The southern patriots...

They were anything but "patriots," and when they realized the cause was lost, they deserted even each other.

no they didn't.

They sure as hell did. They deserted in droves. In the end, that is what forced Lee to go have a chat with Grant.
no they didn't.

It is a FACT, no matter how much spam you post.
The southern patriots...

They were anything but "patriots," and when they realized the cause was lost, they deserted even each other.

no they didn't.

They sure as hell did. They deserted in droves. In the end, that is what forced Lee to go have a chat with Grant.
no they didn't.

It is a FACT, no matter how much spam you post.

Post the links. chatter is worthless
The idiots of the South signed their own death warrants when they explicitly stated that their bedrock of society rested on the back of slavery and it's continued expansion into the expanding Western Territories.

I have no mercy for those vile traitors, some of which are still buried in undiscovered garbage piles..I mean graves.
Encyclopedia Virginia Desertion Confederate During the Civil War

"During both of Robert E. Lee's invasions of the North—the Maryland Campaign during the fall of 1862 and the Gettysburg Campaign the following summer—the Army of Northern Virginia suffered serious attrition from "straggling" and desertion. Lee himself estimated that a third of his force was absent at the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 1862."

In August 1863, following defeat at Gettysburg, Confederate president Jefferson Davis offered a full amnesty for deserters in order to replenish the army's depleted ranks. French leaves, meanwhile, were authorized on the company level in order to help ward off longer-term desertions.

Desertions escalated substantially in the final months of the war, as Union general-in-chief Ulysses S. Grant finally broke through Lee's defense of Richmond and Petersburg, on April 2, 1865, and sent the Confederate army west in retreat. As many as several hundred men per night fled the army even before Richmond fell. On the march toward Appomattox, thousands more also deserted—mostly Virginians and North Carolinians, whose homes were already temptingly close."
slavery was a fading practice.
The people in the south and the leaders knew it would end as they watched the beginnings of the industrial revolution.
No need to import expensive, high maintenance farm animals when there were machines being invented that were cheaper and more efficient to own.



I wonder if the rats even bothered to eat such filthy pieces of garbage??

My great, great grandfather was killed walking home by a yank who thought he was a spy.

You, sir, have no honor to speak so poorly of the dead.
The idiots of the South signed their own death warrants when they explicitly stated that their bedrock of society rested on the back of slavery and it's continued expansion into the expanding Western Territories.

I have no mercy for those vile traitors, some of which are still buried in undiscovered garbage piles..I mean graves.
slavery was a fading practice.
The people in the south and the leaders knew it would end ...

If they "knew it would end," why were they working so hard to get a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing it?

Strike 23....
slavery was a fading practice.
The people in the south and the leaders knew it would end as they watched the beginnings of the industrial revolution.
No need to import expensive, high maintenance farm animals when there were machines being invented that were cheaper and more efficient to own.

As told by the revisionists....

you deny the industrial revolution or do you deny that slavery was a dying practice?



I wonder if the rats even bothered to eat such filthy pieces of garbage??

My great, great grandfather was killed walking home by a yank who thought he was a spy.

You, sir, have no honor to speak so poorly of the dead.

They deserved the death they got and should be burning in hell for eternity.
They fought to maintain the subjugation of other men, reduce them to property. Rape of the women and children was common and allowed, selling a woman's children away from her never to return.

All so that the Whites of the south too lazy and stupid to create wealth based on their own labor could profit by the miseries of others...

The north had slaves. They even had them at the start of the war.
slavery was a fading practice.
The people in the south and the leaders knew it would end as they watched the beginnings of the industrial revolution.
No need to import expensive, high maintenance farm animals when there were machines being invented that were cheaper and more efficient to own.

As told by the revisionists....

you deny the industrial revolution or do you deny that slavery was a dying practice?

Are you denying that the Southern States explicitly not only wanted to maintain chattel slavery but expand it into the Western Territories...

Please cut it out...the revisionist movement is fos!!!
What's always baffled me is the notion that no black hanged was GUILTY of white mobs just ran one down and hanged him for the hell of it. Truth is, most of the hangings were done by empowered posses who got to the criminal before the sheriff did and saved themselves the time and expense of a trial. Not that that's acceptable, but compared to the number of times it happened to WHITES out here in the west it wasn't often that it happened.
slavery was a fading practice.
The people in the south and the leaders knew it would end as they watched the beginnings of the industrial revolution.
No need to import expensive, high maintenance farm animals when there were machines being invented that were cheaper and more efficient to own.

As told by the revisionists....

you deny the industrial revolution or do you deny that slavery was a dying practice?

Are you denying that the Southern States explicitly not only wanted to maintain chattel slavery but expand it into the Western Territories...

Please cut it out...the revisionist movement is fos!!!

the south tried to legally and peacefully secede.
Since they were no longer part of the nation, they had no say in what the rest of the country did with the territories.Slavery was a dying had to have his war, though.

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