As I stated earlier, you aren't important enough for me to explain your ignorance to...but thanks for expanding your scope of ignorance.
I am "important enough" for you to respond with dumb one liners. You have the time, you are just stuck in a rigid ideology based on emotion, not facts. So either you are dishonest and refuse to look into what I wrote because it conflicts with your world view, too dumb to grasp the complexity of history, or just to lazy, honestly probably a combination of all three.

Actually your continued posting directed at me actually says one or two things about you.
1. You are incredibly stupid.
2. You are incredibly arrogant.

Only someone with one or both of those attributes would attempt the factually debate an individual by calling them a "monkey."
Now, I'm not injured by the racial slur, it's actually expected at some point from people like you.

It's humorous that you expect to debate by spewing racial epithets...
You are clearly insulted, since you can't let it go. So not only are you stupid, lazy and ignorant; you are close minded to history if it conflicts with your world view. You also have an obvious inferiority complex. Like I said, you conceded the argument with this obsession on a "racial slur". You keep on this point because you have no substance to your world view, rather it is wrapped in an ideology of victim status.

Really, you don't want to debate the issue with me, you know it's a lost cause.
It is the other way around and you know it. Talk about a lame attempt at projection.

Once again, I will give you an opportunity. What part of my post is incorrect, what did I say that was historically inaccurate.

Sure...tell you what; when the opportunity for debate comes up, don't poison the well.
I understand that people like you, consider others to be moneys and whatever other adjectives you all choose to employ in an effort to demean that person.

However what you obviously can't comprehend is that the choice to engage you is totally up to me.
I choose not to engage someone that lacks the self control to even control what comes out of their mouths or through their keyboards.

Now, feel free to continue the name's your last strongest position, unless you are mature enough to recognize that you simply aren't worth the energy for me to separate the name calling from the "facts" you wish to debate.
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Sure son...sure.
That is what I thought would happen. I didn't even think you would respond with a stupid one liner like that. You have no rebuttal to what I am saying, because everything I said is grounded in historical fact if you bothered reading anything on the period.

I didn't respond because I gave it the same weight that I would give if they asked me to argue against the reality of Little Miss Muffin.
I don't need to argue historical revisionism and I'm certainly not stupid enough to bandy it about as "historical fact."
What's your excuse???

Translation: You don't care about the facts. You just want to spill the blood of people you hate, even if it is totally unjustified.

Freeing people from perpetual bondage when civil actions are ignored and war results, is it.

What "civil actions?" The war wasn't fought to free the slaves, numskull. Haven't you been paying attention? Lincoln himself he was not fighting the war to free the slaves.
If a state wants to secede then please do it. Would be fun to watch. Good riddens. I will contribute 5 bucks to watch nit happen
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than there's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.

The left surely hates us, but the it believes power solves everything. Clowns like Recon think they can force people to accept their point of view. It's the same mentality that led the Church to burn people at the stake during the middle ages. Recon even admitted that he's glad hundreds of thousands of people were killed. He says they deserved it.

You can see the hate dripping from everything Recon posts to this forum. Logic and the facts have nothing to do with hatred of the Confederacy and his lust for blood.
Recon Mark has a black and white ahistorical view of the world, like most individuals; he isn't special in that regard. However, he definitely has a inflated sense of self-importance, of self-righteousness.

Unfortunately your attempt at wit leaves much to be desired.
You have attempted to straddle me with the attributes of those ignorant rock kicking savages of the south, too stupid and lazy to benefit from their own sweat.

You should feel privileged to lick the bottoms of the shoes of the Confederate soldiers who fought the tyrant Lincoln.
No, I feel a sense of pride when I hear of the brave former slaves standing tall and killing their oppressors.
Sorry sonny, Black people were no longer subject to the inhumanities of the stupid rock kicking southerners after the Civil War.

The slaves didn't kill their oppressors, Yankees did. The cost of freeing them was 850,000 dead. You'll have to excuse me if I prefer another solution to the problem, especially when every other country in the world managed free their slaves without killing a single person. Anyone who thinks the Civil War is something to be proud of is profoundly depraved.
I am "important enough" for you to respond with dumb one liners. You have the time, you are just stuck in a rigid ideology based on emotion, not facts. So either you are dishonest and refuse to look into what I wrote because it conflicts with your world view, too dumb to grasp the complexity of history, or just to lazy, honestly probably a combination of all three.

Actually your continued posting directed at me actually says one or two things about you.
1. You are incredibly stupid.
2. You are incredibly arrogant.

Only someone with one or both of those attributes would attempt the factually debate an individual by calling them a "monkey."
Now, I'm not injured by the racial slur, it's actually expected at some point from people like you.

It's humorous that you expect to debate by spewing racial epithets...
You are clearly insulted, since you can't let it go. So not only are you stupid, lazy and ignorant; you are close minded to history if it conflicts with your world view. You also have an obvious inferiority complex. Like I said, you conceded the argument with this obsession on a "racial slur". You keep on this point because you have no substance to your world view, rather it is wrapped in an ideology of victim status.

Really, you don't want to debate the issue with me, you know it's a lost cause.
It is the other way around and you know it. Talk about a lame attempt at projection.

Once again, I will give you an opportunity. What part of my post is incorrect, what did I say that was historically inaccurate.

Sure...tell you what; when the opportunity for debate comes up, don't poison the well.
I understand that people like you, consider others to be moneys and whatever other adjectives you all choose to employ in an effort to demean that person.

However what you obviously can't comprehend is that the choice to engage you is totally up to me.
I choose not to engage someone that lacks the self control to even control what comes out of their mouths or through their keyboards.

Now, feel free to continue the name's your last strongest position, unless you are mature enough to recognize that you simply aren't worth the energy for me to separate the name calling from the "facts" you wish to debate.
I will give you this, you have a knack for talking about nothing and avoiding issues.
I'm just stating an indisputable fact is all. If the south wants to nsecede well then have at it. I suppose some of them would bring slavery back
So, after last week's election any of you dumb asses want to secede still?
Sure, why should anything be left off the table? Surely, don't you want to be rid of white right wing assholes like us? What better than to allow us a separate country?
So, after last week's election any of you dumb asses want to secede still?
Sure, why should anything be left off the table? Surely, don't you want to be rid of white right wing assholes like us? What better than to allow us a separate country?
Oh I would love nothing more. A bicoastal country including CA, OR, WA, NY, NJ, MA, and CT, all the rest can do what they want
So, after last week's election any of you dumb asses want to secede still?
Sure, why should anything be left off the table? Surely, don't you want to be rid of white right wing assholes like us? What better than to allow us a separate country?
Oh I would love nothing more. A bicoastal country including CA, OR, WA, NY, NJ, MA, and CT, all the rest can do what they want
Three countries, all nuclear armed to the teeth.

Works for France; just each one minding their own business behind a nuclear shield.

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