Seattle judge rules that firearms deals should pay for crimes committed with weapons they sold

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
The PC Police tell us they monitor language so that we can have a more civil dialogue in this country.

The ruling has nothing to do with 'liberals.'
It has everything to do with them. Normal people don't think that way.
Even normal lawyers dont think that way. There is no other area where legal responsibility is imposed like that.

Sure it is; if you serve a drunk customer at the bar, the bar can be held liable.

Can Your Bartender Be Arrested for Your DUI? |

Yes they can because the server knew well ahead of time that they were contributing to a potential deadly situation. How about if we hold the convenience store or grocery store liable if a person buys alcohol and gets drunk on it a week later and runs somebody over in their car?

Don't b
I don't think it's that sinister. I think the judge is just underdeveloped mentally like all the other liberals. They blame the gun so the person that sold it is evil and should pay. Any firearm dealer in Seattle these days gets what they deserve.
Every time a dealer sells a firearm to a guy, they must first call the Fed Govt who does a background check (NICS check). The govt issues a "Yes" or "No" on whether the guy is allowed to buy a gun.

So, shouldn't the Fed govt be as liable as the dealer was? If not more so?

Perhaps I missed it.

Where was the call to the Federal Government made during these purchases?

First this dumba$$ in the video calls magazines clips(that means he's uneducated) second he's talking about the exception not the rule, most tables in these gun shows require an ID check/background check.
Your whining over spilt milk...

So the guy illegally selling and the host (High Caliber or Saxet) can be sued. Cool
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
Your insecurities run deep
A stupid asshole with over 37 THOUSAND POSTS, on a message is the last person to talk about being insecure..

Your dumbass probably wears depends diapers so your pathetic self won't have to get up and leave the computer..
Post count has what to do with this? Ignorant argument used by an ignorant leftie
It means your retarded pathetic ass has nothing more productive to do with your sad life than post on a message board.

You want ignorant look in the mirror , right wing trash and the Tea Maggots, most of them run up high post numbers on here, because they are either paid trolls, or just too fucking stupid to matter in life, I'm guessing your the latter..
Last edited:
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
You're the one talking smack. That would mean it's you who is fixated an trying to make a racial issue out of gun ownership. Which makes zero sense. You're shootin' blanks Big Guy.
Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
The PC Police tell us they monitor language so that we can have a more civil dialogue in this country.

Just like Trump, says doesn'the have time to be politically correct..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
Your insecurities run deep
A stupid asshole with over 37 THOUSAND POSTS, on a message is the last person to talk about being insecure..

Your dumbass probably wears depends diapers so your pathetic self won't have to get up and leave the computer..
Post count has what to do with this? Ignorant argument used by an ignorant leftie
It means your retarded pathetic ass has nothing more productive to do with your sad life than post on a message board.

You want ignorant look in the mirror , right wing trash and the Tea Maggots, most of them run up high post numbers on here, because they are either paid trolls, or just too fucking stupid to matter in life, I'm guessing tour the latter..
This response will take about 30 seconds & has no impact on my life.

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
The PC Police tell us they monitor language so that we can have a more civil dialogue in this country.

Just like your Oligarch master Trump, doesn't have time to be politically correct..
Yeah, you're just like Trump.

You folks are a hoot.
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
Your insecurities run deep
A stupid asshole with over 37 THOUSAND POSTS, on a message is the last person to talk about being insecure..

Your dumbass probably wears depends diapers so your pathetic self won't have to get up and leave the computer..
Post count has what to do with this? Ignorant argument used by an ignorant leftie
It means your retarded pathetic ass has nothing more productive to do with your sad life than post on a message board.

You want ignorant look in the mirror , right wing trash and the Tea Maggots, most of them run up high post numbers on here, because they are either paid trolls, or just too fucking stupid to matter in life, I'm guessing tour the latter..

"I'm guessing tour the latter . . . "

And you talk about stupid. Post something other than ebonics boys and we might get an idea that you aren't the stupid one.
These kinds of rulings scares you gun nutters to death.

I liked the idiot who said that car manufactuers should pay blah blah blah.

Arent you supposed to have insurance for your car? To pay for personal injury or death caused by you the driver? Sure you need to have insurance.

How about insurance for gun owners? That sound like a good idea?

Or do you not mind that non gun owners have to help pay for the damages caused by the gun owner? Any of you gun nutters ever look at what the cost is to treat gun shot wounds?

But its nice that you dont want the straw buyer for a gangbanger to have to pay any more money than necessary to get that high performance gun into a gang bangers hands.

Glad the ignorant white trash Dad that leaves his loaded gun where a kid can find it and shoots someone, sure am glad that dad doesnt have to contruibute to the medical costs that he created.

But what really scares you all is IF this kind of action (by this judge) is upheld and effective in reducing costs and shootings, you all are fucked. You all would have to start sharing the cost for your right to have a gun.
I like how your ant brain classifies everyone that supports the 2nd Amendment as gun nutters. And how we are scared. We're armed, you aren't.

Yes, auto drivers need insurance like we would if we were walking around on sidewalks shooting at things. If you sell a car to someone and they commit a crime it's no skin off your nose. The rest of your post is too much of a snivel to give time to.

Ice. Gun nutters is a non insult. It best, most easily describes the people like 2a and maybe you, that have seemingly based a good part of your identity on defending yourself from ????

And of course the other obsession is protecting something that you want unchanged or amended. The 2nd.

Problem you have is that your kind does two things bad; you think that by not addressing the gun violence issue in a sane more logical manner is somehow "defending" that most loved amendment.

The second stupid thing people like you do is make assumptions. As in you "assuming" that I am not armed and capable.

Lets say you have a nice 9mm pistol laying around and your punk nephew steals it from you and committs a crime, shoots some one and kills them. With your gun. That you left unsecured.

You sure you wouldnt like to have been insured against that type of theft and violence with your gun?

Maybe insurance companies can sell life insurance policies on gun ownership with kids in the house and/or mentally unstable in the house. Insure against kid death and suicide? Would you buy that insurance?
These kinds of rulings scares you gun nutters to death.

I liked the idiot who said that car manufactuers should pay blah blah blah.

Arent you supposed to have insurance for your car? To pay for personal injury or death caused by you the driver? Sure you need to have insurance.

How about insurance for gun owners? That sound like a good idea?

Or do you not mind that non gun owners have to help pay for the damages caused by the gun owner? Any of you gun nutters ever look at what the cost is to treat gun shot wounds?

But its nice that you dont want the straw buyer for a gangbanger to have to pay any more money than necessary to get that high performance gun into a gang bangers hands.

Glad the ignorant white trash Dad that leaves his loaded gun where a kid can find it and shoots someone, sure am glad that dad doesnt have to contruibute to the medical costs that he created.

But what really scares you all is IF this kind of action (by this judge) is upheld and effective in reducing costs and shootings, you all are fucked. You all would have to start sharing the cost for your right to have a gun.
I like how your ant brain classifies everyone that supports the 2nd Amendment as gun nutters. And how we are scared. We're armed, you aren't.

Yes, auto drivers need insurance like we would if we were walking around on sidewalks shooting at things. If you sell a car to someone and they commit a crime it's no skin off your nose. The rest of your post is too much of a snivel to give time to.

Ice. Gun nutters is a non insult. It best, most easily describes the people like 2a and maybe you, that have seemingly based a good part of your identity on defending yourself from ????

And of course the other obsession is protecting something that you want unchanged or amended. The 2nd.

Problem you have is that your kind does two things bad; you think that by not addressing the gun violence issue in a sane more logical manner is somehow "defending" that most loved amendment.

The second stupid thing people like you do is make assumptions. As in you "assuming" that I am not armed and capable.

Lets say you have a nice 9mm pistol laying around and your punk nephew steals it from you and committs a crime, shoots some one and kills them. With your gun. That you left unsecured.

You sure you wouldnt like to have been insured against that type of theft and violence with your gun?

Maybe insurance companies can sell life insurance policies on gun ownership with kids in the house and/or mentally unstable in the house. Insure against kid death and suicide? Would you buy that insurance?
I spend a lot of time defending what? You're been here a month and know everything about everyone? A gun nutter is someone that fails to goose step behind your emotional rhetoric, I get it.

Let's say some kid steals a knife from your kitchen drawer and kills someone. Should you be required to have had insurance? I've spoken about violence here quite a bit, pop your head out of your ass and read more, lecture less.
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..

Yes...this stupid point was brought up everytime a state wanted to pass concealed carry........that just putting on a gun would turn the owner crazy and every little traffic fender bender would be a shootout......

You are wrong....more than 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense now and even more own guns...and our gun murder rate went down, not up....every single time......
One of the solutions has always been to somehow involve the manufacturer in the product they manufacture. It was inevitable. Over time the gun manufacturers will come up with some solutions. Up to now gun manufacturers have relied on the love affair some citizens have for guns.
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..

Yes...this stupid point was brought up everytime a state wanted to pass concealed carry........that just putting on a gun would turn the owner crazy and every little traffic fender bender would be a shootout......

You are wrong....more than 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense now and even more own guns...and our gun murder rate went down, not up....every single time......

Hate to burst your bubble dude.

The murder rates with a gun started to decline AFTER the Brady Law with those backgroud checks was implemented. said armed mercians brought down the gun violence rate.

Maybe those restrictions on gun availability do work.
And maybe a few Americans stopped shootings with their gun by shooting someone.

The background check law has been more effective though.
The ruling has nothing to do with 'liberals.'
It has everything to do with them. Normal people don't think that way.
Even normal lawyers dont think that way. There is no other area where legal responsibility is imposed like that.

Sure it is; if you serve a drunk customer at the bar, the bar can be held liable.

Can Your Bartender Be Arrested for Your DUI? |

Yes they can because the server knew well ahead of time that they were contributing to a potential deadly situation. How about if we hold the convenience store or grocery store liable if a person buys alcohol and gets drunk on it a week later and runs somebody over in their car?

Don't b
I don't think it's that sinister. I think the judge is just underdeveloped mentally like all the other liberals. They blame the gun so the person that sold it is evil and should pay. Any firearm dealer in Seattle these days gets what they deserve.
Every time a dealer sells a firearm to a guy, they must first call the Fed Govt who does a background check (NICS check). The govt issues a "Yes" or "No" on whether the guy is allowed to buy a gun.

So, shouldn't the Fed govt be as liable as the dealer was? If not more so?

Perhaps I missed it.

Where was the call to the Federal Government made during these purchases?

First this dumba$$ in the video calls magazines clips(that means he's uneducated) second he's talking about the exception not the rule, most tables in these gun shows require an ID check/background check.
Your whining over spilt milk...

So the guy illegally selling and the host (High Caliber or Saxet) can be sued. Cool

There is no gun show "loophole".... Shit happens.
You and the a$$hole who made the video are barking up the wrong tree...
One of the solutions has always been to somehow involve the manufacturer in the product they manufacture. It was inevitable. Over time the gun manufacturers will come up with some solutions. Up to now gun manufacturers have relied on the love affair some citizens have for guns.
Dumba$$, no it is not up to the manufactures they have no part in it, and should have no part in it.
Address the problem at its source, criminal control...
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..

Yes...this stupid point was brought up everytime a state wanted to pass concealed carry........that just putting on a gun would turn the owner crazy and every little traffic fender bender would be a shootout......

You are wrong....more than 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense now and even more own guns...and our gun murder rate went down, not up....every single time......

Hate to burst your bubble dude.

The murder rates with a gun started to decline AFTER the Brady Law with those backgroud checks was implemented. said armed mercians brought down the gun violence rate.

Maybe those restrictions on gun availability do work.
And maybe a few Americans stopped shootings with their gun by shooting someone.

The background check law has been more effective though.
Enforce the current laws, no new laws are needed. It's a fairytale to think these stupid in the head laws are nothing more than retardation of control freaks....
The first of many examples which the gun fraternity has yet to comprehend. People are fed up with gun violence and as long as the gun industry fails to police itself more laws will be passed in an effort to raise revenue.

Understand that every person shot receives an immediate response by the local LE Agency, the Fire Department and EMT's, the nearest hospital for surveyors and the coroner's office when their are deaths.

Then the agency in charge of investigating the shooting will interview witnesses, collect evidence and prepare reports for the prosecutor; who will then assign the case to a deputy prosecutor and an investigator for follow up.

Then there are court costs for arraignment, pre trail conferences, a preliminary hearing, and upon being held to answer the costs to the local taxpayer begin to spiral up as other agencies - the SO and the Jail, Probation, Public Defender and or appointed private council, the Health Dept. the Victim Witness Department and other specialties provide by law or necessity.

Why shouldn't a gun buyer pay a tax when so much local money is expended when guns are misused? Drivers and car owners pay taxes for roads, stop sighs, signals and signs as well as traffic divisions.
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..

Yes...this stupid point was brought up everytime a state wanted to pass concealed carry........that just putting on a gun would turn the owner crazy and every little traffic fender bender would be a shootout......

You are wrong....more than 13 million Americans carry guns for self defense now and even more own guns...and our gun murder rate went down, not up....every single time......

Hate to burst your bubble dude.

The murder rates with a gun started to decline AFTER the Brady Law with those backgroud checks was implemented. said armed mercians brought down the gun violence rate.

Maybe those restrictions on gun availability do work.
And maybe a few Americans stopped shootings with their gun by shooting someone.

The background check law has been more effective though.
Enforce the current laws, no new laws are needed. It's a fairytale to think these stupid in the head laws are nothing more than retardation of control freaks....

Better you post a single sentence ad hominem, such as "I hate gun grabbers"; anything more adds nothing more to your emotional rant.
The first of many examples which the gun fraternity has yet to comprehend. People are fed up with gun violence and as long as the gun industry fails to police itself more laws will be passed in an effort to raise revenue.

Understand that every person shot receives an immediate response by the local LE Agency, the Fire Department and EMT's, the nearest hospital for surveyors and the coroner's office when their are deaths.

Then the agency in charge of investigating the shooting will interview witnesses, collect evidence and prepare reports for the prosecutor; who will then assign the case to a deputy prosecutor and an investigator for follow up.

Then there are court costs for arraignment, pre trail conferences, a preliminary hearing, and upon being held to answer the costs to the local taxpayer begin to spiral up as other agencies - the SO and the Jail, Probation, Public Defender and or appointed private council, the Health Dept. the Victim Witness Department and other specialties provide by law or necessity.

Why shouldn't a gun buyer pay a tax when so much local money is expended when guns are misused? Drivers and car owners pay taxes for roads, stop sighs, signals and signs as well as traffic divisions.
Are you stupid??
Hell no, gun ownership is a right... Car ownership is not...
Seattle judge rules that firearms deals should pay for crimes committed with weapons they sold

good luck with that

Remington is STILL dodging wrongful death suits because their 700 had a shitty safety that killed or injured dozens of people who bought their crappy gun.

Having a gun company pay for a crime ain't gonna happen.

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