned from Halliburtion reported on the May 2001 filing. Of that total, just over $800,000 represents salary and bonus, which Cheney would have earned regardless of whether he joined the ticket or not. Many of the other categories were subject to some calculation and/or negotiation, as would happen in the case of any CEO who left a position early, so it seems fair to call the rest of the income he received an exit package.

Chris Matthews says Cheney got $34 million payday from Halliburton

Now, Obama and no bid contracts.

Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”

That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts. You do know that the Bush disaster gave Haliburtan 38.5 billion in non bid contracts, You do know that don't you?????

Obama’s mounting hypocrisy

Now, you can eat shit and die for all I care.
Ate you up, spit you out and now I get to watch you whimper. Every point you made is a Foxy, all bullshit. And I think people realize that from my answer to your goofiness.. By the way can you find where I even suggested that Obama didn't hand out no bid contracts. I only said that he didn't give one to Halliburtan in a responce to you saying he did. This is kind of interesting "And the independent Congressional Research Service found that under federal ethics law, Dick Cheney did have a lingering financial interest in Halliburton."" Or maybe people would be interested in this You said Obama gave a non bid contract to Haliburton ,because you thought KBR, who Obama did give a non bid contract to, was the same as Halliburtan, so what do you think this means "

HOUSTON, Texas – Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL) today announced that it has completed the final separation of KBR Inc. (NYSE: KBR). The two companies now are separate and independent of each other.

“This is a major event for Halliburton, especially its dedicated employees, loyal customers and the shareholders,” said Dave Lesar, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Halliburton. “As a pure oilfield services company, Halliburton now can focus on the global growth opportunities in its core energy services business.”

Halliburton announced its plans in January 2005 to ultimately separate the KBR subsidiary. An initial public offering of KBR common stock was completed in November 2006.

“We wish KBR and its employees well as they move forward as an independent company,” added Lesar.

All of the government services and engineering and construction businesses will remain with KBR.
" I'm a little confused her KBR separated completely from Haliburtan in 2007 but but but, Obama came into office in 2009, oops another piece of right wing bullshit. Or how about this little ditty "
"The People Vs. Dick Cheney," a 2007 article by Wil S. Hylton. The piece recounts how Cheney undercut the CIA by instructing subordinates in that agency to stovepipe raw intelligence directly to his office. He also worked with Donald Rumsfeld to establish an alternative intelligence agency within the Pentagon. Both of these actions directly contributed to the faulty information that informed the decision to go to war.

Hylton then lays out his most powerful argument:" They did most of the work with CURVE BALL. Hay everyone, want to see stupid or what a big lie the war was Look up Curve ball. It is a gas. He was the main information man for Bush the baby killer.
Last edited:
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Your responding to a comment I wrote you, a response , I said bullshit. You aren't threatening me for my language it's because I backed you into a corner , nothing else. Listen everyone, if he can throw me out and throws me out for this ,it's because I whipped him nothing else. Language ,bullshit again look around all his cronies say as bad or worse then what I say. So tell us what is it hotshot. Are you a man or a wimp.
You ain't whipped nuthin, Twink. Whatever happens to you will be out of the blue.
Then the question I asked has been answered your a wimp.
Tell me again that Bush attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon so Halliburton could make some money.
Now there's a big hand full of stupid, try as you may you can't put the people that did that in Iraq . You do know that these two companies got billions of dollars in non bid contracts and you do know the Cheney the pig was the CEO of Halliburtan and Carlyle, has been Bush money for decades ,Did you look up Curve ball as I asked.

Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election and Halliburton was getting no bid contracts during the Clinton Administration and continued getting them during the Bush and the Obama Administration. Carlyle has a lot more share holders than just Bush. I read that hogwash about curve ball a long time ago.
Chris mathews statement on late hight, Quote "Cheney was head of Halliburton. When he got to be vice president, when he was signed for vice president, the oil company gave him a $34 million signing bonus to become vice president of the United States.""
Your wrong about Cheney From politifacts, you people are such puppets. Politifacts looked atr it and gave it 100% true.

We looked at a personal financial disclosure form that Cheney signed on Sept. 1, 2000. This is the filing made once someone joins a national presidential ticket. It represents the candidate's holdings and income as of August. In the portion addressing Cheney's compensation from Halliburtion, the file lists the following categories and dollar amounts as of that date:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $4,721, 947
• Deferred salary: $1,042, 441
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $654,804

Meanwhile, on May 15, 2001, Cheney also signed a second disclosure form that is supposed to update the August 2000 filing so that it covers the full year. In this filing, Cheney disclosed the following Halliburton income:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $821,896
• Elective deferred salary: $403,166
• Stock equivalent unit bonus: $396,213
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $53,692
• Elective deferred salary lump sum payout: $1,140,160
• Restricted stock imputed income: $7,560,000
• Nonqualified stock option income: $21,964,254
• Senior executive deferred compensation payout: $2,797,128

Looks like around 40 million give or take. and the deferred payment goes on for the rest of his life, You people are mindless. The facts on curve ball are 100% true supported by every major broadcaster and newspaper that did a write up on it. EVERYONE THIS IS A GREAT PIECE OF INFORMATION < THIS HATER LIKE THE REST FROM THE HATE PART HAS NO CLUE< TRUST ME BETTER YET LOOK IT UP then you can join me when I say bullshit to this ding dong I'm responding to. He has absolutely no clue , just Fox crap lies that he lives by.
Heres the only thing close to Obama giving Haliburtan a no bid contract From the washington Times "That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year." That would be a former subsidiary . So no Obama gave none to Haliburton, This guy Too tall is zero for everything up till now. This had me rolling on the floor for his proof of everything that both Clintons been charged with are all true how does too tall know. ,This is his proof to the whole world"The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress." So everything you said here too tall is as proved bullshit,

I will start with the rest of the story from your link. And, as I clearly stated, Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election.

However, we were unclear about whether the totals from the May 2001 filing, which amount to $35.1 million, should be added to those from the August 2000 filing, which amount to $6.4 million, or whether the amounts in the two filings overlap somewhat. Experts we spoke to expressed uncertainty on this question as well. So we decided to take the most cautious approach and only use the numbers from the second filing, which covers the whole year.

That still leaves a total of $35.1 million earned from Halliburtion reported on the May 2001 filing. Of that total, just over $800,000 represents salary and bonus, which Cheney would have earned regardless of whether he joined the ticket or not. Many of the other categories were subject to some calculation and/or negotiation, as would happen in the case of any CEO who left a position early, so it seems fair to call the rest of the income he received an exit package.

Chris Matthews says Cheney got $34 million payday from Halliburton

Now, Obama and no bid contracts.

Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”

That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts.

Obama’s mounting hypocrisy

Now, you can eat shit and die for all I care.
Ate you up, spit you out and now I get to watch you whimper. Every point you made is a Fox, all bullshit. And I think people realize that from my answer to your goofiness.
I got your wimp hanging, Ethel.
Sorry buddy I surely didn't label you, that was done by your self. Here s your chance, support your comment that Hillary belongs in jail. Show us proof that she is guilty, of course support it with sources other than wacko world. Bring back your source. Remember proof not Opinion. To equal your level of hate don't come back and say she lied about how she got her name.
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Your responding to a comment I wrote you, a response , I said bullshit. You aren't threatening me for my language it's because I backed you into a corner , nothing else. Listen everyone, if he can throw me out and throws me out for this ,it's because I whipped him nothing else. Language ,bullshit again look around all his cronies say as bad or worse then what I say. So tell us what is it hotshot. Are you a man or a wimp.
You ain't whipped nuthin, Twink. Whatever happens to you will be out of the blue.
Does this look like a threat from minus mind.
I always love to chew up the hate party, they live in this cup half empty, sky is falling world that they think is controlled by all these secret agencies and organization. They are generally weak minded and generally rednecks (Hence the old white man party) so it make it easy to ruffle their feathers then just stand back and watch the clown act. Hay look out there's a commie behind that corner.
"In 1984, Donald Trump used Schedule C, which means that this he had personal income and expenses that was not earned through any corporation or partnership. This was on him.

Trump listed no income on that form, yet he deducted $626,264 as expenses. His New York City tax return also showed no income, but listed slightly less in expenses: $619,227.

No receipts, invoices, or other documentation were provided when Trump was under audit or during his appeal from what he argued was an unfair demand for more tax.

“The record does not explain how Petitioner [Trump] had significant expenses without any concomitant income from his consulting business,” wrote H. Gregory Tillman, the city administrative law judge who heard the case on April 29 and May 28 of 1992. [Emphasis mine.]"


So he rapes 13 year old girls, He rapes his own wife, He's been sued and found guilty of being a racist, Trump sued over 3500 times. While Regressives go on and on about Bill Clinton, while Hillary Clinton is the subject, Trumps wife was a prostitute and has taken Lesbian photos. Trump promotes the assassination of Hillary Clinton, I know of a south American who is a patriot who has put a 100 million dollar reward to assassinate Trump. Thats a lot of money isn't it. Also If you want to have some great reading, giving you a picture of who Trump is, Google my favorite Google now . Just type in "Trump is scum" you get a real insight on this person.
Have you no life?
Another paid troll shows up one month before the debates. How timely.
These libs see Hillary Clinton on the short end of the race right now. As a result, they are pulling out all stops.
They are making up things that are simply not true.
They are just making things worse for their candidate.
"In 1984, Donald Trump used Schedule C, which means that this he had personal income and expenses that was not earned through any corporation or partnership. This was on him.

Trump listed no income on that form, yet he deducted $626,264 as expenses. His New York City tax return also showed no income, but listed slightly less in expenses: $619,227.

No receipts, invoices, or other documentation were provided when Trump was under audit or during his appeal from what he argued was an unfair demand for more tax.

“The record does not explain how Petitioner [Trump] had significant expenses without any concomitant income from his consulting business,” wrote H. Gregory Tillman, the city administrative law judge who heard the case on April 29 and May 28 of 1992. [Emphasis mine.]"


So he rapes 13 year old girls, He rapes his own wife, He's been sued and found guilty of being a racist, Trump sued over 3500 times. While Regressives go on and on about Bill Clinton, while Hillary Clinton is the subject, Trumps wife was a prostitute and has taken Lesbian photos. Trump promotes the assassination of Hillary Clinton, I know of a south American who is a patriot who has put a 100 million dollar reward to assassinate Trump. Thats a lot of money isn't it. Also If you want to have some great reading, giving you a picture of who Trump is, Google my favorite Google now . Just type in "Trump is scum" you get a real insight on this person.
WTF does your diatribe have to do with politics? Why isn't this in the Conspiracy Forum?
Bingo...This should be moved to one of those categories to which no one pays attention
I always love to chew up the hate party, they live in this cup half empty, sky is falling world that they think is controlled by all these secret agencies and organization. They are generally weak minded and generally rednecks (Hence the old white man party) so it make it easy to ruffle their feathers then just stand back and watch the clown act. Hay look out there's a commie behind that corner.
You Takers are funny tonight!
You government-dependent traitors will say or do anything to get your free stuff.
Worthless society suckers.
Trump wins HUGE.
What if, just for the heck of it, we all started pissing off jbander by agreeing with him?
You mean the war Hillary voted for and Trump didn't?
Their is no way you can get around the fact that I have a video of him saying he did support the war. As far as Hillary voted for it, hell I supported it, I didn't think it was possible for the president of our country to lie to us in such a evil way. Congress got the information the same way we did, by what the white House told them/us. There is no way,other then regressives, that that war would have support if the truth was known. For the regressive there is good money to be made in a war. Example Halliburton and Carlyle Ind.

Swish, I was pointing out your hypocrisy. You're bashing Republicans for something Hillary voted for and Trump didn't.

Also you're a liar. W didn't lie to anyone. He clearly believed what he was saying. And if you supported the war for WMDs, you should still support it. Hussein was a threat.

The problem is it wasn't our war. Those of us who oppose it and have integrity could use people on our side. But when you don't own up to your fuck up and you blame your actions on someone else, there is no integrity.

None of that has to do with your hypocrisy, which was the point of my post. You're voting for someone who voted for the war and against someone who didn't. You people are like debating five year olds
Funny Trump didn't vote for it. How could he . You have to try to strain your hate a little better , your comment go to goony land to make your points. You saying Trump didn't support the war when there is a video of him saying he did , is flaky at the least but that how regressives think, they are controlled by broadcasters that work for the hate party that works for 1% of the population against your best interest, so how smart could you be under the circumstance.

I didn't say Trump didn't support the war, idiot. I said he didn't vote for it, like your candidate did
Of course I came back with the fact that he couldn't vote for it because he wasn't part of the government , I was letting everyone else know what I know and that is your a dingaling and you thought He could vote on it.

What ... difference does that make now???
Donald is not going to fix shit.

He really played all of you dumbass anti-american sycophants.
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Your responding to a comment I wrote you, a response , I said bullshit. You aren't threatening me for my language it's because I backed you into a corner , nothing else. Listen everyone, if he can throw me out and throws me out for this ,it's because I whipped him nothing else. Language ,bullshit again look around all his cronies say as bad or worse then what I say. So tell us what is it hotshot. Are you a man or a wimp.
You ain't whipped nuthin, Twink. Whatever happens to you will be out of the blue.
Then the question I asked has been answered your a wimp.
Tell me again that Bush attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon so Halliburton could make some money.
Now there's a big hand full of stupid, try as you may you can't put the people that did that in Iraq . You do know that these two companies got billions of dollars in non bid contracts and you do know the Cheney the pig was the CEO of Halliburtan and Carlyle, has been Bush money for decades ,Did you look up Curve ball as I asked.

Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election and Halliburton was getting no bid contracts during the Clinton Administration and continued getting them during the Bush and the Obama Administration. Carlyle has a lot more share holders than just Bush. I read that hogwash about curve ball a long time ago.
Chris mathews statement on late hight, Quote "Cheney was head of Halliburton. When he got to be vice president, when he was signed for vice president, the oil company gave him a $34 million signing bonus to become vice president of the United States.""
Your wrong about Cheney From politifacts, you people are such puppets. Politifacts looked atr it and gave it 100% true.

We looked at a personal financial disclosure form that Cheney signed on Sept. 1, 2000. This is the filing made once someone joins a national presidential ticket. It represents the candidate's holdings and income as of August. In the portion addressing Cheney's compensation from Halliburtion, the file lists the following categories and dollar amounts as of that date:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $4,721, 947
• Deferred salary: $1,042, 441
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $654,804

Meanwhile, on May 15, 2001, Cheney also signed a second disclosure form that is supposed to update the August 2000 filing so that it covers the full year. In this filing, Cheney disclosed the following Halliburton income:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $821,896
• Elective deferred salary: $403,166
• Stock equivalent unit bonus: $396,213
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $53,692
• Elective deferred salary lump sum payout: $1,140,160
• Restricted stock imputed income: $7,560,000
• Nonqualified stock option income: $21,964,254
• Senior executive deferred compensation payout: $2,797,128

Looks like around 40 million give or take. and the deferred payment goes on for the rest of his life, You people are mindless. The facts on curve ball are 100% true supported by every major broadcaster and newspaper that did a write up on it. EVERYONE THIS IS A GREAT PIECE OF INFORMATION < THIS HATER LIKE THE REST FROM THE HATE PART HAS NO CLUE< TRUST ME BETTER YET LOOK IT UP then you can join me when I say bullshit to this ding dong I'm responding to. He has absolutely no clue , just Fox crap lies that he lives by.
Heres the only thing close to Obama giving Haliburtan a no bid contract From the washington Times "That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year." That would be a former subsidiary . So no Obama gave none to Haliburton, This guy Too tall is zero for everything up till now. This had me rolling on the floor for his proof of everything that both Clintons been charged with are all true how does too tall know. ,This is his proof to the whole world"The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress." So everything you said here too tall is as proved bullshit,

I will start with the rest of the story from your link. And, as I clearly stated, Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election.

However, we were unclear about whether the totals from the May 2001 filing, which amount to $35.1 million, should be added to those from the August 2000 filing, which amount to $6.4 million, or whether the amounts in the two filings overlap somewhat. Experts we spoke to expressed uncertainty on this question as well. So we decided to take the most cautious approach and only use the numbers from the second filing, which covers the whole year.

That still leaves a total of $35.1 million earned from Halliburtion reported on the May 2001 filing. Of that total, just over $800,000 represents salary and bonus, which Cheney would have earned regardless of whether he joined the ticket or not. Many of the other categories were subject to some calculation and/or negotiation, as would happen in the case of any CEO who left a position early, so it seems fair to call the rest of the income he received an exit package.

Chris Matthews says Cheney got $34 million payday from Halliburton

Now, Obama and no bid contracts.

Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”

That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts. You do know that the Bush disaster gave Haliburtan 38.5 billion in non bid contracts, You do know that don't you?????

Obama’s mounting hypocrisy

Now, you can eat shit and die for all I care.
Ate you up, spit you out and now I get to watch you whimper. Every point you made is a Foxy, all bullshit. And I think people realize that from my answer to your goofiness.. By the way can you find where I even suggested that Obama didn't hand out no bid contracts. I only said that he didn't give one to Halliburtan in a responce to you saying he did. This is kind of interesting "And the independent Congressional Research Service found that under federal ethics law, Dick Cheney did have a lingering financial interest in Halliburton."" Or maybe people would be interested in this You said Obama gave a non bid contract to Haliburton ,because you thought KBR, who Obama did give a non bid contract to, was the same as Halliburtan, so what do you think this means "

HOUSTON, Texas – Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL) today announced that it has completed the final separation of KBR Inc. (NYSE: KBR). The two companies now are separate and independent of each other.

“This is a major event for Halliburton, especially its dedicated employees, loyal customers and the shareholders,” said Dave Lesar, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Halliburton. “As a pure oilfield services company, Halliburton now can focus on the global growth opportunities in its core energy services business.”

Halliburton announced its plans in January 2005 to ultimately separate the KBR subsidiary. An initial public offering of KBR common stock was completed in November 2006.

“We wish KBR and its employees well as they move forward as an independent company,” added Lesar.

All of the government services and engineering and construction businesses will remain with KBR.
" I'm a little confused her KBR separated completely from Haliburtan in 2007 but but but, Obama came into office in 2009, oops another piece of right wing bullshit. Or how about this little ditty "
"The People Vs. Dick Cheney," a 2007 article by Wil S. Hylton. The piece recounts how Cheney undercut the CIA by instructing subordinates in that agency to stovepipe raw intelligence directly to his office. He also worked with Donald Rumsfeld to establish an alternative intelligence agency within the Pentagon. Both of these actions directly contributed to the faulty information that informed the decision to go to war.

Hylton then lays out his most powerful argument:" They did most of the work with CURVE BALL. Hay everyone, want to see stupid or what a big lie the war was Look up Curve ball. It is a gas. He was the main information man for Bush the baby killer.
Where have you been for 35 years? I won't rehash old charges but I would stake my life on her guilt. She is another Al Capone waiting to happen. Even if it's just for her spitting on the sidewalk.
Proof anything half wit. ;Zero facts all bullshit, if it wasn't you would have no problem showing us one example. You won't be able to because you like the rest of the regressive are not only a cancer on this country but you have a hate driven inability to think on your own. Your Foxie's which means brain dead.
I done tole you about the language, fellow. Keep it civil or get ready for a vacation.
Your responding to a comment I wrote you, a response , I said bullshit. You aren't threatening me for my language it's because I backed you into a corner , nothing else. Listen everyone, if he can throw me out and throws me out for this ,it's because I whipped him nothing else. Language ,bullshit again look around all his cronies say as bad or worse then what I say. So tell us what is it hotshot. Are you a man or a wimp.
You ain't whipped nuthin, Twink. Whatever happens to you will be out of the blue.
Then the question I asked has been answered your a wimp.
Tell me again that Bush attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon so Halliburton could make some money.
Now there's a big hand full of stupid, try as you may you can't put the people that did that in Iraq . You do know that these two companies got billions of dollars in non bid contracts and you do know the Cheney the pig was the CEO of Halliburtan and Carlyle, has been Bush money for decades ,Did you look up Curve ball as I asked.

Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election and Halliburton was getting no bid contracts during the Clinton Administration and continued getting them during the Bush and the Obama Administration. Carlyle has a lot more share holders than just Bush. I read that hogwash about curve ball a long time ago.
Chris mathews statement on late hight, Quote "Cheney was head of Halliburton. When he got to be vice president, when he was signed for vice president, the oil company gave him a $34 million signing bonus to become vice president of the United States.""
Your wrong about Cheney From politifacts, you people are such puppets. Politifacts looked atr it and gave it 100% true.

We looked at a personal financial disclosure form that Cheney signed on Sept. 1, 2000. This is the filing made once someone joins a national presidential ticket. It represents the candidate's holdings and income as of August. In the portion addressing Cheney's compensation from Halliburtion, the file lists the following categories and dollar amounts as of that date:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $4,721, 947
• Deferred salary: $1,042, 441
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $654,804

Meanwhile, on May 15, 2001, Cheney also signed a second disclosure form that is supposed to update the August 2000 filing so that it covers the full year. In this filing, Cheney disclosed the following Halliburton income:

• Salary/bonus (gross): $821,896
• Elective deferred salary: $403,166
• Stock equivalent unit bonus: $396,213
• Senior executive deferred compensation contributions: $53,692
• Elective deferred salary lump sum payout: $1,140,160
• Restricted stock imputed income: $7,560,000
• Nonqualified stock option income: $21,964,254
• Senior executive deferred compensation payout: $2,797,128

Looks like around 40 million give or take. and the deferred payment goes on for the rest of his life, You people are mindless. The facts on curve ball are 100% true supported by every major broadcaster and newspaper that did a write up on it. EVERYONE THIS IS A GREAT PIECE OF INFORMATION < THIS HATER LIKE THE REST FROM THE HATE PART HAS NO CLUE< TRUST ME BETTER YET LOOK IT UP then you can join me when I say bullshit to this ding dong I'm responding to. He has absolutely no clue , just Fox crap lies that he lives by.
Heres the only thing close to Obama giving Haliburtan a no bid contract From the washington Times "That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year." That would be a former subsidiary . So no Obama gave none to Haliburton, This guy Too tall is zero for everything up till now. This had me rolling on the floor for his proof of everything that both Clintons been charged with are all true how does too tall know. ,This is his proof to the whole world"The whole proof was the look of terror in the FBI Director's face when he testified in Congress." So everything you said here too tall is as proved bullshit,

I will start with the rest of the story from your link. And, as I clearly stated, Cheney severed his ties to Halliburton before the election.

However, we were unclear about whether the totals from the May 2001 filing, which amount to $35.1 million, should be added to those from the August 2000 filing, which amount to $6.4 million, or whether the amounts in the two filings overlap somewhat. Experts we spoke to expressed uncertainty on this question as well. So we decided to take the most cautious approach and only use the numbers from the second filing, which covers the whole year.

That still leaves a total of $35.1 million earned from Halliburtion reported on the May 2001 filing. Of that total, just over $800,000 represents salary and bonus, which Cheney would have earned regardless of whether he joined the ticket or not. Many of the other categories were subject to some calculation and/or negotiation, as would happen in the case of any CEO who left a position early, so it seems fair to call the rest of the income he received an exit package.

Chris Matthews says Cheney got $34 million payday from Halliburton

Now, Obama and no bid contracts.

Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”

That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts. You do know that the Bush disaster gave Haliburtan 38.5 billion in non bid contracts, You do know that don't you?????

Obama’s mounting hypocrisy

Now, you can eat shit and die for all I care.
Ate you up, spit you out and now I get to watch you whimper. Every point you made is a Foxy, all bullshit. And I think people realize that from my answer to your goofiness.. By the way can you find where I even suggested that Obama didn't hand out no bid contracts. I only said that he didn't give one to Halliburtan in a responce to you saying he did. This is kind of interesting "And the independent Congressional Research Service found that under federal ethics law, Dick Cheney did have a lingering financial interest in Halliburton."" Or maybe people would be interested in this You said Obama gave a non bid contract to Haliburton ,because you thought KBR, who Obama did give a non bid contract to, was the same as Halliburtan, so what do you think this means "

HOUSTON, Texas – Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL) today announced that it has completed the final separation of KBR Inc. (NYSE: KBR). The two companies now are separate and independent of each other.

“This is a major event for Halliburton, especially its dedicated employees, loyal customers and the shareholders,” said Dave Lesar, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Halliburton. “As a pure oilfield services company, Halliburton now can focus on the global growth opportunities in its core energy services business.”

Halliburton announced its plans in January 2005 to ultimately separate the KBR subsidiary. An initial public offering of KBR common stock was completed in November 2006.

“We wish KBR and its employees well as they move forward as an independent company,” added Lesar.

All of the government services and engineering and construction businesses will remain with KBR.
" I'm a little confused her KBR separated completely from Haliburtan in 2007 but but but, Obama came into office in 2009, oops another piece of right wing bullshit. Or how about this little ditty "
"The People Vs. Dick Cheney," a 2007 article by Wil S. Hylton. The piece recounts how Cheney undercut the CIA by instructing subordinates in that agency to stovepipe raw intelligence directly to his office. He also worked with Donald Rumsfeld to establish an alternative intelligence agency within the Pentagon. Both of these actions directly contributed to the faulty information that informed the decision to go to war.

Hylton then lays out his most powerful argument:" They did most of the work with CURVE BALL. Hay everyone, want to see stupid or what a big lie the war was Look up Curve ball. It is a gas. He was the main information man for Bush the baby killer.

But, but, but "Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.” And then awarded a no-bid contract to KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton.

As far as Bush the baby killer remark goes, Obama and his drones are still killing babies in at least three countries. What do you call him?

My quotes came from the article that you linked to and from the Washington Times so shove your ignorant FOX remarks up your goat smelling ass.

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