Secrecy: Why are Democrats Going After Trump Again Omerta style?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
The Democrats Have gone Omerta again--Committee Impeachment Hearings one more looooooonnnnnngggg time with hopes to make up lies and dump them on Trump one more time. Republican committee members are not invited to their own committee meetings in which witnesses are being vetted by Democrat committee members. This is a serious breach of trust of taxpayers who voted Republicans in, and we demand that they are allowed to their own committee meetings to avoid monkey business again.
Democrats continue Trump impeachment inquiry behind closed doors

I will believe this is illegal, and that the Supreme Court should be taking a role in this illegal crap. Look here. The Democrats are not investing one damn dime into this illegal procedure. They're making YOU PAY FOR THEIR POLTICAL HOPES with something that worked for them the last time while they extended the low-bugeted Mueller Report to take up TWO YEARS, AND NOT TWO MONTHS. Instead of a couple of million dollars YOU PAID $45,000,000.00 as Democrats kept telling Mueller to extend the time, and what he was to say and do, which he did when he was having a good day in his somewhat forgetful old age issue which caused him NOT to know what he put in his report, since he was not able to, and others, known to be abject Trump haters and lawyers who were on tape saying how badly they were going to wipe out Donald Trump in the FBI. Gowdy: FBI agents should explain ‘secret society’ text, and Gowdy the exchange between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI agent Peter Strzok, which was sent after the 2016 presidential election, as potential evidence of an anti-Trump bias at the FBI. Strzok was a member of the FBI team investigating Hillary Clinton's email server and, later, a member of Robert Mueller's special counsel operation looking into Russia's attempted interference in the 2016 election.

Former FBI Agent wonders why Strozk and Page been fired?

The Impeachment Hearings behind closed doors without the benefit of ALL the committee members, in particularly only Republicans refused admission to their own committee meetings. They are soliciting Trump haters for "interviews."

Are the Democrats, in their high hatred of Donald Trump, doing what the prosecutors did in the trial of the McMartin Child Day Care Center did? There, Social Workers groomed the children into testifying that they had been molested by staff members at the Day Care Centers after a deranged schizophrenic mother shielded her boyfriend's abuse role by claiming the Day Care people had abused her small children. The McMartin day care center person targeted for take down was the son of Mr. And Mrs. McMartin, and he was in prison for several years while the family was forced to shut down their business.

The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case in the 1980s, prosecuted by the Los Angeles District Attorney Ira Reiner.[1] Members of the McMartin family, who operated a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California, were charged with numerous acts of sexual abuse of children in their care. Accusations were made in 1983. Arrests and the pretrial investigation ran from 1984 to 1987, and the trial ran from 1987 to 1990. After six years of criminal trials, no convictions were obtained, and all charges were dropped in 1990. When the trial ended in 1990, it had been the longest and most expensive criminal trial in American history.[2] The case was part of day-care sex-abuse hysteria, a moral panic over alleged Satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s. McMartin preschool trial - Wikipedia
Training witnesses is against the law now. We learned our lesson. Why is the Democrat "Get Trump" resistance breaking the laws all in the Congress put in place to never allow prosecutors to train witnesses to realize a target result, with the truth falling away in the training to bring about a desired result in full blown false narrative.

Then, Texts show Peter Strzok's friendship with federal judge.

The Lovers engineering a meeting with the FISA judge to get secret information out in a social setting:

They didn't give this information to the Republicans, they obstructed and stonewalled the investigation with the information they gleaned from the judge that they never would have gotten if they had a one-on-one meeting with the judge who would not give them information.

This has a lot to do with the lies about naked trump and prostitutes peeing on a bed as a made up story. This was ALL A HUGE LIE ON THE PART OF THE DEMOCRATS INTERVENTION IN WRITING UP AN ENTIRELY FICTITIOUS STORY ABOUT PRESIDENT TRUMP.

I'm seeing people here demanding why we're being so stupid about Trump. We're not the stupid ones. The stupid ones are the ones who believed the 1000% lying Steel dossier. The criminal story was written up by two former members of Hillary Clinton's war room. Please view the Hannity video above. It's a lie, folks. These salacious stories had not one scintilla of truth in them. It's just a lie. Please stop believing these lies you're being told.

Rosenstein's role explained, and it is not pretty, people:

This scandal, started in the Clinton war room with Obama's approval to be their "insurance policy," in case President Trump won the election. This Dossier is the Insurance Policy that the Democrats are scraping their boots on - the boots they kicked out the Republicans from their committee meetings to continue their bullshit against the President to coup him out of office, and to coup themselves in replacing him after the election. They've gone to a lot of trouble, and is why we are being overtaxed by a criminal activity going on in the Committee the Democrats will not share with Committee members who happen to be Republicans and might take umbrage at coaching "witnesses" to make President Trump look as bad as they can. Remeber, these people do not have any compunctions about committing another false narrative that YOU WILL PAY FOR. They aren't seeking justice! They're goddamn using us taxpayers to fund their god-forsaken campaign to lie about trump on YOUR NICKEL, not theirs, and they're moving legal goal posts willy nilly in the most shameful manner I can wrap my mind around,

They don't want Republicans to see them COACH WITNESSES TO YIELD A GUILTY SCENARIO FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. IT IS A CRIMINAL ACT. Please have the decency to stop them from going deeper into this secrecy of training professional actors to lie about a good man who has not done one single untoward thing for the last 3 years except having the nerve to defend himself from the PELOSI-NADLER-SCHIFF dogpile of lies on President Trump. They pulled this stunt for 3 years so far. Make them stop this. Don't let this outrage go any further than it already has. They think they can say silken words to ameliorate what they are doing. Show them you want the truth to prevail, not well-trained actors to mime their words of condemnation of President Trump.

This is America. When they fool you into gaining yet more problems with this President, you will see what Communism in full Socialist cover are capable of in the upcoming weeks and months of the coup. It's all lies. All lies.
Peter Strozk loses his security clearance:

Sorry, the earlier video was an ad, which preceded the Hannity video.
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Pelosi is the coordinator who tells Democrats what to say and how to say it in public. they send them out to places like this incident in Bengazi to bend public opinion:
The short answer to your question: the mainstream media is refusing to investigate the crimes committed under the previous administration and repeating the Big Lie again and again. The mainstream media is part of the very same corruption.
Another add-on to the perverse special treatments given people selling out America: Hillary exposed for giving 20% of America's uranium to Russia. The people who were approved in Russia was signed by Hillary, and guess what. Pretty bad charges on an FBI person who was threatening American citizens in their home.

Bottom line...NO ONE likes Trump in D.C.
To make matters worse, Trump has now pissed off the Zionists by partially repositioning troops in Syria. These WERE his only supporters. All that 'modern Cyrus' horseshit will now be no more.
The state will see him gone by hook or by crook.
Hillary was financing all these things with a video that never got sent here, and it was pointed out in the video I tried to post. She sold off Uranium to the Russians to have money routed by the people she talked to --each of which added several million to the money-laundering Clinton Library Foundation.

All these things add up to how this Democrat party has footed a bill for ousting President Trump, and hiding it. The money trail between the Russian nationals was explained in the video that disappeared. I'm sorry, folks. I am trying to get out this information out to the liberals who are saying Trump supporters are bad people. Folks, we're just the messengers of findings the Democrats do not want publicized.

They demand that President Trump be perfect, but Hillary hobnobs around the globe collecting a lot of foreign money to look good in spite of selling out the republicans.

The next implication that Clinton would hide the money in the Clinton Foundation so they could afford to lie and get rid of Donald Trump for once and for all by making their base think they were not lying. The point was something like "show me the money." So what the taxpayers don't furnish, the Russians will double play it.

Here's another video:
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Bottom line...NO ONE likes Trump in D.C.
To make matters worse, Trump has now pissed off the Zionists by partially repositioning troops in Syria. These WERE his only supporters. All that 'modern Cyrus' horseshit will now be no more.
The state will see him gone by hook or by crook.
People don't like Trump because of the plethora of lies the Democrats have carefully planted Tijn. Apparently that doesn't bother you at all, because you hatchet is in blow position 1 foot over your head and aimed at this thread.

Please be a gentleman and bury your hatchet.

President Trump has been telling the truth one after another time. Every time he tells the truth, the Democrat spin machine goes full throttle in coming up with another false narrative to make President Trump look bad and to mae President Trump look bad ONLY. That's why you guys need to calm down and if you go along with false narratives to coup the office of the President, you're ignoring the separation of powers law which is discussed in at least one of the videos I furnished above.

Your leaders have shown you disrespect in handing you lie after lie after lie after lie. They're hoping you will "resist," but I promise you, you are resisting the truth and falling into the Socialist's insistence on your collaboration with these false narratives to get rid of President Trump who has buttered the bread of many people's paychecks and millions upon millions of new jobs, and a good stock market favorable to investors.

You want Trump for a second term, because he simply restates the truth when he is viciously attacked time after time by the same players: Meltdown Nancy who projects that Trump Melted down, while it was she who stalked out of that room, and not President Trump who stayed there to resolve the problem. Nancy's roll is to keep the Democrat base satisfied, even if her charges against the President are planted in the most stilted and evil way. She needs to be tapped on the shoulder and told to get along with President Trump. Work with him. If she doesn't then the loyal opposition would be correct in saying a woman cannot handle the sensitive nuances of being a fair person as the Speaker of the House. It is her job to make certain all the congressmen on the committees they belong to are allowed to attend the meetings the committee chair sets up, just to make sure they're not pulling another McMartin Day Care Center coup against President Trump.

It's evil, pure evil. Don't allow Nancy Pelosi to control freak this nation to death. Make her get along with her chairmen, and make them do right by the Republicans. We belong to those committees to PREVENT ANOTHER MCMARTIN DAY CARE CENTER DISASTER. Good Laws of Mercy!!!
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Bottom line...NO ONE likes Trump in D.C.
To make matters worse, Trump has now pissed off the Zionists by partially repositioning troops in Syria. These WERE his only supporters. All that 'modern Cyrus' horseshit will now be no more.
The state will see him gone by hook or by crook.
People don't like Trump because of the plethora of lies the Democrats have carefully planted Tijn. Apparently that doesn't bother you at all, because you hatchet is in blow position 1 foot over your head and aimed at this thread.

Please be a gentleman and bury your hatchet.
'People' do not like Trump because he was not vetted by the system and does not play by the rules. He is finished. Do I agree with this? No...but if you buck the system....the system deals with you.
Bother me? Of course it bothers me....however I don't bluster. It is what it is and Trump is very shortly going to be a 'was' in the political scene.
It was a nice experiment but we are not free. Anyone who had any illusions of this will hopefully learn.
Bottom line...NO ONE likes Trump in D.C.
To make matters worse, Trump has now pissed off the Zionists by partially repositioning troops in Syria. These WERE his only supporters. All that 'modern Cyrus' horseshit will now be no more.
The state will see him gone by hook or by crook.
People don't like Trump because of the plethora of lies the Democrats have carefully planted Tijn. Apparently that doesn't bother you at all, because you hatchet is in blow position 1 foot over your head and aimed at this thread.

Please be a gentleman and bury your hatchet.
'People' do not like Trump because he was not vetted by the system and does not play by the rules. He is finished. Do I agree with this? No...but if you buck the system....the system deals with you.
Bother me? Of course it bothers me....however I don't bluster. It is what it is and Trump is very shortly going to be a 'was' in the political scene.
It was a nice experiment but we are not free. Anyone who had any illusions of this will hopefully learn.
Tijn, Donald Trump is exactly the right person to stop the liar stranglehold game the Democrats have planned to coup the American people out of the President they elected, and you're going along with it.

We're not going to allow the Democrats to break law after law, tell lie after lie, obstruct justice time after time, and wear down our President. He isn't wearing down because he's the right man to deal with dirty Democrat dogs.

The trouble with Socialism is that millions of people have to be killed in order to insert it square upon their heads, spend all the money on what the Oligarchy decides, and right now you have the most dangerous woman in the planet planning on the final decimation of the Treasury at Fort Knox. She plans to raise your taxes for one item and one item only by 83 TRILLION dollars. We're already in trouble fiscally if we don't continue to allow President Trump to bring up job stimulation so every American who wants one gets a good-paying job, so they can have the American dream, family with a picket fence around the yard and garden if that's what they want, a penthouse in a skyscraper, or just land lots of land in Wyoming. hahaha!

Get a grip. If you allow this fiasco to go forward you will have a bloodbath on your hands of killing off elders since all we do is get sick and run up hospital bills, mouth off about rude government workers, and take umbrage of the crimes the Clintons, Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, Casio-Cortez, who is presently climaxing about her prospects of bankrupting America for the cause, but who will wind up the richest congresswoman who ever lived if you let her get away with her Make a Wish money spending based on pseudo science of global warming, warmering, warmongering, and she, not the Clinton Library, becomes the money-handing-out person for the benefit of registered Democrats ONLY. That's because to feel good about themselves, socialists always have to murder millions of objectors to have their self-aggrandizing, self-paying greed mongering ways.

I've seen so much anger directed at Trump by the left here, and I just told you how the Democrats manipulated you and others by your feelings, because they can. They have dipped down into the rules for acting to make you like them and hate people accused of things they would never in a million years do. Face it, wasn't it nice to hate trump when they accused him of naked jumping on a bed allegedly slept on by (victim) Hillary with two call girls he ordered to pee on the bed to "get even" with poor, sweet little miss Hillary who forgets stuff she did when called before a grand jury, as she did 20 or so years ago. Her body language at the time told those of us who can read it that she was lying her ass off by denying she couldn't remember if she committed a crime or not.

And if you are unhappy that all Republicans will be tortured before being shot, after we are gone, remember, at that point you will be afraid one of your children will be shot too if he or she protests anything the oligarchy committee that rules what is left of America. Don't fool yourself. It won't just be us gone, you will also lose a best friend, a beloved cousin, your favorite athlete, lawyer, or celebrity who doesn't like to see the killings going on.

All socialist societies kill off the objectors who try to get others to have a conscience.

It doesn't pay to make up your own bed and lie in it with Socialists. They are mind control freaks, drunk with power, and they will tell you they are not only God, they are greater than God, so you better not pout. It gets real literal but only after the coup is executed.

I urge you to stop the socialist movement if you can.
Bottom line...NO ONE likes Trump in D.C.
To make matters worse, Trump has now pissed off the Zionists by partially repositioning troops in Syria. These WERE his only supporters. All that 'modern Cyrus' horseshit will now be no more.
The state will see him gone by hook or by crook.
People don't like Trump because of the plethora of lies the Democrats have carefully planted Tijn. Apparently that doesn't bother you at all, because you hatchet is in blow position 1 foot over your head and aimed at this thread.

Please be a gentleman and bury your hatchet.
'People' do not like Trump because he was not vetted by the system and does not play by the rules. He is finished. Do I agree with this? No...but if you buck the system....the system deals with you.
Bother me? Of course it bothers me....however I don't bluster. It is what it is and Trump is very shortly going to be a 'was' in the political scene.
It was a nice experiment but we are not free. Anyone who had any illusions of this will hopefully learn.
What do you want to be free from? Having to work? Who's gonna cook? Who's gonna clean the floors? If nobody wants kids, who's going to replace those who die off and can't be forced to work for the oligarchy folks? You know that one of them will become a Putin, don't you?

Our founders were pretty good at sending out warnings to the future by saying "You will have the Constitution always if you can keep it". They knew what they had discussed for months turned into years to get it right. They got it right. If we can keep it. That is all.
Bottom line...NO ONE likes Trump in D.C.
To make matters worse, Trump has now pissed off the Zionists by partially repositioning troops in Syria. These WERE his only supporters. All that 'modern Cyrus' horseshit will now be no more.
The state will see him gone by hook or by crook.
People don't like Trump because of the plethora of lies the Democrats have carefully planted Tijn. Apparently that doesn't bother you at all, because you hatchet is in blow position 1 foot over your head and aimed at this thread.

Please be a gentleman and bury your hatchet.
'People' do not like Trump because he was not vetted by the system and does not play by the rules. He is finished. Do I agree with this? No...but if you buck the system....the system deals with you.
Bother me? Of course it bothers me....however I don't bluster. It is what it is and Trump is very shortly going to be a 'was' in the political scene.
It was a nice experiment but we are not free. Anyone who had any illusions of this will hopefully learn.
What do you want to be free from? Having to work? Who's gonna cook? Who's gonna clean the floors? If nobody wants kids, who's going to replace those who die off and can't be forced to work for the oligarchy folks? You know that one of them will become a Putin, don't you?

Our founders were pretty good at sending out warnings to the future by saying "You will have the Constitution always if you can keep it". They knew what they had discussed for months turned into years to get it right. They got it right. If we can keep it. That is all.

What do I want to be free from? If you have to ask that question then you are part of the problem. Examine the actions of government since 2001...
Do you really have to ask?
This smoke and mirror is destined to collapse . The left , the media and the 5th state is throwing out its hail Mary right now before the Barr and IG report comes out . The game changer will be The 2 Blackberrys ,with sim cards that they got from Misfud . They are full of info on everything they tried on Trumps team and it's going to any them and they know it . The SIM cards were not Italian but British and the cards went right back to Hakluyt . What's Hakluyt ? It's a private spy agency that the CIA and it's cronies in the UK and Italy use to do the deeds that their countries deem illegal . Its board is full of corporate leaders ,ex CIA and FBI people and it's leader is none other than our very own CIA traitor Mr Brennan , along with Misfud , Stefan Halper and Alexander Downer .

The deep state is about to be exposed and they will go down with a fight because they can count on a corrupt media , a infiltrated Democrat party and it's loser followers that oblige them and follow their every lie .
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The Democrats Have gone Omerta again--Committee Impeachment Hearings one more looooooonnnnnngggg time with hopes to make up lies and dump them on Trump one more time. Republican committee members are not invited to their own committee meetings in which witnesses are being vetted by Democrat committee members. This is a serious breach of trust of taxpayers who voted Republicans in, and we demand that they are allowed to their own committee meetings to avoid monkey business again.
Democrats continue Trump impeachment inquiry behind closed doors

I will believe this is illegal, and that the Supreme Court should be taking a role in this illegal crap. Look here. The Democrats are not investing one damn dime into this illegal procedure. They're making YOU PAY FOR THEIR POLTICAL HOPES with something that worked for them the last time while they extended the low-bugeted Mueller Report to take up TWO YEARS, AND NOT TWO MONTHS. Instead of a couple of million dollars YOU PAID $45,000,000.00 as Democrats kept telling Mueller to extend the time, and what he was to say and do, which he did when he was having a good day in his somewhat forgetful old age issue which caused him NOT to know what he put in his report, since he was not able to, and others, known to be abject Trump haters and lawyers who were on tape saying how badly they were going to wipe out Donald Trump in the FBI. Gowdy: FBI agents should explain ‘secret society’ text, and Gowdy the exchange between FBI lawyer Lisa Page and FBI agent Peter Strzok, which was sent after the 2016 presidential election, as potential evidence of an anti-Trump bias at the FBI. Strzok was a member of the FBI team investigating Hillary Clinton's email server and, later, a member of Robert Mueller's special counsel operation looking into Russia's attempted interference in the 2016 election.

Former FBI Agent wonders why Strozk and Page been fired?

The Impeachment Hearings behind closed doors without the benefit of ALL the committee members, in particularly only Republicans refused admission to their own committee meetings. They are soliciting Trump haters for "interviews."

Are the Democrats, in their high hatred of Donald Trump, doing what the prosecutors did in the trial of the McMartin Child Day Care Center did? There, Social Workers groomed the children into testifying that they had been molested by staff members at the Day Care Centers after a deranged schizophrenic mother shielded her boyfriend's abuse role by claiming the Day Care people had abused her small children. The McMartin day care center person targeted for take down was the son of Mr. And Mrs. McMartin, and he was in prison for several years while the family was forced to shut down their business.

The McMartin preschool trial was a day care sexual abuse case in the 1980s, prosecuted by the Los Angeles District Attorney Ira Reiner.[1] Members of the McMartin family, who operated a preschool in Manhattan Beach, California, were charged with numerous acts of sexual abuse of children in their care. Accusations were made in 1983. Arrests and the pretrial investigation ran from 1984 to 1987, and the trial ran from 1987 to 1990. After six years of criminal trials, no convictions were obtained, and all charges were dropped in 1990. When the trial ended in 1990, it had been the longest and most expensive criminal trial in American history.[2] The case was part of day-care sex-abuse hysteria, a moral panic over alleged Satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s. McMartin preschool trial - Wikipedia
Training witnesses is against the law now. We learned our lesson. Why is the Democrat "Get Trump" resistance breaking the laws all in the Congress put in place to never allow prosecutors to train witnesses to realize a target result, with the truth falling away in the training to bring about a desired result in full blown false narrative.

Remember how the FBI "lost" about 5 months worth of texts?
That looks like obstruction of justice.
They should not be allowed to get away with it.
The short answer to your question: the mainstream media is refusing to investigate the crimes committed under the previous administration and repeating the Big Lie again and again. The mainstream media is part of the very same corruption.
Thank you for understanding this, Ringtone. I'm pretty sure the Attorney General is doing his part to bring justice to President Trump who has been the butt of all the jokes the Democrats can dish out. I know my posts are long, but I've been following the evidence as it comes into trusted News sources who aren't executing Democrat posted and sent talking points. That's why they sound like a bunch of clanging cymbals that happen to have the same droning pitch when put on the airwaves of infotainment news sources. It's a big game right now. That changes when full power is taken by the Socialists, and they're practicing it with might and mein as long as they have the House of Representatives. Democrats are moving the goal posts, but it's not working, except in their uninformed bases.
Bottom line...NO ONE likes Trump in D.C.
To make matters worse, Trump has now pissed off the Zionists by partially repositioning troops in Syria. These WERE his only supporters. All that 'modern Cyrus' horseshit will now be no more.
The state will see him gone by hook or by crook.
People don't like Trump because of the plethora of lies the Democrats have carefully planted Tijn. Apparently that doesn't bother you at all, because you hatchet is in blow position 1 foot over your head and aimed at this thread.

Please be a gentleman and bury your hatchet.
'People' do not like Trump because he was not vetted by the system and does not play by the rules. He is finished. Do I agree with this? No...but if you buck the system....the system deals with you.
Bother me? Of course it bothers me....however I don't bluster. It is what it is and Trump is very shortly going to be a 'was' in the political scene.
It was a nice experiment but we are not free. Anyone who had any illusions of this will hopefully learn.
What do you want to be free from? Having to work? Who's gonna cook? Who's gonna clean the floors? If nobody wants kids, who's going to replace those who die off and can't be forced to work for the oligarchy folks? You know that one of them will become a Putin, don't you?

Our founders were pretty good at sending out warnings to the future by saying "You will have the Constitution always if you can keep it". They knew what they had discussed for months turned into years to get it right. They got it right. If we can keep it. That is all.

What do I want to be free from? If you have to ask that question then you are part of the problem. Examine the actions of government since 2001...
Do you really have to ask?
Clarity is the best lucidity, doll.

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