Section 4 of the VRA found unconsitutional

Yeah, I think Al Sharpton and Co. are making too big a deal out of this.

Liberals / Far-left is getting worked up about nothing.

Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Oh puuuulllleeeezzzz!!!!!

You bed wetters don't give a damn about "democratic traditions". When these "democratic traditions" work against you, like commiefornia voters approving a law that forbids gay marriage, you're more than willing to disreagard the wishes of the voters and fight the law in court.

Furthermore the only votes that will be suppressed are the fraudulent ones, and you know damn well that doesn't bode well for the criminally insane sociopaths fascist assholes like you support.

Prop 8 is an example of treachery by the majority, it defiled "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" of gays and lesbians to marry someone they love.

Stating only fraudulent votes will be suppressed is a lie.
Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Oh puuuulllleeeezzzz!!!!!

You bed wetters don't give a damn about "democratic traditions". When these "democratic traditions" work against you, like commiefornia voters approving a law that forbids gay marriage, you're more than willing to disreagard the wishes of the voters and fight the law in court.

Furthermore the only votes that will be suppressed are the fraudulent ones, and you know damn well that doesn't bode well for the criminally insane sociopaths fascist assholes like you support.

Prop 8 is an example of treachery by the majority, it defiled "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" of gays and lesbians to marry someone they love.

Stating only fraudulent votes will be suppressed is a lie.

You do know the Declaration of Independence is not an instrument of government, right?
Oh puuuulllleeeezzzz!!!!!

You bed wetters don't give a damn about "democratic traditions". When these "democratic traditions" work against you, like commiefornia voters approving a law that forbids gay marriage, you're more than willing to disreagard the wishes of the voters and fight the law in court.

Furthermore the only votes that will be suppressed are the fraudulent ones, and you know damn well that doesn't bode well for the criminally insane sociopaths fascist assholes like you support.

Prop 8 is an example of treachery by the majority, it defiled "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" of gays and lesbians to marry someone they love.

Stating only fraudulent votes will be suppressed is a lie.

You do know the Declaration of Independence is not an instrument of government, right?

Duh. Nor are the Federalist Papers which you (I believe) and others have used to justify your opinions on the Second Amendment. Of course I never said the Declaration was law, I said it defiled Jefferson's concept of a just government.
Prop 8 is an example of treachery by the majority, it defiled "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" of gays and lesbians to marry someone they love.

Stating only fraudulent votes will be suppressed is a lie.

You do know the Declaration of Independence is not an instrument of government, right?

Duh. Nor are the Federalist Papers which you (I believe) and others have used to justify your opinions on the Second Amendment. Of course I never said the Declaration was law, I said it defiled Jefferson's concept of a just government.

The 2nd amendment doesnt need any help, its in there, plain as day. I find no reference to gay marriage being a right granted by the federal consitution, nor any mention of federal control of the marriage contract.

That gives it to the states to handle, so someone like me wants to see DOMA struck down and Proposition 8 held up.
OTOH, it's supremely ironic that the Supreme Court decided today, that areas with long-proven records of heavy racial discrimination in the past, can now start setting their own voting standards without Federal permission (at least until new standards are decided)....

....while just a short time ago the same Supreme Court decided that Arizona, an area with NO proven record of discrimination, cannot require its voters to prove citizenship even when their law requires citizenship to vote, since the Feds did not give them permission. The Court said that Arizona had to sue the Fed govt for permission!
The opinions at the link:

So basically pre-clearance is still allowable, but the formula used to determine who needs to be pre-cleared is unconsitutional due to the age of the data used.

Yeah, I think Al Sharpton and Co. are making too big a deal out of this.

Liberals / Far-left is getting worked up about nothing.

Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Didn't you start a thread about the rule of law recently?

The VRA is an example of a country that does not have the rule of law.
Yeah, I think Al Sharpton and Co. are making too big a deal out of this.

Liberals / Far-left is getting worked up about nothing.

Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Didn't you start a thread about the rule of law recently?

The VRA is an example of a country that does not have the rule of law.

indeed. The VRA was born from the South basically ignoring the Recontruction amendments after the 1870's until forced to do so in the 1960's.

That is why I have zero SYMPATHY for them, they and thier ancestors brought it on themselves, but my lack of sympathy has nothing to with the rule of law, and the system for figuring out who falls under section 5 (in section 4) was hopelessly outdated and needed to go.

The VRA teeters on the edge of unconsitutionality in general, however it was needed to right the wrongs that were being perpetrated on the local black populations. That being said its purpose as written has been achived, and should have been rewritten (section 4 at least) the last time it came around for re-authorization.
Where are the democrats happy about the rule of law? Don't they want the rule of law? Or, just the rule of some laws?

5-4 on a partisan line. The Great Irony is that some on this message board claim expertise on ConLaw. In fact the COTUS is ambiguous and open to manipulation by those with an ideological agenda, and that includes both Justices and the Chief.
Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Didn't you start a thread about the rule of law recently?

The VRA is an example of a country that does not have the rule of law.

indeed. The VRA was born from the South basically ignoring the Recontruction amendments after the 1870's until forced to do so in the 1960's.

That is why I have zero SYMPATHY for them, they and thier ancestors brought it on themselves, but my lack of sympathy has nothing to with the rule of law, and the system for figuring out who falls under section 5 (in section 4) was hopelessly outdated and needed to go.

The VRA teeters on the edge of unconsitutionality in general, however it was needed to right the wrongs that were being perpetrated on the local black populations. That being said its purpose as written has been achived, and should have been rewritten (section 4 at least) the last time it came around for re-authorization.

And you've made my point. There is no way the current Congress can agree on anything (other than something that protects their individual job). Something as contentious as a rewrite will never happen and both you and the 5 member majority know this.

Voter suppression will not only continue, it will accelerate. I have no doubt each member of the majority understood its ramifications, as they did when they voted for CU v. FEC.
Didn't you start a thread about the rule of law recently?

The VRA is an example of a country that does not have the rule of law.

indeed. The VRA was born from the South basically ignoring the Recontruction amendments after the 1870's until forced to do so in the 1960's.

That is why I have zero SYMPATHY for them, they and thier ancestors brought it on themselves, but my lack of sympathy has nothing to with the rule of law, and the system for figuring out who falls under section 5 (in section 4) was hopelessly outdated and needed to go.

The VRA teeters on the edge of unconsitutionality in general, however it was needed to right the wrongs that were being perpetrated on the local black populations. That being said its purpose as written has been achived, and should have been rewritten (section 4 at least) the last time it came around for re-authorization.

And you've made my point. There is no way the current Congress can agree on anything (other than something that protects their individual job). Something as contentious as a rewrite will never happen and both you and the 5 member majority know this.

Voter suppression will not only continue, it will accelerate. I have no doubt each member of the majority understood its ramifications, as they did when they voted for CU v. FEC.

No, you ignore mine that the law as written was outdated (section 4) and needed changing. Congress' inability to fix it does not mean that local authorities must remain beholden to it.

The discrimination it was meant to eliminate is gone. If you want it to do something else Section 4 should have been re-written. it wasnt, its gone.

Its borderline constitutionality means it has to have a short leash. Again, why are you so in favor of unelected burecrats being in charge of everything? For someone who rails against a plutocracy you sure seem to love the mechanics of one.
Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Oh puuuulllleeeezzzz!!!!!

You bed wetters don't give a damn about "democratic traditions". When these "democratic traditions" work against you, like commiefornia voters approving a law that forbids gay marriage, you're more than willing to disreagard the wishes of the voters and fight the law in court.

Furthermore the only votes that will be suppressed are the fraudulent ones, and you know damn well that doesn't bode well for the criminally insane sociopaths fascist assholes like you support.

Prop 8 is an example of treachery by the majority, it defiled "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" of gays and lesbians to marry someone they love.

Stating only fraudulent votes will be suppressed is a lie.

Prop 8 was enacted by the will of the people, notably people who came out to vote for your moonbat messiah.

"Treachery" is defined as "violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence".

You might consider people voting against "rights" you bed wetters invented out of whole cloth as "treachery", because anyone not adhereing to your agenda is an enemy, but your intolerance of other people's moral values is by no means more virtuous than the effort to maintain moral standards you hold in contempt and endeavor to destroy.

It's YOU that are intolerant, it's YOU that works to suppress the will of the people.

Furthermore speculating that fraudulent votes are the only ones that will be supressed is not a lie, because the only effort being made is to ensure the person in the voting booth is who they say they are, and that they only vote once, and are indeed alive.

That's why bed wetters like you are hysterical, because you clearly don't give a shit about the will of anyone who opposes your fascist agenda.
Oh puuuulllleeeezzzz!!!!!

You bed wetters don't give a damn about "democratic traditions". When these "democratic traditions" work against you, like commiefornia voters approving a law that forbids gay marriage, you're more than willing to disreagard the wishes of the voters and fight the law in court.

Furthermore the only votes that will be suppressed are the fraudulent ones, and you know damn well that doesn't bode well for the criminally insane sociopaths fascist assholes like you support.

Prop 8 is an example of treachery by the majority, it defiled "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" of gays and lesbians to marry someone they love.

Stating only fraudulent votes will be suppressed is a lie.

Prop 8 was enacted by the will of the people, notably people who came out to vote for your moonbat messiah.

"Treachery" is defined as "violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence".

You might consider people voting against "rights" you bed wetters invented out of whole cloth as "treachery", because anyone not adhereing to your agenda is an enemy, but your intolerance of other people's moral values is by no means more virtuous than the effort to maintain moral standards you hold in contempt and endeavor to destroy.

It's YOU that are intolerant, it's YOU that works to suppress the will of the people.

Furthermore speculating that fraudulent votes are the only ones that will be supressed is not a lie, because the only effort being made is to ensure the person in the voting booth is who they say they are, and that they only vote once, and are indeed alive.

That's why bed wetters like you are hysterical, because you clearly don't give a shit about the will of anyone who opposes your fascist agenda.

Ever notice how the "Will of the Majority" only matters when Liberals agree with it?
Didn't you start a thread about the rule of law recently?

The VRA is an example of a country that does not have the rule of law.

indeed. The VRA was born from the South basically ignoring the Recontruction amendments after the 1870's until forced to do so in the 1960's.

That is why I have zero SYMPATHY for them, they and thier ancestors brought it on themselves, but my lack of sympathy has nothing to with the rule of law, and the system for figuring out who falls under section 5 (in section 4) was hopelessly outdated and needed to go.

The VRA teeters on the edge of unconsitutionality in general, however it was needed to right the wrongs that were being perpetrated on the local black populations. That being said its purpose as written has been achived, and should have been rewritten (section 4 at least) the last time it came around for re-authorization.

And you've made my point. There is no way the current Congress can agree on anything (other than something that protects their individual job). Something as contentious as a rewrite will never happen and both you and the 5 member majority know this.

Voter suppression will not only continue, it will accelerate. I have no doubt each member of the majority understood its ramifications, as they did when they voted for CU v. FEC.

Why won't you answer Amelia's question?
Those who actually believe in our democratic traditions are worked up, that's true. One doesn't need to be far left to see the consequences of this ruling coupled with CU v. FEC. You believe you won, in reality the Plutocrats won and the American People have lost.

Didn't you start a thread about the rule of law recently?

The VRA is an example of a country that does not have the rule of law.

indeed. The VRA was born from the South basically ignoring the Recontruction amendments after the 1870's until forced to do so in the 1960's.

That is why I have zero SYMPATHY for them, they and thier ancestors brought it on themselves, but my lack of sympathy has nothing to with the rule of law, and the system for figuring out who falls under section 5 (in section 4) was hopelessly outdated and needed to go.

The VRA teeters on the edge of unconsitutionality in general, however it was needed to right the wrongs that were being perpetrated on the local black populations. That being said its purpose as written has been achived, and should have been rewritten (section 4 at least) the last time it came around for re-authorization.

You do understand that the Justice Department singled out the Bronx for extra scrutiny under section 4, don't you? I might be wrong, but the Bronx doesn't seem to be the south on the maps I look at.
Didn't you start a thread about the rule of law recently?

The VRA is an example of a country that does not have the rule of law.

indeed. The VRA was born from the South basically ignoring the Recontruction amendments after the 1870's until forced to do so in the 1960's.

That is why I have zero SYMPATHY for them, they and thier ancestors brought it on themselves, but my lack of sympathy has nothing to with the rule of law, and the system for figuring out who falls under section 5 (in section 4) was hopelessly outdated and needed to go.

The VRA teeters on the edge of unconsitutionality in general, however it was needed to right the wrongs that were being perpetrated on the local black populations. That being said its purpose as written has been achived, and should have been rewritten (section 4 at least) the last time it came around for re-authorization.

You do understand that the Justice Department singled out the Bronx for extra scrutiny under section 4, don't you? I might be wrong, but the Bronx doesn't seem to be the south on the maps I look at.

It could be used anywhere, but is was created as a reaction to the Jim Crow south, where the discrimination was de jure, not just de facto like alot of the rest of the country.
indeed. The VRA was born from the South basically ignoring the Recontruction amendments after the 1870's until forced to do so in the 1960's.

That is why I have zero SYMPATHY for them, they and thier ancestors brought it on themselves, but my lack of sympathy has nothing to with the rule of law, and the system for figuring out who falls under section 5 (in section 4) was hopelessly outdated and needed to go.

The VRA teeters on the edge of unconsitutionality in general, however it was needed to right the wrongs that were being perpetrated on the local black populations. That being said its purpose as written has been achived, and should have been rewritten (section 4 at least) the last time it came around for re-authorization.

You do understand that the Justice Department singled out the Bronx for extra scrutiny under section 4, don't you? I might be wrong, but the Bronx doesn't seem to be the south on the maps I look at.

It could be used anywhere, but is was created as a reaction to the Jim Crow south, where the discrimination was de jure, not just de facto like alot of the rest of the country.

I don't give a fuck why it was created, it treats people differently based on where they live. that is the exact opposite of the rule of law, and should be abhorrent to everyone, especially those who claim to hate discrimination.
You do understand that the Justice Department singled out the Bronx for extra scrutiny under section 4, don't you? I might be wrong, but the Bronx doesn't seem to be the south on the maps I look at.

It could be used anywhere, but is was created as a reaction to the Jim Crow south, where the discrimination was de jure, not just de facto like alot of the rest of the country.

I don't give a fuck why it was created, it treats people differently based on where they live. that is the exact opposite of the rule of law, and should be abhorrent to everyone, especially those who claim to hate discrimination.

Then what other mechanism would you have proposed to prevent southern voting areas from suppressing the black vote, which back then they were actually and feverently doing?

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