
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

California: Home to 15 million low grade humans from the brown south and 3 million illegals
California: Home to the countries largest gang and ghetto populations
California: Home to the countries largest population of incarcerrated fuck-ups
California: Home to the countries largest population of homos and gender confused nut-jobs
California: Home to 1/3 of the countries welfare expense

WOW...this country would be in deep shit without California and all it's positive contributions to the Union...hahaha

So you like to trash California. I'm sure just as many think you are scum. What does any of that have to do with whether California wants to secede?
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

California: Home to 15 million low grade humans from the brown south and 3 million illegals
California: Home to the countries largest gang and ghetto populations
California: Home to the countries largest population of incarcerrated fuck-ups
California: Home to the countries largest population of homos and gender confused nut-jobs
California: Home to 1/3 of the countries welfare expense

WOW...this country would be in deep shit without California and all it's positive contributions to the Union...hahaha

So you like to trash California. I'm sure just as many think you are scum. What does any of that have to do with whether California wants to secede?

Maybe, I guess it would depend on how one defines scum. Twisted minds tend to twist logic.
But I can tell you this:
I was born and raised here in SoCal
I've never been arrested.
I know my penis belongs in a vagina and I should pee in a mens restroom
I pay more federal income tax than most earn annually
So yeah, I guess I could be considered scum.
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.
We tried that already it didn't work and a great number of people died because of it.
Well that was 150 years ago. Maybe this time it will work. I don't see why can't peacefully agree that we can't agree and simply part ways. Man has certainly achieved exponentially more difficult objectives before.

Progressives deny facts, science, biology, and reality. How does one deal with people like that? It's like asking schizophrenics to negotiate with you. It simply doesn't work.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few hundred thousand people there mentioned it. Big deal.
Due to your long and ugly history of getting the facts completely wrong, I edited your post for you.
A few hundred thousand out of 8.8 million is pretty small.
You know what's an even bigger discrepancy? Reducing a few hundred thousand to "a few people".
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?
This was already settled by Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant.

The blue states are not good for much.

But they are at least good for Federal revenues from the income tax.

Make them pay more if you don't like them.

But no nation in their right mind would dispense with taxable territory.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few hundred thousand people there mentioned it. Big deal.
Due to your long and ugly history of getting the facts completely wrong, I edited your post for you.
A few hundred thousand out of 8.8 million is pretty small.
You know what's an even bigger discrepancy? Reducing a few hundred thousand to "a few people".

Link to a few hundred thousand Californians wanting to secede? In comparison to 8.8 million, it is a few people.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few hundred thousand people there mentioned it. Big deal.
Due to your long and ugly history of getting the facts completely wrong, I edited your post for you.
A few hundred thousand out of 8.8 million is pretty small.
You know what's an even bigger discrepancy? Reducing a few hundred thousand to "a few people".

Link to a few hundred thousand Californians wanting to secede? In comparison to 8.8 million, it is a few people.
Link to a "few people" wanting to secede? What's the matter - can't hold yourself to your same standards?
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?


But i am in favor of sending you to Africa.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

California has never had any interest in seceeding and no Conservatives agreed.

There have always been of course wingnut secession movements- California's current one is by a wingnut living in Russia.

Then there is Texas which had a 125,000 people signing a petition to secede.....still a drop in the bucket.
Are you still here? You better get going. You have a lot of work to do to make this happen.

We tried before and it didn't work out so well. So now we're going to have to get congress to agree. Not a fast process, but there are secession movements in states like Texas.

If you don't like America, feel free to leave it.

Or as you are doing in your case- try to destroy it.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

Yes California now aims to gather enough signatures to put an initiative on the ballot in 2018, when Californians will choose their next governor, for a referendum in 2019.

Californians are calling for a 'Calexit' from the US — here's how a secession could work

California gained an embassy in Russia last weekend, at least in the eyes of those who have promised to seek a statewide vote on secession, nicknamed “Calexit,” in 2018.

Louis Marinelli, a San Diego resident who is the leader of the group promoting an effort to turn the state into an independent country , organized the Moscow event that was publicized on social media.

“We want to start laying the groundwork for a dialogue about an independent California joining the United Nations now,” he said in an email Monday.

‘Calexit’ Movement Organizer Says Group Has Opened a California Embassy in Russia

A little more than "a few people mentioning it" wouldn't you say...but don't cry Buttercup. California won't secede...those pussies don't have the balls to go it alone, no matter how much we wish they would.

Louis Marinelli- a wing nut who lives in Russia.

Yes- thats just a 'few people.

California will not secede because we are Americans- unlike you snowflakes who love to cut and run.
No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few hundred thousand people there mentioned it. Big deal.
Due to your long and ugly history of getting the facts completely wrong, I edited your post for you.
A few hundred thousand out of 8.8 million is pretty small.
You know what's an even bigger discrepancy? Reducing a few hundred thousand to "a few people".

Link to a few hundred thousand Californians wanting to secede? In comparison to 8.8 million, it is a few people.
Link to a "few people" wanting to secede? What's the matter - can't hold yourself to your same standards?

I have seen so far two people support the idea of California seceding.

One of them lives in Russia.

Now Texas has real support- 125,000 people. But the South has a history of trying to cut and run.

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