Seahawks will repeat AND probably go undefeated.this is why.

There is only one team in history that went undefeated. The Seahawks aren't the second best team relative to the NFL in history. I can think of several teams that were better - the Steelers of the 70s, the Bears and 49ers of the 80s, the Cowboys of the 90s.

But they are the most talented team in the NFL right now.

That was then and this is now...You are right, the Seahawks are now the best team in the NFL.
The Seahawks aren't going to go underfeated. They aren't that good.

But they might repeat.

Yeah, they are that good.... In fact heads and shoulders above most of the other teams....but I will agree the Hawks will probably not go undefeated this year because of the huge target on their back and anything can and does happen on any given Sunday.

You missed my point i mentioned on this post of yours earlier.they ALREADY had a huge target on their backs the second half of the season after everybody saw how good they were.

teams were throwing the kitchen sink at them the second half of the season,that was why they struggled against tampa bay in that game at home cause they threw everything at them including the kitchen sink.that contiuned in the playoffs.

AGAIN,wilson who was STILL learning the position of quarterback at the pro level last year,was playing behind a patched up offensive line the majority of the season.

this year he is not.If they dont have multiple injurys on the offensive line again this season,its game over,they go undefeated.

they never got entirely healthy until the superbowl last year.we saw what they can do when his offensive line is entirely healthy in that game and never mind the fact he is a much better experienced quarterback now than last year.

as long as they maintain their intensity for every game,i dont see anybody having a prayer against them. this week will be an indication if they maintain that intesity which I believe they will.

It was easy to get up for the packers them being one of the best teams in the league and aaron rodgers being one of the best QB'S in the league and that being their home opener.

we will see if they maintain it this weekend.If they do,expect another blowout.if its another blowout,that will prove they will get up for all their games.the chargers are not that good.

they really are that good actually like you said.remember when chris collingsworth was talking about them in the post game show after the game? HE mentioned that he thought he would never see a defense again as good as the 1985 chicago bears.

He talked about how when he was with the bengals his team faced them the next year after they won the superbowl and he had never seen a defense like that.He mentioned how their game against them was a blowout with the bears dominating them and the benglas were a actually a pretty good team back then as he was saying.

Thats when he said that he believes this defense is every bit as good as that one.

I hate to tell you this but your post are way to long to keep my attention so I seldom read them. Try to condense them a little and all your silly smiles turn me off.
anybody who does not believe the seahawks will repeat simply has not been watching them this year.they for sure did not watch their opener.

Here is why they will repeat.

They are head and shoulders in a class by themselves above everybody else.that may be painful for people who hate the seahawks to hear but its the truth.

they remind me of the days when the Lakers and Celtics squared off against each other in the championship game for three years in a row when they had Magic Johnson and Larry Bird going up against each other.

You knew beyond a doubt those two teams would be back and play each other again for the championship title because they were in a class by themselves.All the other teams looked like a bunch of high school teams compared to was no contest and a no brainer to pick them in each of those years.

Or here is another example,an even better one since The Seahawks are very comparable to them..they also remind me this year of the yankees from the mid 90's who won four straight world series was a no brainer to pick them to win it all the next 3 years in a row after their first series championship because whoever their opponent was they were facing in the national league those next three years would be highly overmatched against them because like the seahawks are this year,they also were in a class by themselves.Nobody back then in baseball had the talent to compete with them in the world series.they were unstoppable.

Finally and most importantly the reason WHY they will win it all and be the first team since the 72 Miami Dolphins to win it all after going undefeated in the regular season is here is the difference between the 2014 Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots who were the first team since the 72 dolphins to go undefeated in the regular season and make it to the superbowl but then lose when they got there.

The year the patriots lost the superbowl to the Giants anybody who had been following them that year,it was no surprise to them to see them lose the superbowl to the Giants because of two things that year.
1.They did not look good in the second half of the season going into the superbowl.they were not blowing out the teams that they should have blown out just barely beating some of them and they limped into the superbowl not looking all that great in the playoffs.

2.But most importantly,you knew if they won the superbowl and beat The Giants in the superbowl,it was going to be very difficult to beat them in that game because they had played them earlier in the season and just barely escaped with a victory against them in that game winning by merely a field goal.

I was thinking they would win that game against them in that superbowl and go undefeated myself back then but I knew that game would not be easy for them to win because of that fact so I predicted they would win but by no more than a field goald.I got the outcome of the game right that the team that won it would not win by more than a field goal except the only thing i got wrong was I picked the wrong team to win the was the Giants who won the game by a field goal.

so you knew that the patriots going into that game were not in a class by themseleves.thats the different between that patriots team and this seahawks team.again they are like the yankees from the mid 90's that won four stragith world series titles.this year they are in a class completely by themselves just like the yankees were back then.

all these other teams in the NFL as i said before,I dont believe they can stand toe to toe with them for four quarters and beat them.You look at ALL the other teams and then look at the seahawks,and all the other teams, they look like they are all still playing college football and not yet ready for the pros when you compare them to the seahawks.

seriously.Im not exageratting.I just dont see any team capable of standing toe to toe with them this year for four quarters of football.
The Seahawks aren't going to go underfeated. They aren't that good.

But they might repeat.

Yeah, they are that good.... In fact heads and shoulders above most of the other teams....but I will agree the Hawks will probably not go undefeated this year because of the huge target on their back and anything can and does happen on any given Sunday.

You missed my point i mentioned on this post of yours earlier.they ALREADY had a huge target on their backs the second half of the season after everybody saw how good they were.

teams were throwing the kitchen sink at them the second half of the season,that was why they struggled against tampa bay in that game at home cause they threw everything at them including the kitchen sink.that contiuned in the playoffs.

AGAIN,wilson who was STILL learning the position of quarterback at the pro level last year,was playing behind a patched up offensive line the majority of the season.

this year he is not.If they dont have multiple injurys on the offensive line again this season,its game over,they go undefeated.

they never got entirely healthy until the superbowl last year.we saw what they can do when his offensive line is entirely healthy in that game and never mind the fact he is a much better experienced quarterback now than last year.

as long as they maintain their intensity for every game,i dont see anybody having a prayer against them. this week will be an indication if they maintain that intesity which I believe they will.

It was easy to get up for the packers them being one of the best teams in the league and aaron rodgers being one of the best QB'S in the league and that being their home opener.

we will see if they maintain it this weekend.If they do,expect another blowout.if its another blowout,that will prove they will get up for all their games.the chargers are not that good.

they really are that good actually like you said.remember when chris collingsworth was talking about them in the post game show after the game? HE mentioned that he thought he would never see a defense again as good as the 1985 chicago bears.

He talked about how when he was with the bengals his team faced them the next year after they won the superbowl and he had never seen a defense like that.He mentioned how their game against them was a blowout with the bears dominating them and the benglas were a actually a pretty good team back then as he was saying.

Thats when he said that he believes this defense is every bit as good as that one.

I hate to tell you this but your post are way to long to keep my attention so I seldom read them. Try to condense them a little and all your silly smiles turn me off.

oh yeah thats right I forgot,too many details are too complicated for the minds of you seahawk fans to

that being the case, I will now condense it in a brief summary so that even YOU can comprehend and understand.

your point of them having a target on their backs is not valid because they ALREADY had a target on their backs last year towards the second half of the season that was why in the bucs game,they barely won it because like all teams at that point,they saw how great they were playing and threw everything at them to beat them including the kitchen sink so that wont be anything new to them this year.

and as i mentioned in the OP,wilson who was still learning his postion at the pro level,was playing behind a patched up offensive line the majority of the season which is not the case now.

also this team is in a class by themselves this year.two of the three losses they had last year came against the cards and the niners.well both those teams are not near as good this year as last year where the hawks are even better.they both have many key injurys on defense.they both lost many key starters to season ending injurys in the preseason games and to free agency in the off season.

Like i said,this team is in a class by example thats very comparable to the seahawks team this year is the yankees baseball team from the mid 90's.that team like the seahawks this year,was in a class by themselves.

Like the seahawks this year,there was nobody capable of going toe to toe with them in their divison or in the national league which is why they won four world series championships during that time span.

I also detailed it in my OP other reasons I wont mention why they will go undefeated as well.had you bothered to read it,i would not have to explain all this to you.

I gave very valid reasons why they will more than likely go undefeated that all the naysayers including you,didnt bother to read.:rolleyes-41:

the ONLY way they would not go undefeated,is if wilson got hurt which he is too smart to do, or they played down to their opponents level.sure if they do that,then they wont go undefeated.But with a chance to make history why would they do that?lol.
Russell Wilson is 9-7 on the road.

that was the old russell wilson who was STILL learning the position at the pro level the past two years.the new one is much better than last year which is scary for the rest of the league.He has gotten better and better each year.the seahawks proved last year their road woes are a thing of the past going 6-2.

Like I said before,two of their 3 losses came against the niners and cards who both are worse teams this year than last year.their openers prove that.the niners barely beating the lame cowgirls,a team that has no defense by just a touchdown? pitiful. and the cards barely beating the chargers at home by a field goal,another really weak team. pitiful.

both those teams had multiple key losses on defense for the entire season through free agency or injurys sustained in the pre season,thats why they both struggled do badly this past week and will against the hawks as well.
The idea that Seattle is going to go 19-0 is silly, especially after watching the Chargers gash their defense for 200 yards in the first half.

Seattle is good, but the hype is ludicrous. These are the teams with better defenses than the 2013 Seattle Seahawks

Yards per game

Seattle 2013 - 273.6

Pittsburgh 2011 - 271.8
San Diego 2010 - 271.6
New York Jets 2009 - 252.3
Pittsburgh 2008 - 237.2
Baltimore 2008 - 261.1
Pittsburgh 2007 - 266.4
Baltimore 2006 - 264.1
Pittsburgh 2004 - 258.4
Buffalo 2004 - 264.2
Washington 2004 - 267.6

Football Statistics and History - The Football Database
Well, the "undefeated season" fantasy was shattered in record fashion. :lol:

Bottom Line - The Sea pigeons sucked ass today. Their "invincible" defense was pierced like a virgin vulva in a gang rape.......

Better luck next week!

All week in Seattle the talk shows were saying the Hawks would go 19-0, again proving how silly Seahawk fans are.

Now, they may still win the Super Bowl.

Before the game, my cousin a big Seahawk fan called this game. He said they were thinking to much of themselves. He may have been right.
The Seahawks are a very good football team. They are NOT a great football team. The hype was totally ridiculous. They won ONE game against a decent team, a team that is having problems beating the Jets.

However, now that this idiocy is out of the way, it may help them win the Super Bowl again. This loss was humbling and they don't have to deal with the distraction of going 19-0 - as if that was going to happen.
BTW, the Chargers held the ball for more than 42 minutes, had nearly twice as many first downs, and gained 377 yards.

Seattle lost by 9 on the scoreboard - but the Harvin TD was a gift from the officials- he was OB by a mile.

The Sea-pigeons were DOMINATED and their vaunted "Defense" was shit on like an open pit toilet.

The only thing worse than Seattle today were the Raiders.......
Seattle lost by 9 on the scoreboard - but the Harvin TD was a gift from the officials- he was OB by a mile.

The Sea-pigeons were DOMINATED and their vaunted "Defense" was shit on like an open pit toilet.

The only thing worse than Seattle today were the Raiders.......

Man slamming the Raiders, no need for that!
Russell Wilson is 9-7 on the road.

that was the old russell wilson who was STILL learning the position at the pro level the past two years.the new one is much better than last year which is scary for the rest of the league.He has gotten better and better each year.the seahawks proved last year their road woes are a thing of the past going 6-2.

Like I said before,two of their 3 losses came against the niners and cards who both are worse teams this year than last year.their openers prove that.the niners barely beating the lame cowgirls,a team that has no defense by just a touchdown? pitiful. and the cards barely beating the chargers at home by a field goal,another really weak team. pitiful.

both those teams had multiple key losses on defense for the entire season through free agency or injurys sustained in the pre season,thats why they both struggled do badly this past week and will against the hawks as well.

Nonsense. Wilson was NOT the problem today.

He actually played very well for the 17 plus minutes the offense had the field. The Hawks scored 21 points in one third the TOP of the Chargers.

He, Wilson, didn't fumble or throw an interception.

What was the problem was that the Hawks didn't respond to the 115deg on the field today and got over heated early and it caused them to make multiple poor choices and resulting penalties. Point being one doesn't think as clearly in those temps. I know I don't. I NEVER try to do anything requiring concentration when the temps get like that. It's too bad for the Hawks that the game wasn't held in more normal circumstances. The Chargers didn't really play that much better but they did have a plan to counter the temps and it worked better than the no plan the Seahawks came up with.

I really blame Carroll for arrogantly claiming that his team needed to make no special allowances for the temp and humidity.

SD had a very good game plan squeeking out first downs and keeping the Hawks D on the field.

Before halftime Seahawks were cramping up and being taken to the locker room for intraveneous fluids. I'm not sure what the protocol is for extra high temps and humidity but to ignore the possible turned actual problem and have the coach brag about it was assinine.

There was also some luck involved where the Hawks forced two fumbles and fortunately for the Chargers the ball bounced their way.

A hugely dissappointing loss. I was looking forward to a long string of W's and possibly an undefeated season. Obviously now THAT is water under the bridge. But it would have been fun to come closer than a loss so early in the season.

Hopefully the weather won't be a factor, high temperature wise, for the rest of the season.

As for all the whining about Harvin stepping on the line on his 52 yard run ...I agree he was on the line ...not WAY out of bounds like one idiot here said. AND he stepped on the line at the 20. So claiming the Hawks wouldn't have scored is stupid. So what are you saying?..that if the officials called it back to the 20 and FORCED the Hawks to just accept a first down after a 32 yard Harvin run the hawks would just IMPLODE !!! Ya..right. Some of you are actually retarded.

The Hawks D stopped Rivers WAY deep behind the LOS on TWO of his scoring drives and were given a reprive on one stupid out of bounds penalty and one GIFT where A reciever was bumped within the allowed 5 yards and the refs called it interference. It was a horrible call and had it not been called SD would have had to punt.

So ya...we lost a game.. It sucks. The Hawks are still a great team and will make sure that they show it next Sunday against the Broncos. I'm sure the team is embarrassed they allowed the Chargers to win today.
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As always, we get Hugs funny excuses as to why the Hawks lost. Such great humor to read from the guy with the excuses.

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