Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

Obama’s average quarter was 1.8% growth.
8 quarters of better than 3%

Out of 32.
Yes Col but what did GWB leave Obama with ? A bed of roses like Obama left Trump?Just remember, just in GWB's last month 800,000 went on unemployment

That's what happens when an economy tanks. Then, it recovers. That is, unless you have a misguided ass that kills off every attempt at normal recovery.
Obama’s average quarter was 1.8% growth.
8 quarters of better than 3%

Out of 32.
Yes Col but what did GWB leave Obama with ? A bed of roses like Obama left Trump?Just remember, just in GWB's last month 800,000 went on unemployment

That's what happens when an economy tanks. Then, it recovers. That is, unless you have a misguided ass that kills off every attempt at normal recovery.
Wasn't that misguided ass supplied by McConnell and other repubs?
Obama’s average quarter was 1.8% growth.
8 quarters of better than 3%

Out of 32.
Yes Col but what did GWB leave Obama with ? A bed of roses like Obama left Trump?Just remember, just in GWB's last month 800,000 went on unemployment

That's what happens when an economy tanks. Then, it recovers. That is, unless you have a misguided ass that kills off every attempt at normal recovery.
Wasn't that misguided ass supplied by McConnell and other repubs?

Wasn't that misguided ass supplied by McConnell and other repubs?

No. Obama was not elected by McConnell and other repubs.
8 quarters of better than 3%

Out of 32.
Yes Col but what did GWB leave Obama with ? A bed of roses like Obama left Trump?Just remember, just in GWB's last month 800,000 went on unemployment

That's what happens when an economy tanks. Then, it recovers. That is, unless you have a misguided ass that kills off every attempt at normal recovery.
Wasn't that misguided ass supplied by McConnell and other repubs?

Wasn't that misguided ass supplied by McConnell and other repubs?

No. Obama was not elected by McConnell and other repubs.
No but the moron rejected everything obama wanted to do,,,and some day you'll get it back in spades
Obama's average GDP over 8 years is 1.5%. Trump GDP over is time so far is 2.9%.

With the much improved economy, record low unemployment (especially for blacks and Hispanics), excellent Constitutional SCOTUS picks, demilitarization talks with North Korea, border security and overall focus on putting Americans first you would seriously need to be a fascist, commie bastard to vote against Trump in 2020.

Way to cherry pick AND get your stats wrong.

Obama inherited the Great is not his responsibility. So obviously you take his GDP numbers from the end of that Recession (which most economists do).
Obama's GDP (before BEA GDP calculation changes implemented this month) post-GR were 2.17%. Nothing to write home about.
But Trump's numbers during his first year (2017) were 2.2%...not much better.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

And Trump's total GDP growth since he took office is not 2.9%... it's 2.7%.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

And that was before this latest 4.1% number is adjusted. And it WILL be adjusted...guaranteed.

Plus, many economists see the latest number as an aberration...brought on largely by Trump's trade war threats and a huge, one time purchase of Soybeans by China to try and get ahead of the tariffs.

My stats are 100% correct for the time each President has been in office. Nothing whatsoever cherry-picked.

1) a link to your stats please (I already gave you one to mine)?
2) you 'cherry picked' by including the Great Recession which Obama was not his fault. So it is hardly fair to hold him accountable for it.
As I said, most respected economists take Obama's GDP growth performance from the end of the Great Recession.

The stats are readily available. Google is your friend.

Obama was part of the Democratic owned Congress that helped to create the housing bubble. To say he inherited an issue he was a part of is disingenuous. There are plenty of videos out the of President Bush warning of the looming housing crisis. But Democrats ignored it. Google that as well.

Also, by your logic I get to throw out Trump's first quarter which means his average GDP is 3.2, not 2.9 (or 2.7 is we use your failed stats). Obama would still be a very low 2.1 if we throw out his first quarter. My guess is you want to throw out every quarter that makes him look bad.

By the way, Obama's last quarter was 1.9. Was that still President Bush's fault?
Out of 32.
Yes Col but what did GWB leave Obama with ? A bed of roses like Obama left Trump?Just remember, just in GWB's last month 800,000 went on unemployment

That's what happens when an economy tanks. Then, it recovers. That is, unless you have a misguided ass that kills off every attempt at normal recovery.
Wasn't that misguided ass supplied by McConnell and other repubs?

Wasn't that misguided ass supplied by McConnell and other repubs?

No. Obama was not elected by McConnell and other repubs.
No but the moron rejected everything obama wanted to do,,,and some day you'll get it back in spades

No but the moron rejected everything obama wanted to do

Thank goodness.
Imagine the added Obama debt being $15 trillion, instead of only $9.3 trillion.

and some day you'll get it back in spades

Will that be after Trump names 4 new Justices? Or after 6?
Obama's average GDP over 8 years is 1.5%. Trump GDP over is time so far is 2.9%.

With the much improved economy, record low unemployment (especially for blacks and Hispanics), excellent Constitutional SCOTUS picks, demilitarization talks with North Korea, border security and overall focus on putting Americans first you would seriously need to be a fascist, commie bastard to vote against Trump in 2020.

Way to cherry pick AND get your stats wrong.

Obama inherited the Great is not his responsibility. So obviously you take his GDP numbers from the end of that Recession (which most economists do).
Obama's GDP (before BEA GDP calculation changes implemented this month) post-GR were 2.17%. Nothing to write home about.
But Trump's numbers during his first year (2017) were 2.2%...not much better.

The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929

And Trump's total GDP growth since he took office is not 2.9%... it's 2.7%.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

And that was before this latest 4.1% number is adjusted. And it WILL be adjusted...guaranteed.

Plus, many economists see the latest number as an aberration...brought on largely by Trump's trade war threats and a huge, one time purchase of Soybeans by China to try and get ahead of the tariffs.

My stats are 100% correct for the time each President has been in office. Nothing whatsoever cherry-picked.

1) a link to your stats please (I already gave you one to mine)?
2) you 'cherry picked' by including the Great Recession which Obama was not his fault. So it is hardly fair to hold him accountable for it.
As I said, most respected economists take Obama's GDP growth performance from the end of the Great Recession.

The stats are readily available. Google is your friend.

Obama was part of the Democratic owned Congress that helped to create the housing bubble. To say he inherited an issue he was a part of is disingenuous. There are plenty of videos out the of President Bush warning of the looming housing crisis. But Democrats ignored it. Google that as well.

Also, by your logic I get to throw out Trump's first quarter which means his average GDP is 3.2, not 2.9 (or 2.7 is we use your failed stats). Obama would still be a very low 2.1 if we throw out his first quarter. My guess is you want to throw out every quarter that makes him look bad.

By the way, Obama's last quarter was 1.9. Was that still President Bush's fault?

1) You claim your stats are correct...yet you fail to post a link to where you got them.
Either post your link to your stats or they mean nothing...anyone can make stats up. Proving them is the hard part.

And my 2.7% stat is based on US government numbers from the BEA.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Just take the first six quarters of growth, device the total by 6 and you get 2.7%. That is called the 'average'.

2) And no you cannot throw out Q1 2017 under Trump as he himself took personal responsibility for the January jobs report from that quarter. That means he took responsibility for the entire Q1.

Trump takes credit for strong January jobs numbers

3) you want to include the Great Recession in Obama's numbers...go ahead. But you, IMO (and most economists') are cherry picking...whether you admit it or not.

4) How could Obama's last quarter be GWB's fault? No, it was not...obviously.

I have answered your questions and produced links to my statistics.

You have posted nothing but your ideas and your 'correct' stats that you refuse to provide links for.

I am not wasting any more time on you over this.

We are done here...good day.
Last edited:
Numbers just released. Last quarter was 2%. During the Obama years, GDP passed 4.1% four times. How is it different now?

LOL! I just knew you would try to minimize the good news. But, to your question of how is it different, this time we are seeing a huge increase in manufacturing jobs, whereas with Obama we actually suffered a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs. That's one big difference.
"GDP fails to reach 5 percent. Another Trump fail. Where are the good old days with Barack? Boo hoo!"

Second-quarter GDP jumps 4.1% for best pace in nearly four years

I knew I'd find you Orangelings somewhere in here doing loop-de-loops and repeating Dotards ridiculous claims :)

But just for reality's sake, going back to 2009 - his 4.1 would come in 5th behind Obama's:

5.1% Q2 2014
4.9% Q3 2014
4.7% Q4 2011
4.4% Q4 2009

Fact-checking Donald Trump's points about the economy
Fact checking Trump’s victory lap after the second-quarter GDP report
Trump Claims Credit for an Economy He Calls the ‘Envy of the Entire World’
AP FACT CHECK: Trump skews claims on economy, GDP growth |
Donald Trump gets claim about U.S. GDP doubly wrong
Trump Jr. falsely claims that GDP growth never passed 2 percent under Obama

Always remember this: If he puffs up and his orange fish lips are moving, he is LYING :wink:

Ummm, did you mention that Trump doesn't have QE to bolster HIS economy like Obama did.
Trump borrowed $2 trillion to bolster his economy

Trump borrowed $2 trillion to bolster his economy

View attachment 207344

View attachment 207345

Yes, $2 trillion and growing

Why is Trump borrowing money in a strong economy?
If we have GDP of 4.1 percent, WHY do we need a growing deficit!
Obama debt very good, Trump debt very bad. You Libs continue to think anyone other than the sheep will buy that bullshit and your going to keep losing. Its insulting to anyone with even a tiny amount of grey matter between their ears. Honestly I think there should be a balanced budget amendment in the Constitution but know that will never happen.

I would like to know were you got the 2 trillion from ?
Obama debt pulling us out of a republican recession Trump debt making billionaires richer Now do you understand ??
Billionaires got richer under obammy
/----/ I'm going to use a very confusing term that will confound you. The CBO does not dynamically score tax bills. It's a static estimate. In words you can understand, the CBO DOES NOT take into account economic activity generated by the tax cuts. They assume nothing will change except a loss of revenue. (Am I losing you?) Anyway, the two trillion is spread out over 10 years according to your link which also says: "
Others estimated that a dynamic score of the tax law — one that incorporated macroeconomic effects — would reduce the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cut down to $1 trillion in added debt or 200 billion a year.
That is why the true deficit will be much higher
/----/ Ahhhh, I still confused you. Sorry about that.
Hardly, your fuzzy economics do not cut it

No, tax cuts do not pay for themselves

Pay for themselves?

Others estimated that a dynamic score of the tax law — one that incorporated macroeconomic effects — would reduce the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cut down to $1 trillion in added debt or 200 billion a year.

Looks like the underlined claim here is 1/3rd pay for itself.
Dynamic scoring is voodoo economics based on the false assumption of trickle down
/——/ Proving once again you understand neither dynamic scoring or trickle down. If they didn’t work then department stores would never have sales.
Numbers just released. Last quarter was 2%. During the Obama years, GDP passed 4.1% four times. How is it different now?

LOL! I just knew you would try to minimize the good news. But, to your question of how is it different, this time we are seeing a huge increase in manufacturing jobs, whereas with Obama we actually suffered a net *loss* in manufacturing jobs. That's one big difference.
The Great Obama had better quarters of GDP and he was just a community organizer
That is why the true deficit will be much higher
/----/ Ahhhh, I still confused you. Sorry about that.
Hardly, your fuzzy economics do not cut it

No, tax cuts do not pay for themselves

Pay for themselves?

Others estimated that a dynamic score of the tax law — one that incorporated macroeconomic effects — would reduce the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cut down to $1 trillion in added debt or 200 billion a year.

Looks like the underlined claim here is 1/3rd pay for itself.
Dynamic scoring is voodoo economics based on the false assumption of trickle down
/——/ Proving once again you understand neither dynamic scoring or trickle down. If they didn’t work then department stores would never have sales.
Dynamic scoring is just Bullshit Economics created to justify a tax cut

No, tax cuts do not pay for themselves
/----/ Ahhhh, I still confused you. Sorry about that.
Hardly, your fuzzy economics do not cut it

No, tax cuts do not pay for themselves

Pay for themselves?

Others estimated that a dynamic score of the tax law — one that incorporated macroeconomic effects — would reduce the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cut down to $1 trillion in added debt or 200 billion a year.

Looks like the underlined claim here is 1/3rd pay for itself.
Dynamic scoring is voodoo economics based on the false assumption of trickle down
/——/ Proving once again you understand neither dynamic scoring or trickle down. If they didn’t work then department stores would never have sales.
Dynamic scoring is just Bullshit Economics created to justify a tax cut

No, tax cuts do not pay for themselves
/——/ Dynamic scoring works. If a department store runs a sale they see a spike in sales and reduction in inventory. Non dynamic or static scoring means the store runs a sale with no expectation of increased volume and profit when customers buy other items at full retail. If that were true, they’d never have a sale because they would only lose money.
Why can’t Trump get a GDP quarter as good as the Great Obama’s?

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