Second-degree murder charge in Trayvon Martin case...

Why Not. I want to see Justice, not spin.

mebbe you're too young to remember the L.A. riots 20 years ago...

members of the L.A. police force were brought to trial for the beating of Rodney King (who admitted that he was fleeing the police... and, mind you, wasn't killed in the incident)...

before and during the trial, the media stoked up public sentiment with an edited video...

however, the officers were acquitted by the jury...

and then, as the baseball announcer says it, "The crowd goes wild...!"

result: 53 people dead... more'n a half-billion dollars in damages...

be careful of what you wish for...

different scenario.. different times...

wishful thinking...

word of advice: buy a gun if you don't already have one...

if it turns out you needed it after Z's acquitted, you can thank me then...

if it turns out you didn't need it either way, you can tell me to go fuck myself...

actually, you can, of course, tell me to go fuck myself at any time, beginning now...
Special prosecutor Angela Corey announced the charges but would not discuss how she arrived at them or disclose other details of her investigation, saying: "That's why we try cases in court."

Second-degree murder is typically brought in cases when there is a fight or other confrontation that results in death and but does involve a premeditated plan to kill.

Corey would not disclose Zimmerman's whereabouts for his safety but said that he will be in court within 24 hours.

Zimmerman's new attorney, Mark O'Mara, said: "I'm expecting a lot of work and hopefully justice in the end."

Zimmerman, whose father is white and whose mother is Hispanic, has asserted since the Feb. 26 killing in Sanford that he shot in self-defense after the teenager attacked him. Martin's family argued Zimmerman was the aggressor.

The shooting brought demands from black leaders for his arrest and set off a furious nationwide debate over race and self-defense that reached all the way to the White House.

Corey said the decision to bring charges was based on the facts and the law, declaring: "We do not prosecute by public pressure or by petition."

Second-degree murder charge in Trayvon Martin case

Let Justice Prevail.

This one has already been tried in the media.. I love how Sharpton is back stepping now calling for peace and saying this has nothing to do with race. what a sleaze bag.
So, shall we continue to try Zimmerman in the public like all the politicians, press, talk shows, loud mouths and even the President? Let's let the guy have his day in court and then make reasonable remarks. Anything else is just speculation.

ummm... that's what the justice system is in place to determine...

you should back off before you embarrass yourself even more with your head-up-the-ass comments...

That surprised me, I thought that they would go for the easier to prove manslaughter charge.

same here, which leads me to think that the SP already has a deal worked out with Z...

I agree. Charge him with second degree murder to look like the book was thrown at him and ultimately convict him of a manslaughter charge that most reasonable people who sympathize with the victim can accept and most people are "happy".
So, shall we continue to try Zimmerman in the public like all the politicians, press, talk shows, loud mouths and even the President? Let's let the guy have his day in court and then make reasonable remarks. Anything else is just speculation.

That's the point BBD.. Sharpton has his own TV station,, Zimmerman hasn't a chance at a fair trial.. if only he were a little bit browner..
gotta hand it to the SP...

she didn't back down and she brought the game...

only question is will it work on a Mac...? and do I have to increase the size of Bootcamp...?
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How many school suspensions did the young man have this year?

wtf does that have to do with anything, asshole...?

sending out my first-ever neg rep to anybody... to you... fuckin' jerk...
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How many school suspensions did the young man have this year?

LOL, what does that matter? How is it applicable to the case in question? This is what is applicable:


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