Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation

You know, while I don't blame Trump for those Darwin Award winners in AZ, because a person should know that just because something contains a particular ingredient, DOES NOT mean that it is safe to ingest.

However...........................I DO blame him for the suffering that is being visited on lupus patients who are now without medication because Trump said the drug worked on the virus, and now there are severe shortages of the medicine.

A 45-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) said she received an online message from her health care provider stating it will no longer refill her vital hydroxychloroquine prescriptions because that drug is being used to treat the "critically ill with COVID-19," the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The letter thanked her for her "sacrifice."

Dale, who lives in the Los Angeles area and asked to only be identified by her first name, told BuzzFeed News she "started crying" upon receiving the message from her doctor's office on Tuesday. She had previously called Kaiser Permanente, a major health care network based in Oakland, about why her prescription was being denied.
The orange whore spent the last three years dodging anyone who would dare question him, even suspending the regular press briefings that have been customary for decades. Now we see his ugly, lying face every night due only to the fact that he wants to present a particular heroic image to the public. He's not worth the airtime. Running cartoons in the same time-slot would be more constructive.

More than that, what he says has already gotten people killed.

We don't need someone spewing lies that gets more people killed needlessly.

Really? Let’s see some proof. Oh that’s right , you have none. As usual. I suppose you’re going to cite the idiot in Arizona who drank aquarium cleaner and blame Trump. It’s DIMS who are getting people killed (expected from a party of baby murderers) with their blocking of aid packages.
How many died because the moron in our WH didn't take prompt action ? You're smart lantern ,you tell me

Trump took prompt action you illiterate. Travel ban. Idiots like you cried RACIST! Allocated money for the CDC. Dims sat on it so they could slam Trump on the Sunday shows. NOBODY died due to Trump. DIMS have always been the problem here. Get treatment for your level 4 TDS. Seems 60% of the country likes what Trump is doing. Making you cry even harder.
Lantern your pos is still trying
President Trump hinted last weekend he might just hand himself a big, juicy loan from the $500 billion emergency economic stimulus deal finally reached by Congress and the White House last night.

So Democrats added language to the bill that explicitly stops him.

The massive new $2 trillion rescue package contains a prohibition on businesses controlled by Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, members of Congress, and Trump’s cabinet officials from receiving loans or investments from programs run by the Treasury Department, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced after midnight Wednesday.
President Trump hinted last weekend he might just hand himself a big, juicy loan from the $500 billion emergency economic stimulus deal finally reached by Congress and the White House last night.

So Democrats added language to the bill that explicitly stops him.

The massive new $2 trillion rescue package contains a prohibition on businesses controlled by Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, members of Congress, and Trump’s cabinet officials from receiving loans or investments from programs run by the Treasury Department, Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer announced after midnight Wednesday.

Fk all of you ah republicans
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
How many Americans have died on his watch?

How's that modeling working out for you there in Mike DeWine's Ohio? How about the 3.3 million unemployment numbers?

Gosh, not too well. You all just keep losing
I'm not from Ohio.
I'm sure that Ohio is happy about that.

Possibly ecstatic.
With any luck I'll get Covid-19 and die.
Then you may rejoice.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
How many Americans have died on his watch?

How's that modeling working out for you there in Mike DeWine's Ohio? How about the 3.3 million unemployment numbers?

Gosh, not too well. You all just keep losing
I'm not from Ohio.
I'm sure that Ohio is happy about that.

Possibly ecstatic.
With any luck I'll get Covid-19 and die.
Then you may rejoice.

Don't wait on my account.

I'm going to die as well, whether I get COVID or not, and probably in the next year or so.

The majority of my family is in Ohio, and I'll never be able to make a trip home to see them.

So, fuck you.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
How many Americans have died on his watch?

How's that modeling working out for you there in Mike DeWine's Ohio? How about the 3.3 million unemployment numbers?

Gosh, not too well. You all just keep losing
I'm not from Ohio.
I'm sure that Ohio is happy about that.

Possibly ecstatic.
With any luck I'll get Covid-19 and die.
Then you may rejoice.

Don't wait on my account.

I'm going to die as well, whether I get COVID or not, and probably in the next year or so.

The majority of my family is in Ohio, and I'll never be able to make a trip home to see them.

So, fuck you.

What is going on here...what

This is the underlying danger of COVID that is not COVID, but the quarantine itself. Which I have been trying to say. The quarantine itself is dangerous...people cooped up, nothing to do but ruminate. Anyway fwiw, not much. Billy and Will, I don't think anyone will rejoice at your deaths. How sad. How awful this quarantine is
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
How many Americans have died on his watch?

How's that modeling working out for you there in Mike DeWine's Ohio? How about the 3.3 million unemployment numbers?

Gosh, not too well. You all just keep losing
I'm not from Ohio.
I'm sure that Ohio is happy about that.

Possibly ecstatic.
With any luck I'll get Covid-19 and die.
Then you may rejoice.

Don't wait on my account.

I'm going to die as well, whether I get COVID or not, and probably in the next year or so.

The majority of my family is in Ohio, and I'll never be able to make a trip home to see them.

So, fuck you.

What is going on here...what

This is the underlying danger of COVID that is not COVID, but the quarantine itself. Which I have been trying to say. The quarantine itself is dangerous...people cooped up, nothing to do but ruminate. Anyway fwiw, not much. Billy and Will, I don't think anyone will rejoice at your deaths. How sad. How awful this quarantine is
I got a card in the mail today from the government. President Trump's guidelines. They said the opposite. Stay away from people. Stay at home. That kind of thing. Unfortunately for me i have one of those 'necessary' jobs so I can't stay home.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
How many Americans have died on his watch?

How's that modeling working out for you there in Mike DeWine's Ohio? How about the 3.3 million unemployment numbers?

Gosh, not too well. You all just keep losing
I'm not from Ohio.
I'm sure that Ohio is happy about that.

Possibly ecstatic.
With any luck I'll get Covid-19 and die.
Then you may rejoice.

Don't wait on my account.

I'm going to die as well, whether I get COVID or not, and probably in the next year or so.

The majority of my family is in Ohio, and I'll never be able to make a trip home to see them.

So, fuck you.

What is going on here...what

This is the underlying danger of COVID that is not COVID, but the quarantine itself. Which I have been trying to say. The quarantine itself is dangerous...people cooped up, nothing to do but ruminate. Anyway fwiw, not much. Billy and Will, I don't think anyone will rejoice at your deaths. How sad. How awful this quarantine is
I got a card in the mail today from the government. President Trump's guidelines. They said the opposite. Stay away from people. Stay at home. That kind of thing. Unfortunately for me i have one of those 'necessary' jobs so I can't stay home.

I got a similar card/letter the other day.

checked the paperwork inside to see if my name was on it, (it wasn't), trashed it without reading it, shredded the envelope.

Wife doesn't like the idea of my getting the mail out of the mailbox, much less going anywhere.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360
“…has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.”

A perfectly appropriate and warranted response, given the fact Trump’s ‘briefings’ are nothing but partisan politics, deflections, and lies.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360

So in it's place, what will they play? Golden Oldies from the Roaring 20's about how great life is?
What I have noticed is that yes, from one day to another shelves in stores were full, next day empty, two days later half full again. The buying of supplies will depend of how hysteria affect people, and no government action can prevent the changes and neither can predict them with accuracy.

The spreading of the virus at the current levels was unexpected even when was predicted as possible with several warning announcements. However, no government in the world took action until the virus was noticeable inside their jurisdictions. A recent example is Mexico, which rather than destroying their economy with radical measures, they are doing it step by step according to the severity of the damage in their population.

That radio station has the total right to use other sources of information, and this is seen from NBC and other communication media. However, the other sources have also provide lots of misinformation, because the situation can't be taken in no other way but in basis of trial and error.
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360

So in it's place, what will they play? Golden Oldies from the Roaring 20's about how great life is?

Most likely, accurate info about the same thing. Did you even READ the statement?
I see Billy_Bob and JGalt "dislike" this story.

Is it inaccurate?

If so, make corrections. If not, make your case or continue to be cowards.
I see Billy_Bob and JGalt "dislike" this story.

Is it inaccurate?

If so, make corrections. If not, make your case or continue to be cowards.
IT WAS NEVER CALLED A HOAX.. Democrats were the one ignoring the event and stating it was.. See CNN and MSDNC during the start. Trump stated your coverage was a Hoax not the virus.

When your Liberal shit station promotes lies, instead of fact, your OP dies a very sordid death...
KUOW 94.9FM in Seattle, one of the first epicenters of the US Coronavirus outbreak, has discontinued live broadcasts of White House Coronavirus briefings due to the massive pattern of disinformation therein.

Station statement March 25 (in part):

>> After airing the White House briefings live for two weeks, a pattern of false information and exaggeration increasingly had many at KUOW questioning whether these briefings were in the best service of our mission—to create and serve a more informed public. Of even greater concern was the potential impact of false information on the health and safety of our community.​
A sampling of exaggerations and false information that were not fact checked in real time:​
● “Nobody knew there’d be a pandemic or an epidemic of this proportion,” President Trump said at a live White House briefing on March 19 despite warnings from the U.S. Intelligence community earlier this year.​
● “You’re seeing very few empty shelves,” our listeners heard live from President Trump on March 20. Local reporting shows many stores are out of basic supplies, including hand soap.​
● We’re going to be able to make the drug chloroquine “available almost immediately” said President Trump on March 19. The president claimed, incorrectly, that the FDA had fast-tracked approval of its use to treat COVID-19. There isn't current medical evidence of the efficacy of that drug in treating COVID-19.​
Knowing this a very fluid situation, we will revisit this decision daily. <<​
KUOW will continue to treat all opportunities for live preemption on a case-by-case basis weighing for importance, news value and immediacy of need-to-know. But be clear, KUOW and NPR will continue to cover White House briefings and share relevant information from federal government and public health sources in the format most useful to our listeners. <<​

Inasmuch as broadcast licensing requires responsible operation as a public trust, this is a shining example of exercising it. As readers know the last named piece of misinformation has already led to an unnecessary death and hospitalization of a couple who followed that advice. so denying destructive disinformation the chance to damage the public is exactly the right call.

See also this related thread where TV networks did the same thing -- Dana7360

And this is all over the fact those people died from self medicating without DR approval of some POOL CLEANER??? And the President is being held responsible for their chosen misunderstanding??

Come on Puggles…...if you were sick and heard something about a certain drug or chemical that is 'PROMISING' as a treatment......and you found out some pool cleaner had that chemical in it...…..would you really ingest it???? Without doing further research or calling your DR for advice??? REALLY???????

Sure, all you dumbasses go celebrate some imagined victory while the rest of us laugh at ya

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