Second amendment, should felons be allowed to own guns?

I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Anyone who can't be trusted with weapons, can't be trusted to walk around loose in society, IMO. So if they let you do so, then they got no reason to bitch if you want to arm yourself.

Btw, it's legal for felons to possess firearms or replica firearms made before 1899, in almost every state. So this means you can have cap and ball, black powder guns for defense, and still be legal.

Home defense;


Not great, but better than nothing, and damn sure better than 911.

This is a good point. A good blackpowder revolver would make an excellent weapon for home protection. If you need more than 6 shots, get a 2nd revolver.
Against the law in Massachusetts
I get the impression Massachusetts considers just about everyone felons.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Yup. If you've served your prescribed incarceration... All rights need to be restored the moment you walk out the gates. Anything less breeds a disenfranchised underclass, that can only be a liability.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?

There's a common cliché, about having “paid one's debt to society”. I agree, in general, with that principle, and am of the opinion that one who has completed the sentence for his crimes, he should be restored to all of his full rights, including the right to keep and bear arms.

There was a time when anyone who proved himself to be so criminally-inclined that he could not be trusted as part of free society, served his sentence at the end of a rope. I think it is a huge step backward,that this is no longer the case. We've become too civilized for our own good.

If we were to return to that, then I'd again be OK with allowing a convict to keep his guns. If that's what he wants, he can have them buried in his grave, with him.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?

There's a common cliché, about having “paid one's debt to society”. I agree, in general, with that principle, and am of the opinion that one who has completed the sentence for his crimes, he should be restored to all of his full rights, including the right to keep and bear arms.

There was a time when anyone who proved himself to be so criminally-inclined that he could not be trusted as part of free society, served his sentence at the end of a rope. I think it is a huge step backward,that this is no longer the case. We've become too civilized for our own good.

If we were to return to that, then I'd again be OK with allowing a convict to keep his guns. If that's what he wants, he can have them buried in his grave, with him.
Well said. The reality that all the virtue signaled dance around; is that our judicial system is wholly inadequate in meeting out "justice". Most self professed " law abiding" gun owners don't even know what constitutes the branding of the underclass felon. Nor how easily, and arbitrarily it can be bequeathed upon the individual...
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Anyone who can't be trusted with weapons, can't be trusted to walk around loose in society, IMO. So if they let you do so, then they got no reason to bitch if you want to arm yourself.

Btw, it's legal for felons to possess firearms or replica firearms made before 1899, in almost every state. So this means you can have cap and ball, black powder guns for defense, and still be legal.

Home defense;


Not great, but better than nothing, and damn sure better than 911.

This is a good point. A good blackpowder revolver would make an excellent weapon for home protection. If you need more than 6 shots, get a 2nd revolver.
Against the law in Massachusetts

I did a Google search and it shows it is not.

"The new law only allows felons to use muzzle-loading rifles, shotguns or pistols that are designed to use black powder and are unable to use fixed ammunition.Mar 16, 2017"
I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Anyone who can't be trusted with weapons, can't be trusted to walk around loose in society, IMO. So if they let you do so, then they got no reason to bitch if you want to arm yourself.

Btw, it's legal for felons to possess firearms or replica firearms made before 1899, in almost every state. So this means you can have cap and ball, black powder guns for defense, and still be legal.

Home defense;


Not great, but better than nothing, and damn sure better than 911.

This is a good point. A good blackpowder revolver would make an excellent weapon for home protection. If you need more than 6 shots, get a 2nd revolver.
Against the law in Massachusetts

I did a Google search and it shows it is not.

"The new law only allows felons to use muzzle-loading rifles, shotguns or pistols that are designed to use black powder and are unable to use fixed ammunition.Mar 16, 2017"
Fake news
I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
Why Not what the constitution says
I’m in the city which is over oppressive, my schools were overrun with illegal immigrants and refugees that added no value to my culture. I fell behind the lines made some mistakes should I be allowed to own a gun to protect my self a family?
Anyone who can't be trusted with weapons, can't be trusted to walk around loose in society, IMO. So if they let you do so, then they got no reason to bitch if you want to arm yourself.

Btw, it's legal for felons to possess firearms or replica firearms made before 1899, in almost every state. So this means you can have cap and ball, black powder guns for defense, and still be legal.

Home defense;


Not great, but better than nothing, and damn sure better than 911.

This is a good point. A good blackpowder revolver would make an excellent weapon for home protection. If you need more than 6 shots, get a 2nd revolver.
Against the law in Massachusetts

I did a Google search and it shows it is not.

"The new law only allows felons to use muzzle-loading rifles, shotguns or pistols that are designed to use black powder and are unable to use fixed ammunition.Mar 16, 2017"
Fake news

It was the same web site you used yesterday. You know,
When you become a convict you give up the right to own a gun.
Only inalienable rights (grants and privileges) can be taken or given or given up.
Unalineabe rights are inherent, therefore not tangible, therefore cannot be given, taken, passed on etc.
They can only be restricted or ignored. The 2nd amendment clearly states: shall not be infringed- there are no caveats in shall not.
So why cant you own a LAW or hell...a nuclear weapon?
do you think those that do own nukes should have them????
Nothing in history more murderous than government, and yet there are still people who think they should decide who is armed and empowered? :rolleyes:
You voted those people into power. You made that decision.
There's some truth to that, but it's also true that almost all of those people immediately begin ignoring the limits of the position they were elected to, and begin asserting power they were never given.

This is what the tar, feathers, ropes, and guns are for.
See this is where you guys lose me. You claim you have all these rights and the ordinance to protect them and in the next breath you claim youre being abused. Why arent you attacking the government for taking away your rights?
because they made laws that make them better armed than us,,,

but not enough that we will remain silent about it or stop fighting to get them back,,,
You do realize when you vote people into power you give them the authority to make laws that may affect you right?

...and quite often they do the wrong thing. That is why the right to keep and bear arms is included in the list of inalieable rights. To correct the wrong if needed.
But no one has ever successfully defended those rights to date. The get Waco'd
No, there have been a couple cases where guys won in court after shooting cops for kicking in their doors, but those cases don't get much press..... for reasons that should be obvious.
True but thats not the same thing. Someone kicks in my door they will get shot but not because I'm protecting my rights?
What are you protecting then?
My life and the lives of those I love.
Do you and your loved ones have the right to live in peace?
No. Who told you that you had a right to peace? The essence of life is noisy. Its reacting and acting within your environment to stay alive. The only absolute is that you survive and even thats not a right.
Okay, do you have a right to defend your life and that of your loved ones?
Do you have the right to try?

Or are you just livestock?
Nope you dont have the right to do anything except die and if medical staff is available not even that if they can keep you alive. Correct me if I am wrong but isnt a right something that can be forcibly taken from you? If so, what is it that cannot be forcibly taken from you? A right is simply something someone bestowed on you.

Its not an either or question. I may not have a right but I am damn sure going to do what I need to until I am unable to do it.
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I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
Why Not what the constitution says

According to the US Supreme Court, the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution can still be regulated.
You support them? I Lynched a nicca in roslindale tonight, I followed him, he talked shit, I took him
Out,, what do you gotta say?
I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
Why Not what the constitution says

According to the US Supreme Court, the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution can still be regulated.
But not according to the constitution itself... Surely you see the disconnect..? The question none of the self professed "law abiding" gun owners ask, is... when did this "felon" thing strip free men of the right to arm himself, and why? You should look into it. It isn't a hallowed foundational principle of liberty. In fact... its quite new.
I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
Why Not what the constitution says

According to the US Supreme Court, the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution can still be regulated.
You support them? I Lynched a nicca in roslindale tonight, I followed him, he talked shit, I took him
Out,, what do you gotta say?
....and then you woke up and apologized to your bunkmate for even having that dream?
I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
Why Not what the constitution says

According to the US Supreme Court, the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution can still be regulated.
But not according to the constitution itself... Surely you see the disconnect..? The question none of the self professed "law abiding" gun owners ask, is... when did this "felon" thing strip free men of the right to arm himself, and why? You should look into it. It isn't a hallowed foundational principle of liberty. In fact... its quite new.
Why does it matter when this law came about? I would be interested in the why as long as it doesnt involve a conspiracy theory.
I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
Why Not what the constitution says

According to the US Supreme Court, the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution can still be regulated.
But not according to the constitution itself... Surely you see the disconnect..? The question none of the self professed "law abiding" gun owners ask, is... when did this "felon" thing strip free men of the right to arm himself, and why? You should look into it. It isn't a hallowed foundational principle of liberty. In fact... its quite new.
Why does it matter when this law came about? I would be interested in the why as long as it doesnt involve a conspiracy theory.
It was designed to keep troublesome niqqers from getting guns when at the same time civil rights were being conferred upon them. Did I say that out loud..? Thats why every state can decide Carte Blanche what constitutes a " felony. There is no national standard as far as the crime committed. Only the " potential" penalty that may be issued by a given State. One day over a year, as a possible sentence? Your a " Felon". Youre Mr. Negro Centric. How the fuck don't you know this shit?
I think the question is whether or not the felony conviction was for violent crimes.

Multiple violent felonies would show you should not be allowed to own a modern firearm.
Why Not what the constitution says

According to the US Supreme Court, the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution can still be regulated.
You support them? I Lynched a nicca in roslindale tonight, I followed him, he talked shit, I took him
Out,, what do you gotta say?

I simply stated a fact. And it has been upheld from multiple US Supreme Court decisions, from the act that restricted automatic weapons in the 1930s, through the Gun Control Act of 1968. And the 1st amendment has seen restrictions too. Such as laws against inciting to riot ect.

As for your claims of lynching someone? What do I have to say? I'd say it was just like your claim that you have been trained to hold an M230 chaingun in each hand and fire them at the same time. Or that you have a special federal permit to carry weapons most people can't own. I'd say it is bullshit.

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