
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

California: Home to 15 million low grade humans from the brown south

Always can count on our home grown racists to provide an opinion....

We're moving in to a time where good people will say phuck political correctness and will call it as it truly is. Whack-job Liberals are so use to being verbally coddled that they don't know how to act when they hear something blunt and candid. Don't be afraid to hear the truth...Did I say something fabricated or untrue...OR is it just scary to hear something bold and true? Real American's have taken their balls back...sorry bud, but you'll have to get use to it. NO MORE LIES!
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

California: Home to 15 million low grade humans from the brown south

Always can count on our home grown racists to provide an opinion....

We're moving in to a time where good people will say phuck political correctness and will call it as it truly is. Whack-job Liberals are so use to being verbally coddled that they don't know how to act when they hear something blunt and candid. Don't be afraid to hear the truth...Did I say something fabricated or untrue...OR is it just scary to hear something bold and true? Real American's have taken their balls back...sorry bud, but you'll have to get use to it. NO MORE LIES!
Ugly racists confuse 'political correctness' with simple human decency. We once called 'political correctness' 'manners'. But even that concept is lost on ugly racist fiends.

Yes, what you said is untrue. "subhumans"?!? If you are the paradigm of humanity, I don't want to be associated with the human race.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?
Oh the country will split eventually but doubt it will be along political lines,it will be racial lines.
Hey look, Liberals enable through words and labels..they have made low-lifes, criminals, illegals and the like consider themselves victims...they have done this through ridiculous excuse making. As I've said before, Liberals have successfully removed shame from anything that should be shameful essentially incentivizing complacentcy among our bottom feeders. Shame and pride use to be two driving forces for motivation or lack of...Liberals have taught people not to take pride in accomplishments and not to be ashamed of anything.
The minimum requirement for total equality should be that one acts equal...simply holding the label HUMAN and breathing oxygen should not require that one is held in high regard...a piece of shit should be labeled and treated as such. Humans are blessed with the amazing ability to reason, it's a major element that separates us from animals...if you can't display the ability to reason you are a subhuman, a second class citizen...sounds harsh I know...but grab your nuts and make people feel shame again. Don't be scared.
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States? It would actually make it much stronger by eliminating all of you marxist moochers. And you people hate the U.S. anyway.

What your actually concerned about being "destroyed" is the new nation you U.S. hating marxists would form. Proof that you realize you can't survive without conservatives to mooch off of.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?
Oh the country will split eventually but doubt it will be along political lines,it will be racial lines.
Only on the left. Conservative whites and conservative blacks live side-by-side in perfect harmony. It's only the racist left that wants to tear each other apart.
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States? It would actually make it much stronger by eliminating all of you marxist moochers. And you people hate the U.S. anyway.

What your actually concerned about being "destroyed" is the new nation you U.S. hating marxists would form. Proof that you realize you can't survive without conservatives to mooch off of.

All so true...they hate the U.S. and the prideful hard working, moral citizens who built it into the greatest country in the world.
BUT...they sure love the free ride WE provide...PIECE OF SHITS!
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?
Oh the country will split eventually but doubt it will be along political lines,it will be racial lines.
Only on the left. Conservative whites and conservative blacks live side-by-side in perfect harmony. .

LOL- all the time singing kumbaya.....
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States?.

The United States consists of 50 states- we are all American, despite the efforts of the neo-Confederates like you to destroy the United States by breaking us up into little banana republics.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

California: Home to 15 million low grade humans from the brown south

Always can count on our home grown racists to provide an opinion....

We're moving in to a time where good people will say phuck political correctness and will call it as it truly is. Whack-job Liberals are so use to being verbally coddled that they don't know how to act when they hear something blunt and candid. Don't be afraid to hear the truth...Did I say something fabricated or untrue...OR is it just scary to hear something bold and true? Real American's have taken their balls back...sorry bud, but you'll have to get use to it. NO MORE LIES!

Once again showing that when snowflakes complain about 'politically correct' they just mean that they want to be able to call other races and groups what they really think of them- 'brown'- n*ggers- 'ch*nks"- f*gs- c*nts- k*kes.....

You racist snowflakes are just pissed off that its not politically correct to call brown people 'n*ggers' anymore.
Why would it "destroy" the United States? It would actually make it much stronger by eliminating all of you marxist moochers. And you people hate the U.S. anyway.

What your actually concerned about being "destroyed" is the new nation you U.S. hating marxists would form. Proof that you realize you can't survive without conservatives to mooch off of.

I understand that there is an opening in the European Union...:lol:
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States?.

The United States consists of 50 states- we are all American, despite the efforts of the neo-Confederates like you to destroy the United States by breaking us up into little banana republics.

California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

That is because Dims know that there are no conservatives in government.

No matter if they don't like who is elected, more and more power will continue to be centralized into the federal government, which is what they are all about. So what if FDR imprisoned innocent Japanese President, he was a great man. LOL.

The thing about socialism is, they wish it to be world wide and without choice, otherwise, it falls apart.
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States?.

The United States consists of 50 states- we are all American, despite the efforts of the neo-Confederates like you to destroy the United States by breaking us up into little banana republics. could only wish it was that see, simply standing on this soil does not make you "American"...certainly not in the eyes of REAL American's...there's certain behavior that one must display to be considered truly "AMERICAN". You probably don't want me to go in to detail on what this behavior looks like...right?
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States?.

The United States consists of 50 states- we are all American, despite the efforts of the neo-Confederates like you to destroy the United States by breaking us up into little banana republics.
certainly not in the eyes of REAL American's.

And by 'REAL Americans' you mean Americans of the proper color and religion.
Progressives would never let that happen for the same reason that they deny states rights and refuse to denounce their U.S. citizenship (despite their hate for this great nation) and move to any of their left-wing "utopias": because they realize they won't have any conservatives to mooch off of. They know they can't survive without conservatives. Which is why they want to eliminate all forms of government other than a centralized, federal government with unlimited power.

Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States?.

The United States consists of 50 states- we are all American, despite the efforts of the neo-Confederates like you to destroy the United States by breaking us up into little banana republics.
certainly not in the eyes of REAL American's.

And by 'REAL Americans' you mean Americans of the proper color and religion.

I'm bored...I'll play along.
"Real American's" tend to be moral, prideful, likeminded, hard working, motivated, ambitious, self supportive and law abiding...they tend to speak the native language of english quite well and are generally focused on always trying to do better and to be better.
I could carry on if you need me too but you probably get the gist of it by now.
And by 'REAL Americans' you mean Americans of the proper color and religion.
You have to remember Syriusly - conservatives don't think like you progressives do. Everything is color with you people due to your hate of anyone of the opposite color. The rest of us don't even think about it. We're too busy going about our lives and earning an income to think about what color someone is.

I guess when one lives off of the government and doesn't have to hold a job - all they have to do is think about color. :eusa_doh:
And by 'REAL Americans' you mean Americans of the proper color and religion.
You have to remember Syriusly - conservatives don't think like you progressives do.

Of course you don't.

You think that anyone who you don't agree with is not an American.

I think we are all Americans- even a pathetic POS like you. You think only people you approve of are Americans.
Conservatives show that they despise the United States so much that they want to cut and run- to destroy the United States.
Why would it "destroy" the United States?.

The United States consists of 50 states- we are all American, despite the efforts of the neo-Confederates like you to destroy the United States by breaking us up into little banana republics.
certainly not in the eyes of REAL American's.

And by 'REAL Americans' you mean Americans of the proper color and religion.

I'm bored...I'll play along.
"Real American's" tend to be moral, prideful, likeminded, hard working, motivated, ambitious, self supportive and law abiding...they tend to speak the native language of english quite well and are generally focused on always trying to do better and to be better.
I could carry on if you need me too but you probably get the gist of it by now.

I got the jist when you labeled 15 million Americans based upon their skin color

California: Home to 15 million low grade humans from the brown south

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