Security Guard Arrested For Hate Crime For Removing Man from Women's Bathroom

She's charged with assault for roughing the person up.
She's charged with touching him. An unwanted touch is assault.

She should have batoned the pervert over the head.

Dear Weatherman2020 and NYcarbineer
What are the rules and standards for security measures vs. policing?
If police have no authority to touch someone unless it is "wanted"
well what about security guards? What is the policy?

Again, it seems these issues of excessive force, harassment or profiling,
and unwarranted handling that becomes "assault" COULD be prevented or reduced
if people "agreed in advance" what the policies, procedures and standards are.

I already know we need this for police, an understanding and training with citizens
of each community so nobody overreacts on either side where it escalates to violence or abuse.
Now with these bathroom policies, as the security guard cited that laws weren't passed yet,
the public and the institutions with facilities open to the public need to agree on policies and procedures.

We already know we have a problem with different standards.
What the communities should have done in the first place
is address this one situation at a time, to give people time to work this out.

We still have to do that now, but at an accelerated rate due to mass publicity and pressure to push policies.
People don't feel they have the time or responsibility to work this out,
but are pushing to pass policies first and see how it plays out afterward.
How does that help? It makes it worse,
where people might have been more sympathetic
before the pressure and bullying was added on top....

They already send an email alert on this? (fyi, only you can see the image)
Pfft…silly story.

Dear candycorn I agree this is almost satirical.
but if you are the one getting arrested and facing legal expenses
against this system, it's not silly it's seriously stupid and abusive.

the PTSD from legal abuse is equal or worse than religious abuse.

Because the power behind judicial and legal abuse is mandatory with force of law
that no church or private religious authority has (well except what the
Jihadists and Boko haram do when they take over govt and abuse both).

This causes longterm damages that don't go away when the hype drops from the news.
Here is the story . . . what is so "silly" about it, besides the fact that a security guard is being charged for doing her job? The man refused to leave the ladies' room and so he was escorted physically out of the ladies' room. Why should she face any charges at all? It doesn't say anything about "assault" in the article.

A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman.

The shopper — a young, African-American male who identified himself as Ebony Belcher to local news outlets — reportedly passed the security guard on his way into the women’s restroom at a Giant grocery store in Northeast D.C.

After seeing Belcher walk into the women’s restroom, the security guard followed him in and ordered the man to leave. When he refused, the security guard had to physically escort him out of the women’s restroom.

Read more: Female Security Guard Arrested For Escorting Man Out Of Women's Restroom
Fundamentaly transformed.

A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman.

Read more: Female Security Guard Arrested For Escorting Man Out Of Women's Restroom

Obama's fucked up America

We are all responsible for where these changes are coming from and where they lead, not just Obama.
Here is the story . . . what is so "silly" about it, besides the fact that a security guard is being charged for doing her job? The man refused to leave the ladies' room and so he was escorted physically out of the ladies' room. Why should she face any charges at all? It doesn't say anything about "assault" in the article.

A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman.

The shopper — a young, African-American male who identified himself as Ebony Belcher to local news outlets — reportedly passed the security guard on his way into the women’s restroom at a Giant grocery store in Northeast D.C.

After seeing Belcher walk into the women’s restroom, the security guard followed him in and ordered the man to leave. When he refused, the security guard had to physically escort him out of the women’s restroom.

Read more: Female Security Guard Arrested For Escorting Man Out Of Women's Restroom

Dear ChrisL wish it were so simple and everyone were as reasonable as this.
But people can be roughed up and charged with assault.
And people can twist things out of proportion and get the media to jump on a hot story that is emotionally charged.
We don't know how much of both happened, and it is probably a little of each.
I think this should be treated as an incident between that guard, that guest,
and the local policy at that site, and work it out between them with other people helping to settle it not make it worse.

If your intent is to object or take issue for publicity without solving the problem and healing the relationship,
those people should not interfere. Only people with a vested interest in seeing the conflicts resolved.
Or it is doing a disservice to both individuals and the institutions and public affected.

Those two individuals had a conflict and they need to resolve it between them first.
If they had irreconcileable beliefs, they should have a policy how to separate these two and not impose one on the other.

The states or cities should offer assistance to write out policies that if people have conflicting beliefs
they cannot reconcile civilly, the parties AGREE NOT TO CONDUCT BUSINESS TOGETHER
and have a process for departing company peacefully so nobody's rights or due process is compromised.

Agree on a policy or process to follow if you don't agree.
Don't wait till the point of conflict to accost one another.
We already know there are conflicts, so why set up each other to fail.
Terrorists / Refugees, Illegals, and perverts before American citizens....'fundamental change'
Here is the story . . . what is so "silly" about it, besides the fact that a security guard is being charged for doing her job? The man refused to leave the ladies' room and so he was escorted physically out of the ladies' room. Why should she face any charges at all? It doesn't say anything about "assault" in the article.

A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman.

The shopper — a young, African-American male who identified himself as Ebony Belcher to local news outlets — reportedly passed the security guard on his way into the women’s restroom at a Giant grocery store in Northeast D.C.

After seeing Belcher walk into the women’s restroom, the security guard followed him in and ordered the man to leave. When he refused, the security guard had to physically escort him out of the women’s restroom.

Read more: Female Security Guard Arrested For Escorting Man Out Of Women's Restroom

Dear ChrisL wish it were so simple and everyone were as reasonable as this.
But people can be roughed up and charged with assault.
And people can twist things out of proportion and get the media to jump on a hot story that is emotionally charged.
We don't know how much of both happened, and it is probably a little of each.
I think this should be treated as an incident between that guard, that guest,
and the local policy at that site, and work it out between them with other people helping to settle it not make it worse.

If your intent is to object or take issue for publicity without solving the problem and healing the relationship,
those people should not interfere. Only people with a vested interest in seeing the conflicts resolved.
Or it is doing a disservice to both individuals and the institutions and public affected.

Those two individuals had a conflict and they need to resolve it between them first.
If they had irreconcileable beliefs, they should have a policy how to separate these two and not impose one on the other.

The states or cities should offer assistance to write out policies that if people have conflicting beliefs
they cannot reconcile civilly, the parties AGREE NOT TO CONDUCT BUSINESS TOGETHER
and have a process for departing company peacefully so nobody's rights or due process is compromised.

Agree on a policy or process to follow if you don't agree.
Don't wait till the point of conflict to accost one another.
We already know there are conflicts, so why set up each other to fail.

No they don't have to "reconcile" anything. The woman was doing her job by removing this man from where he did not belong and did not have permission to be. He apparently refused to leave when she asked him, so she physically removed him. She is doing her job. Her job is not to act as his psychiatrist.
Charge her ass with a hate crime, sentence her for a large part of her remaining adult years!!!!!..........The Democrap Party Gulag needs to make an example of her sooner than later to show that they are serious.

All bathroom security guards need to move to North?/South? Carolina. It's their only refuge.
Here is the story . . . what is so "silly" about it, besides the fact that a security guard is being charged for doing her job? The man refused to leave the ladies' room and so he was escorted physically out of the ladies' room. Why should she face any charges at all? It doesn't say anything about "assault" in the article.

A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman.

The shopper — a young, African-American male who identified himself as Ebony Belcher to local news outlets — reportedly passed the security guard on his way into the women’s restroom at a Giant grocery store in Northeast D.C.

After seeing Belcher walk into the women’s restroom, the security guard followed him in and ordered the man to leave. When he refused, the security guard had to physically escort him out of the women’s restroom.

Read more: Female Security Guard Arrested For Escorting Man Out Of Women's Restroom

Dear ChrisL wish it were so simple and everyone were as reasonable as this.
But people can be roughed up and charged with assault.
And people can twist things out of proportion and get the media to jump on a hot story that is emotionally charged.
We don't know how much of both happened, and it is probably a little of each.
I think this should be treated as an incident between that guard, that guest,
and the local policy at that site, and work it out between them with other people helping to settle it not make it worse.

If your intent is to object or take issue for publicity without solving the problem and healing the relationship,
those people should not interfere. Only people with a vested interest in seeing the conflicts resolved.
Or it is doing a disservice to both individuals and the institutions and public affected.

Those two individuals had a conflict and they need to resolve it between them first.
If they had irreconcileable beliefs, they should have a policy how to separate these two and not impose one on the other.

The states or cities should offer assistance to write out policies that if people have conflicting beliefs
they cannot reconcile civilly, the parties AGREE NOT TO CONDUCT BUSINESS TOGETHER
and have a process for departing company peacefully so nobody's rights or due process is compromised.

Agree on a policy or process to follow if you don't agree.
Don't wait till the point of conflict to accost one another.
We already know there are conflicts, so why set up each other to fail.

No they don't have to "reconcile" anything. The woman was doing her job by removing this man from where he did not belong and did not have permission to be. He apparently refused to leave when she asked him, so she physically removed him. She is doing her job. Her job is not to act as his psychiatrist.

Dear ChrisL I'm not disagreeing with you at all, and commend you for framing this rationally.

What I'm saying is the WHOLE incident can be avoided by resolving the conflicts in policy IN ADVANCE.

I say the same about conflicting beliefs over marijuana also: if you know you disagree on policy, then don't wait till it becomes a confrontation with cops to hash it out. Address it head on in advance, and work out a solution so you don't have this ongoing conflict ready to erupt at any minute.

I say that about public school policies also: if people know they don't agree on sex education, on prayer and invocations, on creation and evolution, or how history and religion is taught, then work it out in advance!

Why blame either side for having clashing beliefs? Work out a solution that allows both, and compromises neither.
Here is the story . . . what is so "silly" about it, besides the fact that a security guard is being charged for doing her job? The man refused to leave the ladies' room and so he was escorted physically out of the ladies' room. Why should she face any charges at all? It doesn't say anything about "assault" in the article.

A female security guard working at a Washington, D.C. grocery store was arrested Monday afternoon for physically escorting a man out of the women’s restroom after he refused to leave because he identifies as a woman.

The shopper — a young, African-American male who identified himself as Ebony Belcher to local news outlets — reportedly passed the security guard on his way into the women’s restroom at a Giant grocery store in Northeast D.C.

After seeing Belcher walk into the women’s restroom, the security guard followed him in and ordered the man to leave. When he refused, the security guard had to physically escort him out of the women’s restroom.

Read more: Female Security Guard Arrested For Escorting Man Out Of Women's Restroom

Dear ChrisL wish it were so simple and everyone were as reasonable as this.
But people can be roughed up and charged with assault.
And people can twist things out of proportion and get the media to jump on a hot story that is emotionally charged.
We don't know how much of both happened, and it is probably a little of each.
I think this should be treated as an incident between that guard, that guest,
and the local policy at that site, and work it out between them with other people helping to settle it not make it worse.

If your intent is to object or take issue for publicity without solving the problem and healing the relationship,
those people should not interfere. Only people with a vested interest in seeing the conflicts resolved.
Or it is doing a disservice to both individuals and the institutions and public affected.

Those two individuals had a conflict and they need to resolve it between them first.
If they had irreconcileable beliefs, they should have a policy how to separate these two and not impose one on the other.

The states or cities should offer assistance to write out policies that if people have conflicting beliefs
they cannot reconcile civilly, the parties AGREE NOT TO CONDUCT BUSINESS TOGETHER
and have a process for departing company peacefully so nobody's rights or due process is compromised.

Agree on a policy or process to follow if you don't agree.
Don't wait till the point of conflict to accost one another.
We already know there are conflicts, so why set up each other to fail.

No they don't have to "reconcile" anything. The woman was doing her job by removing this man from where he did not belong and did not have permission to be. He apparently refused to leave when she asked him, so she physically removed him. She is doing her job. Her job is not to act as his psychiatrist.

Dear ChrisL I'm not disagreeing with you at all, and commend you for framing this rationally.

What I'm saying is the WHOLE incident can be avoided by resolving the conflicts in policy IN ADVANCE.

I say the same about conflicting beliefs over marijuana also: if you know you disagree on policy, then don't wait till it becomes a confrontation with cops to hash it out. Address it head on in advance, and work out a solution so you don't have this ongoing conflict ready to erupt at any minute.

I say that about public school policies also: if people know they don't agree on sex education, on prayer and invocations, on creation and evolution, or how history and religion is taught, then work it out in advance!

Why blame either side for having clashing beliefs? Work out a solution that allows both, and compromises neither.

What do you mean "resolving conflicts in policy in advance?" This makes no sense in the context of trespassers, criminals, drug addicts, murderers, etc.
Seems like the guy was trespassing on private property. (pun unintended)

Eventually, the charges will be dismissed.
It's tragic how the term and subsequent "hate crime" even exists. I'm sorry - but do I not have the freedom to hate?!? And a crime is a crime. Why should the punishment be worse for an unprovable, subjective issue? Nobody has any idea what is in my mind. How do they know my crime was spurred by hate?

More libtard oppressive Orwellian 1984 nonsense that we now have to correct.
Seems like the guy was trespassing on private property. (pun unintended)

Eventually, the charges will be dismissed.
The charges will not be dropped.

"Giant security guard Francine Jones is suspected of a hate crime after 32-year-old Ebony Belcher said Jones barred her from the Northeast D.C. supermarket's women’s room and shoved her out, according to the Metropolitan Police Department.

“She said to me that ‘I’m tired of you guys keep coming in here, using the women’s bathroom. I know you’re a man, you he-she,'” Belcher told WJZ-TV. The officer “then grabbed me by my arm, spun me around, grabbed me right behind my back and forcibly pushed me out the Giant.”

Belcher, who lives in Baltimore, suffers from Parkinson’s Disease and nearly fell over as Jones forced her out of the store, she said. Jones, 45, was arrested at the H St. Giant later in the day and charged with assault listed as a potential hate crime, according to police."
Trans woman assaulted in women's bathroom by D.C. security guard
Seems like the guy was trespassing on private property. (pun unintended)

Eventually, the charges will be dismissed.
The charges will not be dropped.

"Giant security guard Francine Jones is suspected of a hate crime after 32-year-old Ebony Belcher said Jones barred her from the Northeast D.C. supermarket's women’s room and shoved her out, according to the Metropolitan Police Department.

“She said to me that ‘I’m tired of you guys keep coming in here, using the women’s bathroom. I know you’re a man, you he-she,'” Belcher told WJZ-TV. The officer “then grabbed me by my arm, spun me around, grabbed me right behind my back and forcibly pushed me out the Giant.”

Belcher, who lives in Baltimore, suffers from Parkinson’s Disease and nearly fell over as Jones forced her out of the store, she said. Jones, 45, was arrested at the H St. Giant later in the day and charged with assault listed as a potential hate crime, according to police."
Trans woman assaulted in women's bathroom by D.C. security guard

Trespassing on private property.

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