Seattle Set To Change Name Of Columbus Day

I'm far from politically correct, but I could care less one way or the other if they rename Columbus Day. It's a nothing holiday. I understand that it was a significant date in history, but if we were to make every significant day in history a holiday then almost every day of the year would be one.

That said, if you are going to rename it pick a better name. Discovery Day. New World Day. I don't know. Indigenous Peoples' Day just sounds stupid.
I'm far from politically correct, but I could care less one way or the other if they rename Columbus Day. It's a nothing holiday. I understand that it was a significant date in history, but if we were to make every significant day in history a holiday then almost every day of the year would be one.

That said, if you are going to rename it pick a better name. Discovery Day. New World Day. I don't know. Indigenous Peoples' Day just sounds stupid.

In this case the new name is a PC name, that literally turns the holiday on it's head. I mean come on, it would be like renaming Christmas "Satan' Birthday's" or renaming Thanksgiving Day "Kiss My Ass Day".

Look, for the vast majority of Americans Columbus Day is by far the most minor of all holidays, and unless you work for the postal service or for a bank, it's going to be a business as usual day. If you are of Italian heritage, I apologize, maybe it's celebrated in those households more than I realize.

That's not the point however. The point is, it's just another way liberals work at tearing down the traditions that made this country what it is.
Folks need to be aware that us conservationists are going to make Arbor day a national paid holiday....
History, learn it.

I know that part. I asked what Columbus Day has to do with "Italians". Or are you saying he's "a credit to his race"? :uhh:

Columbus day has been adopted by the Italian American community as a holiday to express Italian American pride.

-- so whose fault is that? Even Columbus didn't pretend to be working for Italy (which didn't exist at the time anyway). The place of one's birth is beyond one's control.

Basically Seattle and previously Minneapolis have decided that shitting on that is less offensive than maintaining Columbus day is to Native Americans.

I find it particularly comical as well, as Columbus' discovery and exploration really had nothing to do with English/French/Dutch colonization of NORTH America.

Agreed. And Spanish, which is who he worked for. :thup:

You progressives are all about perception. The Columbus Day parade in NYC is a tribute Italian Americans. Demonizing Columbus and taking away his holiday is shitting on us.

Again, since we are not a protected class, you don't have an issue with that.

White males are the most protected class.
Yeah..That's true....
Fuck off.

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