Seattle minimum wage hike brings lawsuits

Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

Exactly what I had been saying before. The minimum wage hike, doesn't hurt the parent company. It nails the franchises and small business, who operate like separate businesses.

In this case, the only reason the Franchisees are freaking out, is because this specific law was written to avoid harming small business.

The Franchisees will be at a huge disadvantage to small business with a lower minimum wage. So they want everyone hit by the same wage.

And that is fair, by the way.

But what this also proves is that even the leftards in Seattle understand that the minimum wage being raised will benefit the big companies at the expensive of the small shops.

That's the whole reason they allowed small business to be exempt from the higher minimum wage to begin with.

They understand that if Freddie's Burger Barn, and McDonald's both are forced to pay $15 an hour, Freddie's doesn't have the money to pay those wages, whereas McDonald's can either replace people with kiosks, or they can afford to raise their prices as a well established brand.

They know they are going to end up benefiting the big companies, while all the little people are unemployed. Rich get richer, poor get poorer, leftists pretend they did something good.
Seattle will find out the hard way what's at e wartime with a functioning brain cell or two already know. It was a stupid idea.
I'm probably being naive, but I don't understand why they would pass a law they know won't hold up in court?
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

well dont forget Gramps according to some here you are supposed to raise a family doing the beginners jobs and some apparently will make it a career.....
They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.
They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.

Nothing to do with communism, but you already know that.
So the far left in Washington is acting like Nixon, go figure..
I'm probably being naive, but I don't understand why they would pass a law they know won't hold up in court?

You are making the mistake of assuming politics is about reality and logic.

It's not. Politics is about what will benefit the politicians. Whether or not the law holds up in court, or whether it harms or benefits the economy, or even whether it helps the employees of zero-skill jobs, makes no difference.

Will the special interest groups give money to the politicians if they pass the law?

Will the ignorant voters give him kudos for "sticking it to the companies, and helping the little guy"?

It is not uncommon for politicians to write and push a terrible and even destructive legislation, knowing it has no chance of being passed, or signed into law, just so they can go and campaign that "my opponent opposed the (terrible awful law) that would have helped poor people and kittens!"

So to answer your question, to a politician it doesn't matter what happens. If the law is voted down, or if the law is struck down, or if the law is thwarted by companies replacing their employees with robots, or closing and leaving, none of that matters. What matters is, their special interests, and the ignorant public will love them for it, no matter what happens.

They'll blame the 'evil republicans', or they'll blame 'the conservative courts!' or they'll blame 'the evil corporations', and the politicians who knew the law would be destructive, or never make it, will get praised for it right back into office.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.
This is the very definition of tyranny.

How? Economic justice is tyranny?

Forcing small business into bankruptcy, thus laying off all the employees who now earn ZERO instead of a steady wage, is what you call "economic justice"?

If you could please, keep your 'economic justice' away from me. I like being employed. Thanks.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

well dont forget Gramps according to some here you are supposed to raise a family doing the beginners jobs and some apparently will make it a career.....

No, fail.

You are not 'supposed' to do anything. You are think of a socialist system, where everyone has to do what the government tells them to, or else they starve, or are shuffled off to gulags, to be forced to work.

No. This is Capitalism. This is where, *YOU* own *YOUR* capital. Your labor, is your own property.

You can do whatever you wish with your labor.

If you want to waste away earning minimum wage for the rest of your life, that's your choice.

If you want to go learn a skill, or get a degree, and earn a Median income, that's your choice.

If you want to buy a pickup truck, and put a sign on the back "We stash your trash", and start a business 1-800-GOT-JUNK, and become a multimillionaire.... that's your choice.

If you want teach yourself HTML and make web sites for businesses, that's your choice.

If you want to whittle duck callers on the back porch of your house, and turn it into a multi-million dollar company with a TV show on A&E, that's your choice.

If you want to wash floors, with a mop and bucket, and run your own business making $100,000 a year, that's your choice.

If you want to work your way up at McDonald's, starting off as a fry cook, and end up owning your own McDonald's Franchise, that's your choice.

You are not "supposed" to do anything. But if you CHOOSE.... to stay a minimum wage fry cook, or whooper flopper..... that is *YOUR CHOICE* and no one else is blame for it, but you. Period.

Every single one of those examples above, plus thousands more, are real. Real people, with little or no money, working their way up to whatever they want to be. Choice. That's the Capitalist system. It's not our job to make your lazy butt successful. That's up to you. No one else.
They are going at this the wrong way, States and by extension the cities within them are prohibited by the Constitution from impairing the obligations of contracts, that would include employment contracts. These communist enclaves need to be taught they are not exempt from the Constitution.

I don't think so.... What provision of the constitution are you referring to?
Franchise Group To Sue Over Seattle's $15-An-Hour Minimum Wage - Forbes

If the law stands it will be interesting to see the net results in a year or so after implementation.

If you want to end the lawsuit, ask the franchise group what their net cost will be on a $15.00/hr minimum wage. They won't want to answer.

Or, you can implement my plan which will lower employment costs to current tax/fee costs and subsidize additional/future additional employees.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

You keep repeating these lies every other thread. We've covered all this, and explain how full of crap these claims are.

These companies are not paying enough tax now, that giving them a deduction from taxes would cover the absolutely absurd wages you think they should pay.

And any attempt to have the government subsidize those wages would bankrupt the entire country in under a year.

How many times do we have point out the stupidity of your idiotic plan, before you stop spouting off the stupidity every thread? Not even other leftists buy this moronic crap you spew.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.

I don't think mom & pop shops are prepared for a massive impact in their overhead like this.

I can see MANY small businesses going under. Seriously, forcing someone to pay teenagers 15 per hour to scoop ice cream or flip burgers is nuts.

That's exactly what I said will happen. You're going to see small businesses close their doors. They'll have to hike up prices big time and that will put them at a competitive disadvantage with those outside the city limits.
Not a surprise. I said this would happen because of the way its set up...everyone needs to go at the same need for a tiered set up.
This is the very definition of tyranny.

How? Economic justice is tyranny?

Economic justice like so many made up terms by the left have nothing to do with justice, it's all about buying votes from the feeble minded using other peoples money. You fit that stereotype so well it's scary.

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