Secret Service Agent Book Rocks Clinton Campaign

The book does not rock anything.
The crisis of character is with this jerk who apparently is lying.
Notice how desperately the liberal fanatics spew their lies, trying to tell us what the book does and doesn't say? Hoping desperately that no one will notice the book hasn't been released yet and is still carefully embargoed, meaning the leftists haven't even read it and don't have a clue what's in it.

These hysterical liberals are flinging out blizzards of lies and wishful thinking as they realize how Hillary's support is so weak that even a fumbling old do-nothing socialist is catching up to her.

I agree, Jake is just a reactionary responding in a non-thinking way. They have no idea what is in the book. All they have are talking points.

But in a way Jake is right, nothing that comes out about Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will shake his faith in the establishment.
Hillary detail is considered a punishment assignment.

Who would in their right mind take a bullet for her?
Why does she even have a secret service detail? Guns are bad. She should just be able to talk people out of violence against her with love and the promise of jobs.
Hillary detail is considered a punishment assignment.

Who would in their right mind take a bullet for her?
Why does she even have a secret service detail? Guns are bad. She should just be able to talk people out of violence against her with love and the promise of jobs.


1- she is a limousine liberal "do as I say not as I do"


2-being a liberal she knows her life is of more value then the average citizen
Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.
At least Hillary hopes so.

I figure this guy's life, if not his freedom, is at risk now.

I bet you think he should be thrown in jail.....maybe even killed for spilling the beans on Hillary and Bill.
Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.

Au contraire, a whistleblower with facts can save us all a lot of trouble.
Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.
At least Hillary hopes so.

I figure this guy's life, if not his freedom, is at risk now.

I bet you think he should be thrown in jail.....maybe even killed for spilling the beans on Hillary and Bill.
I 100% guarantee Byrne has a 'brown paper envelope' sitting in a lawyer's safe just in case he get's into a bad accident and is killed.
I'd guess there's gonna be a flood of anti-Hillary and anti-Trump books and movies and interviews with "experts".

Which will be followed by an even bigger shitstorm of arguments and accusations and denials and more insults.

Five months to go, five months to go...
I think it's clear that politics never takes a vacation anymore. Used to be the only time you heard this kind of crap was during an election cycle, but now it's a constant.
if Hillary refers to the Secret Service as "Dogs", then what does Hillary call dogs that annoy her?

Liars are called Rexx or Taylor.

RWNJ traitors always talk like they know everything about the most intimate details when, in fact, they know nothing at all. Just like this fake tell all, they're very willing to lie.
You libtards sound like small children defending their parents. For the love of much do you love Hilldabeast to declare that every lie, every corrupt act, every cover up, and every scandal that this miserable broad has been involved in has been a "conspiracy"? You idiots said the exact same thing about Bill Clinton until the blue dress suddenly showed up with his DNA on it. Grow the fuck up already. The Clintons are dirt-bags that lie, cheat, and steal. We know you want a Dumbocrat in the Oval Office - why don't you just pick one with an ounce of integrity? Bernie Sanders seems like a stand up guy. He openly admits that he is a socialist. Oh....and take off the freaking tinfoil hats already. Hilldabeast isn't important enough for people to engage in over 400 "conspiracies" against her.
The mountain landslide of Hillarys torrid secrets will come spilling out well before November and she will die in the polls.

Trump might win all 50 states.
I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Look at the lefts response on this and other posts about Clinton. They do not care what evil or disgusting things are done as long as your a Clinton.
But liberals only comprise from 18 to 25% of the public and that is not enough to win in ANY state, maybe in DC, but I doubt even that much.

IF the left continues in the direction it is, with recurring riots at GOP rallies and events, they will lose and lose BIG TIME plausibly in a 50 state landslide.
The book does not rock anything.
The crisis of character is with this jerk who apparently is lying.
Notice how desperately the liberal fanatics spew their lies, trying to tell us what the book does and doesn't say? Hoping desperately that no one will notice the book hasn't been released yet and is still carefully embargoed, meaning the leftists haven't even read it and don't have a clue what's in it.

These hysterical liberals are flinging out blizzards of lies and wishful thinking as they realize how Hillary's support is so weak that even a fumbling old do-nothing socialist is catching up to her.

I agree, Jake is just a reactionary responding in a non-thinking way. They have no idea what is in the book. All they have are talking points.

But in a way Jake is right, nothing that comes out about Mrs. Tuzla Clinton will shake his faith in the establishment.
The far right reactionaries like Freewill faith in their nonsense is unshaken, indeed.
The mountain landslide of Hillarys torrid secrets will come spilling out well before November and she will die in the polls.

Trump might win all 50 states.
I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Look at the lefts response on this and other posts about Clinton. They do not care what evil or disgusting things are done as long as your a Clinton.
But liberals only comprise from 18 to 25% of the public and that is not enough to win in ANY state, maybe in DC, but I doubt even that much.

IF the left continues in the direction it is, with recurring riots at GOP rallies and events, they will lose and lose BIG TIME plausibly in a 50 state landslide.
Keep telling yourself that Trump can win even one state.
the democrats who support bernie, they love bernie. the republicans who support trump, they love trump. nobody loves hillary. nobody. it's common knowledge that the clintons raped and murdered their way to the top of the democrat party establishment, they tell lies after lies and then try to laugh it off like you're too stupid to know better. so now this book is coming out, and what if it exposes the way the clintons really treat people behind the scenes? and sure there will be some questions about the author's credibility, but then again, if it's true or even if it's just mostly true, what does it say about you if you vote for hillary? what kind of person wants to be abused? and to think, the democrats don't even have to nominate her because bernie is offering a better deal. what's it going to be?
This guy will be discredited when the Liberal Progressive Socialist Pukes reveal that he is a serial dog kicker.

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