Seattle Unlikely To Beat Brady and Bunch at N E Sunday Night


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
N E Favored at home Sunday night against Seahawks.

I doubt the return of Chancellor will be enough to swing it for the Hawks. Bennett will be sorely missed.
You are forgetting that the cheats always have the home town refs in their pockets hense among other things they do that the LAMESTREAM media never mentions in their ramblings about how good they are since if they did mention it on tv it would expose that they have to cheat to win which is why their record at home is so impressive.:biggrin:
N E Favored at home Sunday night against Seahawks.

I doubt the return of Chancellor will be enough to swing it for the Hawks. Bennett will be sorely missed.

Unless Seattle can find their running game I have to agree, even if they can run, probably won't make a difference.

I do think Clark has done a good job stepping in for Bennett.
N E Favored at home Sunday night against Seahawks.

I doubt the return of Chancellor will be enough to swing it for the Hawks. Bennett will be sorely missed.

Unless Seattle can find their running game I have to agree, even if they can run, probably won't make a difference.

I do think Clark has done a good job stepping in for Bennett.

Clark was usually used WITH Bennett. The Hawks have been more successful this season rotating Avril, Bennett and Clark with one of them sitting out for a couple of plays in a series helping keep the pass rushers fresh. With Bennett gone for who knows how long it puts more pressure on the Defensive line and takes away the "breather" they all would get when needed. Until Bennett comes back fully recovered it will mean fewer sacks, hurries and tipped passes for the Defense.
You are forgetting that the cheats always have the home town refs in their pockets hense among other things they do that the LAMESTREAM media never mentions in their ramblings about how good they are since if they did mention it on tv it would expose that they have to cheat to win which is why their record at home is so impressive.:biggrin:
There always seems to be something suspect when it comes to the patriots. I used to believe in the competitive spirit inherent in the game of football that changed when belicheat and Brady were caught dong nasty things.
Should be a good matchup. Seattle still has a nasty D, and they're going to need it against the Pats.
I think there will be more "Super Bowl payback" involved than the home field advantage the Patriots enjoy. Wilson DOES have something to prove to help erase the last second int the Seahawks suffered on the two yard line when they SHOULD have scored the winning TD and their second straight SB victory.

Yes, the Hawks Defense is still pretty good and so is the Pats. What has changed is that the Seahawks OFFENSE has improved now that they are featuring the new "pass first" direction Carroll and the team have taken.

I think it will be a shootout and a lot of scoring, hopefully with the Hawks winning a close one.
You are forgetting that the cheats always have the home town refs in their pockets hense among other things they do that the LAMESTREAM media never mentions in their ramblings about how good they are since if they did mention it on tv it would expose that they have to cheat to win which is why their record at home is so impressive.:biggrin:
There always seems to be something suspect when it comes to the patriots. I used to believe in the competitive spirit inherent in the game of football that changed when belicheat and Brady were caught dong nasty things.

these comments from NFL fans around the country Expose these frauds as the real losers they

This is Tom’s approach to his cheating. It’s not cheating if you believe it isn’t.

The entire country knows you’re a cheater, Tom, so I guess you may as well laugh anyway.

Two first round picks and a 4th due to cheating that you were directly involved with (deflategate) or that you were the beneficiary of (spygate).

Every year these dirtbags have won a SB it’s been tainted by some form of cheating. And those are just the publicized ones we know about.

Standard Tom Shady behavior. I remember when he did that charity deal and the guy on the stage asked him directly if he cheated, all he did was turn to the audience and say “What do you think?” Never admit anything they might catch you in a lie on later.
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You are forgetting that the cheats always have the home town refs in their pockets hense among other things they do that the LAMESTREAM media never mentions in their ramblings about how good they are since if they did mention it on tv it would expose that they have to cheat to win which is why their record at home is so impressive.:biggrin:
There always seems to be something suspect when it comes to the patriots. I used to believe in the competitive spirit inherent in the game of football that changed when belicheat and Brady were caught dong nasty things.

these comments from NFL fans around the country Expose these frauds as the real losers they

This is Tom’s approach to his cheating. It’s not cheating if you believe it isn’t.

The entire country knows you’re a cheater, Tom, so I guess you may as well laugh anyway.

Two first round picks and a 4th due to cheating that you were directly involved with (deflategate) or that you were the beneficiary of (spygate).

Every year these dirtbags have won a SB it’s been tainted by some form of cheating. And those are just the publicized ones we know about.

Standard Tom Shady behavior. I remember when he did that charity deal and the guy on the stage asked him directly if he cheated, all he did was turn to the audience and say “What do you think?” Never admit anything they might catch you in a lie on later.
The NFL has passed its golden era, it will be like baseball in a few years. There is no self governing worth a damn.
You are forgetting that the cheats always have the home town refs in their pockets hense among other things they do that the LAMESTREAM media never mentions in their ramblings about how good they are since if they did mention it on tv it would expose that they have to cheat to win which is why their record at home is so impressive.:biggrin:
There always seems to be something suspect when it comes to the patriots. I used to believe in the competitive spirit inherent in the game of football that changed when belicheat and Brady were caught dong nasty things.

these comments from NFL fans around the country Expose these frauds as the real losers they

This is Tom’s approach to his cheating. It’s not cheating if you believe it isn’t.

The entire country knows you’re a cheater, Tom, so I guess you may as well laugh anyway.

Two first round picks and a 4th due to cheating that you were directly involved with (deflategate) or that you were the beneficiary of (spygate).

Every year these dirtbags have won a SB it’s been tainted by some form of cheating. And those are just the publicized ones we know about.

Standard Tom Shady behavior. I remember when he did that charity deal and the guy on the stage asked him directly if he cheated, all he did was turn to the audience and say “What do you think?” Never admit anything they might catch you in a lie on later.
The NFL has passed its golden era, it will be like baseball in a few years. There is no self governing worth a damn.

Yeah I myself pretty much stick to just watching old NFL games from yesteryear.pretty much same with baseball playoffs.I only had an interest in this years baseball playoffs cause of the Cubs not in it for so many years and last year of course since my royals were in it.Other than these last two years I havent watched baseball playoffs and as far as football goes,last year was the first time I refused to watch a superbowl.Never will again either unless of course it is the Rams of course and who knows how long that will be? lol
You are forgetting that the cheats always have the home town refs in their pockets hense among other things they do that the LAMESTREAM media never mentions in their ramblings about how good they are since if they did mention it on tv it would expose that they have to cheat to win which is why their record at home is so impressive.:biggrin:
There always seems to be something suspect when it comes to the patriots. I used to believe in the competitive spirit inherent in the game of football that changed when belicheat and Brady were caught dong nasty things.

these comments from NFL fans around the country Expose these frauds as the real losers they

This is Tom’s approach to his cheating. It’s not cheating if you believe it isn’t.

The entire country knows you’re a cheater, Tom, so I guess you may as well laugh anyway.

Two first round picks and a 4th due to cheating that you were directly involved with (deflategate) or that you were the beneficiary of (spygate).

Every year these dirtbags have won a SB it’s been tainted by some form of cheating. And those are just the publicized ones we know about.

Standard Tom Shady behavior. I remember when he did that charity deal and the guy on the stage asked him directly if he cheated, all he did was turn to the audience and say “What do you think?” Never admit anything they might catch you in a lie on later.
The NFL has passed its golden era, it will be like baseball in a few years. There is no self governing worth a damn.

Yeah I myself pretty much stick to just watching old NFL games from yesteryear.pretty much same with baseball playoffs.I only had an interest in this years baseball playoffs cause of the Cubs not in it for so many years and last year of course since my royals were in it.Other than these last two years I havent watched baseball playoffs and as far as football goes,last year was the first time I refused to watch a superbowl.Never will again either unless of course it is the Rams of course and who knows how long that will be? lol
The Cubbies rock!

Only when the NFL gets knocked on their ass will the games improve.
You are forgetting that the cheats always have the home town refs in their pockets hense among other things they do that the LAMESTREAM media never mentions in their ramblings about how good they are since if they did mention it on tv it would expose that they have to cheat to win which is why their record at home is so impressive.:biggrin:
There always seems to be something suspect when it comes to the patriots. I used to believe in the competitive spirit inherent in the game of football that changed when belicheat and Brady were caught dong nasty things.

these comments from NFL fans around the country Expose these frauds as the real losers they

This is Tom’s approach to his cheating. It’s not cheating if you believe it isn’t.

The entire country knows you’re a cheater, Tom, so I guess you may as well laugh anyway.

Two first round picks and a 4th due to cheating that you were directly involved with (deflategate) or that you were the beneficiary of (spygate).

Every year these dirtbags have won a SB it’s been tainted by some form of cheating. And those are just the publicized ones we know about.

Standard Tom Shady behavior. I remember when he did that charity deal and the guy on the stage asked him directly if he cheated, all he did was turn to the audience and say “What do you think?” Never admit anything they might catch you in a lie on later.
The NFL has passed its golden era, it will be like baseball in a few years. There is no self governing worth a damn.

Yeah I myself pretty much stick to just watching old NFL games from yesteryear.pretty much same with baseball playoffs.I only had an interest in this years baseball playoffs cause of the Cubs not in it for so many years and last year of course since my royals were in it.Other than these last two years I havent watched baseball playoffs and as far as football goes,last year was the first time I refused to watch a superbowl.Never will again either unless of course it is the Rams of course and who knows how long that will be? lol
The Cubbies rock!

Only when the NFL gets knocked on their ass will the games improve.
the good thing is everybody around the country outside NE knows they are really losers and have never been superbowl champions.the media can kiss their ass all the want talking about how they are allegedly so tough at home to beat and that kind of crap leaving out all the details but the whole world proved it last year in the superbowl everybody around the country knows they are not legitimate winners,that they are cheaters and frauds who have been exposed.:biggrin:

they will probably get a movie made about them that exposes all this same as they did with the black sox scandal which they favorably compare to as the biggest scandal sports team in the world now. the media can lie and call brady the best QB ever but everyone outside NE knows he isnt even one of the greatest.:biggrin:
There always seems to be something suspect when it comes to the patriots. I used to believe in the competitive spirit inherent in the game of football that changed when belicheat and Brady were caught dong nasty things.

these comments from NFL fans around the country Expose these frauds as the real losers they

This is Tom’s approach to his cheating. It’s not cheating if you believe it isn’t.

The entire country knows you’re a cheater, Tom, so I guess you may as well laugh anyway.

Two first round picks and a 4th due to cheating that you were directly involved with (deflategate) or that you were the beneficiary of (spygate).

Every year these dirtbags have won a SB it’s been tainted by some form of cheating. And those are just the publicized ones we know about.

Standard Tom Shady behavior. I remember when he did that charity deal and the guy on the stage asked him directly if he cheated, all he did was turn to the audience and say “What do you think?” Never admit anything they might catch you in a lie on later.
The NFL has passed its golden era, it will be like baseball in a few years. There is no self governing worth a damn.

Yeah I myself pretty much stick to just watching old NFL games from yesteryear.pretty much same with baseball playoffs.I only had an interest in this years baseball playoffs cause of the Cubs not in it for so many years and last year of course since my royals were in it.Other than these last two years I havent watched baseball playoffs and as far as football goes,last year was the first time I refused to watch a superbowl.Never will again either unless of course it is the Rams of course and who knows how long that will be? lol
The Cubbies rock!

Only when the NFL gets knocked on their ass will the games improve.
the good thing is everybody around the country outside NE knows they are really losers and have never been superbowl champions.the media can kiss their ass all the want talking about how they are allegedly so tough at home to beat and that kind of crap leaving out all the details but the whole world proved it last year in the superbowl everybody around the country knows they are not legitimate winners,that they are cheaters and frauds who have been exposed.:biggrin:

they will probably get a movie made about them that exposes all this same as they did with the black sox scandal which they favorably compare to as the biggest scandal sports team in the world now. the media can lie and call brady the best QB ever but everyone outside NE knows he isnt even one of the greatest.:biggrin:
"the good thing is everybody around the country outside NE knows they are really losers"

Maye this is a clue as to why viewership is down.
The Hawks did us proud tonight. Wilson is back to his old form from the last half of last season with 348 yards and 3 TDs with no INTs. Chandler was playing as well as he ever has. Not many teams go into Gillette stadium to play the Patriots and come out the victor.

Baldwin was the recipient of all of Wilson's 3 TD passes.

As I suspected tonight's game would be a shootout. The game was much closer than the 31-24 score would indicate.
these comments from NFL fans around the country Expose these frauds as the real losers they

This is Tom’s approach to his cheating. It’s not cheating if you believe it isn’t.

The entire country knows you’re a cheater, Tom, so I guess you may as well laugh anyway.

Two first round picks and a 4th due to cheating that you were directly involved with (deflategate) or that you were the beneficiary of (spygate).

Every year these dirtbags have won a SB it’s been tainted by some form of cheating. And those are just the publicized ones we know about.

Standard Tom Shady behavior. I remember when he did that charity deal and the guy on the stage asked him directly if he cheated, all he did was turn to the audience and say “What do you think?” Never admit anything they might catch you in a lie on later.
The NFL has passed its golden era, it will be like baseball in a few years. There is no self governing worth a damn.

Yeah I myself pretty much stick to just watching old NFL games from yesteryear.pretty much same with baseball playoffs.I only had an interest in this years baseball playoffs cause of the Cubs not in it for so many years and last year of course since my royals were in it.Other than these last two years I havent watched baseball playoffs and as far as football goes,last year was the first time I refused to watch a superbowl.Never will again either unless of course it is the Rams of course and who knows how long that will be? lol
The Cubbies rock!

Only when the NFL gets knocked on their ass will the games improve.
the good thing is everybody around the country outside NE knows they are really losers and have never been superbowl champions.the media can kiss their ass all the want talking about how they are allegedly so tough at home to beat and that kind of crap leaving out all the details but the whole world proved it last year in the superbowl everybody around the country knows they are not legitimate winners,that they are cheaters and frauds who have been exposed.:biggrin:

they will probably get a movie made about them that exposes all this same as they did with the black sox scandal which they favorably compare to as the biggest scandal sports team in the world now. the media can lie and call brady the best QB ever but everyone outside NE knows he isnt even one of the greatest.:biggrin:
"the good thing is everybody around the country outside NE knows they are really losers"

Maye this is a clue as to why viewership is down.

The Hawks did us proud tonight. Wilson is back to his old form from the last half of last season with 348 yards and 3 TDs with no INTs. Chandler was playing as well as he ever has. Not many teams go into Gillette stadium to play the Patriots and come out the victor.

Baldwin was the recipient of all of Wilson's 3 TD passes.

As I suspected tonight's game would be a shootout. The game was much closer than the 31-24 score would indicate.

I always thought a game was considered very close when the outcome was only won by a touchdown.:biggrin:

wow this game surprised us all.None of us picked them to win but they did just that.I never figured they had a chance flying all the way out from the west coast to the East having one less day than normal to get ready for the game no less? everything was against them yet they still won. Now this game unlike the falcons game,WAS a statement game for them.

I never saw the Seahawks being a superbowl contender this year but Tom Cable has really done an excellent job working with the line and getting them working together the NFC,I see the NFC title game being between them and the cowturds.
The Hawks did us proud tonight. Wilson is back to his old form from the last half of last season with 348 yards and 3 TDs with no INTs. Chandler was playing as well as he ever has. Not many teams go into Gillette stadium to play the Patriots and come out the victor.

Baldwin was the recipient of all of Wilson's 3 TD passes.

As I suspected tonight's game would be a shootout. The game was much closer than the 31-24 score would indicate.

Actually both the Patriots loses were at home...the Bill beat them there 16-0 in their first meeting this season.

The Seahawk/Patriot game and the Steelers/Cowboy games were the most exciting/entertaining I have seen this year.
The Hawks did us proud tonight. Wilson is back to his old form from the last half of last season with 348 yards and 3 TDs with no INTs. Chandler was playing as well as he ever has. Not many teams go into Gillette stadium to play the Patriots and come out the victor.

Baldwin was the recipient of all of Wilson's 3 TD passes.

As I suspected tonight's game would be a shootout. The game was much closer than the 31-24 score would indicate.
Yes, it was exciting watching the Seamonsters destroy the NE Cheaters.

I loved every minute of the game.

When I would start cheering for Seattle my cat would run and hide under the furniture.

It was a truly great game that ended with a dramatic goal line stand.

Pretty much everyone hates NE -- and for good reasons.

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