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Whatever. You people are morons. I hope the team is as pissed as I am about having a game stolen from them and they take it out on NY. I hope they have to cart that pussy Manning out on a stretcher. When someone steals from me I want to see a pound of flesh extracted. I sincerely wish a very bad and painfull "accident" to befall the Officials in yesterday's game. I would find news of a firey car crash where someone's vehicle rolled over several times and the occupants could not escape burning to death welcome.

That would help me "get over it".

If a golfer started thinking about his last shot which went into the rough or a baseball player worried about striking out the last time he was at bat, their games would go down the tube in a hurry. Seattle players and coaches I am sure have moved on and so should you.
Vegas sets the odds as close to the score as possible, if they bets starting leaning one way or another they will adjust, to make the odds tighter as the game gets closer to kickoff.

So Vegas would be stupid to set the odds to much one way or the other, so Huggy is just being a Seahawk fan, which means he knows nothing of football.

I think Huggy know about football but know absolutely nothing about how the odds are set in Vegas. Vegas odd makers hit the Seattle/San Francisco game right on.
Vegas sets the odds as close to the score as possible, if they bets starting leaning one way or another they will adjust, to make the odds tighter as the game gets closer to kickoff.

So Vegas would be stupid to set the odds to much one way or the other, so Huggy is just being a Seahawk fan, which means he knows nothing of football.

I think Huggy know about football but know absolutely nothing about how the odds are set in Vegas. Vegas odd makers hit the Seattle/San Francisco game right on.

You are partially in error. I know full well how the odds are set. I also know that without some extremely questionable officiating the score(if the players were allowed to play normally) would have been vastly different. The Hawks would have had a two to three TD lead by halftime and SF would have come unraveled as they did the last two times in Seattle. I know that because it is a fact that three of Seattles drives were taken away after huge gains putting the Hawks in or close to scoring position leaving them with negative 15 yards each instance on top of the insult of losing 17-27 yards of gained turf. The 86 yards of "official" total penalty yards is deceptive. Lets explore just three penalties on three of Seattles 9 drives. In those three drives the Hawks were actually penalized 110 yards in three of those penalties.

That's how the refs can vastly alter the outcome of a game. I stand by my analysis. You fools can go and play with your little penises until this coming Sunday when the Giants will be destroyed and the refs won't be able to do the same theft as on last Sunday. This game will be a "let the boys play" to make up for the bogus officiating against SF. That is the best the commissioner can do. He will. They don't like fingers pointing at them crying foul with evidense to prove it.

I know a lot about football. I know more of how things that can influence human behavior work than you do. Most of you only see the seedy side of life on your televisions dreamt up by hollywood writers. I have lived much of it for most of my existance. Believe me or not..to smell a rat you must first know what rats smell like.

Vegas sets the odds as close to the score as possible, if they bets starting leaning one way or another they will adjust, to make the odds tighter as the game gets closer to kickoff.

So Vegas would be stupid to set the odds to much one way or the other, so Huggy is just being a Seahawk fan, which means he knows nothing of football.

I think Huggy know about football but know absolutely nothing about how the odds are set in Vegas. Vegas odd makers hit the Seattle/San Francisco game right on.

Vegas was spot on, they are very much in tune to how teams are playing. The 49ers are four points away from a 10 game winning streak, that doesn't escape Vegas, these are things they watch. They don't get swept up in single games, they watch injuries, trends, and many other factors. Vegas also watches which side bets come in and what point margins. The year Manning went down with a neck injury, Vegas adjusted very quickly and was spot on.
Oh,the whining never stops!

There were clear missed calls against Seattle in that game, including a pass interference that should have put the Niners at first and goal.....but the refs gave the game to SF. :cuckoo:

It was a close game between two very good teams. There have been FAR worse cases of officials screwing up games this year. How about Washington running a play with the sticks showing first down, then having them changed to fourth? What about that non-call on Gronk in the end zone? Compared to those, the Niners game was well officiated. Stop being so butthurt Huggy.

The Hawks should destroy the Giants. I expect them to win by at least 2 td's. The Giants are pretty terrible this year and the Hawks are still the best team in the league.

The Niners are not going to win the division, but hopefully get the 6th or 5th seed.
Seahawks on the road, in the cold?

Giants 17 Seahawks 14
Man O man it's hard going to the Giants message boards. Those guys are depressing. If ya average out about twenty guesses the Giant's fanz believe the Hawks will win by around 35-7.

They believe thier only TD will come in garbage time at the end of the 4th qtr.

Most of em are hoping thier team doesn't screw up thier draft choice by trying to win.

WOW! Reading through thier posts is like showing up after a natural disaster with everybody just blankley staring out too worn out to cry..

They have not only given up...they welcome defeat. :eek:
I do not think the SeaPigeons will lose- but they might now win. The game will be unnecessarily close.....

Depends on which Eli Manning shows up. I take it your "now" is a "not". Eli reminds me of Mark the ex Jets QB. Started out with great a supporting cast and won big early. Then the "it" factor wore off and Mannings pussy character rose to the surface as the team needed to rely more and more on him putting the team on his back. He can't do it like say... a Russell Wilson who frequently just rises up above the situation. Manning may have something left in the tank but the Giants get blown out. 38-zippola against the Panties. Seattle may lose occasionally ...especially if the refs are having a bad day... but they NEVER get run out of a stadium anymore. They are ALWAYS still within striking distance at the end of every game. If Seattle goes up early in NY I see Manning peeing on himself as usual. Can anyone say INT fest?[/QUOTE]

so very true.Yeah if the Eli Manning that were all familiar with shows up,it could be a long day for the Hawks and they would struggle to win.However thats a very very big long shot that thats going to happen though.He has been horrible all year long and was his usual pick 6 self last week against my Chargers.

To go out and lay an egg against my Chargers who are rebuliding and get blown out by them,i think its safe to say that The Hawks will blow out the Giants this week and we will see pick 6 Manning back to his usual self this year.Yeah he does appear to be another Mark Sanchez at the moment.I dont think he is though.

His last name IS Manning and I think over the off season he will get together with brother Peyton and he will help him correct his problems and he will be back to playing great again next year.Now if he doesnt get things turned around by NEXT year,then yeah,I would say he is the new mark sanchez.
Hows that home field looking?

Its looking great after the Hawks destroy the Giants and Cards in the next two games.:lol::lol:

Looks like I have to repeat this for the hundreth time that you Seahawks doubters all seem to have the logic that because the Hawks did not wrap up homefield advantage against the niners,that they dont have homefield advantage now anymore either.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

They dont have to go undefeated to win homefield advantage.:cuckoo:

Not all Hawks fans here went into the game last week saying it would be a couple years or so before the niners beat the Hawks you know?

some of us here DID say a couple months ago that the Hawks would have problems winning on the road against the colts and the niners but would still win homefield advantage.:cuckoo:

If you think the Giants or the Cards have a prayer against the Hawks,then you better get off that crack your smoking.:lol::lol::lol: Remember the Hawks are playing against pick 6 manning this week who got blown out to my lowly Chargers who are in rebuilding mode.:lol:
thats comedy gold you would even think the niners had a prayer of winning homefield advantage.:lol:

Not only are they not the same team from last year this year,but The hawks unlike the niners,have won the games they were expected to win.:lol: They almost lost a couple they were suppose to win against the Bucs and Lambs on the road but almost only counts in horseshoes.

They found a way to win.They didn't go and get blown out by the colts at home.:lol::lol: when they lost to the colts,unlike the niners,they at least loss by no more that a touchdown on the ROAD no less and made it a close game at the end.:lol:

and your saying the niners have a chance to win homefield advantage.comedy gold.:lol:
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Eli Manning is a pussy.

Seattle will make him cry.

I wonder what the O/U for NY throwing ints will be for next weekend?

with pick 6 Manning playing at QB this week,I think its safe to say The hawks will be back to their winning ways again blowing them out easily winning this game.

The Giants and pick 6 Manning are going to be so down and out depressed after getting their asses handed to them on a platter last week by my Chargers that as soon as they see the Hawks come out of the tunnel,they are going to panick like a deer with the headlights from car flashed on them.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

My Chargers did you a fave hug.Cause like I said,they beat up on the Giants so much they are going to be down and out and not want to play against the hawks this weekend.:lol:
I'm not the one with the cocky attitude saying the panthers have home field advantage or will have it.

Maybe you should look at the 49ers schedule and who the seahawks will be playing.
The 49er's could very well take it.

That's right Rebbie. You are the one drooling on yourself while your Super Dooper Cam Newton is pissing on himself in N O this evening.

This is a thread about the up coming NY/Sea game. If you have anything of value to add about the NY/Sea game I'd be tickled to see it.

Seattle lost this afternoon to a very good defense and some overbearing and highly imaginative refferies. I do hope that thier families have been returned safe and sound since the odds makers got the result they were looking for.

Hey huggy if you don't want the subject changed don't change it.
Why did you bring up cam newton the first time?

see im not the only one that has noticed that about you Hug.you do the exact same thing in your debates that government agent rightwinger troll does in the conspiracy and politics section,like him,you also change the subject when you are cornered and instead of admitting you have been proven wrong,you evade the facts posted and change the subject.

and here all this time,I always thought you were a a good debater and not in the same class as that government troll agent rightwinger.But you debate the exact same way he does.
with pick 6 Manning as their QB this year,that wont be difficult.The Gmens defense will be on the field so long from so many 3 and outs by the Giants theey will be too tired to rush him and Wilson will pick them apart. This game will be over by the middle of the third quarter I predict with Carrol resting his starters.
Fine...better than Newton's.

The Seahawks will be favored by at least two TDs in NY. The odds makers and refs won't be able to "adjust" a score to suit themselves.

Do you truly believe Vegas and the refs 'adjust' scores?

Yes, when they can get away with it. I believe that refs are human beings with families. I believe that gambling interests are built on a foundation of criminals. I have personal experience with the Mafia from many years ago. There is no doubt in my mind that if given an opportunity to rig a popular sporting event that they wouldn't hesitate. Threatening a ref or two or thier families would mean nothing to people like that. All those people care about is making as much money as possible as easy as possible. Obviously they can't do it with a high degree of frequency because there would be investigations. In my experience the giveaway is an unusual or odd spread that does not make sense in a given history. One thing you need to know is that Vegas can set the opening odds anywhere they want to. There is no authority that they have to justify thier odds with.

Vegas sets odds to attract gambling interest. They usually set odds that reflect the probable outcomes based on recent history. If yesterday's game was going to be "left alone" and played based on team talent and recent history the Seahawks should have been favored by at least two TDs.

You can pretend that gambling syndicates are always on the up and up but I know better.

sure this game was fixed,thats why they called nearly as many penaltys and penalty yards against the Niners as they did the Hawks.comedy gold from you as always Hug.:lmao::lmao:

QUOTE=HUGGY;8273458]Whatever. You people are morons. I hope the team is as pissed as I am about having a game stolen from them and they take it out on NY. I hope they have to cart that pussy Manning out on a stretcher. When someone steals from me I want to see a pound of flesh extracted. I sincerely wish a very bad and painfull "accident" to befall the Officials in yesterday's game. I would find news of a firey car crash where someone's vehicle rolled over several times and the occupants could not escape burning to death welcome.

That would help me "get over it".[/QUOTE]

Yep it was stolen from them alright,thats why again they called almost as many penaltys and penalty yards against the niners as they did the Hawks.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Love your logic how the Hawks screwing it up with stupid penaltys they clearly made,is somehow the refs fault.:lol::lol::lol:

I saw the game as well you know and sorry,the refs were on their game on those penaltys they called against them.:lol::lol: again,it would be one thing if they had only called 2 or 3 on the niners but that wasnt the case,they had just a couple less with just a few less penatly yards.:cuckoo:

You remind me of ex chiefs coach Todd Haley Hug.a sore loser just like him.Haley when he lost to a bitter rival like the broncos,at the end of the game he wouldnt go shake the hand of the other coach. You're just as bad.You make excuses when the Hawks lose,blaming the refs when the Hawks beat themselves.:cuckoo:

Even in that Colts loss,you cant blame that loss ENTIRELY on the refs.Sure the colts benefitted from some home twon reffing in that game ruling that fumble recovery of the Hawks a safety instead of a touchdown like it should have been called but even so,The Hawks WOULD have overcome that and won the game if they had no committed some stupid asinine penaltys that cost them the game.

They beat themselves in that game because they gave 10 points to the colts.On one of the touchdowns the colts got,they started deep in their own territory and the drive was kept alive because one of the hawks defenders,ignorantly committed pass interference which was stupid cause he wouldnt have caught the ball anyways and the colts of course were able to keep the drive alive because of that penalty and scored a touchdown from it.same thing happened as well on one of their filed goals,it also was a gimme present given to them by the Hawks.
I remember those penatlys as well and the Hawks defenders were all over them mugging them like the idiots they were giving the game to them that day.:lol:
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The Chargers are playing well against Denver. Looks like they are still wanting a playoff spot.

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