
You actually work with people rather than having a temper tantrum because people don't agree with you.
You have all of the answers yet you're incapable of giving any explanation. Typical of that side of the aisle. Tell me genius - how does one "work with people" who claim that biology and chromosomes are irrelevant and that a person can simply think themselves into a different gender? I've asked you that question already and you continue to avoid it.
And by temper tantrum, I mean threatening to pack up your toys if everyone doesn't agree to play the way you want to play- by threatening to destroy the United States.
Syriusly proving what I've been saying all along. Notice how panic stricken he is over the thought of having no conservatives to mooch off of? Even progressives realize their ideology is a failed ideology and cannot work without conservatives to mooch off of.
And by temper tantrum, I mean threatening to pack up your toys if everyone doesn't agree to play the way you want to play- by threatening to destroy the United States.
Oh my drama queen. The only thing "destroying" the United States are you idiot progressives who hate America, hate the U.S. Constitution, and hate individualism.

Peacefully dividing up the United States will not "destroy" anything. Well, at least not on our side. Your sides idiotic communism will of course destroy whatever country you form but that's your own problem. We'll be busy rescuing the United States from the progressive damage over the past 100 years.
So help me to understand why. We had an awful and bloody Civil War once. Why repeat that? Why be at each other's throats 24x7? The most tragic part of this is that each and every one of us could have the exact United States that we desire but the left refuses to obey the U.S. Constitution. .

LOL- you mean we don't march in lock step with your interpretation of the Constitution.

From my point of view, the Right refuses to obey the U.S. Constitution. That is of course a difference of opinion.

There will be no repeat of the Civil War, despite the butthurt of snowflakes like you. You want to stop being at each others throats- well that starts with you. Look at your own actions here at USMB.

Once again- I am for America- you want a new country that includes parts of my America.[/QUOTE]

Hate to brake it to you bro, but you don't have sole ownership of this country. If a majority Americans decide to split the union, there's not a whole lot you can do about it.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. .

Why am I not suprised that the idiot who proposed shipping all Americans who have the wrong ancestry back to Africa wants to split up the United States.

The problem with idiots like Johann- is not just that they hate the America- its that they hate Americans.

Muted for personal insults.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. .

Why am I not suprised that the idiot who proposed shipping all Americans who have the wrong ancestry back to Africa wants to split up the United States.

The problem with idiots like Johann- is not just that they hate the America- its that they hate Americans.

Muted for personal insults.

Muted because you don't like the truth of who you are mentioned.

Why am I not suprised that the idiot who proposed shipping all Americans who have the wrong ancestry back to Africa wants to split up the United States.

The problem with idiots like Johann- is not just that they hate the America- its that they hate Americans.
Hate to brake it to you bro, but you don't have sole ownership of this country. If a majority Americans decide to split the union, there's not a whole lot you can do about it.

If the 'majority' of Americans want to secede, then they can hold a Constitutional Convention and do exactly that.

And you can live your dream of destroying America.
And by temper tantrum, I mean threatening to pack up your toys if everyone doesn't agree to play the way you want to play- by threatening to destroy the United States.

Peacefully dividing up the United States will not "destroy" anything..

LOL- of course not.

We will just have two states, both less powerful than Russia or China.

Won't destroy a
And by temper tantrum, I mean threatening to pack up your toys if everyone doesn't agree to play the way you want to play- by threatening to destroy the United States.

Peacefully dividing up the United States will not "destroy" anything..
LOL- of course not. We will just have two states, both less powerful than Russia or China. Won't destroy a
Bwahahahahaha! Because the actual square miles of a nation dictates their power. No their military might. Not their economic stability. Not their innovation. Nope! In the mind of a progressive it is simply the square miles of land that dictates the pecking order. Largest nation of land = most powerful. Geebus are progressives the most irrational, uneducated, insane bunch. :lol:
And by temper tantrum, I mean threatening to pack up your toys if everyone doesn't agree to play the way you want to play- by threatening to destroy the United States.
Syriusly proving .

Showing how much with every post you hate America and Americans.
I love America. I'm not the one who rejects the U.S. Constitution and applauds people for violating it. That's you and your side of the aisle friend.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?
will the conservative states have to support the liberal states or will they be on their own.
And, will conservatives be allowed to move their business to the new state and out of the liberal states, and of course the other way around.
If so, Im for it, lets get to drawing a line. I would like the conservatives to get the west side of things, it has more national parks and is generally speaking the much nicer side of the country as far as the landscape goes. Plus, we then would be the ones that control the flow from south America.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?

Why not?

Because my country is not to be broken up by fools and cowards. Bear in mind what happened the last time the democrats tried some shit like that.

So anyone who wants to break up the United States is a fool and a coward? How is it cowardly to want independence and autonomy from the U.S. federal government?

They didn't have nuclear weapons in 1861.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?

Why not?

Because my country is not to be broken up by fools and cowards. Bear in mind what happened the last time the democrats tried some shit like that.

So anyone who wants to break up the United States is a fool and a coward? ...

I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?

Why not?

Because my country is not to be broken up by fools and cowards. Bear in mind what happened the last time the democrats tried some shit like that.

So anyone who wants to break up the United States is a fool and a coward? ...


Can you explain that?

After all, breaking away from a much more powerful union to go it your own seems like the very definition of brave. Indeed, perhaps staying together in such a disunited country is foolish.

Because my country is not to be broken up by fools and cowards. Bear in mind what happened the last time the democrats tried some shit like that.

So anyone who wants to break up the United States is a fool and a coward? ...


Can you explain that?

After all, breaking away from a much more powerful union to go it your own seems like the very definition of brave. Indeed, perhaps staying together in such a disunited country is foolish.

We are not a disunited country, we are a contentious country; always have been. Our Union is much stronger than some few petulant, childish nitwits.

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