Secret Democrat Groups Infiltrate the Media

Do You Think the USA News Media is Corrupted by Secret Groups like GameChanger?

  • Yes, I have noticed news being coordinated to push certain ideas.

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No, I have never detected an agenda by news companies.

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Journalists, in general, lean toward the left. This is because they are inquisitive and make a living by asking questions. It makes perfect sense.

Being professionals, however, they don't report with an agenda. Pundits do. And that's what journalists who can't remain impartial become.

Horrible, huh?
Are you shitting me? There is absolutely no reason for dems to do anything secretive about manipulating media. That would be totally redundant.

It's not really "secretive." It's a Google group after all, What this shows is that the corrupt media collaborates on defining the spin of the story.

The group is a fact. It is a group of media folk, also a fact. The corrupt media is in the pocket of the democratic party, this is also a fact.

I'm not sure this is any more a "conspiracy" than Salon or Huffing Glue - leftist journalist distorting news to promote the agenda of the party is how American media has operated for decades.
Liberals refuse to admit that the News Industry is full of Liberals who set the agenda and tone for the news to get their people elected.

That is why they hate Talk Radio and Fox News so much.
Did ANYONE say that they do not exist?

So what you are really trying to say is "derp derp derp?"

That's pretty much the sum of your contribution to this forum....

Given the obvious intellectual deficit that you possess when compared to me.....should I say "derp derp derp" would, in fact, be a greater contribution than what you are capable of.

This is fun.
Journalists, in general, lean toward the left. This is because they are inquisitive and make a living by asking questions. It makes perfect sense.

Being professionals, however, they don't report with an agenda. Pundits do. And that's what journalists who can't remain impartial become.

Horrible, huh?

So tell us which way you lean?
Given the obvious intellectual deficit that you possess when compared to me.....should I say "derp derp derp" would, in fact, be a greater contribution than what you are capable of.

This is fun.

Son, even a toad runs a surplus in contrast to your alleged intellect..
Are you shitting me? There is absolutely no reason for dems to do anything secretive about manipulating media. That would be totally redundant.
Absolutely! Lois Lerner didn't have to be told by Obama directly to audit TEAparty groups and deny them non-profit status. Liberals know what obama wants.

Even the radical leftists here know to defend anything Obama does without being told.
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When you collaborate with other 'journalists' to tell a story that is false, it isn't 'leaning to the left' it's an outright deception. And whether Lois Lerner got her marching orders directly from the White House or not, the stories the press tells come from the talking points put out by this administration. I think these 'journalists' hear from the administration and then use those talking points to write and report their stories. They sound just like the Three Stooges who have been Obama's press secretaries.

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