Seahawks will repeat AND probably go undefeated.this is why.

Seattle is good. Not great. They got their asses kicked today. It was fun to watch.
So the Bolts won at home? Aren't the home teams SUPPOSED to win?

It's called Home Field Advantage right?

EDIT: There's really no humidity in San Diego.
As always, we get Hugs funny excuses as to why the Hawks lost. Such great humor to read from the guy with the excuses.

What excuses? Obviously there are REASONS why any team loses. I have no problem assigning blame in the right places. The other team prepared better and had a better game plan than the Hawks. That's essentially all I said. Those are the facts not excuses.

Nothing happened today but the opportunity to go undefeated evaporated. That's what happens when your team loses ONE game. Big Whoop !

So what?..the Hawks suck when the temps on the field get up to 115 deg. I doubt that will be a problem for the rest of the season.

But we will find out next Sunday won't we. Whether the Hawks won or lost today you will still be an idiot and I will still have the best team in the NFL.

BTW...If Wilson played so "badly" as 9/11 said ...How did he get a QB rating of 119.1?
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So the Bolts won at home? Aren't the home teams SUPPOSED to win?

It's called Home Field Advantage right?

EDIT: There's really no humidity in San Diego.

You are wrong. It's rare but today the humidity at the field was over 85%.

Google the SD weather yourself...don't take MY word for it.
What excuses? Obviously there are REASONS why any team loses. I have no problem assigning blame in the right places. The other team prepared better and had a better game plan than the Hawks. That's essentially all I said. Those are the facts not excuses.

Nothing happened today but the opportunity to go undefeated evaporated. That's what happens when your team loses ONE game. Big Whoop !

So what?..the Hawks suck when the temps on the field get up to 115 deg. I doubt that will be a problem for the rest of the season.

But we will find out next Sunday won't we. Whether the Hawks won or lost today you will still be an idiot and I will still have the best team in the NFL.

Hey numb nuts, you don't own any part of the Hawks. LOL! said the humidity was an unbearable 63% there! I'll bet the players were all wiping their brows.

Once or twice!

Actually the Seahawks humidity was 85% and the temperature was a lot hotter and muggier than the Chargers playing field. That was the difference. said the humidity was an unbearable 63% there! I'll bet the players were all wiping their brows.

Once or twice!

Last night they predicted 85%
I just looked at the official CBS stats and the game temp was 94 deg with a humidity at only 33%. Only a moron would say that the temp didn't affect the game. said the humidity was an unbearable 63% there! I'll bet the players were all wiping their brows.

Once or twice!

Actually the Seahawks humidity was 85% and the temperature was a lot hotter and muggier than the Chargers playing field. That was the difference.
They showed the field temp several times on TV today...115 degrees you fuckin nitwit.
They showed the field temp several times on TV today...115 degrees you fuckin nitwit.

You act like only one team played in that kind of weather, fuckin dip shit.

Fuck off sore fuckin loser. Your team was flat out, out played and beat. You were 30 points off your fuckin predictions fuck wad, deal with it, idiot!

Keep cryin, I love it bitch!
anybody who does not believe the seahawks will repeat simply has not been watching them this year.they for sure did not watch their opener.

Here is why they will repeat.

They are head and shoulders in a class by themselves above everybody else.that may be painful for people who hate the seahawks to hear but its the truth.

they remind me of the days when the Lakers and Celtics squared off against each other in the championship game for three years in a row when they had Magic Johnson and Larry Bird going up against each other.

You knew beyond a doubt those two teams would be back and play each other again for the championship title because they were in a class by themselves.All the other teams looked like a bunch of high school teams compared to was no contest and a no brainer to pick them in each of those years.

Or here is another example,an even better one since The Seahawks are very comparable to them..they also remind me this year of the yankees from the mid 90's who won four straight world series was a no brainer to pick them to win it all the next 3 years in a row after their first series championship because whoever their opponent was they were facing in the national league those next three years would be highly overmatched against them because like the seahawks are this year,they also were in a class by themselves.Nobody back then in baseball had the talent to compete with them in the world series.they were unstoppable.

Finally and most importantly the reason WHY they will win it all and be the first team since the 72 Miami Dolphins to win it all after going undefeated in the regular season is here is the difference between the 2014 Seattle Seahawks and the New England Patriots who were the first team since the 72 dolphins to go undefeated in the regular season and make it to the superbowl but then lose when they got there.

The year the patriots lost the superbowl to the Giants anybody who had been following them that year,it was no surprise to them to see them lose the superbowl to the Giants because of two things that year.
1.They did not look good in the second half of the season going into the superbowl.they were not blowing out the teams that they should have blown out just barely beating some of them and they limped into the superbowl not looking all that great in the playoffs.

2.But most importantly,you knew if they won the superbowl and beat The Giants in the superbowl,it was going to be very difficult to beat them in that game because they had played them earlier in the season and just barely escaped with a victory against them in that game winning by merely a field goal.

I was thinking they would win that game against them in that superbowl and go undefeated myself back then but I knew that game would not be easy for them to win because of that fact so I predicted they would win but by no more than a field goald.I got the outcome of the game right that the team that won it would not win by more than a field goal except the only thing i got wrong was I picked the wrong team to win the was the Giants who won the game by a field goal.

so you knew that the patriots going into that game were not in a class by themseleves.thats the different between that patriots team and this seahawks team.again they are like the yankees from the mid 90's that won four stragith world series titles.this year they are in a class completely by themselves just like the yankees were back then.

all these other teams in the NFL as i said before,I dont believe they can stand toe to toe with them for four quarters and beat them.You look at ALL the other teams and then look at the seahawks,and all the other teams, they look like they are all still playing college football and not yet ready for the pros when you compare them to the seahawks.

seriously.Im not exageratting.I just dont see any team capable of standing toe to toe with them this year for four quarters of football.

How many defensive holding, defensive interference and defensive pass interference were called in the game. The first half of the Niner Game has had more flags then we see on flag day.
They showed the field temp several times on TV today...115 degrees you fuckin nitwit.

You act like only one team played in that kind of weather, fuckin dip shit.

Fuck off sore fuckin loser. Your team was flat out, out played and beat. You were 30 points off your fuckin predictions fuck wad, deal with it, idiot!

Keep cryin, I love it bitch!

What a straight up pussy!

Rave on you cum guzzlin fraud.

This will be your only chance in a long time to rub in a Seahawk loss. The last bastion of a poor sport is pick on a team when they have an unfortunate loss.

I'm already over it. You apparently aren't done gloating yet. Have at it. I'm all about the Broncos now.
What a straight up pussy!

Rave on you cum guzzlin fraud.

This will be your only chance in a long time to rub in a Seahawk loss. The last bastion of a poor sport is pick on a team when they have an unfortunate loss.

I'm already over it. You apparently aren't done gloating yet. Have at it. I'm all about the Broncos now.

Obviously you aren't over it, otherwise you wouldn't still be posting about it. Besides, isn't this a Seahawk thread, aren't we all supposed to stay on topic?
What a straight up pussy!

Rave on you cum guzzlin fraud.

This will be your only chance in a long time to rub in a Seahawk loss. The last bastion of a poor sport is pick on a team when they have an unfortunate loss.

I'm already over it. You apparently aren't done gloating yet. Have at it. I'm all about the Broncos now.

Obviously you aren't over it, otherwise you wouldn't still be posting about it. Besides, isn't this a Seahawk thread, aren't we all supposed to stay on topic?

You ARE most certainly an idiot. This is CLEARLY a Seahawk thread.

Get your head out of your ass and try reading the title before saying such stupidity.
You ARE most certainly an idiot. This is CLEARLY a Seahawk thread.

Get your head out of your ass and try reading the title before saying such stupidity.

Good, I'm on topic then and you are over the loss, otherwise you be in the Seattle Denver thread. Thought you were all about the Broncos now. :)

No undefeated season for the Seahawks.
What a straight up pussy!

Rave on you cum guzzlin fraud.

This will be your only chance in a long time to rub in a Seahawk loss. The last bastion of a poor sport is pick on a team when they have an unfortunate loss.

I'm already over it. You apparently aren't done gloating yet. Have at it. I'm all about the Broncos now.

Obviously you aren't over it, otherwise you wouldn't still be posting about it. Besides, isn't this a Seahawk thread, aren't we all supposed to stay on topic?

You ARE most certainly an idiot. This is CLEARLY a Seahawk thread.

Get your head out of your ass and try reading the title before saying such stupidity.

Boy he sure is.the thing is he makes reasonable posts once in while like his predictions on this weeks past games for example but then he goes and makes some asinine comment like this one.:rolleyes-41:
well the seahawks wont go undefeated obviously so it doesnt look like i will be bumping this thread the whole season after all.I figure they'll probably go 14-2.their other loss being in arizona against the cardinals.
Well, the "undefeated season" fantasy was shattered in record fashion. :lol:

Bottom Line - The Sea pigeons sucked ass today. Their "invincible" defense was pierced like a virgin vulva in a gang rape.......

Better luck next week!


well their at home and it will be against the donkeys who have been much worse this year only winning because their games have been at home where they can disguise how bad they really are so that would be a major shocker if they lost THIS game.

mile high stadium is very tough to win at there,the thin air and the extremly loud crowd makes it very difficult to win there.the donkeys have to have a really bad day to get beat there by a large score.those factors always come into play for them.

on a neatral field,the colts easily win that game.and they just barely beat the kansas city clowns yesterday,how bad is that?:biggrin:

manning will be peeing his pants when he comes into seattle.:biggrin:

something i overlooked is i dont think my chargers are as bad as i thought they were.what i overlooked is the seahawks dont play very well in sweltering heat.the temperature was over a 100 degrees.the chargers are used to the heat so home filed advantage really came into play for them here.

I also dont think they are as bad a team as i thought they were,Got to remember they were the ONLY team that was able to go up into denver and beat the donkeys who had the highest scoring offense in NFL history last year on their own turf which is very impressive especially since mile high stadium is pretty much the most difficult place to win at with that thin air visiting teams arent used to and end up short of breath not to mention one of the top 2 or 3 loudest crowds in the NFL.

the chargers just may surprise some people and be the ones that win the division.Manning has been off target on many throws deep down the field so his age is catching up to him like i figured it would.if not for mile high stadium,on a neatrual field,they lose to the colts easily.

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