Secret Service Agent Book Rocks Clinton Campaign

The crisis of character is with this jerk who apparently is lying. Probably hired by Trumpery because RWNJ traitors will believe anything.
if Hillary refers to the Secret Service as "Dogs", then what does Hillary call dogs that annoy her?

Liars are called Rexx or Taylor.

RWNJ traitors always talk like they know everything about the most intimate details when, in fact, they know nothing at all. Just like this fake tell all, they're very willing to lie.
Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.

Anyone considering voting for the hildabitch has no right to even mention the character of anyone. If you give her a pass, no one is corrupt of character to you, unless you're nothing but a regressive hypocrite.
Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.
Sorry, but any Secret Service agent who doesn't tell all isn't a patriot and doesn't give a damn about this country. The Secret Service is not a private security detail. That would be completely unethical if they were because a private security detail is hired by people in private life and they expect their private life to remain as such. But the Secret Service is a public entity and they owe it to the American people to be transparent - including telling us when our elected representatives are engaging in illegal, immoral, or unethical behavior.

The fact that you don't want to know is typical liberal insanity. Hide the truth, spread the lies, get a Democrat in office at all costs. What a shame. I can't believe that you people have no desire to have representatives of character and integrity sitting in public offices.
Any time someone who has vaguely been anywhere around Clinton wants a new boat, all they have to do is make up some ridiculous story to put in a book and the RWNJs make them rich. It makes no difference if the story is so far fetched as to be laughable, teabaggers shell out their money.
Ever heard of the Clinton Foundation?

Yes. It's a wonderful foundation that has spent millions of dollars helping countless people around the world.
The book does not rock anything.
The crisis of character is with this jerk who apparently is lying.
Notice how desperately the liberal fanatics spew their lies, trying to tell us what the book does and doesn't say? Hoping desperately that no one will notice the book hasn't been released yet and is still carefully embargoed, meaning the leftists haven't even read it and don't have a clue what's in it.

These hysterical liberals are flinging out blizzards of lies and wishful thinking as they realize how Hillary's support is so weak that even a fumbling old do-nothing socialist is catching up to her.
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Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.
Interesting that within minutes there are 32 replies to this thread yet there is a 'NA' beside it.
Anyone know what that means?
I'd guess there's gonna be a flood of anti-Hillary and anti-Trump books and movies and interviews with "experts".

Which will be followed by an even bigger shitstorm of arguments and accusations and denials and more insults.

Five months to go, five months to go...
Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.

But believe what Her Thighness Clinton has to say?

Got it

I'd guess there's gonna be a flood of anti-Hillary and anti-Trump books and movies and interviews with "experts".

Which will be followed by an even bigger shitstorm of arguments and accusations and denials and more insults.

Five months to go, five months to go...
Books not written by a member of the Clinton's secret service detail.
I believe every word in the book. The man has decades of impeccable service to his agency.
I can't WAIT for some Clinton operative asslicker to attempt to discredit the agent.
The mountain landslide of Hillarys torrid secrets will come spilling out well before November and she will die in the polls.

Trump might win all 50 states.
I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Look at the lefts response on this and other posts about Clinton. They do not care what evil or disgusting things are done as long as your a Clinton.
I believe every word in the book. The man has decades of impeccable service to his agency.
In terms of the election - the timing is clear - there are two problems. First, unless there is some evidence (who knows, there may be), it can never be more than hearsay. Second, it's pretty likely this and every other book and movie will be drowned out by all the other noise.

Another rock to throw at the other party's candidate? Sure. But I doubt it's anything more than that.
Sorry, any Secret Service person, hired to protect a client or President or President's wife and family in this case, that chooses to write a tell all book about their former client's personal and professional life, isn't a person of high character or of Moral character, and is not worth giving the time of day to....or worthy to be believed.


but that does not make the information false

btw since obama has taken office

we have witnessed a bunch of poor "moral character" of some of the secret service staff

surrounding the prezbo
The mountain landslide of Hillarys torrid secrets will come spilling out well before November and she will die in the polls.

Trump might win all 50 states.
I'm afraid that's not going to happen. Look at the lefts response on this and other posts about Clinton. They do not care what evil or disgusting things are done as long as your a Clinton.


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