Seattle judge rules that firearms deals should pay for crimes committed with weapons they sold

The liberals have found yet another excuse for transferring wealth (even a little). A judge in Seattle has ruled that gun dealers may have to pay for crimes others commit, using a weapon the dealer sold.

Soon the judge will probably rule that Ford and Chevrolet must pay for people who drive their cars and run over pedestrians or commit hit-and-run crashes.

Lakeisha Holloway might get a break after running down thirty-plus people on the Las Vegas strip, killing one, if she can successfully pretend that the manufacturer of her car was partly to blame.

The liberals' solution to this is, of course, to raise taxes yet again.

Half the price of a gun is taxes already. Now Seattle will raise taxes on them even more, and put a tax on ammunition as well. Apparently ammunition makers are also being blamed somehow.

None of this will prevent crimes, of course. But the liberals are happy to raise taxes, even for useless programs and purposes, to punish those who haven't done anything wrong.

Only in America.


Judge Rules Gun Dealers May Have to Pay For Crimes Committed With Weapons They Sell

Judge Rules Gun Dealers May Have to Pay For Crimes Committed With Weapons They Sell

By Marie Solis
December 23, 2015 4:44 PM

Seattle will be ringing in 2016 with new gun control legislation.

On Tuesday, King County Superior Court Judge Palmer Robinson ruled that a new tax on guns and ammo would go into effect on Jan. 1, in a case gun rights activists brought against the city. Robinson's decision aligned with City Council's unanimous vote in August, approving a tariff of $25 per gun and 2 or 5 cents per round of ammunition for sellers.

In the eyes of NRA members — the plaintiffs, alongside the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Shooting Sports Foundation — Robinson's ruling flouted the law. But during the case's hearing, a lawyer defending the city testified that the levy is perfectly kosher. The key is the difference between taxation and regulation, the Seattle Times reported.

Attorney William Abrams stated, "Taxation is to raise revenue, and cities have broad powers to raise revenue through a variety of taxes."

This simple fact doesn't mean the NRA will stand down. "This is not the final word," NRA spokesperson Lars Dalseide said in a statement to the Examiner. "We will keep fighting until all legal avenues are exhausted and the people of Seattle are free to exercise their Second Amendment rights without persecution from their elected officials."
What am I missing? The lead-in says gun dealers may have to pay for crimes committed with weapons they sell, then the article goes on to never mentions this punishment, but lists instead a complaint against taxation of guns and ammo. And frankly, if a gun sold at a gun show or out of a trunk or even over the net or bought for another is responsible for a crime, Amen! I am a bit confused though. When I bought my .38 a brief check off my Driver's license did the job. No waiting. 30 minutes tops..due to paperwork, and I did have to register with the County.
But the judge DOES open up an interesting can of worms...

Can we "tax" the Democrats to pay for any damages Obozo's "refugees" cause our country through terrorists attacks??? Including damages to any victims' families???

Or how about damages for Bill Clinton allowing the "Boston Bombers" or 9/11 highjackers in (including the costs of the war in Afghanistan that resulted from 9/11)???
Or how about damages from Tom Delay and Dick Armey for the "Wag the Dog" campaign against the President when he tried to take out OBL, a campaign that emboldened OBL et al to go on to 911 because of a hamstrung President?
OK, someone explain it to me.

It appears to be a tax on guns at 25 dollars/gun. And a few cents per round. While I don't like taxes it is what government does to raise revenue. Since guns sales are sky rocketing it seems like the natural target for a tax increase. So the judge, in my opinion, ruled properly, although I don't like putting anymore taxes on the people.

Taxes to raise revenue is one thing. Taxation to control people and their actions is quite another.

Politicians who use taxation for such reasons should be run out of town on a rail. Unfortunately we don't have the integrity to do so. If they are trying to control the actions of people we don't like, we almost celebrate it---usually on the left.

As brilliant as our founders were, it's a shame they couldn't foresee such evil in our future leaders and include something in our Constitution that forbade it. But then again, they probably figured we would be intelligent enough to remove those people from office.

Is 5 dollars per gun and a few cents per round going to stop many people? If anything this is a decision against the poor, which we all know the left wing equates to blacks, it will limit the poor's access to a defensive weapon.
OK, someone explain it to me.

It appears to be a tax on guns at 25 dollars/gun. And a few cents per round. While I don't like taxes it is what government does to raise revenue. Since guns sales are sky rocketing it seems like the natural target for a tax increase. So the judge, in my opinion, ruled properly, although I don't like putting anymore taxes on the people.

Taxes to raise revenue is one thing. Taxation to control people and their actions is quite another.

Politicians who use taxation for such reasons should be run out of town on a rail. Unfortunately we don't have the integrity to do so. If they are trying to control the actions of people we don't like, we almost celebrate it---usually on the left.

As brilliant as our founders were, it's a shame they couldn't foresee such evil in our future leaders and include something in our Constitution that forbade it. But then again, they probably figured we would be intelligent enough to remove those people from office.

Is 5 dollars per gun and a few cents per round going to stop many people? If anything this is a decision against the poor, which we all know the left wing equates to blacks, it will limit the poor's access to a defensive weapon.

It will make it harder. But you know how liberals are: once they rob a bank, they assume they can keep going back to the same bank to rob it again. Look at the price of cigarettes and alcohol today.
The ruling has nothing to do with 'liberals.'
It has everything to do with them. Normal people don't think that way.
Even normal lawyers dont think that way. There is no other area where legal responsibility is imposed like that.

Sure it is; if you serve a drunk customer at the bar, the bar can be held liable.

Can Your Bartender Be Arrested for Your DUI? |

Yes they can because the server knew well ahead of time that they were contributing to a potential deadly situation. How about if we hold the convenience store or grocery store liable if a person buys alcohol and gets drunk on it a week later and runs somebody over in their car?
These kinds of rulings scares you gun nutters to death.

I liked the idiot who said that car manufactuers should pay blah blah blah.

Arent you supposed to have insurance for your car? To pay for personal injury or death caused by you the driver? Sure you need to have insurance.

How about insurance for gun owners? That sound like a good idea?

Or do you not mind that non gun owners have to help pay for the damages caused by the gun owner? Any of you gun nutters ever look at what the cost is to treat gun shot wounds?

But its nice that you dont want the straw buyer for a gangbanger to have to pay any more money than necessary to get that high performance gun into a gang bangers hands.

Glad the ignorant white trash Dad that leaves his loaded gun where a kid can find it and shoots someone, sure am glad that dad doesnt have to contruibute to the medical costs that he created.

But what really scares you all is IF this kind of action (by this judge) is upheld and effective in reducing costs and shootings, you all are fucked. You all would have to start sharing the cost for your right to have a gun.
These kinds of rulings scares you gun nutters to death.

I liked the idiot who said that car manufactuers should pay blah blah blah.

Arent you supposed to have insurance for your car? To pay for personal injury or death caused by you the driver? Sure you need to have insurance.

How about insurance for gun owners? That sound like a good idea?

Or do you not mind that non gun owners have to help pay for the damages caused by the gun owner? Any of you gun nutters ever look at what the cost is to treat gun shot wounds?

But its nice that you dont want the straw buyer for a gangbanger to have to pay any more money than necessary to get that high performance gun into a gang bangers hands.

Glad the ignorant white trash Dad that leaves his loaded gun where a kid can find it and shoots someone, sure am glad that dad doesnt have to contruibute to the medical costs that he created.

But what really scares you all is IF this kind of action (by this judge) is upheld and effective in reducing costs and shootings, you all are fucked. You all would have to start sharing the cost for your right to have a gun.

Gun owners are held liable if something goes wrong. What more do you want? Insurance? How would insurance stop one murder or mass shooting in this country?

As for this judge, it will be overturned if the issue is pressed. A judge is only supposed to interpret the law--not create law on the bench. That's what's known as judicial legislation and he should be thrown off the bench for such practice.
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
These kinds of rulings scares you gun nutters to death.

I liked the idiot who said that car manufactuers should pay blah blah blah.

Arent you supposed to have insurance for your car? To pay for personal injury or death caused by you the driver? Sure you need to have insurance.

How about insurance for gun owners? That sound like a good idea?

Or do you not mind that non gun owners have to help pay for the damages caused by the gun owner? Any of you gun nutters ever look at what the cost is to treat gun shot wounds?

But its nice that you dont want the straw buyer for a gangbanger to have to pay any more money than necessary to get that high performance gun into a gang bangers hands.

Glad the ignorant white trash Dad that leaves his loaded gun where a kid can find it and shoots someone, sure am glad that dad doesnt have to contruibute to the medical costs that he created.

But what really scares you all is IF this kind of action (by this judge) is upheld and effective in reducing costs and shootings, you all are fucked. You all would have to start sharing the cost for your right to have a gun.
I like how your ant brain classifies everyone that supports the 2nd Amendment as gun nutters. And how we are scared. We're armed, you aren't.

Yes, auto drivers need insurance like we would if we were walking around on sidewalks shooting at things. If you sell a car to someone and they commit a crime it's no skin off your nose. The rest of your post is too much of a snivel to give time to.
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
But the judge DOES open up an interesting can of worms...

Can we "tax" the Democrats to pay for any damages Obozo's "refugees" cause our country through terrorists attacks??? Including damages to any victims' families???

Or how about damages for Bill Clinton allowing the "Boston Bombers" or 9/11 highjackers in (including the costs of the war in Afghanistan that resulted from 9/11)???
Or how about damages from Tom Delay and Dick Armey for the "Wag the Dog" campaign against the President when he tried to take out OBL, a campaign that emboldened OBL et al to go on to 911 because of a hamstrung President?

You mean the time Clinton could have killed OBL, and decided (all on his own) to let him go???
Hours Before 9/11, Bill Clinton Said He ‘Could Have Killed’ Bin Laden - YouTube
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
OK, someone explain it to me.

It appears to be a tax on guns at 25 dollars/gun. And a few cents per round. While I don't like taxes it is what government does to raise revenue. Since guns sales are sky rocketing it seems like the natural target for a tax increase. So the judge, in my opinion, ruled properly, although I don't like putting anymore taxes on the people.
The legitimacy of a tax is not based on an items popularity. That would be a form of price gouging, good grief.
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
Your insecurities run deep
I don't think it's that sinister. I think the judge is just underdeveloped mentally like all the other liberals. They blame the gun so the person that sold it is evil and should pay. Any firearm dealer in Seattle these days gets what they deserve.
Every time a dealer sells a firearm to a guy, they must first call the Fed Govt who does a background check (NICS check). The govt issues a "Yes" or "No" on whether the guy is allowed to buy a gun.

So, shouldn't the Fed govt be as liable as the dealer was? If not more so?

Perhaps I missed it.

Where was the call to the Federal Government made during these purchases?

First this dumba$$ in the video calls magazines clips(that means he's uneducated) second he's talking about the exception not the rule, most tables in these gun shows require an ID check/background check.
Your whining over spilt milk...
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
Your insecurities run deep
A stupid asshole with over 37 THOUSAND POSTS, on a message is the last person to talk about being insecure..

Your dumbass probably wears depends diapers so your pathetic self won't have to get up and leave the computer..
Good call, finally a judge with good sense...

Let all the Mayonnaise monkeys in the South open Carry,, and when folks get shot and killed that will be fine , I love guns as long as inbred Rednecks keep whacking each other..
This is an open carry state. This ain't the south and blacks are whacking each other much more. When you have an argument with reality, reality isn't the problem.
84% of crackers are killed by other crackers, white cave ******* are in denial About their savage nature, Neanderthal Apes are their own worst enemy, Cave ****** on cave ****** violence is rampant in the USA, you mayonnaise monkeys love to blame and fixate on non whites, because you can't deal with the hideous truth about the dysfunction of your own race, probably due to inbreeding with relatives, if the Neanderthals would have never been let out of their caves in Europe there would be no Tim McVeigh's, Charles Manson's, or other Anti American Militias, like Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber , etc..
Your insecurities run deep
A stupid asshole with over 37 THOUSAND POSTS, on a message is the last person to talk about being insecure..

Your dumbass probably wears depends diapers so your pathetic self won't have to get up and leave the computer..
Post count has what to do with this? Ignorant argument used by an ignorant leftie

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