Thank you one more time for siding with the confederates and their sympathizers.


Thank you for confirming that, Yes you do advocate Slavery.
Dumb ass!
You don't know if you are punched or bored.

And again, you hide behind your pro-confederate theory.
nice try beavis real friend.

No one here has ever said anything about condoning slavery, scooter...quit exaggerating.

That doesn't even make sense. Try again.

Thanks for granting your permission...

lincoln lied in his comments before congress in 1848 and he lied in his first inaugural address. Want me to post them again? Let me know..

the north sent troops and ships to invade the south because the people decided to legally and peacefully withdraw from the union. No other reason...
Southern patriots then repelled the invaders at fort sumter but lincoln now had his casus belli to make war on civilians...fellow american civilians.
We haven't forgotten.

Those are facts, son.

The facts are "pro-Confederate," asshole.

Nope, I sure as hell didn't advocate slavery.

Happy to be of service.

Thank you for siding with a mass murdering tyrant and dictator.
Can anyone post a definitive date when the "new" secessionist are going to start their civil war or is this simply an exercise in modern day losers romanticizing about historical losers...

What does starting a civil war or not starting one prove?
As Harris saw things, “Our fathers made this a government for the white man, rejecting the negro as an ignorant, inferior, barbarian race, incapable of self-government, and not, therefore, entitled to be associated with the white man upon terms of civil, political, or social equality.” Lincoln and his followers, he stated, aimed to “overturn and strike down this great feature of our union and to substitute in its stead their new theory of the universal equality of the black and white races.” For Harris, the choice was clear. Mississippi would “rather see the last of her race, men, women, and children, immolated in one common funeral pyre than see them subjugated to the degradation of civil, political and social equality with the negro race.” The Georgia legislature ordered the printing of a thousand copies of his speech.

Poor white ignorant southerners lost everything simply yo be able to falsely claim superiority to Black people because the wealthy clearly mandated their inferiority to the wealthy...
Stupid assed rock kickers...

"Now, gentlemen...This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chestnut horse. [Laughter.] I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.

- Abraham Lincoln, 1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates -
Poor black ignorant welfare sucking libturd race baiter. You've been worshiping a false god all your life and now you can't face the truth, which is that Saint Lincoln was no better than the Confederates you despise. In fact, he was 1000 times worse. He was a tyrant, a dictator and a mass murderer.
To rid the country of a group that resembles today's ISIS. Damn straight I am on the side to eradicate that small-mindedness.
See you really have no idea what you are saying or talking about.


Thank you one more time for siding with the confederates and their sympathizers.


Thank you for confirming that, Yes you do advocate Slavery.
Dumb ass!
You don't know if you are punched or bored.

And again, you hide behind your pro-confederate theory.
nice try beavis real friend.

The facts are "pro-Confederate," asshole.

Nope, I sure as hell didn't advocate slavery.

Happy to be of service.

Thank you for siding with a mass murdering tyrant and dictator.
As Harris saw things, “Our fathers made this a government for the white man, rejecting the negro as an ignorant, inferior, barbarian race, incapable of self-government, and not, therefore, entitled to be associated with the white man upon terms of civil, political, or social equality.” Lincoln and his followers, he stated, aimed to “overturn and strike down this great feature of our union and to substitute in its stead their new theory of the universal equality of the black and white races.” For Harris, the choice was clear. Mississippi would “rather see the last of her race, men, women, and children, immolated in one common funeral pyre than see them subjugated to the degradation of civil, political and social equality with the negro race.” The Georgia legislature ordered the printing of a thousand copies of his speech.

Poor white ignorant southerners lost everything simply yo be able to falsely claim superiority to Black people because the wealthy clearly mandated their inferiority to the wealthy...
Stupid assed rock kickers...

"Now, gentlemen...This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chestnut horse. [Laughter.] I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.

- Abraham Lincoln, 1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates -
Poor black ignorant welfare sucking libturd race baiter. You've been worshiping a false god all your life and now you can't face the truth, which is that Saint Lincoln was no better than the Confederates you despise. In fact, he was 1000 times worse. He was a tyrant, a dictator and a mass murderer.
As Harris saw things, “Our fathers made this a government for the white man, rejecting the negro as an ignorant, inferior, barbarian race, incapable of self-government, and not, therefore, entitled to be associated with the white man upon terms of civil, political, or social equality.” Lincoln and his followers, he stated, aimed to “overturn and strike down this great feature of our union and to substitute in its stead their new theory of the universal equality of the black and white races.” For Harris, the choice was clear. Mississippi would “rather see the last of her race, men, women, and children, immolated in one common funeral pyre than see them subjugated to the degradation of civil, political and social equality with the negro race.” The Georgia legislature ordered the printing of a thousand copies of his speech.

Poor white ignorant southerners lost everything simply yo be able to falsely claim superiority to Black people because the wealthy clearly mandated their inferiority to the wealthy...
Stupid assed rock kickers...

"Now, gentlemen...This is the whole of it, and anything that argues me into his idea of perfect social and political equality with the negro, is but a specious and fantastic arrangement of words, by which a man can prove a horse-chestnut to be a chestnut horse. [Laughter.] I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and the black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will probably forever forbid their living together upon the footing of perfect equality, and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there must be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position.

- Abraham Lincoln, 1858 Lincoln-Douglas Debates -
Poor black ignorant welfare sucking libturd race baiter. You've been worshiping a false god all your life and now you can't face the truth, which is that Saint Lincoln was no better than the Confederates you despise. In fact, he was 1000 times worse. He was a tyrant, a dictator and a mass murderer.

So now apparently one of the decedents of the ignorant rock kicker class of stupid white southerners wishes to intimate that the life and trajectory of Black people would have been better living in a "confederacy".

If a "tyrant" freed slaves and caused the death of hundreds of thousands of traitorous white trash...GOD BLESS HIM!!!!!

“By the time the north shall have attained the power, the black race will be in a large majority, and then we will have black governors, black legislatures, black juries, black everything. Is it to be supposed that the white race will stand for that? It is not a supposable case.”

Guess what, you can call me anything you want, in this society you have been relegated to the "non-important" category. Thank God the stupid rock kickers refused to abolish Slavery on their own and earn their wealth bt their own sweat.

Otherwise great Black and White Patriots would not have had the chance to show them what justice demands...
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than their's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.
Last edited:
Also, do anti-secession liberals here have the same vitriol for the left wing Vermont secession movement? Would they wage a war on Vermont to force them back into the union if it came to that?
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Sure son...sure.
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than there's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.

The left surely hates us, but the it believes power solves everything. Clowns like Recon think they can force people to accept their point of view. It's the same mentality that led the Church to burn people at the stake during the middle ages. Recon even admitted that he's glad hundreds of thousands of people were killed. He says they deserved it.

You can see the hate dripping from everything Recon posts to this forum. Logic and the facts have nothing to do with hatred of the Confederacy and his lust for blood.
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than there's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.

The left surely hates us, but the it believes power solves everything. Clowns like Recon think they can force people to accept their point of view. It's the same mentality that led the Church to burn people at the stake during the middle ages. Recon even admitted that he's glad hundreds of thousands of people were killed. He says they deserved it.

You can see the hate dripping from everything Recon posts to this forum. Logic and the facts have nothing to do with hatred of the Confederacy and his lust for blood.

Brit, you aren't intelligent enough to know the difference between hate and justice. I'm ecstatic that those traitors were killed and if I could I'd take a healthy piss on their graves, with no whiff of hate.

If I did hate, it would be totally justified.
You stupid dirt kickers believed it your right to deprive people of their freedom, humanity and Rights.
You stupid dirt kickers raped, beat , molested and maimed people simply because they desired self determination.

Despite the best efforts of those ignorant savages, slavery was not only abolished, this Nation refused to let it expand to the expanding Western territories.

You speak of logic and facts...apparently what they really are, escapes you.

The reality was chattel slavery and the fact was that stupid dirt kickers were too stupid to let it go.
The result was their justified deaths.
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Sure son...sure.
That is what I thought would happen. I didn't even think you would respond with a stupid one liner like that. You have no rebuttal to what I am saying, because everything I said is grounded in historical fact if you bothered reading anything on the period.
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than there's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.

The left surely hates us, but the it believes power solves everything. Clowns like Recon think they can force people to accept their point of view. It's the same mentality that led the Church to burn people at the stake during the middle ages. Recon even admitted that he's glad hundreds of thousands of people were killed. He says they deserved it.

You can see the hate dripping from everything Recon posts to this forum. Logic and the facts have nothing to do with hatred of the Confederacy and his lust for blood.
Recon Mark has a black and white ahistorical view of the world, like most individuals; he isn't special in that regard. However, he definitely has a inflated sense of self-importance, of self-righteousness.
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Sure son...sure.
That is what I thought would happen. I didn't even think you would respond with a stupid one liner like that. You have no rebuttal to what I am saying, because everything I said is grounded in historical fact if you bothered reading anything on the period.

I didn't respond because I gave it the same weight that I would give if they asked me to argue against the reality of Little Miss Muffin.
I don't need to argue historical revisionism and I'm certainly not stupid enough to bandy it about as "historical fact."
What's your excuse???
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than there's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.

The left surely hates us, but the it believes power solves everything. Clowns like Recon think they can force people to accept their point of view. It's the same mentality that led the Church to burn people at the stake during the middle ages. Recon even admitted that he's glad hundreds of thousands of people were killed. He says they deserved it.

You can see the hate dripping from everything Recon posts to this forum. Logic and the facts have nothing to do with hatred of the Confederacy and his lust for blood.
Recon Mark has a black and white ahistorical view of the world, like most individuals; he isn't special in that regard. However, he definitely has a inflated sense of self-importance, of self-righteousness.

Unfortunately your attempt at wit leaves much to be desired.
You have attempted to straddle me with the attributes of those ignorant rock kicking savages of the south, too stupid and lazy to benefit from their own sweat.
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Sure son...sure.
That is what I thought would happen. I didn't even think you would respond with a stupid one liner like that. You have no rebuttal to what I am saying, because everything I said is grounded in historical fact if you bothered reading anything on the period.

I didn't respond because I gave it the same weight that I would give if they asked me to argue against the reality of Little Miss Muffin.
I don't need to argue historical revisionism and I'm certainly not stupid enough to bandy it about as "historical fact."
What's your excuse???

Translation: You don't care about the facts. You just want to spill the blood of people you hate, even if it is totally unjustified.
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than there's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.

The left surely hates us, but the it believes power solves everything. Clowns like Recon think they can force people to accept their point of view. It's the same mentality that led the Church to burn people at the stake during the middle ages. Recon even admitted that he's glad hundreds of thousands of people were killed. He says they deserved it.

You can see the hate dripping from everything Recon posts to this forum. Logic and the facts have nothing to do with hatred of the Confederacy and his lust for blood.
Recon Mark has a black and white ahistorical view of the world, like most individuals; he isn't special in that regard. However, he definitely has a inflated sense of self-importance, of self-righteousness.

Unfortunately your attempt at wit leaves much to be desired.
You have attempted to straddle me with the attributes of those ignorant rock kicking savages of the south, too stupid and lazy to benefit from their own sweat.

You should feel privileged to lick the bottoms of the shoes of the Confederate soldiers who fought the tyrant Lincoln.
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Sure son...sure.
That is what I thought would happen. I didn't even think you would respond with a stupid one liner like that. You have no rebuttal to what I am saying, because everything I said is grounded in historical fact if you bothered reading anything on the period.

I didn't respond because I gave it the same weight that I would give if they asked me to argue against the reality of Little Miss Muffin.
I don't need to argue historical revisionism and I'm certainly not stupid enough to bandy it about as "historical fact."
What's your excuse???

Translation: You don't care about the facts. You just want to spill the blood of people you hate, even if it is totally unjustified.

Freeing people from perpetual bondage when civil actions are ignored and war results, is it.
Also, if the Left hates White conservatives, libertarians, secessionists, racists, whatever you want to call them, then why force them to remain in your country? Why not let these hateful wicked people a country of their own. Surely in the long run, your liberal, multicultural, social democratic and egalitarian society will be stronger and more prosperous than there's, showing the greatness of your country to the rest of the world.

The left surely hates us, but the it believes power solves everything. Clowns like Recon think they can force people to accept their point of view. It's the same mentality that led the Church to burn people at the stake during the middle ages. Recon even admitted that he's glad hundreds of thousands of people were killed. He says they deserved it.

You can see the hate dripping from everything Recon posts to this forum. Logic and the facts have nothing to do with hatred of the Confederacy and his lust for blood.
Recon Mark has a black and white ahistorical view of the world, like most individuals; he isn't special in that regard. However, he definitely has a inflated sense of self-importance, of self-righteousness.

Unfortunately your attempt at wit leaves much to be desired.
You have attempted to straddle me with the attributes of those ignorant rock kicking savages of the south, too stupid and lazy to benefit from their own sweat.

You should feel privileged to lick the bottoms of the shoes of the Confederate soldiers who fought the tyrant Lincoln.
No, I feel a sense of pride when I hear of the brave former slaves standing tall and killing their oppressors.
Sorry sonny, Black people were no longer subject to the inhumanities of the stupid rock kicking southerners after the Civil War.
I disagree with his tyrannical war of aggression on the South for northern industrial interests, the war clearly wasn't about slavery, even Lincoln said himself that he would have maintained the institution of slavery if it meant the preservation of the Union. The original 13th Amendment that Lincoln supported, and which the South rejected, would have allowed slavery to remain in perpetuity if the South remained in the Union. Slavery was not the issue on which the war was started and the notion that a war should even be started for the sake of abolition is absurd. Every other civilized nation in the world ended the practice in a peaceful manner without war, so the idea we needed a war to free the slaves doesn't have any historical perspective. The fact is, the South represented the spirit of the Founders, who believed in the right of self determination and secession from a tyrannical government. The South, like the Thirteen Colonies, were crippled by high taxes and tariffs, and wished to assert economic independence.

That being said, it is a shame Lincoln was killed after the war. Lincoln was targeted by banking interests after the war because of his monetary policy of issuing debt free greenbacks, and cutting parasitical bankers like the Rothschilds out of their cut of war profits. If Lincoln didn't die, he could have instituted a monetary system that made us independent of international financiers. Unfortunately today, our financial system, our economy, is controlled by private banking interests for private banking interests through the Federal Reserve.

Also, if Lincoln survived, he wouldn't have stood up to the radical republican policy of reconstruction which devastated the South. And we would have avoided the social strife between the races we had today because not only would the Klan not have gained popular appeal without the harsh reconstruction measures, the slaves would have been relocated to Africa and had their own nation.
Sure son...sure.
That is what I thought would happen. I didn't even think you would respond with a stupid one liner like that. You have no rebuttal to what I am saying, because everything I said is grounded in historical fact if you bothered reading anything on the period.

I didn't respond because I gave it the same weight that I would give if they asked me to argue against the reality of Little Miss Muffin.
I don't need to argue historical revisionism and I'm certainly not stupid enough to bandy it about as "historical fact."
What's your excuse???
What part of what I said in my post is historically inaccurate?

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