
Secession is liberty and freedom. We don't need the federal government having any control over the states as it isn't in the constitution for the federal government to stop them.

When states make decisions that affect the rest of the union it becomes a federal issue.
If California wants to continue to play stupid on the border security issues the Feds will and can hammer they should. Unless of course CA wants to build a wall around CA and state fund all the anchor babies and bottom feeders.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. We'll rename is the Conservative States of America. registered democrats have 30 days to move north and registered Republicans have 30 days to move south. anyone who voted straight line democrat in the last 3 elections should be deported north, and anyone who voted straight line Republican in the last 3 elections moves South.

We'll make Bernie Sanders president of the Union and we'll make Trump president of the Conservative States.

We'll let you have the illegals and we'll take our guns.

Good luck.
Secession is liberty and freedom. We don't need the federal government having any control over the states as it isn't in the constitution for the federal government to stop them.

When states make decisions that affect the rest of the union it becomes a federal issue.
If California wants to continue to play stupid on the border security issues the Feds will and can hammer they should. Unless of course CA wants to build a wall around CA and state fund all the anchor babies and bottom feeders.

If Cali wants to leave, the majority of the people want it, let them.

Good riddance.
You have never seen me scream about how America sucks.
I can't say that I remember you specifically saying America "sucks". Which is why I didn't specifically accuse you in this thread. I said "progressives".
You are the one thrilled by the idea of breaking apart the United States. Why do you want to break up the United States? I mean if you don't think the United States sucks.
Because I truly believe it is impossible to work with the left. Why go through the constant misery of allowing one group to destroy the entire nation when we can peacefully break it up and allow that side to destroy their own half?

The left denies biology. They laughably believe that gender is a mind-set and that a person can choose whether they are male or female.

The left minions deny science ("Global Warming" has been settled by science, facts, and history) because the left masters feed them propaganda.

The left denies history. They have attempted to re-write it. They deny the U.S. Constitution says what it says.

How does a rational, reasonable person work with someone like that? If you have a suggestion - I am all ears.
I am saying that we are all Americans- and Americans don't cut and run like the secessionists want.
So help me to understand why. We had an awful and bloody Civil War once. Why repeat that? Why be at each other's throats 24x7? The most tragic part of this is that each and every one of us could have the exact United States that we desire but the left refuses to obey the U.S. Constitution. All we have to do is restore that and progressives and conservatives will both be as happy as a pig in mud.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. We'll rename is the Conservative States of America. registered democrats have 30 days to move north and registered Republicans have 30 days to move south. anyone who voted straight line democrat in the last 3 elections should be deported north, and anyone who voted straight line Republican in the last 3 elections moves South.

We'll make Bernie Sanders president of the Union and we'll make Trump president of the Conservative States.

We'll let you have the illegals and we'll take our guns.

Good luck.
Love your idea - but can we divide it East and West rather than North and South? Cut it down the middle through the states of Texas, Oklahoma, etc. Conservatives take the east, progressives take the west (they already consume California anyway - and especially Hollywood).

In addition - they love their precious illegal aliens and 90% of the border would be on their side. We would only have to secure a very small area.

Finally, this more equally divides resources. Why should one side get the south (all of the hot states) and one side get the north (all of the cold states). This divide would alleviate time zones to a large degree. Instead of a 3 hour difference it would be cut down to a roughly 1.5 hour difference.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. We'll rename is the Conservative States of America. registered democrats have 30 days to move north and registered Republicans have 30 days to move south. anyone who voted straight line democrat in the last 3 elections should be deported north, and anyone who voted straight line Republican in the last 3 elections moves South.

We'll make Bernie Sanders president of the Union and we'll make Trump president of the Conservative States.

We'll let you have the illegals and we'll take our guns.

Good luck.
Love your idea - but can we divide it East and West rather than North and South? Cut it down the middle through the states of Texas, Oklahoma, etc. Conservatives take the east, progressives take the west (they already consume California anyway - and especially Hollywood).

In addition - they love their precious illegal aliens and 90% of the border would be on their side. We would only have to secure a very small area.

Finally, this more equally divides resources. Why should one side get the south (all of the hot states) and one side get the north (all of the cold states). This divide would alleviate time zones to a large degree. Instead of a 3 hour difference it would be cut down to a roughly 1.5 hour difference.

Well, because of practicality. most of the biggest conservative states are in the former confederacy. Otherwise the massive amount of moving of the people would be too much.

Plus you'd have to empty out all of the North east which would be impracticable, in my opinion. It's just easier this way. What's wrong with the hotter states? I don't think temperature is a resource. I think the former confederacy has more than enough resources(especially in oil) to sustain itself.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. We'll rename is the Conservative States of America. registered democrats have 30 days to move north and registered Republicans have 30 days to move south. anyone who voted straight line democrat in the last 3 elections should be deported north, and anyone who voted straight line Republican in the last 3 elections moves South.

We'll make Bernie Sanders president of the Union and we'll make Trump president of the Conservative States.

We'll let you have the illegals and we'll take our guns.

Good luck.
Love your idea - but can we divide it East and West rather than North and South? Cut it down the middle through the states of Texas, Oklahoma, etc. Conservatives take the east, progressives take the west (they already consume California anyway - and especially Hollywood).

In addition - they love their precious illegal aliens and 90% of the border would be on their side. We would only have to secure a very small area.

Finally, this more equally divides resources. Why should one side get the south (all of the hot states) and one side get the north (all of the cold states). This divide would alleviate time zones to a large degree. Instead of a 3 hour difference it would be cut down to a roughly 1.5 hour difference.

Well, because of practicality. most of the biggest conservative states are in the former confederacy. Otherwise the massive amount of moving of the people would be too much.

Plus you'd have to empty out all of the North east which would be impracticable, in my opinion. It's just easier this way. What's wrong with the hotter states? I don't think temperature is a resource. I think the former confederacy has more than enough resources(especially in oil) to sustain itself.
I just think it's more "fair" that both sides have the options of cold and warm climates. And that does play a huge part in farming. Oranges cannot be grown in Minnesota. Florida cannot attract skiers to their state. Idaho cannot attract people for sun and fun. All of it does make a big difference.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. We'll rename is the Conservative States of America. registered democrats have 30 days to move north and registered Republicans have 30 days to move south. anyone who voted straight line democrat in the last 3 elections should be deported north, and anyone who voted straight line Republican in the last 3 elections moves South.

We'll make Bernie Sanders president of the Union and we'll make Trump president of the Conservative States.

We'll let you have the illegals and we'll take our guns.

Good luck.
Love your idea - but can we divide it East and West rather than North and South? Cut it down the middle through the states of Texas, Oklahoma, etc. Conservatives take the east, progressives take the west (they already consume California anyway - and especially Hollywood).

In addition - they love their precious illegal aliens and 90% of the border would be on their side. We would only have to secure a very small area.

Finally, this more equally divides resources. Why should one side get the south (all of the hot states) and one side get the north (all of the cold states). This divide would alleviate time zones to a large degree. Instead of a 3 hour difference it would be cut down to a roughly 1.5 hour difference.

Well, because of practicality. most of the biggest conservative states are in the former confederacy. Otherwise the massive amount of moving of the people would be too much.

Plus you'd have to empty out all of the North east which would be impracticable, in my opinion. It's just easier this way. What's wrong with the hotter states? I don't think temperature is a resource. I think the former confederacy has more than enough resources(especially in oil) to sustain itself.
I just think it's more "fair" that both sides have the options of cold and warm climates. And that does play a huge part in farming. Oranges cannot be grown in Minnesota. Florida cannot attract skiers to their state. Idaho cannot attract people for sun and fun. All of it does make a big difference.

Who cares if people have an option of cold or warm climate? You can always move north if you want cold. Oklahoma gets freaking freezing, let me tell you.

It's not much of a difference, i mean, we'll get enough tourists south of the mason-dixon from all those cold yankee states.

We can trade for what we want, i'm sure those yankees want to trade with us for our oil and such.
You are the one thrilled by the idea of breaking apart the United States. Why do you want to break up the United States? I mean if you don't think the United States sucks.
Here is a prime example of what I am talking about Syriusly. How exactly does one work with a group of people who not only believe that gender is a state-of-mind and biology should be rejected, but that children should be subjected to horrific mutilation surgeries to appease their mental illness and that physicians should be forced to perform these mutilations against their will? :dunno:
  • The court ruling came after eight states, an association of almost 18,000 doctors, and a Catholic hospital system challenged a new federal regulation that requires doctors to perform gender transition procedures on children, even if the doctor believes the treatment could harm the child.
  • Doctors who followed the Hippocratic oath—the historic medical vow that doctors take to act in the best interest of their patients—would have faced severe consequences, including losing their jobs.
  • The federal regulation applied to over 900,000 doctors—nearly every doctor in the U.S.—and would have cost health care providers and taxpayers nearly $1 billion.
  • The government itself does not require its own military doctors to perform these procedures. It also does not require coverage of gender transition procedures in Medicare or Medicaid—even for adults—because the government medical experts that oversee those programs did not believe medical research demonstrates that gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes, with some studies demonstrating that these procedures were in fact harmful.
  • But under the Department of Health and Human Services rule developed by political appointees, doctors citing the same evidence and using their best medical judgment in an individual case would have faced potential lawsuits or job loss.
In Late Ruling, Court Strikes Down Transgender Mandate
You are the one thrilled by the idea of breaking apart the United States. Why do you want to break up the United States? I mean if you don't think the United States sucks.
Here is a prime example of what I am talking about Syriusly. How exactly does one work with a group of people who not only believe that gender is a state-of-mind and biology should be rejected, but that children should be subjected to horrific mutilation surgeries to appease their mental illness and that physicians should be forced to perform these mutilations against their will? :dunno:
  • The court ruling came after eight states, an association of almost 18,000 doctors, and a Catholic hospital system challenged a new federal regulation that requires doctors to perform gender transition procedures on children, even if the doctor believes the treatment could harm the child.
  • Doctors who followed the Hippocratic oath—the historic medical vow that doctors take to act in the best interest of their patients—would have faced severe consequences, including losing their jobs.
  • The federal regulation applied to over 900,000 doctors—nearly every doctor in the U.S.—and would have cost health care providers and taxpayers nearly $1 billion.
  • The government itself does not require its own military doctors to perform these procedures. It also does not require coverage of gender transition procedures in Medicare or Medicaid—even for adults—because the government medical experts that oversee those programs did not believe medical research demonstrates that gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes, with some studies demonstrating that these procedures were in fact harmful.
  • But under the Department of Health and Human Services rule developed by political appointees, doctors citing the same evidence and using their best medical judgment in an individual case would have faced potential lawsuits or job loss.
In Late Ruling, Court Strikes Down Transgender Mandate

There you go making too much sense know how basic logic scares the whacko's away.

Let's just take the land of the former confederacy. .

Why am I not suprised that the idiot who proposed shipping all Americans who have the wrong ancestry back to Africa wants to split up the United States.

The problem with idiots like Johann- is not just that they hate the America- its that they hate Americans.
You have never seen me scream about how America sucks.
I can't say that I remember you specifically saying America "sucks". Which is why I didn't specifically accuse you in this thread. I said "progressives"..

And I am a progressive- and I don't say that the United States sucks.

And unlike you- I am for the United States- all of the United States- and I am for Americans- all Americans.
So help me to understand why. We had an awful and bloody Civil War once. Why repeat that? Why be at each other's throats 24x7? The most tragic part of this is that each and every one of us could have the exact United States that we desire but the left refuses to obey the U.S. Constitution. .[/QUOTE]

LOL- you mean we don't march in lock step with your interpretation of the Constitution.

From my point of view, the Right refuses to obey the U.S. Constitution. That is of course a difference of opinion.

There will be no repeat of the Civil War, despite the butthurt of snowflakes like you. You want to stop being at each others throats- well that starts with you. Look at your own actions here at USMB.

Once again- I am for America- you want a new country that includes parts of my America.
You are the one thrilled by the idea of breaking apart the United States. Why do you want to break up the United States? I mean if you don't think the United States sucks.
Here is a prime example of what I am talking about Syriusly. How exactly does one work with a group of people e

You actually work with people rather than having a temper tantrum because people don't agree with you.

And by temper tantrum, I mean threatening to pack up your toys if everyone doesn't agree to play the way you want to play- by threatening to destroy the United States.
So help me to understand why. We had an awful and bloody Civil War once. Why repeat that? Why be at each other's throats 24x7? The most tragic part of this is that each and every one of us could have the exact United States that we desire but the left refuses to obey the U.S. Constitution. .
LOL- you mean we don't march in lock step with your interpretation of the Constitution. From my point of view, the Right refuses to obey the U.S. Constitution. That is of course a difference of opinion.
The fact that you would even use that term proves you've never even read the Constitution. There is nothing to "interpret". It says exactly what it says.

The left keeps violating the U.S. Constitution, consolidating all power into Washington D.C. and then consolidating all of that into one man in the executive branch.

You fascists are not happy unless you force all Americans to live the way you want them to live. And that is why there is no living peacefully with you people. You want to strip me of my constitutional rights. I refuse to let you.
There will be no repeat of the Civil War, despite the butthurt of snowflakes like you. You want to stop being at each others throats- well that starts with you. Look at your own actions here at USMB.

Once again- I am for America- you want a new country that includes parts of my America.
Hilarious. He's for "all Americans" while he bashes half of America. :eusa_doh:

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