
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?
Nah....divide it into thirds.
1. Far left liberals.
2. Far right conservatives.
3. Centrists who accept elements of both parties. This will be the sane section.
America is not a country greater than any other:it is not different than any other.
Dumbest. Comment. EVER.

The United States is far superior to any other nation ever founded because of how it was founded and how it was designed. There is a reason why people risk their lives trying to come to the United States and never do that to get to Syria, or Australia, or the Congo.
America is not a country greater than any other:it is not different than any other.
Dumbest. Comment. EVER.

The United States is far superior to any other nation ever founded because of how it was founded and how it was designed. There is a reason why people risk their lives trying to come to the United States and never do that to get to Syria, or Australia, or the Congo.

Yeah, because Syria is in a civil war and has a shitty economy. the Congo is also a very shitty country in terms of human development and conflict. I don't think you compare a modern, developed, stable, liberal democracy and industrialized nation like the United States to the Congo and Syria as a reasonable example of why the U.S. is far superior to any other nation ever founded.

Also, that comment about Australia is ignorant as fuck.

Australian Border Deaths Database

Boatpeople face lifetime ban from Australia

Australia is a very isolated country from most the other poorer countries around it. Yet, many die trying to get to Australia regardless. Not to mention all those people trying to get to Europe from Syria and elsewhere.

That has more to do with Australia's status as an Island nation and isolation from other countries. The U.S. has a direct border with Mexico.

How was the United States founded any differently than any other nation forged by revolution?

The United States has a great system, but it is far from the first system of it's kind. Indeed, many of it's institutions are based off of the Roman Republic.In fact, i would argue that the French and German democracy models are superior. For example, our two party system is quite flawed, in my opinion. After all, Britain did get rid of Slavery long before we did. Civil rights for minorities and segregation ended in other countries long before the United States. Not to mention our predatory behaviour towards foreign countries and the native populations. Compare that to the New Zealand relationship with the native population there.
For example, our two party system is quite flawed, in my opinion.
We don't have a "two party" system. Here are just a few:

Republican Party
Tea Party
Constitution Party
Libertarian Party
Democrat Party
Green Party
Communist Party U.S.A.

That's 7 right there and it doesn't even encompass all of the parties.
Actually it ain't possible to "cut the U.S. in half" if you look at the result of the election. It's more like a blue hemorrhoid you can cut out on the left and right ass holes.
America is not a country greater than any other:it is not different than any other.
Dumbest. Comment. EVER.

The United States is far superior to any other nation ever founded because of how it was founded and how it was designed. There is a reason why people risk their lives trying to come to the United States and never do that to get to Syria, or Australia, or the Congo.

Yeah, because Syria is in a civil war and has a shitty economy. the Congo is also a very shitty country in terms of human development and conflict. I don't think you compare a modern, developed, stable, liberal democracy and industrialized nation like the United States to the Congo and Syria as a reasonable example of why the U.S. is far superior to any other nation ever founded.
Thank you for proving my point for me. We've been Civil War free for 150 years, have a stable government, a decent economy, and the U.S. Constitution. We're far superior to any other nation and it's not even close.

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