Sean Spicer is the most talented Press Secretary the US has ever had!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
No wonder the talentless qu33rs at SNL keep trying to make fun of him! He totally pwns the best leftist douchebag "journalists" democrats have to offer, day in and day out.

No wonder the talentless qu33rs at SNL keep trying to make fun of him! He totally pwns the best leftist douchebag "journalists" democrats have to offer, day in and day out.
I admit he has to have talent when you consider who he's defending. I don't envy him his job.
No wonder the talentless qu33rs at SNL keep trying to make fun of him! He totally pwns the best leftist douchebag "journalists" democrats have to offer, day in and day out.
Is there anybody in the Trump administration who you Trump-wingers won't publicly blow?

Have a little self respect
you got to love how he tells "Certain Reporters" to shut up and wait their turn !!!!
He is very talented. That sumbitch can spin with the best of em'. Like josh and Robert.

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