Sea-level rise claims five islands in Solomons: study

Perhaps the military industrial complex should cease and desist with the geo-engineering program that has been manipulating weather patterns since it began in earnest in 1997. There is absolutely NO way to gather useful data if the ionosphere and the jest stream are being purposely manipulated using aerosol spraying of nano-particulates in conjuncture with ionospheric heaters.
The day is coming soon when those behind this genocide will be put on trial for their crimes against humanity and I look forward to it. Keep spreading the word about this man-made climate change being done by the global elites.....people need to know.
The reason people build cities at sea level or river level or in swamps is because they don't respect God, and don't believe in his power to sweep away their precious homes if they build them in flood plains or along coasts or on small islands where he can easily get to them just by causing a hurricane or an iceberg melting.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Perhaps if the left wasn't continually getting caught fudging data we may not be so skeptical but they are getting caught and yet you loons keep right on believing in this bullshit

Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob

I understand the data so I go directly to the source. Not links or media outlets. You should give it a shot sometime. You can still call me names and avoid fact based discussion, that doesn't have to change. Not interested in a linkoff. Primary research journal articles and a knowledge of who funded what.
The reason people build cities at sea level or river level or in swamps is because they don't respect God, and don't believe in his power to sweep away their precious homes if they build them in flood plains or along coasts or on small islands where he can easily get to them just by causing a hurricane or an iceberg melting.

Oh for fucks sake.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Perhaps if the left wasn't continually getting caught fudging data we may not be so skeptical but they are getting caught and yet you loons keep right on believing in this bullshit

Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob

I understand the data so I go directly to the source. Not links or media outlets. You should give it a shot sometime. You can still call me names and avoid fact based discussion, that doesn't have to change. Not interested in a linkoff. Primary research journal articles and a knowledge of who funded what.

Well to be honest you got waxed on the other thread so I have little faith you can carry water in any debate, you make broad statements and can't back them up. Better get better than that or you'll get eaten alive on this forum. So far your future looks bleak
Its happening all over the world. The Maldives are almost gone and even Venice can't handle high tide any more.

Quick luddy tell these investors they are wasting a billion dollars...

Own land in the Maldives? Now you can - if you have $1bn


The idyllic Maldives
Picture: Rex Features
By Harriet Alexander
1:57PM BST 23 Jul 2015

Decision by the Maldives government to open up islands to foreign buyers has sparked fears that China is poised to seize a foothold in the Indian Ocean
Maldives' government has passed a law which will, for the first time, allow foreigners to purchase land.

But the new law has a sting in its tail.

The constitutional amendment bill, passed by the Maldivian parliament on Wednesday, states that investors must spend at least $1 billion (£640m) to own land on one of the 1,200 islands in perpetuity.
The Earth, in all her ancient billions of years old mightiness, doesn't even notice our puny little cities, which have only been here a few thousand years, and will be gone in a few thousand years more, as if they never existed. Our efforts to lower the tides and stem the overflow of the rivers are feeble and temporary, as are we. The entire lifetime of the human race and all our civilizations are just a blink in the eye of time and space, and Earth will bury our cities and not even remember we were there.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Perhaps if the left wasn't continually getting caught fudging data we may not be so skeptical but they are getting caught and yet you loons keep right on believing in this bullshit

Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob

I understand the data so I go directly to the source. Not links or media outlets. You should give it a shot sometime. You can still call me names and avoid fact based discussion, that doesn't have to change. Not interested in a linkoff. Primary research journal articles and a knowledge of who funded what.

Well to be honest you got waxed on the other thread so I have little faith you can carry water in any debate, you make broad statements and can't back them up. Better get better than that or you'll get eaten alive on this forum. So far your future looks bleak

Not here to "win" Shoog, and actually you must not have gone back over there, but do your little victory dance anyway. And you clearly aren't going near the science yourself.
The Earth, in all her ancient billions of years old mightiness, doesn't even notice our puny little cities, which have only been here a few thousand years, and will be gone in a few thousand years more, as if they never existed. Our efforts to lower the tides and stem the overflow of the rivers are feeble and temporary, as are we. The entire lifetime of the human race and all our civilizations are just a blink in the eye of time and space, and Earth will bury our cities and not even remember we were there.

At least you're not a creationist.
The Earth, in all her ancient billions of years old mightiness, doesn't even notice our puny little cities, which have only been here a few thousand years, and will be gone in a few thousand years more, as if they never existed. Our efforts to lower the tides and stem the overflow of the rivers are feeble and temporary, as are we. The entire lifetime of the human race and all our civilizations are just a blink in the eye of time and space, and Earth will bury our cities and not even remember we were there. why bother...........:eusa_dance:
Perhaps if the left wasn't continually getting caught fudging data we may not be so skeptical but they are getting caught and yet you loons keep right on believing in this bullshit

Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob

I understand the data so I go directly to the source. Not links or media outlets. You should give it a shot sometime. You can still call me names and avoid fact based discussion, that doesn't have to change. Not interested in a linkoff. Primary research journal articles and a knowledge of who funded what.

Well to be honest you got waxed on the other thread so I have little faith you can carry water in any debate, you make broad statements and can't back them up. Better get better than that or you'll get eaten alive on this forum. So far your future looks bleak

Not here to "win" Shoog, and actually you must bnot have gone back over there, but do your littel victory dance anyway. And you clearly aren't going near the science yourself.

You're no scientist...let's get that malarkey out of the way right now. All one has to do is Google to find out the data is being fudged. Try it and get back to me
Scientists can't stop God/Mother Nature from doing what He/it does, which is to destroy everything we ever built, and erase if from existence. But scientists can take in billions of dollars of research grant money promising they can.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Perhaps if the left wasn't continually getting caught fudging data we may not be so skeptical but they are getting caught and yet you loons keep right on believing in this bullshit

Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob
Lassie is another dumb fuck that thinks that a rant from Limpbaugh is of equal scientific value as a paper published in Nature.
The Right has a very cavalier attitude about the environment. Witness James Watt, Reagan's Sec. of the interior, who was in favor of logging in National Parks, because the Biblical predicted End Times were upon us, anyway. The more things change, the more they stay the same...

Perhaps if the left wasn't continually getting caught fudging data we may not be so skeptical but they are getting caught and yet you loons keep right on believing in this bullshit

Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob
Lassie is another dumb fuck that thinks that a rant from Limpbaugh is of equal scientific value as a paper published in Nature.

Great minds, etc., etc.......:badgrin:
Horse shit. Turn off your television and radio and go get into the data for yourself. You're political so everything you look at is political. The data is what it is. What you're doing is lazy, you want someone else to tell you, and you want to hear it the way you want to hear it. Stop reacting to everything under the sun emotionally and dig into the science for yourself.

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob

I understand the data so I go directly to the source. Not links or media outlets. You should give it a shot sometime. You can still call me names and avoid fact based discussion, that doesn't have to change. Not interested in a linkoff. Primary research journal articles and a knowledge of who funded what.

Well to be honest you got waxed on the other thread so I have little faith you can carry water in any debate, you make broad statements and can't back them up. Better get better than that or you'll get eaten alive on this forum. So far your future looks bleak

Not here to "win" Shoog, and actually you must bnot have gone back over there, but do your littel victory dance anyway. And you clearly aren't going near the science yourself.

You're no scientist...let's get that malarkey out of the way right now. All one has to do is Google to find out the data is being fudged. Try it and get back to me

See how you know things? You know from a chat board that I don't have degrees and have worked in both academic and pharmaceutical industry labs. You just fucking know that. Amazing piece a work Shoog.
The Earth, in all her ancient billions of years old mightiness, doesn't even notice our puny little cities, which have only been here a few thousand years, and will be gone in a few thousand years more, as if they never existed. Our efforts to lower the tides and stem the overflow of the rivers are feeble and temporary, as are we. The entire lifetime of the human race and all our civilizations are just a blink in the eye of time and space, and Earth will bury our cities and not even remember we were there. why bother...........:eusa_dance:
We bother because we are eternal creatures, destined for eternal life. Everything we do matters, and gets us closer to the Light, or further away from it.

On the other hand, all that we build on this Earth is a flash in the pan, destined to last only a few hundred or a few thousand years, before it is swept away by the inexorable force that is Mother Nature.
Scientists can't stop God/Mother Nature from doing what He/it does, which is to destroy everything we ever built, and erase if from existence. But scientists can take in billions of dollars of research grant money promising they can.
Whee, you are even more ignorant of science than you are of politics. Buddy boy, reality doesn't give a damn about your politics or ignorance. The changes we have seen that have driven last years fire summer, and this years spring, with 40 big fires burning in Alberta right now are the result of increasing the GHGs in the atmosphere by over 40%.
The Earth, in all her ancient billions of years old mightiness, doesn't even notice our puny little cities, which have only been here a few thousand years, and will be gone in a few thousand years more, as if they never existed. Our efforts to lower the tides and stem the overflow of the rivers are feeble and temporary, as are we. The entire lifetime of the human race and all our civilizations are just a blink in the eye of time and space, and Earth will bury our cities and not even remember we were there. why bother...........:eusa_dance:
We bother because we are eternal creatures, destined for eternal life. Everything we do matters, and gets us closer to the Light, or further away from it.

On the other hand, all that we build on this Earth is a flash in the pan, destined to last only a few hundred or a few thousand years, before it is swept away by the inexorable force that is Mother Nature.

Well, since we are all going to die, let's break out the booze and have a ball.....

Get lost, loon. They've been caught numerous times....try Google and then shut the hell up already, noob

I understand the data so I go directly to the source. Not links or media outlets. You should give it a shot sometime. You can still call me names and avoid fact based discussion, that doesn't have to change. Not interested in a linkoff. Primary research journal articles and a knowledge of who funded what.

Well to be honest you got waxed on the other thread so I have little faith you can carry water in any debate, you make broad statements and can't back them up. Better get better than that or you'll get eaten alive on this forum. So far your future looks bleak

Not here to "win" Shoog, and actually you must bnot have gone back over there, but do your littel victory dance anyway. And you clearly aren't going near the science yourself.

You're no scientist...let's get that malarkey out of the way right now. All one has to do is Google to find out the data is being fudged. Try it and get back to me

See how you know things? You know from a chat board that I don't have degrees and have worked in both academic and pharmaceutical industry labs. You just fucking know that. Amazing piece a work Shoog.

Yeah I had another noob try and tell me was a genius stock trader...then doesn't understand the basics of trading such as swing trading. I'm skeptical

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