
California to secede?

The wall just got that much longer!
Is there number that can indicate the number of lies liberals tell in a day? Is there a number that big?
Since it's crazy idea, I'll propose my own: We should move to a parliamentary system rather than a two-party system.

The two parties are not able to serve very large and vocal constituencies that hate each other. How do you think the typical union guy feels about being in the same party as feminist twits, gay&lezzies, or environmentalists who want to take his job?

And on the other side, true libertarians have very little in common with Fundamentalist Christians.

Let's have a dozen or more parties electing their own best representatives in Parliament, and then build governing coalitions based on compromise and shared interests. At least with that paradigm everyone will be able to find a political party that is more or less compatible with his own views.
I'd support it but the giant red area of empty land in the middle of the country would then be stuck in unbelievable suffering

You mean the part of the country that grows your food? I think we will be ok
We pay them to throw out food every year and to grow corn nobody needs. We'll be fine. Good luck funding your infrastructure and military with absolutely nothing.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?

That would be a fantastic idea. But there would have to be a few conditions. The blue states can no longer prop up the red stats for a start. And when the blue states continue NAFTA and other trade agreements and the red states are stuck in isolationism, the red states can't have a hissy fit as their economy stagnates because there is nobody to sell their shit to.
I'd support it but the giant red area of empty land in the middle of the country would then be stuck in unbelievable suffering

You mean the part of the country that grows your food? I think we will be ok
We pay them to throw out food every year and to grow corn nobody needs. We'll be fine. Good luck funding your infrastructure and military with absolutely nothing.

Doesn't matter how muchundin you have for the military if you have no volunteers left
I'd support it but the giant red area of empty land in the middle of the country would then be stuck in unbelievable suffering

You mean the part of the country that grows your food? I think we will be ok
We pay them to throw out food every year and to grow corn nobody needs. We'll be fine. Good luck funding your infrastructure and military with absolutely nothing.

Doesn't matter how muchundin you have for the military if you have no volunteers left
We have way more people than the red areas do.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?

Yes, please and when the red states are starving and without power and fuel, you go fucking ask Putin for help, OK? Or maybe we'll do air drops when flying from NY to CA
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?

Yes, please and when the red states are starving and without power and fuel, you go fucking ask Putin for help, OK? Or maybe we'll do air drops when flying from NY to CA

I think the ultimate plan is to create right wing death squads and use nuclear weapons to exterminate those pesky, concentrated liberal fucks.

Then we can go in using our 2nd amendment rights to finish the job. The only people who will be permitted to live are those who can prove they are members of the Republican Party or Independent. all registered democrats will be exterminated.
Hmm that might save the country. Alas, I don't want that much blood on our hands so I have to dissent - not to mention they'd kill like 70% of my buddies heh
The left will never agree, they need our wealth and labor to survive. Those fools have no idea where their food and energy come from.
I say we cut the country in half. Blue states can have their liberal utopia and the free states can have their conservative paradise.

What do you say?
I say that my great-grandfather fought with the 11 Illinois all the way from Fort Donaldson, Shiloh, to New Orleans to prevent the dismemberment of my nation. I say that even at my age I would be willing to do the same.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

Yes California now aims to gather enough signatures to put an initiative on the ballot in 2018, when Californians will choose their next governor, for a referendum in 2019.

Californians are calling for a 'Calexit' from the US — here's how a secession could work

California gained an embassy in Russia last weekend, at least in the eyes of those who have promised to seek a statewide vote on secession, nicknamed “Calexit,” in 2018.

Louis Marinelli, a San Diego resident who is the leader of the group promoting an effort to turn the state into an independent country , organized the Moscow event that was publicized on social media.

“We want to start laying the groundwork for a dialogue about an independent California joining the United Nations now,” he said in an email Monday.

‘Calexit’ Movement Organizer Says Group Has Opened a California Embassy in Russia

A little more than "a few people mentioning it" wouldn't you say...but don't cry Buttercup. California won't secede...those pussies don't have the balls to go it alone, no matter how much we wish they would.

Again. California doesn't want to secede. When you show me a poll that says the majority of Californians want to, or there is a ratified vote, you might have something.
California wanted to secede until Conservatives you hardly hear anything about it.

No dumbass. California didn't want to secede. A few people there mentioned it. Big deal.

California: Home to 15 million low grade humans from the brown south and 3 million illegals
California: Home to the countries largest gang and ghetto populations
California: Home to the countries largest population of incarcerrated fuck-ups
California: Home to the countries largest population of homos and gender confused nut-jobs
California: Home to 1/3 of the countries welfare expense

WOW...this country would be in deep shit without California and all it's positive contributions to the Union...hahaha

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