Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation

This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Recognizing the possibility that some officials within the CDC are potential handmaidens to the drug and vaccine industry that would benefit from such scare tactics, President Trump decided to issue all governmental statements about COVID-19 from The White House.

After all, the CDC seemed to be about ready to bring down the entire U.S. economy and shutter small businesses that would never recover from even a short quarantine.

The CDC isn't the problem. Donald Trump's lies, distortions and outright fantasies are the problem. How many people will Donald Trump kill with his idiocy. The body count is already into the thousands, in northern Syria, Isreal, and now at home.

Canada had it's first case of Covid19 the same day as the USA. To date, we have 3,400 cases, while the USA has 82,000. Even given our population differences, our rate of infection is about 1/3 of the USA over the same time frame. Unlike Americans, we never closed our border to people from China, but we did test, test, test everyone coming from hot spots.

Our Prime Minister and Premiers listened to the experts, didn't treat the potential pandemic as a plot to remove them from office, and quietly got about the business of allocating resources and ensuring preparedness.

Congratulations. Trump has made the USA the epicentre of the world corona virus, through ignorance, stupidity, and fear the outbreak would harm his re-election chances.

It will, that much is sure.

Vote for Sanders, move to Somalia , I don't give a shit

By easter we must restore the economy , back to normal

Those folks susceptible to coravid-19 will die no matter what is done , there is no reason the whole nation should suffer as a consequence thereof.

This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
The press conferences are improving Trump's popularity. That's the only reason they want to cut away.

You are absolutely right! ^^^

Impeachment didn't work....Russia russia russia didn't work ....... nothing these monsters did worked ...

So they said, lets try the virus

GOD....I hope they all scum pay for what they have done.

This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Recognizing the possibility that some officials within the CDC are potential handmaidens to the drug and vaccine industry that would benefit from such scare tactics, President Trump decided to issue all governmental statements about COVID-19 from The White House.

After all, the CDC seemed to be about ready to bring down the entire U.S. economy and shutter small businesses that would never recover from even a short quarantine.

The CDC isn't the problem. Donald Trump's lies, distortions and outright fantasies are the problem. How many people will Donald Trump kill with his idiocy. The body count is already into the thousands, in northern Syria, Isreal, and now at home.

Canada had it's first case of Covid19 the same day as the USA. To date, we have 3,400 cases, while the USA has 82,000. Even given our population differences, our rate of infection is about 1/3 of the USA over the same time frame. Unlike Americans, we never closed our border to people from China, but we did test, test, test everyone coming from hot spots.

Our Prime Minister and Premiers listened to the experts, didn't treat the potential pandemic as a plot to remove them from office, and quietly got about the business of allocating resources and ensuring preparedness.

Congratulations. Trump has made the USA the epicentre of the world corona virus, through ignorance, stupidity, and fear the outbreak would harm his re-election chances.

It will, that much is sure.

Vote for Sanders, move to Somalia , I don't give a shit

By easter we must restore the economy , back to normal

Those folks susceptible to coravid-19 will die no matter what is done , there is no reason the whole nation should suffer as a consequence thereof.


They were going to die anyway.

Trump 2020
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Fake news.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

No, they cut away because they can’t stand showing the people how good he is at his job. Especially compared to Dementia Joe.
How many Americans have died on his watch?

How's that modeling working out for you there in Mike DeWine's Ohio? How about the 3.3 million unemployment numbers?

Gosh, not too well. You all just keep losing
I'm not from Ohio.
I'm sure that Ohio is happy about that.

Possibly ecstatic.
Wow. Has this ever happened before in history? Drumpf is supposed to be the leader and we cant trust what comes out of his piehole.

And the media is supposed to objectively cover the news and not engage in political bias, which you guys have insisted for years they don't do
If you want to listen to Drumpf while he bullshits and cons you then go ahead. Like I said its going to be freely available on Faux news if you want to hear it. The other stations are doing us a public service by not broadcasting the crap he pulls out of his ass with no scientific backing.
The fake news is making it obvious that they are in the tank for Biden.

The fake news is in the tank for Trump. Outlets reporting the real news are showing Biden in the lead.

Quite frankly, I can't imagine that Bernie Sanders would have any better record passing his agenda than Donald Trump did in getting the Republican Party to vote for anything he supported other than tax cuts. If you want the Democratic Party to work WITH you, it behoves you to join it, other than once every four years when you want to run for President, using their money.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Trump approval ratting through the roof is "the lie", they are concerned about.

The media was claiming that Trump told people to eat aquarium cleaner. They have no problem with lying, but of course, president Trump did not make any dangerous lie, unlike the media.

The media is literally begging for people to not take the Trump cure - because they know it works. That's why they have to lie to people that Trump suggests eating aquarium cleaner. Ridiculous bunch...
Wow. Has this ever happened before in history? Drumpf is supposed to be the leader and we cant trust what comes out of his piehole.

And the media is supposed to objectively cover the news and not engage in political bias, which you guys have insisted for years they don't do
If you want to listen to Drumpf while he bullshits and cons you then go ahead. Like I said its going to be freely available on Faux news if you want to hear it. The other stations are doing us a public service by not broadcasting the crap he pulls out of his ass with no scientific backing.
The fake news is making it obvious that they are in the tank for Biden.

The fake news is in the tank for Trump. Outlets reporting the real news are showing Biden in the lead.

Quite frankly, I can't imagine that Bernie Sanders would have any better record passing his agenda than Donald Trump did in getting the Republican Party to vote for anything he supported other than tax cuts. If you want the Democratic Party to work WITH you, it behoves you to join it, other than once every four years when you want to run for President, using their money.

It's easy to tell you operate from Canada, being so delusional of the situation.

At this moment, people barely recognize who Biden is, while Trump is scoring his highest ever approval ratings.

Biden is dead...
The orange whore spent the last three years dodging anyone who would dare question him, even suspending the regular press briefings that have been customary for decades. Now we see his ugly, lying face every night due only to the fact that he wants to present a particular heroic image to the public. He's not worth the airtime. Running cartoons in the same time-slot would be more constructive.

More than that, what he says has already gotten people killed.

We don't need someone spewing lies that gets more people killed needlessly.

Really? Let’s see some proof. Oh that’s right , you have none. As usual. I suppose you’re going to cite the idiot in Arizona who drank aquarium cleaner and blame Trump. It’s DIMS who are getting people killed (expected from a party of baby murderers) with their blocking of aid packages.
How many died because the moron in our WH didn't take prompt action ? You're smart lantern ,you tell me
The orange whore spent the last three years dodging anyone who would dare question him, even suspending the regular press briefings that have been customary for decades. Now we see his ugly, lying face every night due only to the fact that he wants to present a particular heroic image to the public. He's not worth the airtime. Running cartoons in the same time-slot would be more constructive.

More than that, what he says has already gotten people killed.

We don't need someone spewing lies that gets more people killed needlessly.

Bullshit. By that logic DiBlasio should also be blamed for telling people to go out and act normally back in early March.

You appear to be trying to erase the orange whore's record. Your attempt at deflection is noted.

From a TDS cumbucket like you, any opinion on this matter is worthless.

Go get sneezed on.
The orange whore spent the last three years dodging anyone who would dare question him, even suspending the regular press briefings that have been customary for decades. Now we see his ugly, lying face every night due only to the fact that he wants to present a particular heroic image to the public. He's not worth the airtime. Running cartoons in the same time-slot would be more constructive.

More than that, what he says has already gotten people killed.

We don't need someone spewing lies that gets more people killed needlessly.

Really? Let’s see some proof. Oh that’s right , you have none. As usual. I suppose you’re going to cite the idiot in Arizona who drank aquarium cleaner and blame Trump. It’s DIMS who are getting people killed (expected from a party of baby murderers) with their blocking of aid packages.
How many died because the moron in our WH didn't take prompt action ? You're smart lantern ,you tell me
No one, moron.
Bri for you and Will,...................Wanted a reality show host as President ...... Well, now you're on Survivor.

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