Searching For Their Soul

1. Having suffered an unexpected defeat at the hands of an amateur, the Democrat Party is searching for the reasons and the route back to the 'promised land' of status and power.

2. How is it possible, they wonder, that Americans rejected their policies and their candidates.
After all....who could be opposed to special rights for authorized 'victims,' to unbridled spending and debt, demanding that 'God' be removed from the Democrat platform, and making certain that the world's number one terrorism sponsor has nuclear weapons.

3. The best outcome would be a return to the pro-America party of JFK and Scoop Jackson.
The unfortunate aspect is that a large.....huge.....portion of of the Democrat leadership is radical, socialist, and, arguably, insane.

4. The radical Democrats have been supported by cowardly corporations who simply don't want to confront social or political disagreement, and go along to get along.
So, it was a great surprise.....and relief....when corporate sponsors of NYC's Puerto Rican Day Parade.
The reason for the withdrawal of sponsorship by AT&T Inc., Jet Blue, Goya Foods,Hispanic societies in both the Fire Department of New York and the New York Police Department and Coca-Cola
is the honoree of the parade, a terrorist bomber selected by Democrat leadership in NY.

5. "Mayor Bill de Blasio is still marching, and more than 30 city lawmakers, including City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, who was born in Puerto Rico, said they supported the decision to honor Lopez Rivera.

"Oscar Lopez Rivera spent more than 35 years in prison before his sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama. He was a member of the Armed Forces of National Liberation, or FALN, which claimed responsibility for more than 100 bombings around the U.S. and Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s, including a blast that killed four people at New York's historic Fraunces Tavern in 1975."

6. This is the sort of Democrat leadership America has come to expect: foul-mouthed trash:

"'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?
Perhaps more remarkable was the eager willingness of the crowd to join in with him, chanting, while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Obama’s Former Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis looked on, laughing it up in the background."
'F*** Trump' chant led by California Democratic Party Leader: What's next?

It's long past time for the Democrat Party to purge these elements, and come back to being pro-American and adult.
To regain power all the Democrats have to do is - let Trump be Trump. As people die (unnecessarily) and life in USA for the middle and lower class falls apart the GOP will out in the cold again just as they did when they let Bush II be Bush II. The Democrats have nothing to worry about. They can be soulless - and still win in 2018. Trump will see to that.
You have more faith in the masses than I do.

Democrats regularly claim to be the party of the 'masses.'

Of course, in their case, the 'm' is silent.
When does your alt right group meet ?

I must correct you yet again?????

There is no such thing as 'alt right,' nor is there any Far Right in this nation.

There is, or course, a Far Left, and, sadly, you have fallen under their sway.
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]
To regain power all the Democrats have to do is - let Trump be Trump. As people die (unnecessarily) and life in USA for the middle and lower class falls apart the GOP will out in the cold again just as they did when they let Bush II be Bush II. The Democrats have nothing to worry about. They can be soulless - and still win in 2018. Trump will see to that.
You have more faith in the masses than I do.

Democrats regularly claim to be the party of the 'masses.'

Of course, in their case, the 'm' is silent.
Democrats used to be the party of the masses until Fox News introduced so much misinformation into the dialog that the Joe-the-Plumber segment of the masses was pitted against everybody else.

You're off by several decades.

Democrats were the party of American and the masses until the 32nd President aligned with dictators and shredded the Constitution.

Educate yourself.

Here.....let me help you start:

As one eventually becomes weary of having the dull, the uneducated, the ignorant, offer what they consider rebuff to intelligent and informed posts, and in the interests of better debate milieu.....I strongly suggest that no Leftists.....e.g., Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Communist, Nazi, Progressive, or Fascist.....

....nor any combination or permutation of same, embarrass themselves by offering any post until such time that they complete a study of these three works:

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

Without having digested the three above, and carefully decided whether they are correct or not, your posts reek of stupidity and a lack of understanding.

I mean that in only the kindest way.
Democrats haven't been the party of the masses since Roosevelt? Bwahahaha! That will come as a shock to anyone who was a member of a union in the glory days following WWII. Holy fuck, I don't know where you get your "facts" but keep it away from me. It should be quarantined.

I can see why you'd want facts kept from you.....that was the practice in government school, huh?

FDR shredded the Constitution in order to raise labor unions above the a way to gain votes.

Better not read these facts:

The Constitution gives the federal government no authorization to control labor relations within a state.

Justice Charles Evans Hughes said that federal laws restricting local labor relations provisions were unconstitutional, that "the relations of employer and employee is a local relation" and "the evils are all local evils over which the federal government has
no legislative control."

He went on to say "Otherwise in view of the multitude of indirect effects Congress in its discretion could assume control of virtually all of the activities of the people to the subversion of the fundamental principles of the Constitution." And..."... it is not for the court to amend the Constitution by judicial decision."

[And in a concurring opinion holding (298 U. S. 238) the Bituminous Coal Act of 1935 in conflict with the Constitution, this was said by Chief Justice Hughes:
"If the people desire to give Congress the power to regulate industries within the State, and the relation of employers and employees in those industries, they are at liberty to declare their will in the appropriate manner; but it is not for the Court to amend the Constitution by judicial decision." Undermining the Constitution - A History of Lawless Government, by Thomas James Norton -Chapter VIII]

a. "April 12. In a series of five cases, headed by the Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. case,the Court upheld the National Labor Relations Act — or * 'Wagner Act" — designed to protect labor unions and promote collective bargaining in industries throughout the nation. Factories and mills and mines and stores, whose activities had long been legally classified as ''local,'' subject only to state regulation, and so immune, under the Constitution, from federal meddling, were suddenly found — in fiat contradiction of the barely dry Schechter and Carter Coal Co. decisions — to "affect" interstate commerce "directly" enough to warrant Congressional control under the commerce clause. "
Full text of "Nine men : a political history of the Supreme Court from 1790 to 1955"

You've heard of the Constitution....haven't you?
To regain power all the Democrats have to do is - let Trump be Trump. As people die (unnecessarily) and life in USA for the middle and lower class falls apart the GOP will out in the cold again just as they did when they let Bush II be Bush II. The Democrats have nothing to worry about. They can be soulless - and still win in 2018. Trump will see to that.
You have more faith in the masses than I do.

Democrats regularly claim to be the party of the 'masses.'

Of course, in their case, the 'm' is silent.
When does your alt right group meet ?

I must correct you yet again?????

There is no such thing as 'alt right,' nor is there any Far Right in this nation.

There is, or course, a Far Left, and, sadly, you have fallen under their sway.
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]

Did you want to retract this?

"The guy who killed JFK, Oswald was a lib??"
To regain power all the Democrats have to do is - let Trump be Trump. As people die (unnecessarily) and life in USA for the middle and lower class falls apart the GOP will out in the cold again just as they did when they let Bush II be Bush II. The Democrats have nothing to worry about. They can be soulless - and still win in 2018. Trump will see to that.
You have more faith in the masses than I do.

Democrats regularly claim to be the party of the 'masses.'

Of course, in their case, the 'm' is silent.
When does your alt right group meet ?

I must correct you yet again?????

There is no such thing as 'alt right,' nor is there any Far Right in this nation.

There is, or course, a Far Left, and, sadly, you have fallen under their sway.
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]

Another attempt to change the subject?
You have more faith in the masses than I do.

Democrats regularly claim to be the party of the 'masses.'

Of course, in their case, the 'm' is silent.
When does your alt right group meet ?

I must correct you yet again?????

There is no such thing as 'alt right,' nor is there any Far Right in this nation.

There is, or course, a Far Left, and, sadly, you have fallen under their sway.
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]

Another attempt to change the subject?
Coulda sworn you said there was no alt right
Democrats regularly claim to be the party of the 'masses.'

Of course, in their case, the 'm' is silent.
When does your alt right group meet ?

I must correct you yet again?????

There is no such thing as 'alt right,' nor is there any Far Right in this nation.

There is, or course, a Far Left, and, sadly, you have fallen under their sway.
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]

Another attempt to change the subject?
Coulda sworn you said there was no alt right

That's correct.

What does that have to do with your post?
When does your alt right group meet ?

I must correct you yet again?????

There is no such thing as 'alt right,' nor is there any Far Right in this nation.

There is, or course, a Far Left, and, sadly, you have fallen under their sway.
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]

Another attempt to change the subject?
Coulda sworn you said there was no alt right

That's correct.

What does that have to do with your post?
You said no alt right I just showed you there is
I must correct you yet again?????

There is no such thing as 'alt right,' nor is there any Far Right in this nation.

There is, or course, a Far Left, and, sadly, you have fallen under their sway.
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]

Another attempt to change the subject?
Coulda sworn you said there was no alt right

That's correct.

What does that have to do with your post?
You said no alt right I just showed you there is

No you didn't.

The propaganda attempt is to align some racists with the Right, the Republicans.

You picked some nobody who you'd like to claim is representative of your bête noire.

Is every racist 'alt right' the Democrat David Duke, or Maxine Waters?
Richard B. Spencer
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people named Richard Spencer, see Richard Spencer.
Richard B. Spencer

Spencer in November 2016
Born May 11, 1978 (age 39)
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Residence Whitefish, Montana, U.S.
Education St. Mark's School of Texas
Alma mater University of Virginia
University of Chicago
Duke University
Occupation Author, publisher
Known for President & Director
The National Policy Institute
Executive Director
Washington Summit Publishers
Spouse(s) Nina Kouprianova (separated)
Children 1
Richard Bertrand Spencer (born May 11, 1978) is an American white supremacist.[1] He is president of the National Policy Institute, a white nationalist think tank, as well as Washington Summit Publishers. Spencer has stated that he rejects the label of white supremacist, and prefers to describe himself as an identitarian.[2][3][4] He has advocated for a white homeland for a "dispossessed white race" and called for "peaceful ethnic cleansing" to halt the "deconstruction" of European culture.[5]

Spencer and others have said that he created the term "alt-right",[6] which he considers a movement about white identity.[7][8][9] Breitbart News described Spencer's website as "a center of alt-right thought."[10]

Spencer has repeatedly quoted from Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews, and has on several occasions refused to denounce Adolf Hitler.

Spencer and his organization drew considerable media attention in the weeks following the 2016 presidential election, where, at a National Policy Institute conference, in response to his cry "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!", a number of his supporters gave the Nazi salute and chanted in a similar fashion to the Sieg heil chant used at the Nazis' Nuremberg rallies. Spencer has defended their conduct, stating that the Nazi salute was given in a spirit of "irony and exuberance".[11]

Another attempt to change the subject?
Coulda sworn you said there was no alt right

That's correct.

What does that have to do with your post?
You said no alt right I just showed you there is

No you didn't.

The propaganda attempt is to align some racists with the Right, the Republicans.

You picked some nobody who you'd like to claim is representative of your bête noire.

Is every racist 'alt right' the Democrat David Duke, or Maxine Waters?
Dem Duke ??? you've started your weekend drinking a little early chic
Another attempt to change the subject?
Coulda sworn you said there was no alt right

That's correct.

What does that have to do with your post?
You said no alt right I just showed you there is

No you didn't.

The propaganda attempt is to align some racists with the Right, the Republicans.

You picked some nobody who you'd like to claim is representative of your bête noire.

Is every racist 'alt right' the Democrat David Duke, or Maxine Waters?
Dem Duke ??? you've started your weekend drinking a little early chic

One would believe that, by now, you'd know that I am never wrong.

Yes...Democrat David Duke

David Duke....the Democrat

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia
Coulda sworn you said there was no alt right

That's correct.

What does that have to do with your post?
You said no alt right I just showed you there is

No you didn't.

The propaganda attempt is to align some racists with the Right, the Republicans.

You picked some nobody who you'd like to claim is representative of your bête noire.

Is every racist 'alt right' the Democrat David Duke, or Maxine Waters?
Dem Duke ??? you've started your weekend drinking a little early chic

One would believe that, by now, you'd know that I am never wrong.

Yes...Democrat David Duke

David Duke....the Democrat

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia
And this so called dem supported Trump
That's correct.

What does that have to do with your post?
You said no alt right I just showed you there is

No you didn't.

The propaganda attempt is to align some racists with the Right, the Republicans.

You picked some nobody who you'd like to claim is representative of your bête noire.

Is every racist 'alt right' the Democrat David Duke, or Maxine Waters?
Dem Duke ??? you've started your weekend drinking a little early chic

One would believe that, by now, you'd know that I am never wrong.

Yes...Democrat David Duke

David Duke....the Democrat

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia
And this so called dem supported Trump

Seems to be a pattern in your write something,...I show it to be change the subject.

Can't stand losing, huh?
You said no alt right I just showed you there is

No you didn't.

The propaganda attempt is to align some racists with the Right, the Republicans.

You picked some nobody who you'd like to claim is representative of your bête noire.

Is every racist 'alt right' the Democrat David Duke, or Maxine Waters?
Dem Duke ??? you've started your weekend drinking a little early chic

One would believe that, by now, you'd know that I am never wrong.

Yes...Democrat David Duke

David Duke....the Democrat

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia
And this so called dem supported Trump

Seems to be a pattern in your write something,...I show it to be change the subject.

Can't stand losing, huh?
Only places I lose is at the crap table or at the track

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