Secretary DeVos dramatically reduces loan forgiveness for students defrauded by their colleges

And the next step...eliminate that ridiculous nonsense of student loans completely. Before another generation goes in hock to funnel taxpayer money to liberal professors...
Stop funding public indoctrination centers.

Stop financial aid
stop federal grants
stop research grants

stop it all until they eliminate every commie pos and every mentally ill halfwit and every foreign terrorist that draws a salary.

Then we'll think about throwing them money again.
"DeVos has come under criticism for delaying consideration of over 65,000 applications "

Translation..."the press, tenured professors and shady business school operators are bitching"
"Hey look I think Ill borrow 40,000.00 to go to this nifty bicycle repair school"

Sounds like a good plan to me. What's wrong with it, in your opinion?

What a coincidence that Crazy Betsy works for a guy who defrauded thousands of students who then sued him for it.

Check your facts. How many people actually sued out of how many students attended?

Also, Trump University never claimed to be an accredited college.

You are barking up yet another wrong tree. You still haven't refilled that prescription to keep that bipolar "Love Trump - Hate Trump" attitude in check?

Sounds like a good plan to me. What's wrong with it, in your opinion?

Not always great to be partisan. If a school defraud the young and impressionable, then there should be some relief.

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Not out of my pocket. I am raising my own young impressionable kids.
Federal student loans are, like most federal do-gooder ideas, destructive for both society and for the individuals caught up in them. And like most federal programs some interest group is getting rich (think walmart and foodstamps). Student loans enable leftists in universities to get rich, and the universities themselves. Harvard is sitting on over 38 billion dollars, tax free, while raking in billions more in student aid. Universities are free to raise tuition every year because federal student aid follows it up.
It is not risk based. The interest rates do not reflect the riskiness and so are divorced from reality. The acceptance is not based on the usefulness of the major or the chances of getting a job. The money flows no matter how atrocious the job market is for the decreed graduates. These facts cause misapplication of capital, glut in certain job markets and again, by separating the programs from actual results, cause tremendous inflation in tuition.
This is ALWAYS..ALWAYS AND FOREVER...what happens when you cloud market signals.
But worst of all are generations conned into this who have to put off buying a house for 25 years because they graduate and spend 70% of their salary making banks and communist English professors rich.

I paid back every penny of my school loans. Why should some fucking deadbeats get "loan forgiveness."
Fuck 'em. If you don't think you can pay back the loan do not sign on the dotted line. I am so sick of freeloaders.

This is if a school defrauds a student! Yes that person should get some relief

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Federal student loans are, like most federal do-gooder ideas, destructive for both society and for the individuals caught up in them. And like most federal programs some interest group is getting rich (think walmart and foodstamps). Student loans enable leftists in universities to get rich, and the universities themselves. Harvard is sitting on over 38 billion dollars, tax free, while raking in billions more in student aid. Universities are free to raise tuition every year because federal student aid follows it up.
It is not risk based. The interest rates do not reflect the riskiness and so are divorced from reality. The acceptance is not based on the usefulness of the major or the chances of getting a job. The money flows no matter how atrocious the job market is for the decreed graduates. These facts cause misapplication of capital, glut in certain job markets and again, by separating the programs from actual results, cause tremendous inflation in tuition.
This is ALWAYS..ALWAYS AND FOREVER...what happens when you cloud market signals.
But worst of all are generations conned into this who have to put off buying a house for 25 years because they graduate and spend 70% of their salary making banks and communist English professors rich.

At this point college has become too expensive for even the middle class to pay outright, so student loans are a necessary evil.

In this economy an education is necessary. Manufacturing has been rebounding for years, but it is most due to automation. Therefore there are fewer and fewer jobs in manufacturing and assembly and the ones that remain are low paying. You can go into construction or carpentry, but you will be lucky to crack $50k a yr.

A college education is necessary. It is the sad truth.

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Federal student loans are, like most federal do-gooder ideas, destructive for both society and for the individuals caught up in them. And like most federal programs some interest group is getting rich (think walmart and foodstamps). Student loans enable leftists in universities to get rich, and the universities themselves. Harvard is sitting on over 38 billion dollars, tax free, while raking in billions more in student aid. Universities are free to raise tuition every year because federal student aid follows it up.
It is not risk based. The interest rates do not reflect the riskiness and so are divorced from reality. The acceptance is not based on the usefulness of the major or the chances of getting a job. The money flows no matter how atrocious the job market is for the decreed graduates. These facts cause misapplication of capital, glut in certain job markets and again, by separating the programs from actual results, cause tremendous inflation in tuition.
This is ALWAYS..ALWAYS AND FOREVER...what happens when you cloud market signals.
But worst of all are generations conned into this who have to put off buying a house for 25 years because they graduate and spend 70% of their salary making banks and communist English professors rich.

At this point college has become too expensive for even the middle class to pay outright, so student loans are a necessary evil.

In this economy an education is necessary. Manufacturing has been rebounding for years, but it is most due to automation. Therefore there are fewer and fewer jobs in manufacturing and assembly and the ones that remain are low paying. You can go into construction or carpentry, but you will be lucky to crack $50k a yr.

A college education is necessary. It is the sad truth.

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It may be (college education necessary ). But government aid drives up the cost.
Here is how colleges price tuition now. Total tuition= whatever max student aid available+what the parents will pay+max student loan amount.

I paid back every penny of my school loans. Why should some fucking deadbeats get "loan forgiveness."
Fuck 'em. If you don't think you can pay back the loan do not sign on the dotted line. I am so sick of freeloaders.

This is if a school defrauds a student! Yes that person should get some relief

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So you are saying it is the taxpayers responsibility because a student was stupid enough to be swindled by a school? Why?

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