Section 4 of the VRA found unconsitutional

It was a good ruling.

Glad to see it.

The liberals had politicized that office to the point of it being worthless.
You clearly do not know what is going on.

If 50 percent of the population was black, and yet only 30 percent of the voting districts were majority black districts, then that suggests districts may have been rigged that way. District lines can be, and have been, drawn to prevent representation which is on par with the demographics.

Texas is a textbook case. The Republican legislature has gerrymandered the living shit out of the map to accomplish this very thing.

And then there are the Voter ID laws enacted by Republican majority legislatures to prevent as many minorites from being able to vote as possible.

But the Deep South is not the only place this is happening. Unfortunately, Republicans are hard at work to suppress the minority vote all over the country.

And you thought black voted for Obama because he gave them presents, I bet. It couldn't possibly be because of shit like this.
Oh, and democrats haven't gerrymandered the shit out of districts, to keep their stranglehold on the black vote?

And blacks voted for Oboingo for three reasons: He's black, has a (D) by his name and because he's black.

If you want to see Democratic gerrymandering, you need only to look at California. Out of several hundreds of federal level elections in that state over the past few years, only one seat changed parties.

I like what Lewis Black says about the Democratic and Republican parties. "I don't know if you've noticed, but our two-party system is a bowl of shit looking at itself in the mirror."

Some simpler methods to make re-districting fairer:

1. A maximum perimeter-area ratio for a district to prevent "reach" jerrymandering
2. the new district's Rep/Dem split must be within 5% of the majority of the old districts rep/dem split from the election of the census year.
3. Population split must be within 2% for all districts.
Of course that's a bit, a small bit, of hyperbole but given recent history and a Republican H. of Rep. majority we can assume voter suppression will not only continue but accelerate.

This ruling (once again 5-4) along with CU v. FEC has completely transformed our country into a Plutocracy. Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Kennedy and Scalia have purposely and consciously harmed the American People and the democratic ethos of this once great nation.

It will be interesting to see the comments from those who cherish liberty. For more details see the link below.


Tomorrow or the next day the reprehensible gang of five will have an opportunity to defile The Declaration of Independence and deny a set of citizens liberty and the ability to pursue happiness as they choose.

We can expect the Republicans to suddenly start doing something that will be impossible to get away with? I know politicians are almost as stupid as you are, but even you should understand that it is almost as hard to suppress votes as it is to breathe underwater.
So pre-clearance has to be perpetual and ever ongoing? Even if the conditions that created the need for pre-clearance are no longer valid?

Who says the conditions are no longer valid?

Congress could have fixed this the last time they re-upped the VRA, but they got lazy, kept a formula from 40 years ago intact, and got burned.

Congress is dysfunctional, the Gang of Five knows this, which is why the ruling is a shame.

The section was written when ACTUAL voter suppression using guns and dogs and hangings was going on. That is no longer the case, and the law SHOULD have been updated to reflect that.

Oh, so "ACTUAL" voter suppression requires guns, dogs and hangings. I see, long lines, hard or impossible or expensive to get ID cards or too few ballots may make us more civilized but voter suppression is still in effect.

Where, exactly, do you see "hard or impossible or expensive to get ID cards?":eusa_liar:

My wife doesn't drive. When we registered to vote in Alabama, we both needed a state issued ID for the process. We drove to the county offices and walked right in, no line whatsoever and had her ID in 5 minutes. It did cost $23.

I switched my driver's license at the same time. That took about 10 minutes because I had to take an eye test in addition to the photograph. That cost $23.50.

We then walked about 50 yards to another office and registered to vote. The whole process took about 15 minutes.
Why all the whining by certain members on the paradigm right, left, libertarian?

Both sides now will watch the other vigilantly and go to court as necessary: that makes sense.

The playing field for voting and race is now leveled: everybody plays by the same rules.
The opinions at the link:

So basically pre-clearance is still allowable, but the formula used to determine who needs to be pre-cleared is unconsitutional due to the age of the data used.

Yeah, I think Al Sharpton and Co. are making too big a deal out of this.

Liberals / Far-left is getting worked up about nothing.

Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.
Let me guess, the Supreme Court is racist now. What happens if they rule against same sex marriage? Are they homophobic too? LOLOLOLOL

Homosexual "marriage" ? Thats quite the comical contrivance

SCOTUS will probably let Prop 8 stand for CA, with no effect on other states, and it will eliminate the federal restrictions in DOMA.

The homers on the far sides will cry, but who cares? Life will move on, and same sex marriages will gain in the states where the voters and legislatures approve. States rights.
Why all the whining by certain members on the paradigm right, left, libertarian?

Both sides now will watch the other vigilantly and go to court as necessary: that makes sense.

The playing field for voting and race is now leveled: everybody plays by the same rules.

When the lines to cast a vote are equal in Dade County, FL and Marin County, CA the playing field may become level.
Why all the whining by certain members on the paradigm right, left, libertarian?

Both sides now will watch the other vigilantly and go to court as necessary: that makes sense.

The playing field for voting and race is now leveled: everybody plays by the same rules.

When the lines to cast a vote are equal in Dade County, FL and Marin County, CA the playing field may become level.

You are whining.

This has been decided.

Get over it. Emotions don't count.
Why all the whining by certain members on the paradigm right, left, libertarian?

Both sides now will watch the other vigilantly and go to court as necessary: that makes sense.

The playing field for voting and race is now leveled: everybody plays by the same rules.

When the lines to cast a vote are equal in Dade County, FL and Marin County, CA the playing field may become level.
Not worthy of response.:cuckoo:
The opinions at the link:

So basically pre-clearance is still allowable, but the formula used to determine who needs to be pre-cleared is unconsitutional due to the age of the data used.

Yeah, I think Al Sharpton and Co. are making too big a deal out of this.

Liberals / Far-left is getting worked up about nothing.

Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Oh puuuulllleeeezzzz!!!!!

You bed wetters don't give a damn about "democratic traditions". When these "democratic traditions" work against you, like commiefornia voters approving a law that forbids gay marriage, you're more than willing to disreagard the wishes of the voters and fight the law in court.

Furthermore the only votes that will be suppressed are the fraudulent ones, and you know damn well that doesn't bode well for the criminally insane sociopaths fascist assholes like you support.
Why all the whining by certain members on the paradigm right, left, libertarian?

Both sides now will watch the other vigilantly and go to court as necessary: that makes sense.

The playing field for voting and race is now leveled: everybody plays by the same rules.

When the lines to cast a vote are equal in Dade County, FL and Marin County, CA the playing field may become level.

You are whining.

This has been decided.

Get over it. Emotions don't count.

You've won. Getting personal and calling my objections whining is beneath you. Am I pissed off? You bet - the reactionaries have won and that is awful.
Whining is beneath you, Wry Catcher, and the American people as a whole have won.

Now the good sense people in both parties can go after racists and reactionaries, the reason we were born.
The opinions at the link:

So basically pre-clearance is still allowable, but the formula used to determine who needs to be pre-cleared is unconsitutional due to the age of the data used.

Yeah, I think Al Sharpton and Co. are making too big a deal out of this.

Liberals / Far-left is getting worked up about nothing.

Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

So our democratic traditions rely on some G-08 wonk in the DOJ?
When the lines to cast a vote are equal in Dade County, FL and Marin County, CA the playing field may become level.

You are whining.

This has been decided.

Get over it. Emotions don't count.

You've won. Getting personal and calling my objections whining is beneath you. Am I pissed off? You bet - the reactionaries have won and that is awful.

What do you have against incorporating new information which might catch pockets of discrimination which have heretofore gone undetected?
There is a reason that congress has record high reelection rates. Gerrymandering, unethical redistricting and voter suppression are not limited to republicans/democrats or southern states.

Clearly. Adding it all together one could make the case that a consitutionally limited, representative republic is as big a failure as democracy at that point. Government always manages to corrupt from within and hose the people. In short, it seems our 200+ year old grand experiment has abjectly failed.
Can't say it has failed since it really hasn't been in place in more than a century.

The Fed, 16th & 17th Amendments, along with the standard practice of international military meddling -amongst the most notable- have pretty much shelved the spirit and intent of the original republic.

I understand and agree. But thats why it has failed. We could not maintain a constitutionally limited government.
What the ruling means is quite simply voter suppression will continue and accelerate. The Four Republican Justices and the Republican Chief Justice set back voting 'rights' to the 1950's. Next we can expect Alabama or another Southern State to challenge Brown v. the Board of Ed.

We know, your sky is falling.

Hyperbole much?

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