
Because my country is not to be broken up by fools and cowards. Bear in mind what happened the last time the democrats tried some shit like that.

So anyone who wants to break up the United States is a fool and a coward? ...


Can you explain that?

After all, breaking away from a much more powerful union to go it your own seems like the very definition of brave. Indeed, perhaps staying together in such a disunited country is foolish.

We are not a disunited country, we are a contentious country; always have been. Our Union is much stronger than some few petulant, childish nitwits.

I think it I very foolish to decry anyone who disagrees with you as a foolish nitwit.

America is not a country greater than any other:it is not different than any other.

The bubbled l united states will eventually die.

America is not a country greater than any other:it is not different than any other.......

Only someone who is trying to espouse patriotism for another country, bitterly resents the US, or understands nothing of America, or of history in general, could say something so stupid.

America is not a country greater than any other:it is not different than any other.......

Only someone who is trying to espouse patriotism for another country, bitterly resents the US, or understands nothing of America, or of history in general, could say something so stupid.

Patriotism is a whole lot different than nationalism or chauvanism.

I don't bitterly resent the U.S.; i bitterly resent the federal government. You say i know nothing of America, but America is all i know. You say i know nothing of history, but i've not heard you express anything that has given me any reason to believe your knowledge of history is particularly good. In fact, i'm interested in history and i'm more knowledgable of it than the average individual is.

You say what i have said is stupid, but you've provided nothing but platitudes to back up that statement. I've said nothing stupid, the only person arguing without a basis in facts, rationale or argumentation is you. You launch ad-hominem attacks but provide no sound argument that i can find.

But if that is the game you want to play, i can also play it;

Only someone who is chauvanistic and loves the U.S. blindly without any practicality, someone who obviously knows nothing about the Americans he wants the federal government to rule over, and someone who is so ignorant of history as to fail to understand why we broke away from the United Kingdom to become an independent country in the first place, could make a statement so stupid and without any reason beyond platitude and emotion.


You could argue that we've got a stronger military united, economically we're in a better position to make trade deals with other nations. You could argue that having a federal government that has supremacy over the states is more effective than state governments acting independently or with complete sovereignty -- those are all legitimate arguments.

Your paragraph, unfortunately, is not a legitimate argument. It's an ad-hominem attack with no substance whatsoever.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.
Yeah..Ain't that a stinker.
Once the consensus was viewed, Californians who desired to be their own country realized that "who gives a shit" and "go the hell on then" were not positive messages, the secessionists clammed up, found their rocks and crawled back underneath said rocks.
If you had any sense, you'd know the blue states support the red states.
And that fault lies with whom?......Yes, the very people elected to office to represent the interests of those so called donor states. And ya wanna know why?
Because those states are where the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL wealthy reside. yes, rich people pay the majority of the taxes.
Do you see where this is going? It not only raises the issue of a double standard and hypocrisy on the part of the left with regard to that age old whine of "fair share", it also sheds light on the fact that although left wing politicians asking to be sent to Washington promise a whole lot, they deliver very little.
You want to bitch about not getting your tax dollars back? Go see your US House member and your two US Senators. Complain to them!
I'd support it but the giant red area of empty land in the middle of the country would then be stuck in unbelievable suffering
Would it? The Texas economy would be self sustaining...
Lets look at the balance sheet.
Important deep water ports...Check
Abundant natural resources..check.
Large population with plenty of wealth/...check
Business friendly economic climate...Check
Can do outlook on job creation and innovative ideas...Check
Massive highway system for commerce and travel...Check....
Major airports with large intermodal cargo operations and facilities...Check....
Lots of space for growth...Check....
Favorable weather climate...check.
Not claiming Texas should secede. Just pointing out the facts
What part of the constitution do Conservatives like aside from the second amendment? Certainly not the preamble. That part about a more perfect union?
Here's the problem.
One of the things that is a cornerstone to the foundation of a nation is a common language. You libs freak out over the idea of English being an official language( at least on paper) \Another is a dominant culture. You libs are intent on dismissing the distinct American culture and falling into the trap of multi-culturalism.
That idea leads to tribalism. Tribalism leads to the breakdown of a nation. When there is not dominant culture, there is no order. Eventually there are different groups who squabble among each other. Eventually one seeks to dominate. They do this by accruing power, wealth and weapons. The result is discourse beyond the control of any central government and the country falls into self destructive civil conflict.
A perfect example is the former Yugoslavia.
In order to form a perfect union, that union must have a semblance of order. To attain order, civility must be established.
Liberals believe in "self first"....Meanwhile they place people in groups for the purpose of pitting them against each other.
What part of the constitution do Conservatives like aside from the second amendment? Certainly not the preamble. That part about a more perfect union?
BTW, those words are merely a means to an end. There is no provision in the US Constitution that supports "a more perfect union"...And inasmuch as it may make you feel better, it doesn't exist. There is no "perfect"....There is no utopia.
I'd support it but the giant red area of empty land in the middle of the country would then be stuck in unbelievable suffering

You mean the part of the country that grows your food? I think we will be ok
We pay them to throw out food every year and to grow corn nobody needs. We'll be fine. Good luck funding your infrastructure and military with absolutely nothing.
hey genius...Thats' your idiotic federal Agriculture regulations in which farmers are paid NOT to grow crops for the sole purpose of propping up commodity futures prices.
Corn?....Have you any clue why beef prices are at current levels?
Because of this insane ethanol corn subsidy. Farmers switched from feed corn to the variety that is best used for fuel. They are paid a subsidy for it. And of course with every government handout, it eventually becomes viewed as an entitlement. Once something the government does is perceived as an entitlement, it never goes away.
Ever wonder why NO POTUS candidate will even dare mention crop subsidies? Because if they gave even the slightest notion of ending these costly and wasteful expenses, they stand NO chance of winning the election
I'd support it but the giant red area of empty land in the middle of the country would then be stuck in unbelievable suffering

You mean the part of the country that grows your food? I think we will be ok
We pay them to throw out food every year and to grow corn nobody needs. We'll be fine. Good luck funding your infrastructure and military with absolutely nothing.

Doesn't matter how muchundin you have for the military if you have no volunteers left
We have way more people than the red areas do.
Ha...Blue states are allegedly more civilized and of course wealthier. Those people do not serve. They are served. And in order to keep that status, they allow others to do their bidding.
Those blue state pussies would evoke their conscientious objector status and refuse to pick up a weapon.
What part of the constitution do Conservatives like aside from the second amendment? Certainly not the preamble. That part about a more perfect union?
BTW, those words are merely a means to an end. There is no provision in the US Constitution that supports "a more perfect union"...And inasmuch as it may make you feel better, it doesn't exist. There is no "perfect"....There is no utopia.
The preamble asks to form a more perfect union. The implication being the work is ongoing. Look at the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States. See the unfinished pyramid? The work continues to form a more perfect union.

Our unique American culture is constantly fed by the cultures of the world. Our nation is a nation of immigrants. We are NOT a ',elting pot' where all cultures are tossed in to form a common alloy. We are rather like a tossed salad where each ingredient remains unique to itself while contributing to the overall substance.

Would you deny the influence of diverse groups while you eat a pizza, say 'Gezuntheit" after a sneeze while wearing a poncho?
I'd support it but the giant red area of empty land in the middle of the country would then be stuck in unbelievable suffering
Would it? The Texas economy would be self sustaining...
Lets look at the balance sheet.
Important deep water ports...Check
Abundant natural resources..check.
Large population with plenty of wealth/...check
Business friendly economic climate...Check
Can do outlook on job creation and innovative ideas...Check
Massive highway system for commerce and travel...Check....
Major airports with large intermodal cargo operations and facilities...Check....
Lots of space for growth...Check....
Favorable weather climate...check.
Not claiming Texas should secede. Just pointing out the facts

Texas also has had a Navy...
The Texas Navy was the official navy of the Republic of Texas. It was created to protect and defend the coastline of Texas and offer protection for the shipping and trade that was desperately needed for the growing republic.
Texas Navy - Wikipedia
Maybe dopey should read Federalist #9 or the Gettysburg Address.

You've responded to my multi-paragraph statement with single-sentence, baseless replies. I've read both, i've got a bachelors degree in history.

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